When you looked in the mirror this morning, did you like what you saw?
Most of us see double chins, tiny wrinkles, ugly blemishes, spreading crow’s feet, dark circles under our eyes — the list goes on and on.
Truth is, we seldom look in a mirror unless we’re looking for a problem.
“Is my hair okay?”
“Do I need more lipstick?”
And the classic: “Does this dress make me look fat?”
What if you saw a woman who was uniquely created by God in His image? A woman who isn’t “better than” or “worse than” or in need of an overhaul. And one who is definitely happy. Because trust me, that’s what I see.
When I look at you, sitting out there in the third row at one of my presentations, when I see your upturned face, full of life, ready to laugh, I do not see wrinkles, blemishes, or double chins. I do not see figure flaws or flabby thighs. I see a beautiful woman. One who is radiantly alive, willing to learn, ready to grow, expectant, joy-filled, eager to embrace all that life has to offer.
You are something else!
That’s not me, you may say. I’m not in your third row. I’m here at home and I’m miserable and I hate my lumpy body, and radiant is not what I feel.
What I’m talking about transcends feelings and moves into the realm of faith in order to become fact.
That radiant, alive woman is in you, even if you can’t see her yet. She was hiding in me for decades before I realized it, and she is in you now. And she wants out!
This month’s verse from Rise and Shine says it all.
He has made everything beautiful in its time. Ecclesiastes 3:11
Everything includes beautiful you (and all these splendid begonias). We’re talking “all things” (DRA), “the whole” (YLT) of God’s creation. The Hebrew word yā·p̄eh is translated “beautiful” or “handsome” or “comely,” but it’s also rendered “appropriate” or “fitting”. There’s a sense of rightness about it. Everything God made is “good” (DRA) and “suited” (CJB) to its purpose. It’s “beautiful in itself” (MSG), not in comparison to anyone or anything else.
What makes you beautiful is revealed “at the right time” (CEV) and “in its season” (YLT). I confess, I fretted over the last phrase. Is it “in its time” (NASB) or “in his time” (KJV)? Then I realized it doesn’t matter, because the end result is the same. His time is the right time. It’s the time. It’s your time.
The Lord created and defined beauty in our world. Surely He didn’t make lovely butterflies, exquisite flowers, and gorgeous sunsets, and leave out womankind, the crown of his creation!
By God’s design, women come in all shapes and sizes — large and small, short and tall. In every home, in every workplace, in every social setting, in every church, there are as many different sizes, shapes, colors, and characteristics as there are women.
Luci Swindoll once wrote, “When you love yourself and accept yourself for who you are, you have nothing left to prove.” So right. Each one of us is different, beloved. And those differences are good.
Lord Jesus, help me see myself as You do: beautifully made according to Your divine design. Forgive me for comparing myself to others and wishing I were different. Starting today, let me not only accept myself, but also accept others exactly as they are, knowing that they, too, were created in Your incomparable image.
This month’s post comes from the chapter “Mirror Image” in Rise and Shine. Another reader favorite is “Practically Perfect,” which offers the best way to start your day: “Simply stand in front of a mirror each morning (fully dressed, of course!), stretch out your arms with joy, and say it like you mean it: ‘Ta-da!’”
Have I mentioned how precious you are to me?
Your sister, Liz
P.S. Our July Facebook LIVE will be Sunday, July 1 at 2:00pm EDT, as together we open the pages of 31 Verses to Write on Your Heart. And if you missed our June Facebook LIVE for Rise and Shine, you can watch it anytime!
P.P.S. Earlier this month my oncologist said these beautiful words: “No Evidence of Disease.” Praise God! Five intense rounds of radiation in March obliterated the cancer cells, and thanks to five rounds of immunotherapy since then, no other tumors have developed. Yay! I’ll continue with half-hour infusions every three weeks, just to keep me healthy. Very few side effects, no big deal. God is faithful and His mercies are new every morning. I’m beyond grateful for your prayers and support!
Thank you for fighting to get well for us. You are such an encouragement to me. Praying for strength and healing for you.
Thank you Liz. You are a wonderful blessing.
