The 20 Verses You Love Most: #6 Just Stop

The 20 Verses You Love Most | Liz Curtis Higgs

You’ll find it on mouse pads and magnets, travel mugs and tee shirts, wall art and water bottles. The words of King David. The words Martin Luther needed to hear when someone brought him discouraging news. “Come,” he said, “let us sing the forty-sixth psalm.”

Here’s why.

“Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10

Be Still and Know

Be Still and Know...

Be Still and Know...

“Be still,… “ Psalm 46:10

As soothing as those words may sound, God means them as a gentle but firm reproof. “Calm down” (CEV), he says, Father to child. “That’s enough!” (CEB).

Perhaps because David had just finished battling his enemies when he wrote this psalm, God was speaking very pointedly. “Stop fighting” (ERV), “cease striving” (NASB), and “desist” (YLT).

Okay, then. It’s clear we are to lay down our weapons and trust God for the victory, which will certainly be his.

I can almost sense the weight of his hands on my shoulders. You too?
Is he holding us back? Or pulling us closer? Yes.

The Hebrew word, raphah, literally means “sink” or “relax,” like the butterfly perched on the leaf or the caterpillar balanced on the stem. The Lord says, “Let go of your concerns!” (GW).

We nod in agreement, even as we hang onto those concerns with both hands. If we don’t worry about our parents’ health, who will? If we don’t fret over our children’s future, who will? If we don’t agonize over life’s disappointments, big and small, who will?

God will. That’s what he wants us to understand.

Be Still and Know...

Be Still and Know...

Be Still and Know...

“…and know… “ Psalm 46:10

Only when we stop striving and “take a long, loving look” (MSG) can we “recognize” (AMP) the truth about God. About his mighty power and his matchless strength. About his sovereignty, now and forever.

Only when we seek the mind of Christ can we “know” (GW).
Only when we remain still can we “see” (VOICE).
Only when we admit we don’t understand can we “learn” (CEV).

Have you ever said, “I know that I know that I know”? That’s what we’re talking about here. Absolute conviction. Unwavering certainty.

Be Still and Know...

Be Still and Know...

Be Still and Know...

“…that I am God;… “ Psalm 46:10

Not just any god with a small g, but “the True God” (VOICE). In Hebrew, elohim is a plural word. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The whole of God. All of God.

Elsewhere in his Word we’re reminded “the Lord is God” (Psalm 100:3) and “there is no other” (Deuteronomy 4:35).

Look no further. Search no longer. Seek no more.

Be still. Believe.

Be Still and Know...

Be Still and Know...

Be Still and Know...

“…I will be exalted among the nations,… “ Psalm 46:10

This isn’t followed by a disclaimer: if things turn out as God plans or if we don’t blow up the planet. No, it’s going to happen. “All nations on earth will honor me” (CEV), God declares. He will “rule the nations” (GW) and be “exalted among the heathen” (GNV).

Wow. Even those who have looked in the wrong direction? Yes. “At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:10-11).

“…I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10

If a person ever said such a thing, we would shrink back in disgust. What pride! What hubris! What an ego!

But this is God speaking, the One who stands “supreme” (GNT) and “above everything” (MSG). He rightly claims, “I am exalted throughout the world!” (CEB).

Oh, Lord. “Who is like you—majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?” (Exodus 15:11). We know the answer. No one is like our God.

Each photo in this post (taken during my journey through New Zealand) is meant to capture something the Lord created for our pleasure and for his glory. He made the smallest fern and the tallest mountain, the sheep in the pasture and the swans on the lake. He also made running streams, wispy clouds, and icy glaciers from the waters that cover the earth. “And God saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:9).

Then the Lord created you. “And it was very good” (Genesis 1:31). Do you believe that about yourself? Because he does. God knew what he was doing the day he made you, and he knows what he is doing now.

The God who formed all 12,316 feet of Mount Cook? This is a God you can trust.

Be Still and Know...

Now it’s your turn

So, beloved. Will you cease striving and be still? Can you stop fighting and rest in God’s mighty strength?

To share your thoughts, just add your response under Post a Comment at the bottom. Bless you for taking a moment to do so. I read and cherish each one, and so do others.

