A Woman in Search of Wisdom

IT'S GOOD TO BE QUEEN: A Woman in Search of Wisdom

“Tantalizing reports blow across the Arabian Desert like the fragrance of cinnamon on the night wind. One man’s name is on every man’s lips: Solomon.” ~ It’s Good to Be Queen

Are you excited to begin our journey with the queen of Sheba? Oh baby. This book has been beating in my heart for three long years. Spending the next several Wednesdays with you, gathered around her story in God’s Word, will be pure joy!

Even if you aren’t able to read the book this fall, I promise you’ll find heaps of encouragement here each week, as we discover how to become as bold, gracious, and wise as the queen of Sheba.

Yes, she was also wealthy, powerful, and famous. But her desire for wisdom is what makes the queen of Sheba a worthy role model.

Proverbs 3:13

Blessed… Proverbs 3:13

A good word, yes? All of us long to be “happy” (ASV), to be thought of as “joyful” (ISV), to be seen as “fortunate” (AMP) because of God’s kindness.

Still, I use the word blessed with care. Even though a statement like “Look how God has blessed me!” is the truth, it can sound…well, prideful. People might feel “enviable” (AMP) instead of happy for you. It’s hard to “rejoice with those who rejoice” (Romans 12:15) while they’re reminding you how blessed they are.

…are those… Proverbs 3:13

Whether you’re “the man” (NASB) or “the one” (NABRE) or “the person” (NCV), this blessing is meant for you.

…who find wisdom,… Proverbs 3:13

We’re talking about the kind of wisdom that’s “skillful and godly” (AMP). Not street smarts. Not being in the know. Instead, it’s  knowing “right from wrong” (MSG).

In a culture where people can spin a wrong until it sounds right, true wisdom is knowing the difference and doing the right thing. More than insight or intelligence, it’s integrity.

I see this up close daily. My husband, Bill, doesn’t care if something appears right. What matters to him is that it is right, ethically, morally, and spiritually. (I know, I know. Who but God would marry such a good man to a Former Bad Girl?!)

…those who gain understanding. Proverbs 3:13

That’s our queen, who wanted to grow and expand her knowledge and wisdom, and so ventured hundreds of miles north to Jerusalem to meet with King Solomon. Every leader needs “good judgment and common sense” (MSG). The best way to accomplish that—for Solomon, for Sheba, for us—is by “drawing it forth from God’s Word and life’s experiences” (AMP).

Together, her words and actions, her motives and methods as recorded in Scripture reveal a woman almost as sage as Solomon himself.

Wisdom from the Queen of Sheba

  • Be bold and take frequent leaps of faith.
  • Be open to whatever God has prepared for you.
  • Seek wise counsel from trustworthy sources.
  • Be humbled, trusting Him to lift you up.
  • Be honest with God, with yourself, with others.
  • Encourage everyone who crosses your path.
  • Praise God in all things and in every situation.
  • Give generously, with open hands and heart.
  • Receive graciously, to honor God and the giver.
  • End well by loving well all the days of your life.

These truths are listed on our beautiful bookmark. If you’d like one for your book, plus one autographed bookplate to peel-and-stick inside the cover, send an email to beth@lizcurtishiggs.com with your name and postal address, and we’ll drop your freebie in the mail!

Bookmarks + Bookplates for IT'S GOOD TO BE QUEEN

Don’t have a copy of the book? You’ll find It’s Good to Be Queen on sale at a great price on Amazon, Barnes&Noble, ChristianBook, and at your favorite bookstore. And here’s How to Use It’s Good to Be Queen as a Bible Study.

For next week: Read pages 1-17 and answer the Study Guide questions on page 169-170. On Wednesday, August 26 we’ll dive into Chapter One: It’s Good to Be Bold.

I’d love to know before you go: Of Sheba’s ten bits of wisdom listed above, which one speaks to you? Please share your thoughts below. Can’t wait for next week!