Liz this was one of my favorites for sure! At closing in on 69, I don’t see myself as beautiful very often. Yet I know He created each of us fearfully and wonderfully made. Blessing on the amazing report! Thanks
Liz, I am jumping up and down praising the Lord for the outcome of your report!! God is amazing! He knew you needed to be here for people like me! You give so much encouragement, and Godly knowledge. Thank you for allowing God to use you as His vessel and sharing what He gives! I hope I can get the Ta Da cards because I know who to share them with! Sending Love and Prayers, Candice
Liz, you are a blessing to so many women. Oh that I would keep the right perspective as I age and have health issues. I pray that the fruit of the spirit would continue to grow me to be more like Him!
Thank you for sharing your health news; hope and pray you will continue to have good news to report.
Hi Liz. I was scrolling through Facebook and your beautiful face popped up. I thought to myself, “I know her!” Great seeing you. I may just have to register for a conference where you will be speaking.
Praise God for the good report! You are such a blessing! Much love and prayers, J
You always make my heart happy!!
TA-DA! Love it! God loves us and think we are beautiful! We need to believe it. So glad you had such great news from the doctor! You are a blessing.
Dear Liz…I wish I could find the words to tell you what a blessing and encouragement you have been to me over the years. First in your writings and now the way you have shared your cancer journey. You have made a real difference in this 81 year old sister’s life! God bless you!
This post spoke directly to me! Thank you!!
Thank you for always giving encouraging words and scriptures! I needed this today!
I heard tonteach the TaDa years ago, and I still LOVE it.
So thankful for the good news concerning your health! God is good. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement each and every day. At this particular time in my life, you give me what I need to hear. Bless you, Liz. I really do love you!
The Lord knew you still have work to do! Thank you for your inspiration and joy!
OH Lizzie !! Thank you for the truth of the way God designed us and sees us! We are worth so much more than we give ourselves credit for. Love your words of encouragement.
Thank you, Luz, for being such a true and honest encourager that God uses daily to touch our lives. I love you words of wisdom and Ta Da. Thank you for being YOU. Love and prayers, my sister!
Oh, hallelujah! Amen to this! Men are considered handsome and distinguished as they age, why aren’t women?
Beauty comes from inside!
Am so thankful you have good news for all of us. Psalm 29:11 He is enthralled with your beauty!
Seeing ourselves as His Beautiful Creations can be so hard … But also Life-changing! Thank you, Liz, for helping me grow in accepting His truth instead of looking at myself through critical eyes! Love you! Remembering our Scotland days with gratitude!
Liz, even though I’m a man, allow me to respond. I still remember hearing you for the first time at a writer’s conference, the time when I initially experienced your saying, “Ta-Da.” So glad your cancer has responded well to treatment. Keep up the good work.
When I saw the beautiful flowers and your inspiring, and
so encouraging words, the day became brighter.
But, at the very end of your presentation was the best news
that I have heard in a long while. No more cancer. No more
tumors…..oh, how I was Praising my Jesus!
Our Father has healed you!
Praise God for the great news on the ‘C’!
You have been a big help in my walk and have touched me on a way no one ever has. Sometimes it is so hard to relate to people who were raised in the church and cannot relate to my past life. Thank you!
I was brought to tears when i read no evidence of disease…i have been praying for you all along ..that he heard my prayer is overwhelming..such a god i serve. I rejoice with you!
That P.P.S you added at the very end of this post is the best news!! God is good and He is safe to trust. I can tell you are thrilled.
Praise God for healing you, Liz! It’s so precious to hear those words. I’m so glad because that means that God has more books in you to get out, and I look forward to them. May he continue to bless you. This month’s words are so important for many girls and women who seem to look on the negative side. As a teacher, I often had to remind the students, “You’re O K!” Keep up the wonderful work.
Who would have thought NED would be our favorite new word! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! xo
This made me cry and smile at the same time. Thank you! How many times as women do we beat ourselves up over superficial stuff?? And for what??
Praise you for this powerful devotional!
Beautiful news to a beautiful lady! Praise the Lord!
Thrilled to hear your wonderful news! My 38 year old niece – a beautiful active mom of four kids- is battling pancreatic cancer. She is doing well with treatments and we are praying for the miracle. We know God CAN! Blessings to you, Liz.
Joining you in beautiful praise of His mighty healing! Thank you for sharing the beautiful words of encouragement and joy!
You have no idea how much I needed this today. Thank you for sharing it. It’s amazing to me that God loves me enough to put encouragement in my path, when I’m at my lowest. What a beautiful God we serve.