Next time we’ll hop over to the New Testament and unpack #5 of the verses you love. We know this one by heart. But do our lives reflect the truth of it? Let’s find out.

Your sister, Liz

Your Sister in Christ, Liz Curtis Higgs

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The Girl's Still Got It | Liz Curtis HiggsBad Girls of the Bible | Liz Curtis Higgs   The Women of Christmas | Liz Curtis Higgs






71 Responses to The 20 Verses You Love Most: #6 Just Stop

  1. Sarah July 31, 2013 at 1:49 pm #

    I should have read this first thing this morning. I lost my job today. It wasn’t particularly a job I wanted to do the rest of my life, but it wasn’t bad. Mt first thoughts were, “I have a car payment,” “I’m getting married in less than two months, how am I supposed to pay for that?” You have no idea how much of a comfort this verse is to me right now.

    • Bridget August 1, 2013 at 9:12 am #

      Dear Sarah, I recently lost a job too, so I understand your anxiety. I made a conscious choice to see it as God having a new plan for my life instead of completely panicking (which isn’t to say that I didn’t panic at all of course!) – and guess what, he did! In a matter of days, a friend said she had been wanting me to come work with her and was so glad that now I could. I pray that you find comfort in knowing that God has a new and better plan in store for you too! Blessings.

    • Ruth August 1, 2013 at 8:15 pm #

      Sarah, this is my favourite verse for exactly the reasons given. I am comforted because I know He always has my back – and yours too! Keep trusting leaning on Him. It may look daunting at times but He really does know what you need and will provide for you. xo

  2. Julie Sunne July 31, 2013 at 3:26 pm #

    Breathtakingly beautiful photographs, Liz, to accompany a wonderful verse of God’s faithfulness and power. Thank you for the magnificent job you did laying it open for us to rest in.

    • Ginetta August 2, 2013 at 6:01 pm #

      As soon as I saw the photos and before reading Liz’ commentary, I knew they were of my beautiful country! Thanks Liz for reminding me of how much I have and that its his plan for me that matters most!

  3. Karen DeArmond Gardner August 1, 2013 at 8:32 am #

    Powerful. You unpacked it and revealed the truth of who he is and I now have a clear understanding why he gave me this verse for this year.
    Be still. Know me.

  4. Anna Batten August 1, 2013 at 8:40 am #

    Thank you Liz for being the willing servant of God that you are! I absolutely needed this reminder of His power and might! And yet it also reminded me that in all His mighty creations that so gloriously display His power He is the gentle and kind Father who sees to the butterfly and caterpillar and even to little old me! I’ve been struggling with the loss of my mother, I know she’s with Jesus but it doesn’t stop the sting of death from touching my heart… I’m the oldest of my siblings and I’ve been trying to hold them up in their grief and be strong for them but after reading this today, it’s time for me to allow God’s strength to take over and stop my striving to be all of that and more to them. He can take care of them much better than me! Thanks again for your labor of love teachings! Love, Anna

    • Annette Bergman August 1, 2013 at 9:09 am #

      I can assure you that the loss of a mother is the hardest thing you will ever go through. My prayers are with you. I still want to pick up the phone and call my Mom and she passed in 1984. May in find peace in God and your memories.
      Annette Bergman

    • Liz Curtis Higgs August 1, 2013 at 11:41 am #

      Sweet Anna, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. Yes, do trust the Lord carry those you love, even as he helps you work through this difficult time. They say time is a great healer, yet we know the Lord is the best healer of all.

    • Ruth August 1, 2013 at 8:21 pm #

      Anna, my mum is also with Jesus so I can empathise with you. I am the youngest sibling but found that I too needed to support my brothers and sisters. I found that reminding myself of God’s love for us all and knowing she is walking with Him was my foundation in my grief. He gently held us all and brought us through our grief to having lovely memories. At times there are still tears but they don’ t break my heart anymore and I am so looking forward to seeing my mum again when my time arrives to be with Jesus. xo

  5. Marquita Kimmel August 1, 2013 at 8:42 am #

    Saying, “I know that I know that I know” is a lot different than saying, “I know, I know, I know.” Thanks for the photos and your insight.