Your grateful sister, Liz
Your sister, Liz Curtis Higgs BibleGateway Blogger Grid I am honored to write for P31 Ministries Love being part of (in)courage!

87 Responses to A Woman in Search of Wisdom

  1. Deidra August 21, 2015 at 12:21 am #

    Seek Wise counsel from trustworthy sources is the ONE that stood out to ME. TODAH FATHER!!!

    • Mary T Davis August 21, 2015 at 10:38 am #

      A woman in search of wisdom. ..my choice:
      BE BOLD. Was one that stirred my spirit.

    • Barbara Wiginton August 21, 2015 at 10:43 am #

      Encourage everyone who crosses your path. In such a negative world with mostly bad news being published, I think each and every one of us need to hear good things, about themselves–about our beautiful world–and our blessed Savior. That’s my goal.

  2. Ruth Hargraves August 21, 2015 at 4:27 am #

    To encourage everyone who crosses my path… This is my prayer.

  3. Alison August 21, 2015 at 5:24 am #

    Be open to whatever God has prepared for you.
    This is always a challenge for me. I often struggle discerning what God wants me to do.

  4. Sheila August 21, 2015 at 5:59 am #

    “End well by loving well all the days of your life” is the bit of wisdom that speak to me most. I am a woman who can get lost in the adventure of searching for answers, wisdom, and truth. However, the most important thing I’ve discovered is how crucial it is to learn to live in His love, and allowing HIS love to enable you to love others well.

    • Missy Smith August 23, 2015 at 12:50 pm #

      I agree with this bit: “End well by loving well….”

      We’ve been wiped out with storm after storm this last year, I’ve been feeling I guess I would say kinda blocked, maybe a better way to put it is torn into pieces. And my brain is going in a lot of directions. So I’ve been a bit lost on my purpose. Lord, am I being too much of this and not enough of that as I watched all my families needs unfold. I need to work on putting Him first before my steps, so that I can shine through HIS love, and HIS guidance. Not jumped into what “I” think I should be doing. He is the ultimate “fixer” not me. His love comes first, and through Him I can show love. I can only do so much. But He can move mountains or not. He knows the needs, the wills, the hearts…..I know He loves me <3

  5. Julie August 21, 2015 at 6:27 am #

    Loving well all the days of my life! After rereading solomon’s story this spring I pondered what I’d ask God for. It was love! Pure, beautiful love. John 13:35

  6. Patricia Ivie August 21, 2015 at 7:20 am #

    Ending well. As I continue this Christian walk, I am reminded that I must continue to love well, even when others aren’t.

  7. Tamie August 21, 2015 at 7:22 am #

    Be Bold and take frequent leaps of faith.
    Many times I don’t feel bold and I hesitate before stepping out.
    I want to be bold enough to move the first time I since His call
    to launch out into the deep. I know its when you are stepping out
    on what appears to be nothing that He is there.

  8. Darcy August 21, 2015 at 7:22 am #

    Be Bold – leaps of faith are so “alien” to me …I’ve always relied on what I know I can do – by myself and for myself …I want so much to just let go and let God … He’s still training me in the TRUST and OBEY departments. Got a ways to go yet!

  9. Carole August 21, 2015 at 7:27 am #

    Be open to whatever God has prepared for you.

    God has been speaking to me about seeking His wisdom in the book of James lately and your email today hit this on the head. I love how He speaks to us through little things throughout the day when we are seeking Him. God bless you Liz!

  10. Linda H August 21, 2015 at 7:29 am #

    Each one spoke to me at this time in life so I will start with Be Bold as I desire to trust Him with every part of my life. I need to take those leaps of faith. “Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold” 2 Corinthians 3:12

  11. Phyllis B. August 21, 2015 at 7:50 am #

    Good Morning,

    Be open to whatever God has prepared for you. I don’t like change very much, in many instances it scares me. We are moving in a couple of weeks to a new apt. in our same complex. This is a good thing because it will help my husband who is handicapped, and it is very nice as well. I have had anxious moments about moving. I just keep thanking God and giving my anxious moments to him. Sometimes God’s pruning in my life hurt and just like most people, pain is not in my top ten list of most wanted things in my life, but what I do want is the change it will bring in my life toward Him and others. I will continue to praise him and expect the ultimate preparations God has for me. Phil. 4:11 is a great vs. for me to be reminded of each day.
    Thanks for the opportunity to share.

