What’s the best place to eat? Consult a bona fide foodie. Need a different hair stylist? Ask a friend with a fabulous cut. Time to get a new camera? Check with a photographer.
When we want helpful solutions to life’s simple questions, we have options.
But when easy answers fall short, when we long for Truth with a capital T, when our hearts ache for something we can’t even name, there is only one place to turn.
For the Lord gives wisdom;
from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6
Ann, who chose this verse as her favorite from Proverbs, admits how “often has God given me direction and answers when I needed them.” A brief testimony to a profound reality: God cares about everything that matters to us.
That thing you think is too small, too insignificant for God’s attention? He not only cares about it, he also knows what to do about it.
Friends may offer sympathy, a tissue, a listening ear, but God brings us what we really need.
For the Lord gives wisdom;… Proverbs 2:6
People are quick to hand out opinions—“I think this” or “I believe that”—but when God speaks to our hearts, he is “the source” (ERV) and he “gives out Wisdom free” (MSG).
Free. Let that sink in for a moment. Free. Freeing. Freedom.
When we buy a Bible—his Word, his truth—we are paying for the printing and the binding, the translating and the editing, but the wisdom it contains is free.
“For the Lord grants wisdom!” (NLT) He gives away the deepest secrets of the universe, and shares with those he loves his “skillful and godly Wisdom” (AMP).
Need some? Just ask. “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” (James 1:5).
Free is as generous as it gets.
If we spent countless dollars and the whole of our lives trying to read every book on every shelf, we still wouldn’t have what God is offering us at no charge.
…from his mouth come… Proverbs 2:6
He spoke the world and all it contains into existence. “And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light” (Genesis 1:3). He is still speaking, beloved. He has never stopped speaking. His wisdom falls on us like rain from the heavens, watering our souls, planting seeds, bearing fruit.
“The words I speak are like that.
They will not return to me without producing results.
They will accomplish what I want them to.
They will do exactly what I sent them to do.” (Isaiah 55:11 NIRV)
His spoken Word, his written Word, his living Word not only pours out of God’s mouth, it’s meant to pour out of our mouths when we teach, when we preach, when we speak.
Someday, when I work up the courage, I’m going to stand in front of an audience and simply read the Word of God. No commentary, no asides, no Lizzie Revised Version, just verse by verse with all the passion and commitment and excitement his Word deserves.
Oh! Just think what might happen if we got out of the way and let God’s Word go forth, believing in its ability to transform us, to recreate us in the image of his Son.
Doesn’t it just want to make you stand up and shout?
…knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6
Knowledge is power, all right—the power of God, the One who knows everything.
A dozen years ago, Donald Rumsfeld, then U.S. Secretary of Defense, made this classic statement about knowledge: “There are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we now know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we do not know we don’t know.”
Seriously? Unknown unknowns? People are still laughing about that one.
Except there really are things we don’t know we don’t know. And all those things? Those are the things God knows.
He is Lord over our unknown unknowns. He is in command of our lives from beginning to earthly end and on to eternal glory.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:9). When we throw up our hands and say, “I don’t get it, Lord,” he says, “Exactly!”
I am so grateful God gets what we don’t get, knows what we don’t know, and loves us where we are. His “true knowledge and insight” (VOICE), his “prudence” (DRA), his “intelligence” (JUB), stretch far beyond the stars, yet he graciously extends them to us.
This is a God who cares, who sees a need and meets it with the one thing he knows will change us: his wisdom, his Word. This week’s verse, our first of 50, neatly sums up the whole book of Proverbs. Clever you, for choosing this as one of your favorites.
Are you ready to write it on the tablet of your heart?
For the Lord gives wisdom;
from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6
Now, here’s your Printable for Proverbs 2:6, with four copies of this week’s verse on a single page. Why not cut them apart and post them where they’ll do the most good?
I also created a pin for you on Pinterest, which I confess took me so long to fiddle with, I had the verse memorized by the time I was done. Hmmm. You don’t suppose that was God’s plan all along?
Now it’s your turn
Just one question for you this week:
- What is God asking you to do with his free gift of wisdom,
knowledge, and understanding?
If you can, take a moment to Post a Comment below. One of the blessings of studying God’s Word together is sharing what we’re learning.