Liz, I am rejoicing with you and praising God for answered prayer for your healing. Our God is faithful and true and His mercies are new every morning! Hallelujah! May His sweet Spirit continue to strengthen you daily and may you bring forth His Word with power and boldness!! Love and appreciate you.
Thank you. I need this reminder everyday. Some days it’s hard to look in the mirror.
Thank you, Liz. I needed to read this today. Its been raining all week end and we took yesterday off to go camping. Bummer. So happy your health is better. God is good!
Love the beautiful begonias.
Thank you for the encouragement. You are so beautiful!
Ta Daaaaaa! Thank you Liz for your ever uplifting words!
Alana Morgan
Liz how wonderful that you are cancer free!! Praise God!! This issue of loving our bodies is a great topic. I have learned to use tapping to help with my joint and muscle pain and that starts out telling yourself you completely love and accept yourself no matter what is wrong. You know I met you many years ago when I was a Women’s Health Center Coordinator and you spoke at my “Valentine For Me” conference. Everyone loved you of course. I still have a pin you gave me that said “Official Encourager” and I still try to do that even in my old age! 🙂 Love your emals and facebook posts. Hugs to you.
Thank you for your uplifting devotion. I really needed to “hear” it today. God is so amazing! He loves us because we are His creation and desires to commune with us every day. Praise to our God for the healing work he performed if your life. The news from the doctor is outstanding! I am rejoicing with you and this family of believers who love you.
Thanh you so much your words today have brought tears , I have struggled my whole life with Cerebral palsy, and operations have left scars, not just physical. Thank you for reminding me that Jesus thinks I am beautiful, even if I can’t always feel it.
So glad to hear your wonderful health news! You and your words of encouragement are a blessing to me and so many others. Thank you.
I love it when NED becomes our new best friend! He has been there for me twice. Praise God for healing!
Praise the Lord Liz! Doing a happy dance with you. What a timely message today, I sure needed to hear that. Off to go Ta-Da myself
God bless you abundantly spirit, soul and body in jesus name Amen
Oh Liz, What wonderful news, NEOD—yeah! I’m in that same camp and every time there is a scan I hold my breath and wait to hear those words. You lady are the beautiful one! Thank you for sharing your love with us!
Thank you for Rise and Shine. I love reading it in the mornings I am so thrilled that you Have “no evidence of disease.” What beautiful words to you and to those of us who love you.
Please pray for a young man (13) who has been diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer. He and his family are awesome people and need our prayers.
Blessings and love
Praise God there are no more cancer cells! Been praying for you.
“Ta-Da”! Thank you,Liz, for allowing God to use you in amazing ways! You are a blessing to me and to so many other women.
As iron sharpens iron,
so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17
Wow! What a wonderful reminder how wonderfully God created me! Thank you for sharing the verse and your encouraging words. What a blessing to hear how God has been working in your life with His healing.
Ta-Da is right! Thank you for your beautiful and encouraging words. We need them once in a while. So happy for you I know by faith you are heal. Continue to pray for you.
Only beautiful, wonderful, amazing you could say Ta-Da and make me want to own it too! I have re-read this chapter so many times and every time I read it , I cry but I start to believe it a little more…. I love and appreciate you so much Sweet Liz and am beyond grateful for the gift of you in all our lives! Thank-you Jesus….<3
Liz, I thank God with you for your wonderful news from the Doctor on being cancer free !!! Your joy bubbles right into my heart , and refreshes me each time I read your posts. You are so beautiful !!! 🤗
Liz, you are such an inspiration and always a sheer delight to hear you speak. You uplift sisters-in-Christ like no other-aside from God’s Word♡
Thank you for sharing your love for our LORD, doing HIs Will, writing books I hate to put down until finishing, and your encouragement to realize my worth through Christ and not men.
Woderful news from your oncologist! Rejoicing with you Liz!! ♡
Hands and heart lifted in praise! No evidence of disease. So happy, excited, grateful, Liz.
And, as always, your words are simple ones strung together with such insight. And POW ~ “The Lord created and defined beauty in our world. Surely He didn’t make lovely butterflies, exquisite flowers, and gorgeous sunsets, and leave out womankind, the crown of his creation!” Never thought of that, but you are so right. Thanks for reminding us of God’s nature and our blessings.