  12. Sunshine August 21, 2015 at 7:56 am #

    Be bold. A constant struggle. Comfort zone can be an idol and offers false safety. Stepping out of that, being seen, being vulnerable. I ‘know’ all I have to do is trust. I also have experienced how amazingly trustworthy He is — Praise His Mighty Ways! Funny thing is big things are easy for me — stepping out in faith to adopt, to take care of others, to speak boldly for the downtrodden, these are all ‘easy’ through the strength of the Holy Spirit. It’s the small things, especially relational among those I think that judge — now that’s terrifying.

  13. Karin August 21, 2015 at 7:58 am #

    Being OPEN to what God has in mind.
    I’m in a new chapter /phase right now and I desire to be open and ready for what God needs me to do.

  14. Debbie August 21, 2015 at 8:01 am #

    Wow, many spoke to me but I would say “encourage all who cross my path”. So many days it’s easy when busy and frustrated to encourage everyone I come in contact with especially if they are grumpy and not very pleasant.

  15. Judy Canterbury August 21, 2015 at 8:05 am #

    Be bold and take frequent leaps of faith. Boldness–oh, how I need to develop that trait by reminding myself of who God is and what He can do! Always a bit of a shrinking violet, I find that as I have grown older, my confidence has waned…WAY waned. Not good. Thank you so much for the reminder to lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily besets me.

  16. Debbie Hodge August 21, 2015 at 8:19 am #

    Be honest with God, with yourself and with others!

    So many times I try to fool myself when making decisions so I can have my own way! Trying to hide the truth from God, which is impossible, bury the truth from myself and keep the truth from others so they won’t think bad of me when I make the wrong decision. My prayer is to be an open book and let God lead me to always chose His way even when it doesn’t fit into my plan.

  17. Cheryl Kinman August 21, 2015 at 8:38 am #

    Dear Liz,
    Having a very dysfunctional childhood where you didn’t know what to expect from day to day, I struggle with Be Open for what God has for you. I do not like change. I want to know where I’m going to be living in 6 months. Yes I know I’m a control freak but I can’t help it.

  18. Laura Layne August 21, 2015 at 8:41 am #

    How Blessed I am having read your devotional published on Proverbs 31 Ministries today! Ta-Dah it is!!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! God blessings on you and your continued work for Him, Liz!!!

    In His Love,

  19. Lois Garber August 21, 2015 at 8:42 am #

    Be bold and take frequent leaps of faith. Not really understanding what it was or even caring about it, when your daughter calls and says I need you to be with me, you go no matter what you are going through.
    God needed me to be with my daughter as she started to have her third cancer surgery and to be her caregiver.
    As I limped through the airport not knowing that I needed hip replacement then, just knowing more that what I was supposed to be doing was getting on that airplane to somehow be her strength and encouragement.
    I had been praying forever that she and my other daughter plus my husband would find God in their lives. I spent the last four months of her life reading scripture at night to her and being put in situations that I had to love everyone that came into our lives daily just to show her God working in our lives. God answered my prayers. He had me ask her within 24 hrs. of her going home to be with him if she believed in him and excepted him as her savior. She answered yes and I’m happy even though I’m sitting here crying now as I type this. I miss you sweet baby girl. Mom

    • Rebecca T August 21, 2015 at 9:13 am #

      Oh my dear sister. How my heart breaks for you and at the same time rejoices with you that your precious daughter is home with Jesus. May you find comfort in His promises and love every day. Praying for you.