Can’t wait to unpack #49 next Wednesday. It has the word joy in it, so you know I’m happy!
Your sister, Liz
P.S. A quick review of last week’s verse. You know, the one we memorized.
Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3
Wow~ I need His wisdom and understanding! I am hungry and thirsty for leading me in my next steps. After a recent move, I’m enjoying being at home and helping others with my time. I’m asking the Lord to direct me where He wants me to serve or work.
I love the verses and need this sooo much.It is a constant reminder every day. I am the only woman in a male dominated company and field. I believe God wants me to use this and practice this so that I am a living testimony of HIS Word! Hands and feet, salt and light.
Wisdom, knowledge understanding – Wow! He Is the God of all grace! He wants me to share the truth of this scripture with others, so that they, too, will be blessed.
Thank you, Liz! I believe God is asking me to hear His word and ACT on it, OBEY it, not read it and walk away and forget it. I hear Jesus’ words in Matt. 7:24-27 about the wise man who heard the Lord’s words and then built his house on them! That’s what I want to do, build my life on God’s wisdom.
I have a very important meeting this morning with our CEO. I prayed last night for God’s wisdom and guidance and this morning, prior to going into this meeting, I have thanked him for providing. I looove this verse.
Praying for you and with you, Janet…RIGHT NOW!
Beautiful. Weeping and laughing this morning- a great way to start the day! I believe God wants me to receive this gift, treasure it and apply it to my life, then pass it on to others. “And the Gift goes on”. Now you’ve got me singing! Thanks, Liz!
Thank you so much for this reminder of truth. Today, this week, for some time to come, I am wrestling with hard things. I believe that Jesus is calling me to not worry about the doing, the acting, the working part of life for the difficult situation I am in, but to rest quietly in Him. He has the knowledge, the wisdom, the power over all our lives, and it is so easy to forget that, but taking time to remember and slow down to rest in that assurance brings a blessed peace, even in the darkest moments.
Elizabeth, sometimes the best thing we can do is just rest in His presence and know He is faithful. Remember from Ps. 40 “Be still and know that I am God!” I’m glad He is in control, cause I would mess things up! May you have the peace of Christ today!
Ms. Liz,
I believe He wants me to ask him for it, then he wants me to allow him to work out through me what he has said.
I had a need for a long time but I didn’t really pray about it, and a couple weeks ago as I was sitting on my bed thinking about it. Father said, “Why don’t you ask me?” and the vs. You have not, because you ASK not. I think I forget that I can do that (boldly). He has answered my prayer and it is such a blessing!
He wants me to ask him what he thinks about everything.
How timely this verse is for me! I have elderly parents and my dad suffers from liver failure. One of his medications costs nearly $1,000 out of pocket every month and they are rapidly going through their savings. My siblings are all getting together with them this week to help them figure out where they can make budget cuts and how to organize their finances so that they don’t run out of money. Today’s verse is exactly what we need! “The Lord gives wisdom and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” I know that the Lord is going to provide the wisdom, knowledge & understanding we need to help our parents through this difficult time. He is SO GOOD!
Oh this is just so good! Thank you Liz for provoking our thoughts. God is asking me to reach out to my sisters in Christ and encourage them. Get them to see what God wants for their lives. To laugh, cry, and gently love them into God’s kingdom. That’s why I exist. To keep my eyes on Him! To tell the world of His coming and rejoice.
I love the challenge of memorizing the verses too! I printed last weeks and passed them along one to my granddaughter, one to a friend needing encouragement and one for me so I could memorize it myself! This is gonna be a great study. Thanks for hearing God and listening. I will be in your audience for the reading of strictly God’s word, count me in.
With so many Christian books and blogs out, it’s easy to get swept up in the words of “good” people, but this verse is a precious reminder of the Source of true wisdom.
Wow. What a blessing to know we can have wisdom, knowledge, and understanding if we ask for it. Then use it for Him. Starting our day wrapped in Him and seeking His will for us what a day we should have. I need the things my God offers. Thanks for sharing Proverbs 2:6.
Simply stated…He asks me to believe it, absorb it, and live it!
I must confess that I don’t always seek His knowledge first. Or that His knowledge is so far above what I think I am capable of knowing and doing.
His word is close even in my mouth but the application is so elusive.