I have an email folder where I keep all your posts. You spread joy and that is a much-sought-after commodity today! (Don’t know if “commodity” is the word I want but it’s all I can come up with right now). I am so glad your health has improved to the point of being free of the disease! Praise the Lord! Thank you for the many years of encouragement!
Thank you for reminding me that I am beautiful just the way the Lord made me!! So very thankful for the news…you are such a blessing!
Praise the Lord for the good news from your doctor. God still has work for you here ministering to women. What a wonderful encouragement you are to so many!
Good perspective on a sensitive issue. Thanks Liz!
Oh I surely did need to hear these words just now. I just left my restroom, where I tugged and pulled on my top to try and better disguise my extra curves. Your words were like Jesus saying to me, “Girl, you look fine, you are fine. Go on now and do your thing.” 🙂
Praising God for you Liz, and for the good report from the doctor, and for everything you and all of us have learned through this journey of yours.
He is faithful, His mercies are new every morning, and what would we do without Him. Have a blessed week!
P.S. The whole Ta-Da! thing makes me smile. I might just try that every morning. 🙂
I’m so happy to hear you are well! Yeah! Thank God for your incredible faith and showing us strength and courage! It’s wonderful news! Thank you for this, I have spent most of today complaining to my friend about the bags, the dark circles and wrinkles. You hit me right where I needed it with this post. Thank you for helping us see who we are and whose we are! That alone makes us beautiful!
Liz, this came at a very good time. I am 80 years old and when people hear that they say I don’t look it. GOD blessed me with looking much younger then my real age. And I get lots of compliments at church, so have come to think I look OK. The hardest part has been to learn to love myself.
But I am working on that.. I always love getting your messages.
Great is the Lord’s faithfulness. His lovingkindness and tender mercies are new every morning! Celebrating with you as you walk in health. Psalm 103:1-5
I’m giddy thanking God for answered miracle prayers! Hallelujah about “no more cancer.” I can’t even imagine the JOY you are experiencing. God knows we need you Lizzy! You are as beautiful as the pictures in this recent blog! I love you and your writing continues to be off the chain!❤️💗❤️💗❤️💗❤️💗
Lovingly Joy,
Love your ta da cards for the mirror. Your e mails are always such a pick up. Aging is really tough sometimes. Happy to hear you are disease free. Such a wonderful blessing. Thanks for always being here and helping us. Blessings to you.
Your words are so amazing! Thank you for helping me appreciate and accept my inner beauty. Some days are more difficult than others but with each reminder it “shows“ a little more.
And so thankful for you good health news-God Bless!
As a two time breast cancer survivor I have had you in my prayers for the last several months. So glad to hear things are working out great. In August it will be 3 years since my last go round with this things called cancer. Praise to God for getting us through it all. I put the “Ta-Da” sticker I got from you at Gull Lake Ladies Days a few years ago on my car windshield. I’ve since bought a newer car, so miss seeing it first thing in the morning. It got me off to a great start every morning.
Liz, I have been praying for you daily since your call for prayer. So thankful fot this news from your oncologist!! YOU are precious to all of us, too! Robin
Lizzie, so happy to hear the good news about you heath. You are an inspiration! I so needed to read this today. It’s easy to fall into that pit of only seeing the flaws and the negative. I’m searching for the joy…and you inspire me!
Hugs & Prayers
Praise the Lord. We have a good, good Father. No other like Him!
Praising God for your good health report. I am a 13 years breast cancer survivor. 🙂
“Ta Da” says it all. God is Good, I just need to look at the beauty within and around.
Ta Da praises to the Lord Jesus for your being cancer free. God is so good.
God is so good! Praising Him for that wonderful report from your oncologist. Thank you for always having just the right words of encouragement. Blessings!
I have the privilege of going into our county jail every 4th Sunday to talk to the women and men who are incarcerated, usually drug related. I plan to use this blog tomorrow. You should see the looks of joy and relief when the women hear that they are loved, that there is hope, that God SEES them. Thank you for sharing!
What a great reminder. I would be the one saying I’m not in the 3rd row.
Thank you, Liz, for sharing this message I so need to hear. I am so happy to hear you got a good report. Thank you for the chance to win 10 Ta-Da cards which would be such an encouragement. Thank you for choosing to be an encourager to us. May God continue to bless you. Hugs and prayers.