  6. Delores August 1, 2013 at 8:43 am #

    Yes, it is 5:30 am and I was awoken by such worry (finances, our daughters future, unsaved family members, the list goes on ). Grabbed my phone to check my email and opened to read your post. Such truth in Psalm 46:10, this even hangs in my dressing area. So simple and thank God for reminding us to do this.

  7. Cindy August 1, 2013 at 8:45 am #

    Thank you Liz, for the scriptures I needed this morning. You always bring the scriptures to life and put them in the here and now. I love that about your lessons. I wish you were coming to Louisiana, I would love to see you in person!

  8. Wanda Dennis August 1, 2013 at 8:45 am #

    WOW! This past sunday, my husband of 25 years almost went home to the Lord. He had an allergic reaction and was going into cardiac distress. I have worried endlessly these last few days that it will happen again. Today I will believe and trust God that he brought my husband through and will keep him safe. God is so very wonderful to each of us and I am so very blessed to be His child!

    • Liz Curtis Higgs August 1, 2013 at 11:43 am #

      Little wonder you gave in to your worries and fears, Wanda. Bless your heart, and your husband’s! May the Lord give you both his perfect peace this day.

    • Ruth August 1, 2013 at 8:23 pm #

      Wanda, praising with you that hubby is getting better! xo

  9. Gwen August 1, 2013 at 8:50 am #

    Being still is so difficult for me, but the Lord keeps bringing that point home. I am learning to abide moment by moment, even though my tendency is to have the day, the week, the month, the year mapped out WAY ahead of time. Thanks for the encouraging word!

    • Brenna Camp August 1, 2013 at 8:19 pm #

      This summer God is calling me to my third year of homeschooling and to change the method/approach I have been using. I feel overwhelmed, uncertain, and exhausted from all the “striving” I have done. I have been forced to “cease striving” because my body and mind will no longer keep going! I soooo long to feel His peace right now and I am struggling, because I feel God calling me to this and my husband says he is supportive, but we are not on the same page. It is very difficult. I am questioning why God would call me to something and then it feel sooooo hard! It does not make sense, which is why I need to “lean not on my own understanding, but in all my ways acknowledge Him.” I feel that if I don’t “worry, plan, worry, plan” then I will fail at this. Thanks for listening.

      • Ruth August 1, 2013 at 8:25 pm #

        Brenna, wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you to know the directions God has for you and that you and your hubby will know His peace through it all. xo

  10. Barbara Bonforte August 1, 2013 at 8:57 am #

    Boy did I need to hear this message. I’m a real worrier….about everything and everything. The most current “worry” I have is about having lost my house to Super Storm Sandy….Lots of real worries and some I manufacture in my head. OK…it’s time to give it all over to God…..He can handle things so much better than I can. Thanks Liz for having this web site. So many of us have been comforted by it!!!

  11. Cynthia August 1, 2013 at 8:58 am #

    Thank you Liz! It’s exactly what I needed this morning! This is a favorite verse of mine..thank you for really breaking it down! God is in control…despite all my efforts…”He’s got this”….

  12. Linda H August 1, 2013 at 8:58 am #

    When I lay down my weapons I feel I need for the battles, and cease striving so hard I will truly know Him! This spoke to me today as I run so fast and carry my burdens. No wonder there are days when I can’t see or feel His peace…when I lack trust! I have had this verse underlined in my Bible, but today Liz thank you for breaking it down that helped me to see it in a whole new way! Loved your Bible study in Edmond, Ok. I so appreciate your honesty and love your humor. You lifted my spirits that night.

  13. Sue August 1, 2013 at 9:00 am #

    Lately I have been overwhelmed with grief over the way our country is going. your message has given me some peace. He is in-charge and has it under control.!

  14. Jaime August 1, 2013 at 9:00 am #

    I recently had to confront a dear friend regarding a sin issue. I know God led me to do so. She excused away the chain of behaviors. My heart is broken for her, but I know that God has her in the palm of His hand and I can trust Him to work this out for his ultimate glory. Thank you for reminding me to let go of worry.

