Embrace Grace

And God is able to make all grace abound to you.
2 Corinthians 9:8



Embrace Grace offers hope for all of us who long to let go of guilt and embrace the boundless freedom God’s grace offers.

Combining her trademark humor with solid biblical teaching, Liz Curtis Higgs shows women how to accept the gift of divine forgiveness, step by gentle step, and release lingering doubts, fears, and regrets.

Wherever women might be in their spiritual journey, Embrace Grace will help them move forward with joy and confidence!

Titles for Keynote Sessions with Liz:


Don’t be afraid; just believe. Mark 5:36

God meets us where we are. Even if we aren’t looking in his direction, he is always looking in ours. Liz describes how to handle doubt and take the leap of faith required to “just believe,” sharing the faith-building stories of a bleeding woman and a dying daughter.


Guide me in your truth and teach me. Psalm 25:5

The Bible isn’t simply a book: it’s a love letter. Liz’s journey of faith began when she was embraced by two young believers who introduced her to the Word . . . and to the Author! Liz explores the life-changing power of Scripture in the lives of others, including an adulteress set free by the words of Jesus.


Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15

Accepting the gift of grace is often easier said than done when we don’t feel worthy of forgiveness. Liz provides biblical proof that God’s grace is sufficient, offering the story of a silent woman whose many sins were forgiven.


Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13

A woman who embraces grace with both arms, who stops fretting over her sins and begins focusing on her Savior, who dries her tears so she can see others who are hurting—this is the kind of woman who can turn the world right side up! Liz looks at the life of a Samaritan sister who couldn’t wait to share her discovery.

Each presentation is 45-50 minutes.

  • If Liz is presenting three sessions: # 1, # 2, and # 3
  • If she is presenting two sessions: # 1 and # 2