I love this! You have been an inspiration to me. God has used you to draw me closer to Him. As a result, HE is making changes in my life! HE Does Make Everything Beautiful!!!!
Liz thank you for your message!! These cards would be a great reminder for college bond ladies!! What a great idea!!
Love your message Liz. What fun it would be to share these cards with the women I meet and know!
I needed this message. Thank you. Glad you are doing so well!
Beautiful flowers. Beautiful you. Glad to hear your good health news. I’ve also been through radiation with my husband. What a blessing to get a good report!
PPPS: God is Good! Cancer is gone! Thought of you so many times and as I was reading “Beautiful You” I was praying you were well!’ Praise Our Lord!!
Praise the Lord, God is good.
Yes, Lord, we are Beautiful, thank you.
Oh yes- praise God for your health and more!
What gorgeous pictures! And such a good reminder I so need today!
You’re always a blessing to me, Liz. Thank you for being obedient to God in your writing and sharing.
Prayers continue for your complete healing.
Liz, I am so happy and thankful to God for the wonderful report you received. You are precious and beautiful to us and we are all precious and beautiful to God! Tada!
PTL your cancer is gone! God is good!!
I am so delighted and grateful to hear about your healthy news! You are a blessing to me and so many people! Thank you for the reminders that we are all beautiful! I have been sharing your TA-DA cards with all my friends and family since I was blessed to hear you speak this spring! Thank you for all you do!
Thank you, Liz! I really needed this today. In my younger days, I was a real beauty. Before I gave my heart to Jesus, I have to admit, I was vain about my physical beauty at times. It’s humbling now to see myself as a rose losing its bloom. This word is so encouraging! The love of Jesus and His indwelling Spirit make me beautiful! I am His handiwork, created to be uniquely me!! His love for me makes me beautiful. Thank you for the precious reminder that God made us all in His image to reflect His beauty.
Yes, happy to hear you are well!!! Stay blessed always xoxo
Wow! God’s timing for me to read this was perfect! I “preach” to my 17 year old about her beauty as God created her, and then struggle to find beauty in my aging body. Came to the beach for vacation and realized I forgot my swimsuits :/ I had labored to find ones I felt okay in only to leave them at home. When we got to the beach we stopped at a surf shop to find a swimsuit and had no luck because of the flaws I see when I look in the mirror. Thank you for this reminder of our beauty that isn’t defined by lumps, rolls, wrinkles, or dimples 🙂 Praise God for His love for us! Oh Lord, let us recognize the beauty in us and all around us!! Thank you for knitting us together!!
I’m am delighted for you that everything is going well with your treatment , thankfully, an answer to many prayers. The gift of your words are a blessing….thank-you
Have a blessed day,
OMG! Ta Da cards – what a great idea! So glad to here your good health news!
Thankful for your message today. I have always been more critical of myself than of anyone else. Praying to God to help me change that. It has been one of my toughest battles.
Praise and Thanksgiving for your latest cancer report! God is so amazing!
Love you, Liz!
Betsy Wischover
So happy for your good report from the doctor, praising the Great Physician!! Thank you for your Bible studies/ lessons, I always come away with a better understanding of what an awesome God we serve. thank you Thalma
Beautiful begonias and message. I look forward to and value the messages I receive from you. God has blessed and answered prayer on your behalf as I knew He would. Pray…believing your prayer will be answered. God is good!
Did your oncologist say, “Ta-da!” when he gave you the good news?
SO, glad to hear the good report about your health! In the past I asked the Lord to give to you with the same measure you give to us. Now I ask him that as you keep on giving to us, may He keep on giving to you.
As I volunteered again this year for Gull Lake Ministries Ladies Days, the Lord said the same thing to me about the beauty of the women all around me. What we have a hard time wrapping our brains around is that He also sees our broken wretchedness, and we just have a hard time understanding how he can see both. Both perfectly broken and perfect bride. But He does, and both are just as valid, all at the same time. Hallelujah! We just have to learn to accept and live in both just as validly as He does.
Thanks, beautiful sister!
Liz I am beyond happy and relieved for you after hearing about your cancer news! You are such a blessing to all of us but I’ll bet the Lord is working on that Dr. too! There is a story there with him with you as his patient! Bless you sister. Keep up the Lord’s work. We all love you and care about you and your family.
