Some people are intelligent, educated, informed, clever, but the truly wise bow to the Source of all wisdom.
- Like Solomon, who wrote, “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding” (Proverbs 2:6).
- Like Daniel, who said, “Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his” (Daniel 2:20).
- Like Paul, who told the church at Corinth, “You are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption” (1 Corinthians 1:30).
Without His wisdom, we’re lost in the wilderness, with no compass or map to guide us. Ah, but with His wisdom, we’re on the path to peace and the road to righteousness, following the One who leads with love.
Both Hebrew—chokmah—and Greek—sophia—capture the same meaning: “wisdom, skill.” Wisdom isn’t simply thinking; it’s also doing. God pours His wisdom into those who love Him, so we’ll use it for the good of others and for the glory of His name.
How does His wisdom work in the real world? I invited my speaking and writing sister, Susie Larson, to share her heart with us this week. If you’ve not heard Susie on her radio show, Live the Promise, then here’s the scoop: she loves God, loves His Word, and loves people, which explains why everybody loves Susie!
Adapted from her brand-new book, Your Sacred Yes, from Bethany House Publishers, Susie Larson points us to wisdom’s Source:
In a day where chaos seems to reign, it’s good for us to remember where our help comes from: “For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength” (1 Corinthians 1:25).
Consider our tendency to race through life at sprint pace. We run ourselves ragged until we’re overwhelmed and underjoyed. I lived that way for years. But you know something? It wasn’t wise. And it surely wasn’t God’s best for me.
Dallas Willard once gave this advice to John Ortberg: “You must arrange your day so that you are experiencing deep contentment, joy, and confidence in your everyday life with God.”
How do you need to rearrange your day so you can experience regular deep contentment, joy, and confidence with God? Pause and really think about that question for a moment because it’s a life-changing proposition.
Caught up in this whack-a-mole culture, we ask God to bless us quick. “I need a green light here, Lord. I’m late!” Or, “Please, please don’t let that officer pull me over.” Or, “Why did I sign up for this? How did I get myself into this mess? Lord, get me out!” We race ahead and repeatedly beg God to bail us out.
Here’s an important point: God’s love never goes away. Our mess-ups don’t make Him give up on us. He’ll meet us in all of our wandering ways and provide a way out and back to the path that’s best for us. He provides new mercies every morning because we need them. But still, when we’re sloppy with our yes, we miss out on God’s best.
Now consider the invitation not to race ahead, but to follow God’s direction in our lives. Sometimes God gives us more information than we expect, and other times, less. But the point is, when we wait on Him, we stay in step with Him. And every step we take will have redemptive possibilities.
God offers us wisdom for our daily lives because we need it. Dare to ask Him for more wisdom. Dare to trust Him as He leads. His will for you is your best-case-scenario. “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” (James 1:5).
Thanks, Susie, for gently stepping on our toes with that green light bit (smile), and reminding us why God’s wisdom is worthy of our praise.
To celebrate Susie’s new book, I gave away 5 copies of Your Sacred Yes, choosing 5 winners at random from the many comments posted here. Congrats to Debbie, Holly, Julie, Bobbi, Laurie, and thanks to everyone for sharing!
Your grateful sister, Liz,
P.S. For my sisters in Michigan and beyond, a special invitation for Ladies’ Days at Gull Lake Ministries in Hickory Corners on June 16-19. Pick the day that suits—Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday—then join us and find out why It’s Good to Be Queen!
After experiencing the pain (for me and others I love) caused by rash decisions without asking for God’s wisdom, I am learning to wait, to trust, and to seek His guidance and wisdom – in work situations, in dealing with family members and with my own fears and self-doubt. Liz, thank you for your encouragement. I start my day at work on your website.
I have such a bad habit of giving it to God, and then rushing in to pick it up and try to do it myself – as if I could ever do a better job than God…. Thank you for reminding me to slow down, listen, and let God. Have a Blessed Day
You’ve described my own challenge perfectly, Diane. Praise God for His patience with us!
God’s wisdom means to me bringing my heart’s desire to him in prayer and reading and obeying his word. Understanding and trusting that his desire for me is ultimately going to give me all that I need.
My parents both went to Heaven in a yr. My brother who doesn’t have Jesus and P.T.S.D. he blames my for everything. We haven’t talked.He and his friends are in my parents home.Just paying Utilities. So Probate Court Tues.Believing in Gods Wisdom and my Protection. His soul more important!
Oh, Teri, so much to deal with. Yet it’s clear your faith is holding strong. “His soul more important”…YES! Praying Tuesday went as hoped.
I really don’t know how anyone can make any sense out of this world without the wisdom of God. I praise Him that we can have His wisdom just by asking! James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
Yes, Catherine, LOVE that verse! In fact, I included it in IT’S GOOD TO BE QUEEN…
The book of James tells us, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” That was precisely Sheba’s experience. She sought wisdom—first from Solomon, then from his God—and graciously received what she’d asked for.
The same is true for us. If we pray according to His Word and His will, we can count on a positive response. The timing is His alone, but the assurance stands: “Ask and it will be given to you.” Not it might be given. It will be given.
Blessed to encourage you, Debbie. You are SO wise to wait on the Lord. His timing is impeccable!
God’s wisdom is personal, precious, and profound. He takes His timeless Word and perfectly fits it to my present need. This wisdom is addressed to me. This wisdom is precious because of its loving source. His wisdom is also profound because the depth and width and length of the impact is to future generations. Thanks, Liz, for relying on godly wisdom in what you write and share.
LOVE all the points you’ve made, Laurie. Personal, precious, profound…and perfect!
Such good words from your guest this morning – June 3rd.
As I read how important it is to get wisdom from God and keep in step with him instead of always running late etc. and begging him to bail us out, I also thought of the verse in Proverbs 19:2 which I have marked in my Bible. “Also it is not good for a soul to be without knowledge, And he sins who hastens with his feet.” I then wrote beside it “do not run ahead of God or his leading”.