    • TK August 23, 2015 at 10:40 pm #

      Oh Lois, such heartache and bittersweet joy, upholding you in prayer & love at this time xx

  20. Jennifer Mobley August 21, 2015 at 8:47 am #

    Loving well all the days of my life spoke to me. Never taking these days and this season for granted…even the dirty dishes and the never-ending piles of laundry…because that means there’s LIFE here.

  21. Carol Kampf August 21, 2015 at 8:55 am #

    Receive graciously. I am always willing and able to help others, but I find it very hard to be on the receiving end of help – a ride, a meal, anything that someone would have to do for me. I need to learn to let others help me so they are able to give. It works both ways.

  22. Barbara August 21, 2015 at 8:57 am #

    Be Bold and take frequent leaps of Faith . My Sister has just been diagnosed with lung cancer, liver cancer and its in her Lymph Nodes.
    We know as we grow older that friends have passed quickly when diagnosed with more than one cancer. That the prognosis is not good.
    Having a leap of faith would mean to leave to the Lord and see what he can do. Trust him to care for my Sister, and healing her dispite what we have known in the past.
    I would like a book marker and book plate. To send to her. I will email you Liz. Thank you for being who you are.

    • Ammie August 21, 2015 at 9:13 am #

      Prayers for your sister for healing, for strength and for you all to have comfort and peace during this time.

  23. Gina August 21, 2015 at 9:03 am #

    Dear Fellow God lovers: I have to say that the piece of wisdom that hits the heart is “being open to what God has for me.” I’m at a transitional place in my life now. After graduating (much later in life) from college to become a teacher, God blessed me with two different jobs. Unfortunately , this fall I was not offered a contract. Therefore, I do not have a job. I’m sensing that God is asking me to wait. Maybe he has something planned that wasn’t in my agenda. I know that I just have to submit to his will, and he will open up the floodgates and pour out a blessing I cannot contain. I’m just a little fearful of losing my degree by not using it. I must trust and obey…..

    • TK August 23, 2015 at 10:44 pm #

      Gina, God has amazing things in store for you, he hasn’t brought you this far on your journey to drop you now!! Hang in there, something truly wonderful is waiting at the right time for you – His timing is perfect, sending hugs today, TK x

  24. Ammie Black August 21, 2015 at 9:12 am #

    The two that speak most to me are the “Being open” and “Being honest”…I am very introverted and being around unfamiliar people in unfamiliar settings just unnerves me! I tend to shrink back from being involved in small groups or women’s study at church just so I do not have to make new connections and attempt new friendships, yet part of me simply longs and yearns for Godly women that I can share life with. As for being honest, I am very honest with everyone except…me. I lie to myself and justify actions that I know are harmful for me. My issue is overeating…And at times I really do not like myself because of it. This is hurting my relationships with people as well, because if I do not like me, how can they like me? God help me be honest with myself, take care of myself the way I know I should so my body can serve as the temple your Holy Spirit deserves.

  25. Nona August 21, 2015 at 9:28 am #

    I think be open as this to me is the “all of the above” — be open to be generous – be open to be… whatever it is we need to be – humble, gracious, …..encouraging, honest, thankful, praise-ful,….

  26. Linda August 21, 2015 at 9:47 am #

    At the ripe old age of almost 70, I think “End well by loving well” speaks most to me.

  27. Retha Coleman August 21, 2015 at 9:51 am #

    Oh My! Depending on the day, time of day, etc… it could very well be “all of the above”! But more than anything, I want to finish well. I so want to hear my Savior say “Well Done my Child. Your Father is so proud of you, we knew you could do it.”
    Thank you Liz for another AMAZING Book. I devoured it and will now go back and read with my notebook and highlighter in hand!

  28. Cheryl August 21, 2015 at 10:30 am #

    “Ending well” spoke to me. Working with homeless women has been my place of love. Ending well by loving others. I so want to encourage them to accept God’s love each day and give them hope in God’s love.

  29. Geri August 21, 2015 at 10:48 am #

    To be an encourager to everyone I meet. Life gets in the way and my selfish nature makes me forget I should put others before myself.