Love an old sister and old admirer!
Thank you! Your words are such an encouragement to so many in this crazy, critical world. Thank you for the laughter and affirmation.
This made me cry Liz. I am so hard on myself and currently separated from my husband …. so feeling not good enough and rejected. But my Heavenly Father loves me and I believe He is working in my husband’s life. He has certainly done a work in me. God bless you!
What a wonderful medical report! I praise God for such good news. I am rejoicing with you. Jesus truly is our healer💕!
Thank you for this beautiful (and, for me, timely) post. It seems I’m in a time of finding my way right now…it has its moments of complete peace in it but I’m still trying to find the meaning…if that even makes sense. 😀
So thankful for each word. You are so encouraging – made just for this purpose! You are truly beautiful in your time. Still struggling to write this truth on my heart personally. Someday…
Liz, you are so precious! Thank you for this word! I needed it so today! To God be the glory for your healing! God bless!!
These would be so great for the ladies in my small group! Thank you, as always, for your encouraging words. I’m so happy to hear that your cancer is gone!
Thanks so much for the encouraging words!
God be praised for your good news healthwise❤️🙏🏽
I would love to share these
With my Womens group!
Awesome idea I remember hearing TaDa at ladies day in Indy
Thank you, for giving me a deeper and more loving understanding of His Great Love. I have taught a Ladies Sunday School Class, for many years. Have always expressed to them, “when I look at them individually or collectively”, I see “Beauty”! Now I understand more fully. Thank you, in His Great Love & mine, Betty Stanford
Beautiful news!
Liz, That is such great news! Thank God! Don’t know if you remember me. I’m the bass player from Cannon Beach, in Oregon, Suzanne Grove. It was such an honor to meet you and hear you speak. I’m reading Bad Girls of the Bible right now and I want to read all of your books. My friend, Taryn, the drummer from that weekend bought it for me. I’m so so happy to hear your good news! And I love your emails! You are such a wonderful human being.
I hope you are feeling well besides. Send you all my best. You are a light! I am looking forward to your Facebook live in July. You are so hip 🙂
With Love, Suzanne
You are a gifted writer!
Word! Beautiful in every way!
Today I was terminated from my job of 19 years. A job reduction, Right.
So I was not feeling so beautiful. When I got home, I saw you post today. Which is my verse that I have claimed for my life. Then I read this beautiful message, that I needed that so badly. So TA-DA!!!!
So grateful for your good report! I saw you at the Youth Haven in Michigan in April and have been praying for you! I have been in remission for ovarian cancer since 2015. Recently found out the cancer has returned. 3 small spots that I will be starting chemo next week to obliterate! I love your encouragement and fun spirit Lizzie! You are truly an inspiration to so many! I read your books and follow you weekly! I will continue to pray for you and your ministry!
I just learned of you within the last half hour from a co-worker. I then googled you and found out you are not just an author but so much more. Then I see that you are having a giveaway of these amazing Ta-Da! Cards. I have been working on my prayers and also trying to put together some good affirmations to speak each morning. Whomever is blessed to receive them will certainly be able to put them to good use. I look forward to finding your books and learning more about you. Enjoy the day.
Praise the Lord Liz! He is our healer ! I have not been a faithful reader lately, taking care of my MIL , Sister , and Sister in law, both learning disabled. MIL getting confused more, love you
My sister can’t wait till I can attend another conference that you speak at! Take care!
Ta Da! I found you! I am going through a separation/divorce and after moving out went through my dark night of the soul. Struggling to stay in a new place, by myself, knowing no one, not belonging to anyone, or any place and convincing myself this was better than going back. I stummbled upon a reminder I saved about Lot’s Wife. I wanted a more in depth and wider perspective of Mrs Lot and found your writing on this. It’s just what I needed to read. Thank you for your gift and for sharing and I’m so happy to hear of your recent victory!
You are precious to me! I am so grateful for your healing! You have been a real blessing in my life and taught me so much! I am sharing this reading with the gals from our worship team at church! It’s a good reminder for all of us! We are beautifully made! Love you!!
Has anyone told you that you are beautiful today? You are. Been a fan of yours since radio days. Thank you for all that you are, all that you do. peace.
Thank you for the beautiful reminder. Praise God for the news about your health!