We need wisdom from God every day from little decisions to big decisions!
GREAT verse from Proverbs, Margaret. I ran ahead of the Lord for many years, looking over my shoulder to be sure He was with me. SO BACKWARDS! Slowly, I’m learning what it means to be a follower of Christ.
Seeking God’s wisdom is always our goal, even though at times I want to jump ahead and “help God out” a little. It never ends in good results. Learning to seek His wisdom for everyday and not just for the future “big” issues. Nearing retirement sometimes puts me in panic mode. But that’s where our faith come into play – to trust God and His wisdom in all things!
And you’ve shared some wisdom with us, Darleen. THANKS!
Every aspect of my life is in upheaval currently. At first I just wanted God to remove me from it all! But little by little he is showing me that He is breaking things off me and gently remaking me into His likeness. I am so unworthy yet here He is, working on me, so patient with me. He is moving metowards a more sacred Yes, day-by-day, inch-by-inch, heartache-by-heartache. And I am learning all over again that He is truly all I’ll ever need. Thank you for your post today, it has truly ministered to me! God Bless!
Hi Stephanie, I too have noticed recently how God works to lovingly prune us of the parts we need to let go of to bear much fruit for His name. It is not always easy in the moment, but looking back, I can see how the process of being pruned and purified has changed my heart for the better.
Thanks for sharing that. I’ve been in a season of pruning this year as well. As things start to get better, it is so tempting to go back to trying to be self-reliant. I can’t let that happen! What a wonderful experience it was having no choice but to trust in God’s will for me and his timing for my life. I need to stay right there.
What a journey you are on, Stephanie. Painful, to be sure, and not always fun, this breaking off business. But OH, the finished product. Glorious! Thanks for sharing, sis.
God’s wisdom is stunning, and so is His timing! This devotional came moments after I had heard from someone who had prayed diligently about making a move to follow Christ and step away from a place where God’s word was not upheld. She did the right thing, and I have forwarded this devotional to reassure her that her prayers over the last several months were in line with God’s timing and wisdom, for now was the time! She is at peace with the move, and God’s wisdom prevailed. Thank you, Liz, for sharing this and ALL your insights. You are part of so many people’s stories, and we are grateful for your hand–and heart–in our lives! Love you …
Don’t you LOVE God’s timing, Cindy? It never ceases to amaze me. So appreciate your words of encouragement, year after year, sweet friend!
God’s wisdom is loving guidance in a world of craziness.
SO right, Linda!
these are the exact words I needed to hear this morning! I need to learn to trust and rely on God’s wisdom and not my own. He will work all things out for those who seek Him. Blessings to you this beautiful day!
To me Gods wisdom means I need not travel this path alone…I have truly came to FEEL His wisdom after having my 20 yr old daughter killed. She was my baby and also had a 2 yr old daughter herself at the times…I cried out to the Lord and He heard my heart break..He not only wrapped me in His arms but also lead me to do all I had to at that time..if not for Him His love His mercy and His wisdom I would not be here today. He helped me to work with my granddaughters father so that I am now a very large part of her life. When I wanted to just run and bury myself His wisdom showed me her child..its been 3yrs. this July that her mother died..God gave me the wisdom of teaching her all about her mom and all the love she had for everyone..And now He is with us both as we visit her moms grave my 5 yr old granddaughter saying I love and miss you mommy…this is when I feel Gods wisdom best….when I can’t stand let alone think….but by the grace of God go i
God’s wisdom is comforting to me. Knowing that everything in my life is in His hands helps me not to worry. I ask God for His wisdom in raising our four boys to follow Him & His ways. Knowing that He’s on my side is a great comfort to me.
WISDOM means I can trust God for and in all circumstances, as I await information about my only brother in ICU following heart bypass surgery. The Lord loves and cares for my brother even more than I do and He is working everything out according to His divine plan.
God’s wisdom means life abundant and eternally.
I am so very thankful that I can go directly to my Lord and ask Him for wisdom and He gives it to me generously and without reproach. I am assured that His wisdom surpasses man’s because it is peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruit, unwavering and without hypocrisy. Thank you for the reminder this morning of my Source of wisdom.
This was uplifting and assuring, thank you Suzie and Liz. God’s wisdom means the world to me. I know that He’s going to lead, guide, and direct me on the right and good paths I need to follow. Knowing He gives such wisdom to us freely is a blessed assurance indeed.
Gods wisdom to me is our personal road map . When we follow it we get o experience all great sites along the way but when we decide to venture on our own we end up lost on a mess of back roads , road construction and dead ends!
What does God’s wisdom mean to me? In a word… Everything.
I may not understand it I may not even like it. It may be exactly what I thought I was looking for. All I know is that I need it. And I don’t want to walk without it.
thanks for sharing a timely message once again.
God’s wisdom to me means I don’t have to fret about anything. I know He has already seen it and fixed it. He already knows what to do in each and every situation that arises. That is indeed very comforting to know.
God’s wisdom is so vast, so glorious! As creator of all, He knows all! He sees the ” big picture” which I can’t! So I must trust Him and keep asking for my daily wisdom from Him to make better choices! No greater gift than asking my Abba, all because of Jesus!
Liz, I loved your messages on Solomon and Sheba at the LYFE conference. I am glad God gives us wisdom to know the right time to witness and help others. His wisdom leads us in the paths we should go.
Marie Hershey
God’s wisdom….is something I seem to need on my daily path in life; coming from a family of the self-reliance path, it proved itself faulty and exhausting. I’ve since learned the only way is through my Father’s path; at times not clearly paved, bumpy and/or narrow but it never fails to wisely lead me on my way.
Thanks Liz, your messages mean so much. Hoping you come back to Ft. Wayne In. soon!!
