When you spend time in God’s Word, life starts making sense. The broken places inside you begin to heal. Darkness and discouragement give way to the light of hope. Your purpose becomes clearer, and your desire to make a difference grows. The Bible can do all that? It can. It will. Just begin. Go slowly. Stand on tiptoe, anticipating all God has in store for you.
Let His Truth Find a Home in Your Heart
Here are the words of hope you’re looking for when your faith needs a boost or a friend needs encouragement. Chosen by more than a thousand women as their favorite verses in the Bible, each one is worth learning, worth sharing, worth remembering.
You’ll find verses you already know and love: “I can do all this through him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13). Others may be less familiar but are no less powerful: “Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe” (Proverbs 29:25). All of them capture the truth of God’s goodness, mercy, and love for His own.
Liz Curtis Higgs invites you to experience:
- a deeper, richer understanding of thirty-one treasured verses.
- a fresh look at how these timeless truths can impact your life.
- a new passion for memorizing Scripture, verse by verse.
- thirty-one creative ways to keep them in your heart forever.
With a Study Guide included, 31 Verses to Write on Your Heart is a daily devotional and a small group Bible study, wrapped in a lovely gift book overflowing with joy.
“As smart as it is approachable, as profound as it is practical.”
—Amanda Bible Williams, Chief Content Officer of She Reads Truth
“Consider 31 Verses to Write on Your Heart your new spiritual strategy for deepening your daily walk with God.”
—Karen Ehman, New York Times best-selling author
List of 31 Verses in the NIV translation.
A One-Month Reading Guide for 31 Verses to Write on Your Heart.
For the last half of 2020, we spent Tuesdays@Twelve together on Facebook LIVE! Week by week, chapter by chapter, I read every word of 31 Verses to Write on Your Heart, then explored the study guide questions with you, and offered 31 practical ways to memorize Scripture.
Below are our final chapters together, recorded on Facebook LIVE. Not on Facebook? You can easily click on and watch the links below, even if you don’t have a Facebook account.
Chapter 26 ~ Love Mercy ~ Micah 6:8 ~ Listen and watch HERE
Chapter 27 ~ Fearless ~ Isaiah 43:1 ~ Listen and watch HERE
Chapter 28 ~Right Answer ~ Proverbs 15:23 ~ Listen and watch HERE
Chapter 29 ~ Room Service ~ John 14:2 ~ Listen and watch HERE
Chapter 30 ~ Great Love ~ Lamentations 3:22 ~ Listen and watch HERE
Chapter 31 ~ Lean on Me ~Proverbs 3:5 ~ Listen and watch HERE
Each verse, paired with a beautiful New Zealand rose, awaits you on this colorful Pinterest board!
What readers are saying about 31 Verses to Write on Your Heart:
“Liz unfolds each verse carefully in words and phrases that whisper hope and encouragement to my soul.”
“I love the way Liz holds a light to God’s truths.”
“She beautifully unpacks these favorite verses, pulling out all the nuggets.”
“Liz opens our eyes and hearts in wonder at His holy words.”