As a cancer survivor, I am so glad to hear your GREAT news. Still praying for you, as this takes a while from which to recover! Thanks for all that you do!
I have just run across your website today. You sound like you would be someone really fun to be a friend with. Thank you for your insights into God’s word. I’ve written down some of the books you have written to share with our ladies minister. It’s obvious God has blessed your ministry. Sandy Humphrey
Thank you for reminding us that we are all beautiful. We love to read your books in our Women’s Bible Study group. Thank you for all you do.
Struggling with weight all my life hasn’t been easy and now that health issues have started to arise I am trying to get better at what I should have done so many years ago. My daughter the baby of 4 and the only girl at the age of 14 is a little smaller than me yet I also worry for her not because of her size but health as diabetes runs rampant on her fathers side. I always tell her that beauty is from the inside out and that she is a unique creation straight from The Creators Hands. I also tell her friends who shame themselves for one thing or another. We are all His Masterpieces!
Praising God for your wonderful news! So happy for you and may God continue to bless you with good health and happiness! Always love to read your break down of scriptures, you make it so easy to read and understand. Looking forward to more books from you and your hubby too!
Wow, my friends told me you are amazing, and funny. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. May God continue to bless you. In Christ, Tamara
Thank you, Lord, thank you for bringing healing to this beautiful sister. What a wonderful gift to her and to us all. May there be many years yet of teaching and learning and sistership among us.
What wonderful news! You are such a wonderful encourager. Would love to know how to buy the TaDa cards as they would make fun gifts for friends.
I’ve had mine on my bathroom mirror for quite a few years now. (6? 7?) Whenever someone comes over and uses my bathroom for the first time, they ask about it and I get to share your message. Wouldn’t it be cool if it was like that old shampoo commercial… I told 2 friends and they told 2 friends and so on and so on and so on…. LOL
Continuing to pray for your well-being.
Lord, thank you for making me unique! Ta-Daaa!!!
P.S. Love you, Liz!
Praise God for His healing touch. When I first heard you speak @ Unspeakable Joy in Winston Salem, I was so moved. I continue to be uplifted by your blogs and live devotions each month, thank you for your honesty and your laughter but most of all thank you for sharing Jesus.. Continued prayers going up for you my Sister in Christ.
Thank you for being beautiful you! I am enjoying Rise and Shine and shared Joy at Hand with my hubby today. He is enjoying your words too. Our God is good.
Praising God for you…wonderfully and amazingly created; me too – TaDa!
Dearest Liz,
Thank you for all that you do to bring God’s word to the world. I attended a Women’s conference that you spoke at in Birmingham several years ago and loved it and you! Our ladies group has done the Loved by God Bible study and I have ALL of your books.
You have been in my prayers for healing so that you can continue to share the Gospel.
Liz, I’m so glad you are healthy and happy and cancer free!!! I’ve been praying for you. God is so good . Thank you for being such an encouragement to all of us . I have been reading your book Rise and Shine, what an encouragement and inspiring way to start the day! God’s blessings!
Would love to win a set of TaDa cards. My sticker has been on the bathroom mirror for over 7 years. It was there to lift my spirits during my own cancer journey and many health issues afterwards. Praising God His touch on you! Hope to see you in Pell City, AL.
Liz, so thankful for you and thank you for your encouragement daily when I run across twitter and see you there , I may not always comment , but I am thankful for you .
I love your books they are a huge encouragement to me . I am currently reading bad girls I love it .
Would love these cards Ta Da
I have truly been enjoying Rise and Shine each morning and your posts. Your words echo the words of our Lord and remind me of who He says I am. Thank you for your transparency. God bless.
Ta-Da! Beautiful, created in His image, we are all lovely.
Liz, You are BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Liz, First praise God from whom all blessings flow! Wonderful news from your oncologist. I forget being a size 12, although being smaller, is not what gives this daughter of the King blessed assurance. It is my walks I take with my Father God. I set my burdens and cares down and smile in the radiance of His pure love. That grows deeper roots in my soul. I simply say, I ❤️ You!
Praise the Lord, NED! You are the second woman that God has brought into my path who have received such wonderful news from their oncologist! God is good! Ta-da! That is something I need to do every day. The enemy tries to distract me with negative thoughts about myself. I need to remember who I am in Christ!