  30. Becky Runyan August 21, 2015 at 10:52 am #

    BE BOLD. Take leaps of faith. I often feel so wimpy and down and afraid to dream. I always feel stuck and sort of selfish to go after anything or expect anything different.

  31. Jean DeLouis August 21, 2015 at 11:03 am #

    Be honest with God, with yourself, with others.

  32. Julie August 21, 2015 at 11:13 am #

    Praise God in all things and in every situation. Needed this today as I woke up despairing over many things. Remembering Ps. 118:24. So thankful for your words & those of everyone here.

  33. Pam August 21, 2015 at 11:37 am #

    Be open to whatever God has prepared for you.

    Not only for me but my family as well…
    Learning to trust Him in ALL things. Lifting my finger of the control button, not only for myself but my family as well.

    Then giving Him all the Glory, Honor and Praise!

  34. Nancy August 21, 2015 at 11:50 am #

    “End well by loving well all the days of your life” is speaking to me.

  35. Irene Talaasen August 21, 2015 at 11:50 am #

    I am 77 and I think Ending well speaks to me. So want the rest of my life to count for Jesus!

  36. Charlsie August 21, 2015 at 12:31 pm #

    “Be open to whatever God has prepared for you.”
    “End well by loving well all the days of your life.” These especially speak to my heart today. I’m in a new season and older (hopefully wiser) and looking forward to walking with you as you share about this Biblical woman that God has given attention to. THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO!

  37. Gail August 21, 2015 at 2:50 pm #

    Be Open… & Praise God… both speak to me because I am such a chicken when it comes to trusting God with letting Him do whatever He wants to do in my life or my family and because it’s so hard to have only praise on my lips if God allows something hard in my life. I want to allow God to change those things about me. I want to be a wise woman, not a scaredy-cat, gripey woman! ?

  38. Laurie August 21, 2015 at 2:57 pm #

    Be a gracious receiver. . .often I miss the blessings God wants to send because I don’t expect the gift. I am focused on what I think I “need” instead of the best outcome of what God wants to give. If it is His choice of gift, then both the giver and I will be encouraged and blessed. I can trust Him, for He is both good and faithful.

  39. Ruthie Denise August 21, 2015 at 5:07 pm #

    I sure do need wisdom. This is something I have been praying about for quite awhile. In all my words and decisions.

  40. Maxine August 21, 2015 at 5:35 pm #

    As the fall begins, and we again volunteer, I need to be open to what God has for me to do, and not take on a burden not meant for me to carry.

  41. Robin August 21, 2015 at 6:24 pm #

    Today the biggest challenge is probably to be an encourager since I am so prone to criticize and judge — somehow , especially at work, it seems contagious and inclusive with others.

  42. Doris August 21, 2015 at 6:39 pm #

    They are all great but the one that jumped out at me was “Be humbled, trust Him to lift you up.” I immediately thought of I Peter 5: 6-7 where we are told to “Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and in due time He will exalt you. Casting all your care upon Him for He cares for you.” Also, I never really thought of telling someone how blessed you are sounding prideful but sometimes I have wondered if I am making someone else feel bad if I am sharing a way God has blessed me so I try to phrase it tactfully but sometimes I have not said anything for fear of hurting someone else’s feelings because they may not have had a blessing like that. But then I am not praising God to others. I guess its one of those things we have a fine line to tread. God, give us wisdom in all things especially what we share with others and how we share it.

  43. Patricia August 21, 2015 at 7:44 pm #

    Each bit of Sheba’s wisdom spoke to me but may I be honest here, the one that stood out like a sore thumb with me is: Be open to whatever God has prepared for you. I saw this bit of wisdom as yet another test or trial and these past two months I’ve been through some pretty tough tests and trials at work, which has hit me head on and God has been speaking to my heart about working under authority (Romans 13), even if this particular authority is not what he claims to be. I think after all these years, Lord, why now? (I’m in my 60’s!) Well, I know He knows best and like so many others, I need to put my trust in the Lord, which has been hard for me, too. My faith has been tested–sometimes I feel as though I’m regressing instead of progressing, but by the grace of God, He’ll get me through it. I don’t know how, all I know is I’m exhausted and I just want to let go and let God! Jesus take the wheel, please!