Thank you Liz; this past week or two has been very wacky. I just realized I have not ask our Lord for his help to step in and change the wacky to his peace. To change me from forgetting his grace and mercy to remember the Lord just wants me to ask to talk to him for wisdom and in return God will answer with his best for my life. Lord thank you and I praise you for another beautiful day you have giving us.
I spent many years knowing who God is and trying to do things His way, but until I was in my 30’s I didn’t know what a personal relationship with Him was or meant. He opened my heart and eyes to understanding and a relationship which has taken me to leading an adult Bible study which terrified me. I only wanted to teach 6 and 7 year olds. Now I feel His answered prayers in my life and His guidance for my way. His wisdom is so far reaching compared to mine and I thank Him for being there for me at all times and in all things.
God’s wisdom — wow. It’s really too much for me to comprehend. He is all knowing, so his wisdom comes from not only knowing and experiencing the past, but also knowing (and maybe experiencing) the present and the future. So many times my wisdom in a situation was based on only knowing MY past — not the pasts of others who were involved and definitely not the future. What becomes glaringly obvious as time goes by is that God knows best, and his ‘wait’ or even his ‘no’ are based on that infinite knowledge and wisdom. I just have to remember and trust that.
What God’s wisdom means to me, everything 🙂 !
I can’t do anything on my own without blowing it.
So I’ve learned to trust. I pray God please help me to trust you that I’m saying, doing the right thing.
His wisdom is trusting Him in everything.
I have lost my joy! I realize it is because I am not relying on God’s wisdom but my own! Thank you for this message.
Proverbs 2:6 is a verse I know all to well. I use it as my sign off on my emails. As I type it in it reminds me to use God’s wisdom in all I do and say. Especially with email communication where intent and tone cannot be presented.
I need so badly to depend more on God’s wisdom and not mine. I’m always thinking I know what’s right and then when things get messed up I go to God again for forgiveness. I am getting better about trying to wait on Him. I need to practice that more.
Without God’s Wisdom, I would not be able to know my next step in a world where everything seems acceptable. God Who is Wisdom Himself gives me the wisdom I need every day to go through lifes problems. Without God, I am nothing and with God, I have wisdom to make choices which are the correct ones. And even though I fail God over and over, He is there to pull me through the hard time and because of His Wisdom, he pours out His Unconditional Love on me. Every day, I ask for wisdom to do the right thing and I go to the God of Wisdom. Being a Child of God, he looks after me, watches over me and gives me His love and wisdom. Amen!
I am always disappointed when I rush ahead of God’s best for me. I am getting better about praying first now that I am soon going to be 50.
Thank you, Liz for sharing & encouraging us weekly! Always in my prayers, sister!
God’s wisdom is like trying to explain the cosmos in one sentence. We know the fear of Him is the beginning of wisdom. His wisdom so far surpasses what we could explain or know. He intimately knows each of us and can meet those needs and do it on a way that will give Him glory. His wisdom is what allows us to relax in Him and trust Him with our future, lives and family. His wisdom allows us to also have wisdom.
God’s wisdom can be, but not always is, an “on demand” thing. It grows in us as we study the Word and do our best to live it out every day. Searching the Word to find help for our situation shows us how God’s wisdom applies to us today. It’s not just an Old Testament salve for saints and prophets of the past. Its relevance to me – today – is overwhelming. He knows me and what is best for me, and shows me wisdom in His Word through the Holy Spirit.
God’s wisdom is knowing His will for my life and having the ability to make decisions that advance His purposes. I need wisdom when I work with others, and I need wisdom to find His daily purpose for my life. Wisdom helps me to know when to speak and when to be quiet. I ask for more wisdom from God.
Thank you, Liz and Susie, for sharing your encouraging thoughts on God’s Wisdom.
To me, God’s Wisdom is the Goodness of God applied to my understanding and intellect. Because of Wisdom I can think and act in ways that reflect, honor, and exalt the Goodness of God.
God blesses us with wisdom when we ask for it. As a young child our family home was destroyed by fire. My Grandmother asked me to pray and when I did, He put it on my heart to pray for wisdom through this tragedy. He has shown me, wisdom is given by trusting in His word.
Wisdom – I must put aside all I “know” for what he “knows”. Any plan I have is futile without Him. Life is all about knowing Him and learning from Him. Why do we constantly try to do it all ourselves? I told my kids for years that it is better to do things God’s way, and that is true. Some days I need to remind myself of that truth!
When we seek God’s wisdom, we will make better decisions. When we seek God’s wisdom, God will be there for us. Some people say “God will never give you more than you can handle”, but I do not think that God “gives” bad things to good people. I believe that God helps us through touch times when we love him and seek his wisdom.
So often waiting feels like doing nothing, but waiting on God is never “doing nothing.” I think asking for God’s wisdom (and waiting for Him to show it to us) strengthens our relationship with Him, and strengthens our trust in Him.
I read this just after getting off the phone with a coworker. She needs me to meet with her in the chapel on campus this afternoon to pray for a struggle she is going through. God’s wisdom, to me, means being able to be still and listen to what God needs me to pray for over her. I need to step in the gap for her and I have absolutely no idea what to pray, but I know God will give me the words. He has placed me in this position for a reason, and my trust and reliance is in Him.
I always love reading about Solomon because he was so wise when he was in tune with God, but when he forgot to wait upon the Lord and went is own way, he got into trouble. As I grow older and “wiser” I keep thinking how well things went when I trusted God to arrange things. How can I get this across to my students early in life, so they need not suffer the hurts that come with disobedience? I have been blessed by God and given wisdom later in life. Thank you for this study.
God’s “Wisdom” to me is simply put: It is the open-door to Heaven!!” Wihout His wisdom to guide us & use us as His diciples, we all would be nothing. I pray everyday for his Guidance & the Wisdom to follow Him down the path of rightousness & good. God’s Wisdom is the key to unlock the door to Heaven for all of us….I need more of His Wisdom everyday to get thru daily living.