  15. Tammy Hope August 1, 2013 at 9:01 am #

    Loved this! I so needed this at this point in my life where all summer I have seen one bad thing happen and then another, but Wow! God is God and in total control, I need to rest in Him and thank Him that He will handle it all and will be praised by every one!

  16. irene talaasen August 1, 2013 at 9:02 am #

    In the midst of awful turmoil today I needed to hear Psalm 46:1 Pray that we see the hugeness of our Great God at work in our family today!!

  17. Heidi Jones August 1, 2013 at 9:12 am #

    Loved this. 🙂

  18. Annette Bergman August 1, 2013 at 9:17 am #

    Today’s message is exactly what I needed to read…now if I can just remember it all day long. My life is such a mess right now. My husband is 19 years older than I am. In the last nine months I have nursed him through a broken hip, a total knee replacement, and most recently a stroke. The stroke has almost put me over the edge. He wouldn’t have received an award for his charming personality when he was well and now it is almost impossible to please him. I want to run away and I would appreciate any prayers that are lifted up for both of us. I want to cry all the time. I hope to see you again in Indianapolis this month. Thank you for being you. What a blessing you are to so many women.

    • Rebecca August 1, 2013 at 10:29 am #

      Oh wow Annette. That sounds like a handful. Have you read Power of a Praying Wife? Highly recommend it. Praying for you!

    • Liz Curtis Higgs August 1, 2013 at 11:49 am #

      SO much to deal with, Annette. I think all of us can identify with wanting to run away when life gets hard. Might you picture instead running into God’s embrace? He can handle your tears, your frustrations, and your fears for the future. He can love your husband through you. He can and will do all the things we can’t do. Honored to pray for you, absolutely.

    • Ellen August 1, 2013 at 7:41 pm #

      Annette, know that you are never alone. God is with you always and I will add my prayers to those of many others who are praying for you and your husband. I, too, am one who wants to help my family, sometimes at the expense of my own health. Be still, Annette, and know that God truly is in charge. You might also want to consider speaking to your pastor or a good counselor. You cannot carry this burden alone. God bless.

    • Brenna Camp August 1, 2013 at 8:22 pm #

      Anette, I know how difficult marriage struggles can be. I am praying for you. Try to get out of the house and take care of yourself, as Jesus withdrew from the crowds, too. I am having some marital struggles of my own, too. It is so hard to be a caretaker/wife/ (mom?) and juggle everything when you feel unappreciated and unsupported. I am praying for you and my soul is connecting with yours.

    • Cathy Gross August 2, 2013 at 7:06 am #

      Every one of us feels like running away sometimes. gosh, who really wants to stay here and suffer alone? So go for it…run to Jesus every day, a hundred times a day. Sit for a minute and see it in your mind. You running into His arms. You running into the throne room and climbing up on your Father’s lap. You dancing with the Holy Spirit. I get tickled seeing it as I write it. It will bring you joy. Praying that your husband sees that joy and wants it for himself. Praying for you.

  19. Kathy August 1, 2013 at 9:19 am #

    Oh my! Catching up after being on vacation without my iPad. My idea! What’s wrong with me! Hehehe. No. – my time was full of “be still and KNOW that I am God”. So glad this was the verse this week. Thanks Liz, Bless you! This scripture sets on my fireplace mantle in my kitchen .

  20. Birdie Cutair August 1, 2013 at 9:24 am #

    I love the photographs, too. They are very quieting to my spirit today. Thanks, Liz!

  21. Debbie August 1, 2013 at 9:33 am #

    Thank you for the message for today. Really made me stop, take a deep breath and realize that God is in control and he has a plan for me.

  22. Michelle August 1, 2013 at 9:49 am #

    Sitting here with tears running down my face. This is just what I needed today. My dad just had open heart surgery and my mom has dementia. No matter how hard I try to “fix” it, I can’t. But, God has it in His hands. He’s got it taken care of. They are His. He can use me as He sees fit, but I know I just need to “be still”, rest in His strength as you said, and remember that my mom and dad are His. Thanks, Liz. You are a blessing.

    • Brenna Camp August 1, 2013 at 8:23 pm #

      thanks for sharing your faith. It is a blessing to me right now.