  44. Tammy Davey August 21, 2015 at 8:01 pm #

    Be honest with yourself, with God and others. Oh, how I do struggle with this sometimes! Looking forward to this study with you, Liz. I’m leading this study with my ladies Bible study group starting Sept. 10.

  45. Kelly August 21, 2015 at 8:39 pm #

    Encourage everyone who crosses your path.

  46. Beatrice Williams August 21, 2015 at 8:44 pm #

    Praise God in all things and all situations. Most times that is all I can do to get through the day. I am going through a rough season now. But I know that He is with me all the way. So I choose to praise than to argue or complain. No matter how I feel about a situation, I always find peace in praise.

  47. Rose Davis August 21, 2015 at 9:14 pm #

    Be open to whatever God has prepared for you. This spoke to me and it is what I hope I am. I also love to encourage people but this one tugged at my heart when I read through them now. Thank you Liz, I’m looking forward to reading your book.

  48. Carlee Wellons August 21, 2015 at 9:36 pm #

    Encourage others who cross your path. As school starts, Bible Studies begin again,we all get busy and busier. I feel like women need encouragement especially right now. I think children need us to note their efforts too. Not empty praise but intentional noting of efforts put forth. I can’t leave out the men! They need our encouragement ever bit as much as everyone else. They carry such a big load. Encouragement costs us very little. Let’s be generous with it.

  49. Kathy August 21, 2015 at 11:35 pm #

    Be open to whatever God has prepared for you. Why, I was just diagnosed with breast cancer; I have already survived bladder cancer. Where is God wanting me to go on this journey, what am I to learn?

    • Marte August 27, 2015 at 12:15 am #

      Dear Kathy,
      Blessings galore! May God send ministering angels to help you along the way as you deal again with this enemy. May Jesus heal you, and direct your Drs and staff, and support people!

      Strength, patience, energy, joy!

      I’ll ask my friend, Patti, who just kicked breast cancer to pray for you! She’s ‘planking’ now!

    • Liz Curtis Higgs September 1, 2015 at 10:17 pm #

      Kathy, it’s SO hard to think of you walking this journey again. May you know without a doubt that God is by your side. Whatever lesson He wants you to learn, may this new wisdom bless you, strengthen you, empower you, heal you.

  50. Marquita Kimmel August 22, 2015 at 12:43 am #

    Encourage others! My husband & I just moved to a new location because of his job. We are in an adult community. I almost feel like the new kid in an established neighborhood. It’s by God’s grace that we are meeting people and have had many opportunities to be an encouragement and be encouraged by others. Even a smile and calling someone by their name is a good thing 🙂

    • Marte August 27, 2015 at 12:06 am #

      Dear Marquita,
      Hang in there! We did this 3 years ago and found the Lord pulled us away to give us the opportunity to become BF with each other, lean on Him for our understanding and KNOW our Heavenly Father has plans unique to us as a couple He is preparing for us.

      You will find the right new friends in time! 🙂

  51. Gwen August 22, 2015 at 3:24 am #

    I’d have to say bold leaps of faith. Since my brain injury I’ve felt like I’m in a holding pattern of trying to get things approved, then stuff is taken away or not paid though the law says so. I feel like I’m in a crate held but peeking out. I’m housebound and yet can go out if someone takes me. Yet my mental condition gets in the way from the injury. I grow weak and weary or get mixed up. I can’t imagine having a leap at all. I cannot connect leap and faith. Faith I think of as my steady stable rock in this jostling around I’ve had these seven years. My faith calms me when I cry for no reason. I share my faith with young girls that I made an impression upon when they helped in my classroom but now as young adults are confused. I share Christ with a friends son as he completes his moving into college. My dear friend is in heaven now. Her son has become a believer and I feel like he won’t have a Mom to send him a bag of sunflower seeds and Nerds and Hot tamales and a letter with a few jokes and also some verses for this time. That’s my faith now. I have nowhere to jump. No one to catch me. And to jump for the sake of leaping I do not understand. So I will be most interested in learning about that for it seems most difficult for my broken brain to understand.