Loud and clear God is telling me to get back in his truth more in depth. I’m in a Bible study but not really getting into it, if you know what I mean. For a while now when I read His word, his knowledge, it’s superficially. I’m. It pondering it enough. I ask God for advice and answers and feel like He’s not answering… I’m like a school kid that just wants someone to tell me the answer. I haven’t wanted to read, research and find it for myself. I need to get back closer to Him!
Thank you, Liz!
Thank you, Liz. A reminder that God loves us and only gives us what we can handle, even though we don’t always know the reason why things happen the way they do. It is his wisdom that he is giving us to handle the unexpected and the knowledge and understanding of how it should be handled, now whether we listen is an entirely different story. I love learning about the word. I have struggled over the years to make time but now I and making the time to work it in to my crazy schedule. Even if I can’t do it on a daily basis, I am at least improving and making taking that first step.
My verse for this year is Romans 12:1-2 . This proverb is one God has been using to remind me where the knowledge and power reside which need to be applied to my life. Thanks again for inspiration and conformation of Gods will and direction. We can spend a fortune on “self help” books and neglect the lover of our soul. How sad when we persue those broken cisterns!
I have a four year old son and sometimes I get so frustrated trying to explain things to him because he is a typical four year old and doesn’t listen. Then I stop and think, is this how God feels with us? The wisdom He so freely gives so often falls on deaf ears. Then, there are the days my son asks me something that I honestly don’t know how to explain and he says, in such a sweet way,mom there’s a lot of stuff you don’t know. Out of the mouths of babes … a perfect reminder of why we need to listen and hear. God is so good. I thank Him for everything in my life.
I am needing wisdom in my job situation! So thankful that He gives it liberally and without holding back. Please pray for me. Thanks!
Read it! Share it! Accept it! That is what HE wants for me to do with the wisdom and knowledge and understanding He so freely gives to me. I pray that I use it to His Glory each and every day. Amen!
He wants us to take it, apply it, and live it out. To share with others what He has taught me through his word!
I’m glad that God’s wisdom is available to me. The wisdom I thought I had before I started walking with Him was so lacking. God uses this wisdom for me to better understand those that are hurting.
At my age (54) and after many Bible Studies, I think God wants me to not only keep studying and gaining wisdom, but to pass it on to the younger women. To be there to listen to them and know how to point them to the Truth of God’s Word.
You got it, Pat! You can be a Titus 2 woman!
Sometimes I think that I could be more articulate when I pray and yet asking God for his wisdom, knowledge and understanding on any given situation can be a mouthful of words.
His loving kindness endures forever!
He is specifically calling me this year to come to Him and soak up His Word.
I am daily asking Him for Wisdom (especially in raising our 3 girls and now trying to fin a new church home – our previous church had to close its doors). Thank you for encouraging us to write God’s Word on our hearts!
I want His word to transform me inside and out so that He will be able use me to be a witness for His truth and love. I know it will take diligence on my part to not only read his word but to truly know that His truths are written on my heart!! I love the comment that even though we buy Bibles His word is free!
Thank you for your words today encouraging me to write things on my heart!
God is asking me to use the gifts that He has given me and write what He has written upon my heart
Simply to ask for it. Go to Him first then apply the wisdom He gives me to my life.
WHAT?!? I DON’T know it all?!? Shocking! I tend to come off as an authority on everything, just by the way I carry myself and speak with confidence, not because I believe that to be true (well, sometimes I do act that way); I love the reminder that I don’t even know what I don’t know, but God does, and loves me anyway. Today I was encouraged to start each day praying for wisdom and to dial back the tone that says, “I know it all.”
I am here , waiting for a phone call from my Dr. Concerning what will be next for me. It occurs to me, (note from God?) that I need to be waiting just as intently for a Word from The Lord, concerning what is really next for me! Asking and believing I will have wisdom, and knowledge for all of my decisions.