    • Ruth August 1, 2013 at 8:32 pm #

      Michelle, oh how I feel for you. I will be supporting you in prayer and trusting you will be able to lean on Him knowing he has all you need. Blessings to you xo

      • Michelle August 2, 2013 at 2:48 pm #

        Thank you, Ruth. God is great all the time! God bless you, too.

  23. Janet Prox August 1, 2013 at 10:10 am #

    This is so like home to me. When I see the mountains, I just feel His majesty and power. I love visiting the mountains because I feel especially close to God when there. Your pictures always add so much to your lessons and are so related to the subject. New Zealand is a very beautiful country in its ruggedness and really espresses God’s creativeness. Great lesson. Thanks.

  24. Rhonda August 1, 2013 at 10:16 am #

    Oh how this spoke to me today too. A Dad with Parkinson’s, a son freshly out of a divorce, and 2 best friends with cancer. I scramble around trying and hoping I can do or say something to make these situations better when as these verses say all I really need to do is “Be still”…let God BE in control (as he is) and me not think I can fix it. I so love all of your postings. Thanks be to God that He has provided your work as an inspiration to many.

  25. Pam August 1, 2013 at 10:17 am #

    As a Catechist in the Catechisis of the Good Shepherd program, I taught the children a song at the start every week. Together we sang ‘Be still and know that I am God’…that was several years ago. I am reminded to continue to sing that song…each and every day.

  26. Kathy August 1, 2013 at 10:20 am #

    I also find your photos breathtakingly beautiful and a feast for the eyes. What an awesome God to have made so many beautiful places and amazing creatures for us to enjoy! I am so touched by your words and the comments of everyone. It is so comforting to hear the words and be reminded again to “Be still and know that I am God”.

  27. Rebecca August 1, 2013 at 10:26 am #

    I loved reading this, but as I read I kept thinking ” Yes, but …” Yes, but. I have been a Jesus girl for 30 years. I know Him, I love Him, I know his word (although I have only scratched the surface). So when things come up over which I have no control (sickness, death, other people, accidents, natural disasters), I have a fairly firm faith. But money? Forget it. Our bills far outweigh our income. My husband is in a job he can’t really get out of, and has a ministry there so he doesn’t feel led to leave. I work from home in sales. Commission only. Some months, I make enough to pay the bills and then some. Other months, I’m thousands short. Overall, I make a good income for the hours I work, but it is not enough. Did I mention this is also a huge ministry? We don’t live extravagantly at all. There is nothing else we can sell or downsize to make a big enough difference. So my struggle with this “stop striving” business is that “striving” is my job! I have control, somewhat, over my income. Make more calls, do more presentations (being gone away from family at night), do more marketing, go here, do this. I could work 24 hours a day to make more money. So this is my dilemma. God wants me to be still and let Him worry about it all, but I can’t quit my job. If I make this call, I might make $200 more and be able to pay another bill. Does this make any sense? I also have been applying for jobs. Lots and lots of jobs. I don’t know if I’m spinning my wheels and this is what God is wanting me to stop, or if I really do need to take a 2nd job to make ends meet. Then there is the spending aspect of this worry for me. If I feed the family peanut butter and jelly every day, I will have more money to pay more bills. I could sell my modest car and get a clunker but then be putting us in danger.This is all a constant war in my mind.

    Anyone else struggle with worry over finances?

    • Liz Curtis Higgs August 1, 2013 at 12:05 pm #

      Rebecca, I have SO BEEN THERE. Totally get what you are saying. When the Lord tells us, “Stop striving,” I don’t believe he means sit around and wait for the phone to ring. :>) I do believe he means for us to relax in our spirit and trust him as we work.

      People can hear “striving”–that is to say, desperation, exhaustion, frustration–in our voices, and may pull away rather than be drawn toward whatever you are offering them. Make the call, but trust the Lord. Pray before, during, and after the call. Fill your heart with his Word between calls. Make your work a worship experience (read Brother Lawrence’s “Practicing His Presence” for a great example).

      I am not a fan of prosperity teaching. God gives as he pleases and blesses whom he chooses. But we can NEVER go wrong trusting him, honoring him, praising him.