We need to be filled up to the brim w/ as much of God’s wisdom we can get. We need to over-flow w/ God’s wisdom & Love & Forgiveness. Everyday we all need to share God’s wisdom w/ others until we reach the Golden Gates. Amen.
Isaiah chapter 40 talks about how God’s wisdom is unsearchable and so far above our comprehension, but then ends with the famous verse about how waiting on the Lord gives strength where we will mount up with wings like eagles. Wisdom comes from waiting on the Lord. Sitting still this morning and reading this allowed me to sit and wait on Him and gives me strength to go on with my day.
God’s wisdom keeps me on His path and not my own.
It is my guiding light.
Your website is special to me. I see God’s wisdom at work when I see my mother. She is 94, still takes care of herself and drives to visit those who are sick. She organizes meals for grieving families. She never stops praying for God’s guidance in all she does. Truly an angel and inspiration to me.
God’s wisdom…confusing at times, but always welcome. I know He knows what is best for me, giving into His wisdom is sometimes a struggle.
Through His wisdom, we all can experience deep contentment, joy and confidence. I want that so badly. I want to believe that He has a purpose for me. If I could trust Him with all my heart, all my mind, and all my soul I could. If I could trust (believe) Him to take care of me, and provide for me in the future as He has in the past I would have the peace He intends for us.
God’s Wisdom is the only thing that allows us to choose between “good” and “best.”
Thanks for the great message! To me, God’s wisdom is the gold standard, the path He created for me. My only requirement is to ask, listen and follow. Why do I make it so difficult? Thankfully, God’s always listening, and willing to give us yet another chance!
Every single time I’ve waited on God, he has kept His promise–even those times I’ve cried and thought situations weren’t going to get better He has shown me to walk WITH Him.
I enjoy reading books.
God’s timing is always perfect. Especially when going through some tough times dealing with my husband’s battle with Parkinson’s Disease I wondered how I was going to survive. But as I look back God was with me every step of the way. He worked things out that no other person could have planned it. He is in control and is my source of comfort each day. My husband is walking the streets of gold now and I miss him, but thankfully God is my guide and my friend.
EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I stop and check in with God He responds. I need to do it more often, for His wisdom is WAYYYYY beyond any of my human resources.
Thank you for this chance to own a copy of this book. The insight I just glimpsed at is inspiring.
Seeking Gods wisdom means that I don’t have to worry snd stress over the right things to do or say. I just wish I remembered that more. Thanks for this reminder.
God’s wisdom hands down is the best gift that we could ever ask Him. Unfortunately I do not. However, there is hope and this article reminds me how loving our Father is and how much He wants to take care of us.
Thanks for a beautiful article.
Thank You for sharing your wisdom and faith. I have had God’s wisdom since I was child. His only requirements for me is that I would be willing to listen and use the wisdom he gave. Then after high school he really gave me a beautiful gift. He ask me to become a Benedictine Nun. I was a nun for 10 years. His wisdom is a gift that he gives us, if we would just take the time to listen and learn. His wisdom has blessed me in so many ways. I feel so very blessed to share his wisdom with others.
One summer, my children and I did a Wisdom Treasure Hunt as our Bible study. What a joy it was to read His Word with that perspective! Too many times, I rush past moments I need to be seeking his wisdom. As always, thank you for your encouragement and exhortation!
God’s wisdom is a precious gift indeed. It came to me after I learned to “let go & let God”. Of course that lesson came after mistakes (learning opportunities!). When I put God first & opened His Word, I experienced His peace, even amidst the chaos of this life. Thanks be to God!
Gods wisdom to me means I’ll never have to go it alone …
Have a Blessed Day!
God’s wisdom gives me the security and peace to know that I don’t have to look further than his Word for answers to my questions, fears or uncertainty. Praise God!
Oh, thank you Liz for sharing your blog with Susie. I so appreciate the encouraging words to slow down, slow down, slow down. It’s not good for us to be rushing about so much, and we can’t hear the Holy Spirit amongst all of the buzzing. Your words are always so encouraging, and timely! Blessings and peace.
In God’s Wisdom I can put my trust and place my confidence securely.
God’s wisdom guides me down paths I never would have chosen – or even thought of! When I take the time to really listen to Him, He shows me the way down these unfamiliar paths, one little step at a time. When one step has been taken, he reveals the next. And when I don’t listen, God – in his infinite mercy, patience, and faithfulness – nudges me to pay attention, and gives me second (third, fourth, etc.) chances to follow his lead.
Hi, Liz-Wonderful post! Being a more concrete thinker, James 3:17 helps me to see WHAT wisdom looks like so I can apply it to my life:
“But the wisdom that comes from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.” Joy to you!
God’s wisdom is my life! After living many years leaning on my own understanding and making a train wreck of my life, God in His mercy and grace saved me and now I know His ways are definitely higher and better than mine and seek Him in all things, both big and small. So amazing that all we have to do is ask and He shows us. What an amazing God!
God’s wisdom means peace for my heart when I choose to trust that He knows best & submit my heart to Him in all things. This often means waiting for Him to move, to act, or to show me what to do. And it only comes as I pray & read His Word. I’ve been praying this verse often lately; My soul wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him. Ps 62:5
Liz, thank you so much for sharing Susie Larson’s message with us. My sister, Sandra, and I are currently researching information on ‘wisdom’
for a new interactive workshop in our ministry. We pray each day for God to prepare us and guide us.
Today we are blessed by women with such wisdom to not only excite us but to bless our work.
I especially like the realistic comments of how we expect God to just ‘fix it’…now! And WOW for the insight that wisdom is ‘action’. We need to be doing, sharing and working on God’s plan in our lives.
Bless you, Liz, and Susie for your gift of sharing and doing.
God’s wisdom is waiting on him and listening to the holy spirit’s direction. Thank you Liz for reminding me to slow down and wait on God.