    • Marte August 26, 2015 at 11:57 pm #

      Bless you. Smilingly, find your good sneakers for that leap!

  52. Susan. August 22, 2015 at 6:30 am #

    I will say mine is to seek wise counsel from trustworthy sources.
    I am asking God to teach me to trust again, to help me know that we all have our short comings, but God has a special place for all of us. I am looking at God to help me and show me who I can trust and where to seek godly counsel. I am also asking God to heal me so that I do not push away the people He brings my way.

  53. Madelyn August 22, 2015 at 7:11 am #

    End well by loving well all the days of my life.

    Father God this is my prayer to end well by loving well. Give me eyes to see others how you see them so i can love them .. In Jesus name amen.

  54. Kim Brown August 22, 2015 at 7:30 am #

    Give generously with open hands and heart. I am a firm believer in the tithe and over the past couple of years, my husband and I agreed to honor God in this area, no matter what our circumstances were. Then our church asked if we would prayerfully increase our donation in order to enable the vision growth of God’s Kingdom. We sought God and did this as well. The time period is 2 years and we are in the last 5 months of our commitment. I have been struggling with fear this past month as there seems to be more month than $ when I look at our budget on paper. I have also been troubled by what I see in some of the decisions of my church leadership. It’s not blatant sin, just what I interpret as irresponsible. Now granted, I am not privy to the complete picture of the financial decisions of the church and I sense the Holy Spirit telling me to mind my own business and trust Him to deal with the details and any outcomes the church will experience. So, I want to give generously and trust God even as I see the Dow plummet 2 days in a row. There’s a battle going on inside of me, so I am going to stand on God’s promises and ride this wave out. I would appreciate your prayers. This thing inside of my heart isn’t pretty and it is difficult even to share with you. But, I know you are my sisters in Christ, and this is what I must do.

  55. Brandi Luiz August 22, 2015 at 9:26 am #

    I love to be an encourager. It gives me great joy. I just pray I don’t lose heart in those that don’t receive it well.

  56. Avichaia August 22, 2015 at 4:05 pm #

    I am thinking be bold would be my answer. If I am bold, I can be honest with myself, G-d and others. Seek wise counsel and end my days well.

  57. Kathy August 22, 2015 at 5:40 pm #

    So excited to share this time with you Liz! End well by loving well-ALL the days of your life. That’s says it all

  58. joyce August 22, 2015 at 6:09 pm #

    Be open to whatever God has in store for you. I am in a holding pattern in my life and I feel that God must have something in mind for me to do next.

  59. Diana Shepherd August 22, 2015 at 7:07 pm #

    Give generously speaks to me. I used to be good at this. I don’t know what happened, but I want to be that person again.

  60. Linda August 23, 2015 at 6:22 am #

    As I read ‘Be bold and take frequent leaps of faith’ it leaped off the page at me. But ‘Be open to whatever God has prepared for you’ was the one I kept coming back to.

  61. Carol Derrick August 23, 2015 at 8:02 am #

    As to the ten bits of wisdom,  I have to say each and everyone of them
    stands out to me.  Have read this book and find that you have an
    amazing insight to the Queen.  I felt like I was traveling with her
    every step of the way.  Thank you for sharing her incredible story.

  62. Mary Jo August 23, 2015 at 4:26 pm #

    Seek wise counsel from trustworthy sources. We are going through some major challenges right now (health, downsizing to new home) and I know there are others who have endured it all with grace. I want to look to those who are wiser (and trustworthy) to guide me in this journey.