      The “constant war in your mind” is with the enemy of your soul. Send him packing before you start calling. He has no place in your house or in your life.

      Leaving you with a favorite passage that helps me keep my thoughts focused on Christ:
      “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23-24

      • Ruth August 1, 2013 at 8:40 pm #

        Oh I sooooo agree with Liz on this! I too understand exactly what you are living through! We too have made adjustments – sold our home, downsized, adjusting our food etc etc etc all to make our money stretch miles further than we ever imagined it would or could!
        Trusting God is the ONLY thing that has brought us peace and believe me at times this was so far in the distance we thought we would be crying, angry, sad, scared and totally “unchristian” in our attitude towards God and what we were living through.
        I tell Satan to RACK OFF whenever he comes bugging me in my mind. It is wonderful how effective this can be 🙂 sometimes I have needed to do this a number of times during the day when he has persisted with trying to make me feel awful. But believe me it works!!!!
        I’ll be praying for you 🙂 xo

    • Eleanor August 1, 2013 at 12:47 pm #

      Little about me: I was an executive with a publicly owned company. I had an income which allowed me to rent an apartment in the cites where I was sent as well as paying the mortgage on my house in my home state. In 2011, my mother who is in her 70’s had a stroke, I had to move back to be available. She had been providing childcare for one of my grandchildren. I needed to take over that for my youngest daughter. The Lord led me to start a preschool. I advertised and got nothing, my eldest daughter, her 2 children and her husband moved back home, he had lost his job. So then I had 3 preschoolers, 6 mouths to feed and no income. No, I didn’t have a savings, I had/have someone way better. I have not advertised since then, and am not on ANY public assistance, I receive NO charitable donations from anyone and yes I still am paying on that mortgage. Further, I charge 1/2 the going rate of the local childcare centers, this is my ministry. Do I understand trusting God with my finances, YES!!!
      Faith/trusting is a choice. You have “trusted” HIM with that which you can not control, but now comes the real test, can you trust HIM to do what HE has promised??? Do you provide all your and your family’s needs, or does HE??? In Exodus 16 we find the Shabbat test. Do your labors feed you, or does God??? Faith is an intentional action, not a feeling. Choose to allow God to be God in your life, HE will not let you down. LET GO and be amazed!!! James 1:9 tells us, “Let the brother in humble circumstances boast about his high position.” High position??? I am fed by the hand of God, I witnesses HIS miracles daily, how much higher can you get than that… 😀

  28. Kim August 1, 2013 at 11:10 am #

    Oh Liz!! The pictures are beautiful!! Thanks for sharing!!

    Now, I just LOVE, LOVE LOVE it when God sends me the same message over and over again…getting my attention in the way only He can!! I have been reminded of the fact that I can indeed rest in God’s strength – His love for me – His tender care for me! What a wonderful message!! Why we alll struggle against His adomonition to Be Still I’ll never fully understand. What I know and praise God for is that He is longsuffering and He is so faithful even when we struggle against Him.

    What a mighty God we serve!! I’m feeling really loved on by my Heavenly Father today!! Thanks for this beautiful and encouraging post!!

  29. Lisa August 1, 2013 at 11:26 am #

    God put this verse into my heart as I was praying in the chapel of the hospital where my Dad had just had quadruple bypass surgery. My Mom has some sort of dementia that remains undiagnosed because she refuses to see a doctor, and she was being particularly obstinate and hateful to me that day. I really wasn’t sure how I was going to get through it, but this verse literally popped into my head, and I know God sent it to comfort me. As Mom’s condition has gotten worse, and Dad never really recuperated 100%, it has helped me get through each day and each new challenge. When I feel like I can’t go on, this verse comes into my head as if He is telling me, “I’ve got this!” Because He does.

    • Michelle August 2, 2013 at 3:02 pm #

      Wow, Lisa, you and I are living similar lives. Praying that God will give you and your dad the wisdom to handle all situations and decisions that will arise, that He’ll heap blessings upon your family, and grant grace and mercy to all of you in this season of life for your parents. Praying for both of our moms. Blessings to you.