I love the “whack-a-mole” analogy – it reminded me how often I send God quick prayers for immediate needs that might not be so critical if I took more time to seek His wisdom before acting. But I’m so grateful for the reminder that God loves me even when I rush ahead through life. He is always there waiting for me to seek Him – to seek his infinite wisdom. God is so good.
I’m reading through Proverbs right now, so this message is timely for me. Without God’s wisdom, I would be a fool (and I have been when I’ve ignored it or rebelled against it). I’m so thankful for God’s warnings and blessings in Proverbs, and that he is a generous giver of his wisdom! Thank you for your faithful encouragement, Liz!
Thanks for writing such a great article! I love the phrase “arrange your day” to spend time with God; which denotes a slower pace of living and having more “God focus” for my life. This is the best and only way of obtaining wisdom for living and for experiencing the peace of God!
Oh my, God’s wisdom! Where would I be without it? My choices, my perspective, my desires, they’re all mixed up because my flesh is all about self and the here and now. But His wisdom, His understanding, that’s where I find true contentment, peace, and joy. Praise the Lord for His patience and mercy to deliver His best to a rebellious daughter .
I just had a bit of an epiphany (I’m almost ashamed to admit). I grew up hearing people say, “Never pray for wisdom. It’s like praying for patience; you only get it through hard lessons.” Despite the fact that I have read James 1:5 many times, I’ve tended to follow that advice. Now, after reading this post, I have realized that that mindset is rooted in fear. God does not give us a spirit of fear, so that mindset is not from God, and it contradicts James 1:5. The verse doesn’t say that we CAN ask for wisdom–if we’re looking for adventure and are willing to take the risk. It says we SHOULD ask for wisdom if we lack it, and from God’s perspective that would apply to all of us. Not only that, but it comes with the promise that He will generously provide it without finding fault. There should be no fear in that! Bad things are going to happen either way, but wouldn’t it be better to know God’s path through them? Yes! Thanks for this post Liz and Susie; my soul has been revived.
God’s wisdom means that I have the power of the Holy Spirit to guide and direct my in my daily life. But, I have to surrender every day to Him and remember that power comes from Him, not my own efforts.
Considering the Source has been what seems a full time job that I feel is important and have since high school, I’m 32 now. I look at the wisdom that God teaches and then there is the human understanding of being wise in this Do-It-Yourself, protect yourself kind of world, and it dawns clearly just how important His Will and Pace in His Graces Are and how the wisdom from there covers the impediment of worldly suffering. I struggle to acknowledge Lords Will and Pace from day to day, Forgiveness is the treasure I think I am embarking upon, considering the Source. Thanks you all.
being taught the LORD’S way is the only way I was able to survive the
loss of my 18 yr old son. Those were days of sorrow & stuggle of unbelief but
I knew the LORD had a way for me to go forward. Moving forward by FAITH
I was able to be stronger in the LORD’S way. Not sure how each day
couldn’t begin with out the LORD’S way to guide me. Thank you for
listening. You are such a bless to me.
What a proposition. I think I’m going to spend more time thinking on it! The Lord has been gently leading me in this direction for a while. At the moment I am seeking His wisdom on how to have joy in waiting. My day needs a major overhaul!
It’s so simple. God and his Wisdom mean EVERYTHING to me.
Thank you for today’s blog.
For me, God’s Wisdom is His Word. He slowly reveals the various depths of His plan for me. He shows me Truths, and helps me grasp them to my understanding, and encourages me to accept them into my belief system. He also gives me opportunity to share what I have learned with friends, so that they too may have growth in their walk.
God speaks every time I read His Word, I just need to be open and ready to hear .
God’s wisdom is amazing! I trust that He knows what is best for me. He even cares about the “small stuff,” because He loves me. His answers are always in His time. Amazing!
I enjoyed your post so much today and needed the encouragement. God’s wisdom is amazing and always given at the right time. No matter how crazy the world around you gets, God is always in control.
I would love a copy of Susie’s book. Wisdom is what I need to ask of God when I don’t know what to do or say. Thank you Liz for your wonderful e-mails!
God’s wisdom to me means that I wake up each day saying, “what is on Your heart and in Your plans for me today, Father?” Giving the reins over to Him, shedding any doubts or fears over what He is asking me to do for Him this day. Knowing that His plans sre bigger and more important than any I make. Now to do this in my daily journey and put action into trusting Him in each day!
I am guilty of not using God’s wisdom with discernment, but hastily and without thinking many times. I pray for wisdom and discernment daily. Thankful God willingly gives it to me each day no matter how much I have failed him. So very thankful.
Waiting on His wisdom, particularly in regards to parenting my children, is an ongoing journey. When I do wait, I am pleasantly surprised at how God orchestrates circumstances or conversations that I could not have planned. I am amazed at His willingness and desire to be involved in the smallest details of my living.
I ask God to give me wisdom a lot! I think it’s hearing His voice on what to do, what to say… asking Him to give me a verse from His Word when I need to know something specific… God has never failed me yet when I’ve asked for it. Sometimes my kids will ask a question and I don’t even know if I know it, but out will pop His wisdom and the answer. I do get amazed! Thanks for the opportunity to win Susie’s book. Our women’s small group went through her book and DVD ‘Your Beautiful Purpose’ and we all learned so much. I can’t believe two of my favorite author’s know each other! Throw in Ann V. to this mix and I’m in Heaven with you three! Blessings to you Liz!
True wisdom only comes from Gods Love
God’s Wisdom means that he knows everything and that if he shares that wisdom, I will know what God knows. It’s very important to have Godly wisdom and I crave it everyday.
A great reminder to ask God for wisdom. It is not always the first thing we think to ask for but it is surly one of the most important. I am so glad that you pointed this out to me at just the right time in my life.
God’s wisdom to me means peace. Whenever I trust in it, I feel peace.
Learning that God’s wisdom is priceless pearls to be desired. His love gently wraps our soul & spirit & our trust in Him sets it ablaze.