I’ve been asked to share my testimony to a woman’s group at my church. I don’t have to do it until September, but tried to start working on it the other day. Excited at the opportunity (although speaking in front of a group gives me hives!), I began an outline. I quickly became discouraged and stopped. It just wasn’t flowing or coming together in a cohesive way. I’ve been a little discouraged since then and have not returned to it. This morning, my Bible study was on this very thing – sharing your testimony. The emphasis was on His glory and not our own. I realized this was my problem – the focus was too much on ME. Tearfully, I thanked God for this revelation and have decided to pray about this a lot before trying to prepare it again. This is only one of many times that God has helped me in a very tangible way. Liz, you are so right – not only does He care about everything in our lives, but He knows all the answers! So thankful for such a loving, awesome God!
“from His mouth come”. . . love that it’s present tense!
Love how you unpacked this verse Liz!
What is God asking of me?? I’m not sure but He sure is up to something! Each morning I begin my day with God. Surprisingly the verse today was Isaiah 55:8. Then I read your devotion using Isaiah 55:9! I was feeling a little overwhelmed because I do that to myself often. I encourage mothers with babies & preschoolers and volunteer at a assisted care facility knitting & quilting. This week & next are very busy. His thoughts are not are not my thoughts. He gives me wisdom. So why should I worry about how I’m going to get things done?? Wow! Has He got a plan!!! I just need to let Him lead. All I need to do is follow!!
I struggle with memorizing scripture.. I am praying that these next 50 verses will be implanted on my heart, and etched into my memory. I am excited about this part of my spiritual journey.
Thank-you Liz, you don’t know what a blessing you are and how thankful I am God has put you in my life. Even if it is per email, Till we meet again in Ft. Wayne In..
To seek it and stop relying on my own (perceived) wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
Thanks again, Liz. I really needed this today. Our church (pastor hubby) has gone through such unique and difficult situations and has need our counsel so much … The hubs and I tend to seek other help (i.e. experienced pastors) because of the uniqueness of the issues that have come up … I sometimes get stuck on being in shock and awe and forget to just go to the One Who is Truth. I research, talk, study … but do I truly truly pray about it? Oh, how I need to simplify and just crawl up on Abba’s lap and say, “What do I do now?” .. and maybe weep awhile. So, what is God asking me to do with this free gift of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding? GET IT! and then … GIVE it to others as He directs!
Excited to obey!
I believe God is wanting me to ask for His wisdom and knowledge….and, oh how I need it!
I know someone who says he lost his faith after his mom passed away. I know that he knows his bible. He has a pretty much photographic memory of everything he has ever read and can quote quite a bit of the bible. I really need help and wisdom to know what to say to him (along with my prayers) to turn him back around. He actually says he really doesn’t know what he believes. Help please!
I am going through a valley right now .Have been terribly hurt by fellow Christians and have had to trust in God’s wisdom in making choices. And in forgiving those who hurt my family. It is only through His knowledge and wisdom that I will be able to do this.
With my adult children. Incorporating wisdom, knowledge, understanding, with love, grace, and mercy. Hugely effective.
I believe that God is calling me to soak up His Word in 2014. To marinate in his wisdom. He has been really stretching me, over the past few months. It’s been painful, but also an amazing blessing. Although I’ve been a Christian for almost 17years, I’ve always struggled with getting into the Word. But, since the beginning of the year, God has put a deep desire for his word in my heart. I can’t seem to get enough. My prayer is that I don’t allow the distractions of life to get me off track.
i believe God would have me use the wisdom He has given me through personal experience and study of His word to help others come into a closer, more personal, freeing relationship with Him!
I think God is asking me to do many things with His wisdom at this time of my life: apply it to myself, teach it to my two sons, and trust Him for the outcome. I berate myself all the time for those moments when I fail God but I think He’s wanting me to move forward.
Dear Liz,
The health community tells us that one of the things that helps our brains as we age (I am 73) is memorization. What a privilege to memorize God’s Word and an added blesssing of keeping our brains active.
Your words along with the Scripture are food for my spirit. Thanx!
I am loving your blog.
As for wisdom I need to ask for it. I know He promises it when we ask. I need it on many levels, but the most pressing is making school decisions for and with my sons. One is a senior trying to find the right college fit and the money to go. The other is a fifth grader who needs a good fit for middle school. School decisions often seem to be tough, but there is a greater plan here. I just need to trust it.
God is wanting me to use what He has given me.To pass on to others what I’ve learned.God is so good and teaches me so much if only I will listen and take it in.