  30. Christina Anderson August 1, 2013 at 11:45 am #

    Beautiful pictures of God’s wondrous creation! Thanks so much not only for these, but for the words I needed to read. I live in a place I really don’t like. I used to live up in the mountains in Colorado, and this is the first time in my entire life I’ve ever lived in town. There is traffic noise, loud mufflers, honking car horns, boom boxes, sirens, barking dogs, and I can’t see the mountains from my house. But I have to rest in the assurance that I am where God wants me to be. Maybe He will enable me to move, but if he doesn’t I need to “be still”, let the “striving cease” and accept His perfect will for my life. This was a powerful message and we all neede to read it. Thanks!

  31. Marge August 1, 2013 at 11:59 am #

    Another wonderful lesson to help us through the day, week, month.

    I had an unexpected visitor this morning, she wants to change her destructive life style. She will be talking with me again and I am chomping at the bit to share this lesson with her, along with your book Embrace Grace. I have to get a new supply of that book as I find myself giving it to others a lot.

    Thank you for your honesty and for givivg of yourself so others will enter into a relationship with Jesus.

  32. Gena August 1, 2013 at 12:32 pm #

    Liz, thank you so much for your teaching! This past year God has truly shown me what it means to “Be still, and KNOW”. My son, my baby, has dealt with a drug issue and is now living with a girl that he has gotten pregnant; it is SO HARD to let go of what I WANT for his life and let GOD have control (which, He already did) and use this for HIS glory! He has brought my son through the drugs and I know that He will bring him through all of the other and sometimes, I just have to “Be still, and KNOW” that HE has this! 🙂 I know that he is a christian and it’s like God keeps reminding me that great things can come out of all of this “junk”. Thank you so much for prayers for my son.

    • Angie August 1, 2013 at 1:52 pm #

      Praying with you on this, we so want for our kids!!i too will be still and know that he is God in the lives of my grown children!!

  33. Angie August 1, 2013 at 1:49 pm #

    Beautiful pix! Love your writings! Was excited when saw via Ann V. You wrote an all time favorite article in Virtue Magazine on Haggar and El Roi!! That has ministered to me many times! Blessings and thanks for your writings!

  34. Sheila Thompson August 1, 2013 at 1:53 pm #

    Thank you for this! I felt God talking directly to me. I felt the weight lifted off my shoulders and believe my blood pressure dropped too! I keep saving these to read “later” and today the title was calling me and I took the time to read it now. It was exactly what God has been saying to me and I have been ignoring.. I ask for His forgiveness. I pray for extra blessings to you for writing what He tells you to write and when and being such an awesome follower.
    Thank you!!

  35. Nikki August 1, 2013 at 3:00 pm #

    I loved this blog – absolutely awesome. Such a relief to just STOP (worrying, fretting, going around in circles, organising etc) and lean into our Father and let HIM do all that. Also, I’m a New Zealander, and all the way through this blog I would say to myself, “Gosh that picture looks like New Zealand … ” and found out toward the end that it WAS New Zealand! Beautiful country.

  36. Cathy Gross August 1, 2013 at 3:59 pm #

    With each new trial or responsibility comes an equal measure of grace to handle the situation. I have believed that and found it to be true. So I pick up the extra load and plow forward, back bent but going on. Recently in sheer frustration, I told God I could not take the physical pain any more. Just couldn’t do it, nada, nope, no way, as I hobbled around the house with my cane. He and I went through this a couple times over the course of a week. Then quick study that I am, I realized that though the pain did not go away, my tolerance for it increased substantially each time I handed it to Him. Then I saw that He wants me to do that with all my burdens. While He does supply me with the grace to handle them, He also is waiting for me to say, “Papa, I can’t do this. Would You help me?” and He does so, faithfully. The enemy whispers, disaster is at hand but my Father says, “Give all that to me. I got it.”

  37. Bonnie Brown August 1, 2013 at 4:06 pm #

    I know, that I know, that I know, but…I’m so weak and lazy, I mess up when I fail to seek Him every single morning. The ol’ devil just sits around waiting to put a ‘dig’ into my day with some thought or past issue. I love your blog and look forward to reading the verse for this week. But, I have to say, the posts today spoke volumes to me about how I let petty things get in the way of my joy. Thank you to all who shared. You have given me so many reasons to be thankful and appreciate my blessings. It reminded me to truly be still, to let go, and let God”. I am forever grateful. Thank you Liz for letting God use you to reach so many.