God’s wisdom, to me, means a calmer, more peaceful outcome in every situation.
I needed to read this. I am seeking to live at a slower pace. I do experience and connect with God more. I’m calmer and more attentive to my children. I am capable of doing a lot but am enjoying being still a lot more.
Trusting in God’s wisdom helps me to find balance and peace, as I adjust and adapt to the daily challenges of being a Mummy to a very active little toddler, who often wakes many times during the night! I certainly don’t achieve it every day!!!
In God’s wisdom, He sometimes says, “No” or “Not Yet” or “Let this go.” I want to be more like Job, who said, “The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.”
I love I Corinthians 1:25 “For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” As we understand more of His Word and who He is, we obtain wisdom. As we walk closer to our Savior, He freely provides greater wisdom – not the wisdom of this world, but His wisdom. The world may disagree, but I don’t want to please the world, I want to please my Father!
Gods wisdom is peace in the storm; truth in persecution; strength in loss; and courage in emptiness. The last few years of struggles with my husband’s job and mine have left us both bitter toward the people involved. We go through the day without mentioning the “elephant” in the room hoping that with time the hurt will leave us. God’s wisdom tells me that we have to give it all to Him. He is better equipped to handle the mess than we are…… Since He made us I guess He knows what we need and can handle these setbacks! Praise His holy name!
God’s wisdom is something I find myself asking for on a regular basis, only to catch myself later rushing on ahead with all that I have to do, for all that I have to do for. I find that after asking, I haven’t waited to hear His voice.
I love how you always point us back to God and His word. The thoughts from Susan were very encouraging. I love the thoughts around arranging my day to rest in God’s plan. A new day full if His mercies and redemptive possibilities.
God’s wisdom means I don’t have to figure it out on my own. He’s got it covered, I just have to ask Him.
You said it perfectly. If we stop to ask Him before we say “yes”, then He will bless that answer and give the strength and knowledge of how to do the task the best way it should be done.
Thanks for that reminder.
I am the queen at running ahead, trying to please everyone and doing it on my own. It is so important for my life to seek the Lord early in the morning and ask Him to establish my plans and wait on His direction. When things seem out of balance it is a red flag I am not in God’s will. Thankful His mercies are new every morning!!
God’s Wisdom is the fuel in my life tank….I rely on His
Promises…oh how I need Him daily, hourly and continually.
Thanks! I am impulsive and have learned (and am still learning) patience. God’s wisdom for me often is to keep my mouth closed. Pray before speaking & think before actions. Especially at work sometimes with special middle school students and teachers. Bless Liz & Susie,
Wisdom…just what I needed today. I have been frantically trying to get people signed up for my favorite singles Christian retreat, and I feel like the man in the Bible wanting his banquet filled up and no one was coming. After reading this article I realize that ONCE AGAIN I AM TRYING TO DO IT IN MY OWN STRENGTH. I need wisdom with how to share and plant seeds but to leave the GROWTH TO GOD.
Dear Liz,
I can’t tell you how much your devotionals have meant to me. You don’t know me but you have blessed me in many ways. I have been a member at Southeast Christian Church for 25 yrs. I have been married for 31 yrs this yr. I just found out that my husband has been having an affair on my anniversary in April. So I have had a really hard time with understanding why this would happened. But I prayed that God would help me fix the problems in my marriage and God showed me what the problem was and why I couldn’t fix it because my husband was lying to me and to God. I have seen how Satan can get ahold of your mind and tell you that things are okay when they are not and if you do not truly have God in your heart you are going to listen to Satan. And unfortunately my husband chose to hurt God thru me and that has been the hardest thing for me to accept. He dishonored our wedding vows and I had no control over it. It’s really sad that someone your trusted for so long could do this. But God has been faithful to me and has given me his beautiful grace and taught me his beautiful patience and kindness each second of the day even when I was ready to give up and I was a total blubbering fool he held me and made me understand that everything would be okay. That he knows what he is doing. That the best is yet to come for me. To have faith in him and walk with him and just be held and we will make it together. So I thank you for all the encouraging words to reinforce what God tells me every second of the day. That he loves me and he will take care of me even when my heart is breaking. That we can do this together!
God bless you for all that you do!!
Leslie Weber
His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and his ways are higher than our ways. I don’t always remember that, but I know that if I will follow after him that he gives all the wisdom I need.
Wisdom is having a good attitude. Webster says attitude is a position,
standpoint, viewpoint or posture. Hmmm, my position is in Christ, by
the grace of God. My standpoint is on Him. My viewpoint is ideally
from behind the cross and I hope my posture reflects Jesus.
Been seeking more peace. Your words today encouraged me.
Thank You Liz for this post and for sharing the words and book of another lady. I love your post for the realness you share. How we all struggle to truly “Love God and others” Your posts have been such a blessing to me as I struggled this year with the death of my Honey and now foot surgery and Praise God a trip coming up to Haiti for a medical mission. I have been planted in a chair and bed in order to listen to God and to read my Bible and dwell on the Wisdom of God.. I have had to “Wait upon the Lord”. Thank You again and I am so excited to hear you at Gull Lake with my sister and friends.
So many times we miss God’s wisdom because we are too busy. I remember a few years back when I was praying for God’s wisdom. In a Bible study we took a test to find out our spiritual gifts. I scored high on wisdom. Higher than I thought I would! I blurted out “God gave me wisdom and I didn’t even notice! “
Dear Liz,
You are truly an Encourager and let God use you in a very powerful way. I really need to rely more on God’s Wisdom, because he knows al things and knows what is best for me. I do know that deep in my heart but putting it into practice on a daily basis is hard. Life, Satan and my desires many times get in the way.
Keep encouraging us each week to really listen to God. He speaks to us so many ways. We just have to listen and be aware.