How is it that something so simple can be so profound? It never ceases to amaze me just how much God loves me- ME. that when I do not get it, He says ‘exactly’. that He gets what I do not get, knows what I do not know, and loves me where I am. How ‘freeing’ is that? Lord, I pray today that I will get out of my own way and let you be the light that shows others the way.
God is asking me to make him enough. I am not alone because he never leaves me. I ask him for wisdom and discernment, he shows me that he is giving me these things. Thank you for these devotionals. I met you a long time ago and have followed you some but it would be fun to sit down with you and share a cup of tea and catch up… Lol, even though I am sure you don’t remember me.
Last night in our Bible study, a man opened his heart & shared the deep hurt, fear, confusion he is facing in his marriage. We talked with him about being in God’s Word & living in God’s Word instead of listening to all the well-meaning chatter & advice all around him. And then I opened “Wisdom’s Source”. Oh my! I am sending our hurting friend your entire message from today. The wisdom, the knowledge, the understanding – it’s all there in Our Father’s Word. Thank you Liz.
I just turned 47 in December. I am not getting any younger and time seems to slip by a lot faster then when I was 27. I need God’s wisdom in all areas of my life to make the years count and accomplish what He needs to do through me.
Love it–“unknown unknowns” that God knows! And will reveal to us when we need to know.
I love the idea of simply reading God’s Word aloud. I know I need to work on my memorization skills, and this is a great way to do it.
What a comfort it is to know that all I need to do is ask God to meet my needs. I’m one of those “fix it” kind of people, always wondering what I can do in any situation. But God has been telling me lately that I need to be, not do. To wait on Him. To let Him do the doing.
What is God asking me to do with this wonderful gift? LISTEN! I can hear him whisper over and over over and over….”Listen my daughter, I have the answers you are looking for.” Thank you Liz, for being the instrument to send me God’s message.
Share it. I have learned and continue to need reminding that His gift of wisdom is not just about ‘solving’ my life’s puzzles and decisions because it is not about me. Since God is the center of all and not me, it would mean that when He grants me wisdom it is so I can glorify Him with it. And keeping all the lessons He teaches me to myself will not bring Him glory, but Sharing those lessons, and the wisdom they’ve brought, with others does bring Him glory!
Dear Liz ~ I feel almost ridiculous writing that I need God’s wisdom to be a better wife at age 51 with 27 years of a strong marriage under my belt, but it’s true. My Discipleship Group is reading a book called “Wife School” by Julie N. Gordon, in preparation for the book study. I knew it would be convicting, but doubted I’d learn anything new. WRONG! I had an epiphany of sorts this morning as God revealed His wisdom in designing the order of authority in the roles of husband & wife in such a way that I am more determined than ever to ‘do my husband good all the days of my life”. Too much detail to type, but this I know: If I can’t trust God with His own design for my marriage & my calling to be a wife & mother; how can I trust His wisdom in all other areas of my life? (Desiring to memorize the 50 verses with you, but Proverbs 31 is calling my name. Thanks for the printouts in addition to sharing the wisdom God is granting you as you unfold His Word!!! Blessings in Abundance ~ Belle
You are such an encourager. I plan to read Proverbs more than I have in the past. Asking for wisdom is wonderful, following through is vital to our growth. Blessings Liz as you continue encouraging so many.
I turned 69 in December and ever since I’ve been saying “I’m going on 70!” Going on 70 is a time when others really begin to see you as wise, like it or not. I’m working to keep myself aware of those around me who are looking to me for wisdom, knowledge and understanding and praying that God will open my ears, my mind and my heart to opportunities to share his free gift.
A wonderful start to our Proverbs powerhouse 50, Liz!
How I need His wisdom and guidance each day in understanding my patients’ needs. I pray He will give me His discernment and compassion. All praise and glory to His Name!
Thank you for the Proverbs series. This morning, your words were so
encouraging. I have been praying on some specific biblical
understanding issues….praying for wisdom and discernment. The
scriptures you shared were exactly what I needed.
Corporately as a church, and individually (my husband and myself) were brought to the realization that we did not accomplish what we were meant to in 2013. It seems we did “good enough”. Not our very best. I feel God’s wisdom is guiding us into 2014 to accomplish all things for His glory and do better than “good enough”.