  38. Susan Gruener August 1, 2013 at 4:10 pm #

    Liz, this was a fabulous post with such a great verse! It happens to be my best friend’s AND my daughter’s favorite verse! These photos just sent me into worship…along with the words “that I am God”. Wow! Heaven is going to be soooooo awesome! If it looks any better than what He has given us on earth – we will hardly be able to contain ourselves! We serve such an awesome God!
    Blessings to you!

  39. Laura Caballero August 1, 2013 at 4:39 pm #

    Beautiful message and photos. Thank you!

  40. mary August 1, 2013 at 5:57 pm #

    This has been my struggle the last 2 weeks, have been on my knees, and face to the ground giving this battle to a The Lord.

  41. Ellen August 1, 2013 at 7:47 pm #

    My angel friend just forwarded this to me and it came just when I needed it. I have been so tense all day dealing with a daughter with emotional issues and a husband who has similar issues. I needed this reminder that God is in control and I don’t have to fix everything. I loved the photos…they bring God’s word to life. Bless you,Liz.

  42. Ruth August 1, 2013 at 8:46 pm #

    As this is my favourite verse I must admit I am relishing reading all your stories today 🙂 We love to be in control but in reality we aren’t in control of anything and God is!
    I don’t feel led to share any of my story here today but would like to assure you all that I love Jesus sooooo much because of the peace He brings in my life and that I know He can bring to yours too. I pray that you all will know this.
    Blessings xo

  43. Michele August 1, 2013 at 11:10 pm #

    “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want…” Doesn’t this just say it all, Liz? He will love us, shelter us, care for us, if we just accept Him. I love Psalm 23. To me it crystallizes God’s promises to us.

  44. Elizabeth Hoagland August 2, 2013 at 7:07 am #

    Liz!!! This is yet ANOTHER excellent post of yours I need to have this Scripture emblazoned upon my wishy-washy brain. Sigh. Thank you so much for your excellent teaching. I need to “be still” for more than 20 seconds. Each week w/ your blog I say, “Oh, this is my favorite…” Wish you were doing top FORTY!!! No need to stress you out, tho’! ha Blessings to you and your writing and those darn deadlines. =) Prayin’, & sippin’ coffee w/ Gracie in my lap, bein’ STILL for a bit. Hugs across town,


  45. Della Gorrell August 2, 2013 at 3:49 pm #

    Just finished reading todays lesson and I just want to know how does one be quiet? I know how to make my mouth shut up, but how do you shut off the thoughts? Those sometimes really get in my way.. I want so much to please God, but often wonder if I am…

    • Ruth August 5, 2013 at 6:06 pm #

      Hi Della 🙂 thoughts are always with us and yes, it is hard to shut them off. What I do is to concentrate on good things and when the bad come into my mind I stand firm and refuse to budge. I just keep on putting good things in my mind or I sing praises. This sometimes isn’t ‘quiet’ in the noise sense 🙂 but in my heart it is as I have more peace in it all. I think that is the key here. Hope that encourages you. God bless xo

  46. Ginetta August 2, 2013 at 6:13 pm #

    I am addicted to your blog Liz. I can’t wait to find in my inbox and get restless when its delayed. It always speaks to me right where I am. Praise the Lord!

  47. Tiffany August 4, 2013 at 12:14 am #

    My husband is currently unemployed and we are really struggling financially. He has been searching for a full-time job in his field for several years, and we have both spent much time in prayer over the issue. Still, I struggle with God’s plan for us and continually worry about finances. Earlier today I had a meltdown trying to figure out how to pay bills with money we didn’t have. Then I opened my email and saw your blog. It had been sitting there for several days, but today I felt prompted to open it and I am so glad I did. I felt God’s peace settle on me as I read your words “God will. That’s what he wants us to understand.” Who will worry about me? God will, and that is awesome. This is exactly the message I needed to hear. Liz, thank you for letting the God of all creation speak to me through you.