Thank you, Liz
God’s wisdom means guidance in my daily walk with him. It tells me
how I should live my life and gives me answers to life problems. He
is my rock and salvation.
God’s wisdom is given freely in His word for all who take time to read His word. We keep it secret from ourselves when we don’t seek it out. Then it must be acted upon or it is useless to the one who reads it. It would be good to sift all actions, habits, and choices of interactions with people and God through His prescribed wisdom. Older people may have accumulated more wisdom than a youth over the years, but that is not always the case. I hope I am growing wiser as my gray hair becomes more prominent!
Wisdom brings us in harmony with ourselves, giving us a sense of
self-worth and inner peace. This inner peace is achieved because we
are acting in accordance with our consciences and avoiding the shame
and guilt of following our baser instincts.
I have decades of failings by using my wisdom & not waiting on Him. He has this wonderful plan for my life, that uses my skills, gifts & desires. Asking & waiting on His wisdom will give me direction without failure as an outcome. There is no failure with God’s plan. And the more I learn His heart, the more my heart is overcome with the amount of His love & desire for me. I’d like to learn more via Sister Larson ‘ s book & avoid more mistakes of my making.
I’m so thankful for God’s Wisdom because we have none on our own. As I trust God in my life, He pours His Wisdom into my being. I agree with James when he tells us to ask God if we need wisdom. He wants to give me wisdom, and I am grateful! Thank you Jesus!
Wisdom to me is Jesus. What I would do if he personally dropped by and sat down and had a word with me. God’s Perfect Will for my life. But, I have to ask for Wisdom. It is a person, JESUS!! He always has the answer to what I need.
Wisdom is going to God in prayer as a 1st step rather than waiting until nothing else works and then going to Him in prayer. It’s been a learning process, but I am beginning to start with prayer instead of running to someone else for advice 1st. It’s giving me more peace about my decisions. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the book. Looks great!
God’s wisdom provides me with peace like no other. I always know when I am feeling anxious about a decision, I have not asked for God’s wisdom to guide me. I need to seek His wisdom in all decisions, big and small.
Having God’s wisdom is an ability to understand better than I could ever comprehend on my own. It would provide a better ability to love without conditions, and give Grace when I don’t feel like giving it.
God’s wisdom for me is becoming more clear, I need to talk to Him every day, all day. When I have a decision to make, talk to God, wait for an answer and be patient as He knows what His plans are for me. When I am approached to do for others, pray with God for the best answer or best “yes”. I have just heard about Susie Larson and anxious to read one of her books and possibly share as a bible study with my church group.
I am learning to wait on God and not answer my prayers – – which has proven messy every time – – for Him.
Thanks so much for sharing this! Of all the gifts in the Bible, the one I’ve wanted the most in my life is wisdom. It is my heart’s desire to honor God with all I am, and I long for His Guidance in every area of my life.
God’s wisdom is something I seek after- it does help to place things in my day to point me in his direction- such as bible study. If I didn’t purpose to do this I would constantly be walking in my own wisdom and not seeking His. Great article! Thanks
I have to be honest Liz,
The last two years of my life I have not ask God for any wisdom at all I’ve been running, searching , and just surviving . Two years ago at this time I was caring for my father who passed away on June 15 , 2013 . During that time I was bleeding horribly , that pleading with God for answers of why my mom didn’t care for my dad he was sick , with now softening heart I realized she couldn’t she’s a manic-depressive. I put myself’s, and my health as well as my family on the back burner while I got everything in order contacting everyone about my dad’s death . Electric company, homeowners insurance , life insurance etc. . In that time I continued bleeding and still was not caring for myself physically, emotionally, mentally hanging on by a thread not asking God for wisdom . I then went to the doctors for my condition and was put on birth control pills, hormones in my bleeding still continued eight months after that I went in for surgery for polyps in my uterus , still did not pay for wisdom was pushing through my own world like a whirlwind still putting my family on the back burner . Six weeks after my polyp surgery I had to go in for an emergency hysterectomy due to the fact that I was losing so much blood . At this point I didn’t even think about opening my Bible , yes I shot up prayers of please and why’s but did not spend any time with HIM . After my hysterectomy and because of losing so much blood I was so exhausted and had to wake up in the morning, and My goal was just to make it to the couch with my pillow and blanket . Still not able to emotionally or physically take care of my family . And my family was taking care of my mother … The more I live the more distant I became from the Lord , yes reading his word but it was not pouring into my heart from my mind like it should have . About three months after my hysterectomy I started having horrible pain in my left hip . I could not sleep on my left side at night with excruciating I had to go in for an MRI and it showed that my left gluteus medias tendon snapped . So then on December 16 of 2014 I went in for emergency surgery and my tendon. Or then my surgeon drilled three holes in my hipbone , stretched up by tendon and repaired it . I was not able to put any weight on my leg/foot from December of 2014 till March of 2015 . April 1 I started with my walker putting weight on my left leg again . In total pain physically, emotionally, mentally , I was crying out to God why ? Why ? Did you take my father whom was the apple of My eye and I his ? Why Lord did my mom not step up and watch my father died before her eyes as I did ? Why have I gone through hell the last two years with a polyp surgery, hysterectomy, and a tendon surgery ? All in a year ? Why am I the only one out of four girls who taking care of her mother? Why is my mother helpless , bipolar , why have I always had to be the parent ? You See Liz I am still wondering in the desert with my why’s to God. Yes, I am reading my Bible every night , and my devotions every morning . I decided to read the book of Acts again figuring , well Paul Went through his suffering after turning his heart to the church and to Jesus. Figuring I need to start there again back at number one. Through all of this I have only been able to go to church three times since December due to the pain of my last surgery . Wanting to go every Sunday the enemy attacks and wears me down was pain, or disaster right before I start to get ready . I pray this Sunday is my first day back . I have not made it to church on Sundays but my family has and I praise God for that . After reading your devotional my last why is , why Lord did you take my best friend home who suffered with bone cancer for five years ? She passed away this April 8 , 2015 . Some would say and do say while Paula you’ve been through so much but you still have your faith. Do I ? Yes absolutely . I still have my Jesus , who I turned to daily I pray for strength , I pray for peace and joy in my life and healing as I have also suffered from neuropathy in my lower legs , and still continue for over 13 years now . But the one thing I have not been praying for his wisdom. It seems like my life is endless pain physically, emotionally, and mentally . But I tell my children all the time years from now the last thing on my lips as I passed away I’ll be the name of Jesus . I will not let the enemy steal that from me . So in closing as I read your devotional this morning I realized what I have not been praying for his wisdom , wisdom on what to do in my life , wisdom on what God has for me , and what is next . I am not following my own words to my children ask……ask Him for wisdom and HE will tell you what to do . I ask that all that read this post please pray for me , that I will continually pray for wisdom in my life . Please Jesus give me wisdom. Thank you for listening and reading it felt really good to get this out my heart , my mind and my soul . Thank you Liz for all you do for us women who read your devotional’s and wait for you to post them . May the Lord bless you all, and let us all pray for wisdom . In HIM , Paula ….