Your blog is outstanding! I share it with our pastors wives and our
women in leadership regularly on our “Women in Ministry” website that
I administrate! We have over 1,200 churches stateside & thousands over
seas. I just wanted to encourage you in the magnificent ways the Lord
continues to use you dear one!
When I read your words, “Someday, when I work up the courage, I’m going to stand in front of an audience and simply read the Word of God. No commentary, no asides, no Lizzie Revised Version, just verse by verse with all the passion and commitment and excitement his Word deserves.” I wanted shout and do a hallelujah dance. I’ve been telling my family someone needs to do this very thing. The power of God will go forth and miracles will happen! Do it!!!!
My devotions this morning was in Numbers when God told Moses to speak to the rock but instad Moses struck it, probably out of frustration and anger. The SPOKEN WORD is powerful. I am trusting God to give me wisdom to use the knowledge He has given me,
I know for me, hearing you read the scripture would be wonderful. You would pronounce all the cities, towns, and people’s name correctly, you would know when to pause, gasp, and praise. GO FOR IT.
A friend and I are reading through Proverbs – a chapter a day – this month. I will be interesting to see how many of your 50 favorites have been the ones that caught our attention, too…
Loved the acronym for ASK
The thing that really jumped out at me was James 1:5 “without finding fault”… I spent many years thinking that I’m supposed to know already. I never believed that God would answer, because I already knew, or was supposed to know. Now I’m learning the pure joy of turning to my Father who loves me, who knows the solution to my every trouble, and can and will answer when I call out to Him! When I bring my confusion, He does not find fault: “you should know this by now, dummy!” Instead, He gently reminds, or often completely surprises me, because His thoughts are not my thoughts. ‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus!
good morning liz:)
this verse reminds me to be still and know God is God. He has everything under control. Thank you for reminding me. God bless you
He is asking me to trust him more, and fear the unknown less. This is hard, especially when I have a very bad habit of trusting with my eyes, and not my faith.
Loved this verse! It makes me realize that I take for granted the many bibles I have in my home. I have the living bread and I’m eating crumbs!! I want wisdom and knowledge, which are Jesus – so, I want Jesus!! I need to prioritize and ingest the wonderful WORD!
After two recent deaths of close family members, the hardest just this past Monday 1/13/2014. My heart is broken. Plus a move in the works to another State with my husband to seek better cancer treatment for my needs (leaving behind our 22 yr old daughter). Moving day is Feb 1st. I am too weak to help pack and reeling from grief and mixed emotions of leaving my child.
All I know to do is to reach for God. and ask Him for the wisdom I lack and the knowledge I need.
Just want you to know I am still praying for u, if u don’t mind me asking, what state r u moving to?
I am begging God for his wisdom and understanding. Husband and I desperately need to hear from God.
Thank you for this post. Made me think of this proverb when reading Collosians 1:9-12 in Our Daily Bread: “9 For this reason, since the day we heard it, we have not ceased praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, 10 so that you may lead lives worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, as you bear fruit in every good work and as you grow in the knowledge of God. 11 May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious power, and may you be prepared to endure everything with patience, while joyfully 12 giving thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the light.”
Hi Liz-Thank you for you reflection on Proverbs. I love this part of the Bible because it feels to me like an easy to understand place of timeless advice. Isn’t it amazing how the words written so long ago can still speak to us today? (If we will read them, if we will listen.) I downloaded and printed your first proverbs quote and think it looks perfect for a bookmark-a bookmark for me and three to give away (I love to give books as gifts). Praying that you have a blessed weekend and looking forward to #49!!
The first thing that came to my mind is To Share what I have learned! Praise Him for all wisdom
What is God asking me to do with His free gift of wisdom? First, He is asking me to seek Him (His Word) first rather than the advice of people (their words) when I need help in times of trouble or times of good. However, I do recognize that God can sometimes speak to me through the mouths of other Christians. Second, He is asking me to share His (God’s) advice (word) with others rather than my own (words). When a friend shares a trouble with me, do I share God’s Word back or what I think? Helping others by sharing God’s Word in their time of trouble makes me think and bring to mind Bible verses, which is like a boomerang, God’s Word going out to help others, yet coming back and hitting me splat in the heart to help myself!
I believe God is reminding me to seek him in all things, because He has the answers I need. I don’t always remember that when I’m faced with a challenge.