  63. Ann Zimmerman August 23, 2015 at 9:06 pm #

    Praising God in all situations. It seems so easy in the good times and so difficult in the bad times. I just want to cry why, but that’s not for me to know, so I make a conscious effort to praise God.

  64. Carol August 23, 2015 at 9:12 pm #

    Be honest with God, with yourself, with others.

  65. Bonnie August 24, 2015 at 10:30 am #

    I do try to encourage everyone. The one that spoke to me was be humble and He will lift you up. God is our encourager.

  66. Pamela August 24, 2015 at 10:42 am #

    Seek wise counsel from trustworthy sources definitely stand out to me today in my season of feeling extreme distrust.

  67. Kim August 24, 2015 at 12:10 pm #

    “Praise God in all things and in every situation.” This is my minute-by-minute prayer right now as I walk through “Death Valley.”

  68. Shelley Wilburn August 24, 2015 at 8:48 pm #

    I think I would have to choose, “Encourage everyone who crosses your path.” Three years ago God healed me of over forty years of depression & mental and emotional abuse. But He also called me into ministering to and encouraging women who suffer the same things. He gave me boldness, assertiveness, holy confidence, and such wonderful gifts! I think we all look for the things the Queen of Sheba was searching for. We want to know where we fit in and we long for wisdom, boldness and grace. But unless we’re encouraged by others it’s all hard to find on our own. Guess I can relate to a little of all the attributes, but encouragement stands out the most.

  69. Mona August 25, 2015 at 4:42 pm #

    Be Honest. I’ve recently lost my beloved husband after 33 years of marriage and I’ve been honest lately with God about my anger toward Him. I know this is normal and he understands while I’m working through my grief.

  70. Diana August 25, 2015 at 8:19 pm #

    I have the gift of encouragement so that is the one that touches my heart the most.

  71. Linda August 26, 2015 at 8:44 pm #

    When will we discuss the story about Sheba? I thought it was today. Is it next Wed, Sept 2nd?

  72. Marte August 26, 2015 at 11:47 pm #

    Hi Liz:
    I found myself with the day for the Bible Study, found the book via Christianbooks and bought and downloaded the EBOOK. No waiting, luv it, plus it’s on my Mini now.

    I read every word of praise, foreword and fell in love with you all over again. What a treasure you are! How precious, delightful and you have found the most wonderful way to challenge us to search the Bible again for wisdom. To hunger for God’s knowledge, kindness and love. To trip plan with her, to pull back the Caravan Carriage our dear Sheba is riding in, and find a most inquisitive woman, much like us. Hungry for men who sit not with scoffers but with their God, learning.

    The one quality that touches me this week is “GIVING GENEROUSLY”.

    How do you do it???? And make it so much fun?

  73. candy August 31, 2015 at 1:38 am #

    Encourage everyone who crosses your path. It is so important to remind people that they are seen. They are loved, they are special.

  74. Frances Huges September 3, 2015 at 2:18 am #

    Her quest for wisdom will surprise you, challenge you, inspire you, change you. This wealthy royal from antiquity will show you how to live boldly, seek after truth, ask the right questions, encourage others, receive graciously, and honor the Lord above all.

  75. Ashley September 19, 2015 at 7:21 am #

    I couldn’t choose just one, so the two that really speak to me are “Be open to whatever God has prepared for you” and “Encourage everyone who crosses your path”. After finishing my latest study/devotional, I have realized that I feel so much joy when I ask for God to reveal to me the opportunities that he has placed in my path each day. It is so easy to get consumed by all that takes place in this world, but when I am working for Him, I can find so much peace, enjoyment, and joy when I am encouraging others, sharing with others, and/or comforting others. Sometimes, I have been surprised by the persons that God has set in my path. I will continue to pray that He will open my eyes and heart to reveal my opportunities that He has in store for me each day. We are all going through something, and each one of us needs encouragement and comfort that can only come from Him.

  76. Rachiel September 21, 2015 at 8:56 am #

    The encouraging stands out to me. I live encouraging people. It makes me happy and takes my mind off my own problems.