Placerville, Ca.
Susie’s message spoke to me. I needed to be reminded of where I need to go before I say “yes”. Thanks Liz.
To me, God’s wisdom when dealing with others means listening closely to actually hear what is being said, weighing my words carefully and not spitting the first thing out of my mouth that comes to mind, being quiet with God. Do I always succeed? Heavens no but our God is a forgiving God. To Him be glory and honor forever and ever.
I love the statement, “when we wait on Him, we stay in step with Him”. I have the tendency to run ahead and not wait on God. That is when I do not take the time to pray and read His Word. That is when I miss out on His wisdom and I trip over my own two feet and fall flat on my face. If I take the time to pray and find out what He has to say, then I will be in step with Him.
If it were not for God and His infinite wisdom I know I would not be in this world today. Every day I never miss the opportunity to ask God for his wisdom, guidance and gift of words so I’ll learn how to respond to many folks who might need a kind word in a rush rush world and to spread His word to folks who don’t know it but they long for God.
Thanks to you, Liz Curtis Higgs and all the folks who in some way have entered my life. I am humbly grateful.
As I look back through the tapestry of my life, I see that my Lord has always worked things perfectly for my good. I am forever amazed when He answers prayer after prayer of mine, His unworthy child. I stand in awe of His promise to guide me with His perfect wisdom, and prayerfully seek that wisdom. I thank my Savior with a grateful heart for His patience and understanding while each day crying “Help me Lord!”
Liz, first I’m SO EXCITED to see you at Gull Lake Ladies Days!! The last time you were there, I was in a wheelchair, going through chemo for breast cancer. But that wasn’t going to keep me away from hearing a fresh Word from the Lord through you. Or the laughter & fellowship I so desperately needed.
I can joyfully say I’m 3 years cancer free. I know I’m going to be on my knees daily asking for wisdom. Because the Lord whispered to me once, and nudged me a 2nd time, to start a Cancer Support Group at our church. Now, I can teach….2nd graders. But this is a whole other jar of pickles! I know: WITHOUT His wisdom, love, grace, mercy, discernment, compassion, faithfulness, I am nothing, and labor in vain!
So pray for me please. Right now I have 1 leg swung out of the boat, and there’s no gettin’ back in! May all the glory be His!
LOVE your books! My favorite part of Mary Magdeline is after He has risen, meets Mary, says her name, and she realizes it is Him. Gives me goosey bumps every time. Your writing/studies makes me look at scripture in a whole new way. Thanks for the bumps!
Liz, I have so enjoyed reading your books and gained wisdom, truth and humor in life. I’ve been searching the Bible for God’s promises to gain wisdom from His promises for my family, for me personally, and how I share God’s gifts to others. We (I) need more wisdom each day by asking God to guide my path and open my eyes to the things He wants me to see. Susie’s book, “Your Sacred Yes” sounds like a must-read to help me gain the wisdom God has for me each day and how to share His wisdom with others.
God’s wisdom, for me, means that I am in tune with Him. Above all else, I am seeking and listening to His voice, desiring His guidance, and following faithfully, no matter what. When no one else can see the full picture, you know that He is the only one who is fully trustworthy and worth obeying against all odds! He alone is faithful, and He will see us through according to His good purpose and for His glory. He loves us, and He is with us, always.
Thanks, Liz. Enjoyed this post and was greatly encouraged!
Blessings, in Christ.
This was so helpful to me today. What does God’s wisdom mean to me? It means I can have peace knowing God holds me in the palm of his hand. I don’t have to have all the answers. He already has them.
I’m so incredibly grateful that God promises that we can ask…and He GIVES wisdom to me. When I lean on my own understanding, it is potentially messy! When I wait on the Lord and listen for His wisdom, I can rest, knowing He has the best waiting for me! Thank you for sharing the Lord with us, Liz!
Considering this weekend I am in a vigil for my 4 month old great nephew who is being treated for a tumor on his lung on a respirator. Wisdom is necessary and being reminded that God at His weakest is stronger than anything man can throw at a problem is indeed a blissful thought.
Thank you for letting Susie minister to me.
God’s incomparable wisdom means I do not have figure anything out.
I do not have to fix anything. He’s got it!
Wow- this is what I needed to hear today! Love this line: when we’re sloppy with our yes we miss out on God’s best. A few months ago my ladies Bible study group did “Best Yes” by Lysa Turkeurst. Your blog (and I’m thinking Susie’s book) confirm all the principles we learned in the study. Thanks Liz!
God’s wisdom for me means that I am deliberately stopping from the activities of life and taking time to listen to his voice. His wisdom speaks loudly as I sit still with my Bible before me reading His words. It is putting aside what I think and feel to seek what He thinks about my circumstances. It is waiting patiently for Him!