He is asking me to display or show my wisdom, knowledge and understanding of His word by my actions (not necessarily spoken words). By my actions I can show the world my true love of The Lord.
It took me 4 days to come to grips with this. Because its something I think about a lot and dismiss because I feel so inadequate. But I know God wants me to share my gifts to the young women of the church and beyond. I had a horrible abusive marriage and so feel I have nothing to give on this subject. I had no children and so have nothing to give on this subject. That’s but I have been telling God for quite some time now. I realize last days of praying that in my nothingness, I can share God’s awesomeness. I can share God’s love because I knew no love. I want to run from this so please keep praying for me.
For a few years I used to read 5 Psalms a day and 1 chapter of Proverbs, I was so “blown away” with all that is packed in Proverbs about “living” and showing us the way. I am so thankful you are doing 50 verse out of Proverbs.
And this verse out of 2:6 is the “whole” of how we can learn from these 31 chapters, From His mouth……. How wondrous that is, and all I need to do is ask. Wow. Thanks Liz.
I think He wants me to use the wisdom He has given me (because I ask for it a lot! 😉 ), for His Kingdom…however that looks each day. To use it to go deeper in His Word, to help others to know the Word, and to learn who Jesus is. The same with knowledge and understanding – to use the knowledge wisely and to have a deeper understanding of who God is and of what His word says. How awesome is our God, that He will give us these things if we ask Him. I am thinking we have no excuses… 🙂
Love this great study Liz!
No one can write like you! 🙂
I really don’t know. I am trying to follow where he leads me. I am just now getting back to reading my bible and trying to understand things. I went to church all my life but you would be amazed at what I don’t know. we have been hurt very badly by man. my husband step father was a preacher. sin happens in and hurts the whole family. you carry those hurts for years. you think you are over them and they raise there ugly head once again. I want to be a blessing to others as Jesus is to me. I went through my BAD GIRL DAYS …. so I think that is why I can relate to you and I do live in Indy so I do know Bob and Tom. It is easy for the devil if that is what you want to call him to get ahold of you and your thoughts… well mine. so many questions . A friend of mine said take it one day at a time. I love to read and hear you talk. wish there were more on you tube. I think I listen to them every day…. thanks for listing to my book….lol Kathy
I love this verse. It makes me understand that he wants me to help others when he calls upon me and that I will not be a bay Christian forever. I need and thirst for the learning experience with God. I am hoping with your help I can understand more about what God wants from me.
I can’t find this week’s proverb anywhere? Is it not up yet or am I missing something??:):). Thank you!
Wow! I know I have taken a different turn on this but… I always think I am the one with the wisdom, knowledge and understanding! But I’m not. I need to turn to Him more and rely on the Lord in ALL things.
Love the study!
God is asking me to study His wisdom, and the example of His Son, Jesus. He will give me the knowledge and understanding if I just stick with studying His Word and stay close to Him. It’s kind of like exercise, hard to do some days and easier others. I have fell on my face enough times to know that I had better spend time with Him because we are humanly incapable of doing things without His help or His grace.
God is asking me to be patient and remember it is “his” timing and not mine. I am wanting to but a home and not rent but I keep hearing him, wait a little longer.
I’m late revving up my engines, but here I am! I believe God is asking me to use his free gift of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to get back into my habit of blogging. God often speaks to me in strange and off-the-beat moments, and I used to be good at sitting down and capturing them (or working them out) as blog posts. This past year has been one of very close communion with my heavenly father, and relative silence in the writing/blogging world, but I sense a changing in the wind and I truly believe it’s his still, small voice calling me once again to return to the discipline of writing. Now I just have to put feet to that call. (Easier said than done!)
Last week I asked God what He wanted of and from me these days and then immediately my mind became very busy and I could not still it even to hear his response. I have sat with that these past several days and then yesterday as I was searching for his answer I read the first of these Proverbs: Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3 and there was the answer! I have the verses of John that Ann Voskamp has put together to memorize and I realize that Proverbs is also a part of my growing this year and in this time. The wisdom that I read , learn and then write on the tablet of my heart will not only comfort and encourage me but as I share with others it will comfort and encourage them as well. So, thank you for your blog that I can just start now, June 10th, I am blessed beyond measure!