I struggle with this topic. But I love your book Rise and Shine and your words were so timely today. Thank you also for reminding me that God loves me just the way I am. And thank you for reminding me that I am beautiful and that I must accept that before others will be able to see that.
Praise God that you are cancer-free and able to continue with the work God has created just for you!
I have read this post over and over and each time it makes me feel better about myself and even though we are all different, God loves us all the same. Thank you for renewing my spirit. TADA
Praising God with you for your great news. Thank you fir being such a great encourager.
Oh Liz! What amazing words you heard from your oncologist! Praising Abba Father with you! You are such a delight and your words encourage me. You have no idea how much I needed to hear your TaDa message today! I’ve been fighting the lies of Satan in that area for the past week. Praying that the more I read His truth, the more I will be able to clearly see the true woman He created me to be. It’s a struggle for this 55+ woman who has been a believer since the age of 7. Thank you! 💗
Ta da is a good reminder!
God knew we still needed your encouragement. And my ta-da stickers were given out a long time ago when I lived somewhere else. Would be fun to pass some out again. Thank you for reminding us again how God see us is important.
Oh Liz…what an encouraging blessing you are to me and so many others I suspect!!!
Thank you for the Ta Da idea and for the chance to win a reminder card!!!
All God’s Blessings to youuuuuuu!
Thank you Liz for your encouraging words! Praise God for your complete healing! You magnify Gods love by your generous spirit and compassionate heart ❤️! Bless you for always lifting us up !
Thank you. You are a blessing indeed!
I really look forward to your teachings and insights. Thank you for all you do, and for the chance to win. God bless you.
God bless you, Liz. I always love hearing you speak and still giggle when I think of your stories… Like the time you touched your fingernails up while using the restroom – before speaking to a group of women. You realized you were in trouble when it was time to pull your panty hose up!😂 Keep encouraging us to follow Jesus, & keep making us laugh. I thank God for your good report.
Oh! How I love holding this thought in my heart ❤️
I am a taaa daaa creation. And so are YOU! To God be the Glory!
I’m so happy to hear your great news, Praise God indeed!!! And…I LOVE the “TADA” cling stickers, what a wonderful, uplifting idea! I’ll continue to lift you up in prayer. Have a great weekend and HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!!🎆🇺🇸🎉
Liz, you are a wonderful encourager and we are so blessed that the Lord has healed you, in order for you to be able to stay here in minister to us. I know that comment is really wordy…but it’s meant well and from the heart.
You are a blessing and a inspiration to all who have heard you and read your books. Plus, you make people laugh. I heard you speak once about nail polish and panty house that made me laugh so heard my head fell into my friends lap. You can find laughter and humor hard situations. May God continue to bless you and your ministry.
thank you for the encouragement
Thank you Liz for the reminder. I’ve been struggling with trying to lose ten pounds for several months.y body just won’t cooperate and I end up comparing myself to others who have lost a lot of weight. Praying for your continued health.
Praising God on your cancer gone.
I have never seen myself as pretty or beautiful. I never look in the mirror. It is pretty cool knowing God made everything good. Along with the beautiful mountains and oceans, he made me also. Just reading your message helped me realize that. Thank you Liz.
Praise God for the wonderful news of No evidence of disease! Thanks for the uplifting devotional and the beautiful flower pictures.
Thank you Liz for the reminder. I’ve been struggling with trying to lose ten pounds for several months.y body just won’t cooperate and I end up comparing myself to others who have lost a lot of weight. Praying for your continued health.
Ta-da! Love it! You’re such an encourager, thank you!,
Thank you Liz for your encouraging words. Praising God with you for the good report! Praying God will help each of us remember He made us in His image and He made us beautiful!
I would very much just like one of them. I don’t really have anyone to give the other 9 too, but 1 for me would be nice.
TADA! God’s promises are ever true! Praising HIM for what he’s doing in your life, Miss Liz!
I would love to win a set of these cards to share, but per chance I don’t, can we buy them?
Thanks for the opportunity, either way!
Praising God for a wonderful report!! God is so good! You are fearfully & wonderfully made and God uses you for lifting & encouraging so many of us women. Thank you for all your writings, teachings, children’s books too! TaDa…
for the chance to win such special cards and pass them along to encourage others! You are so loved!
Hi Liz Thank you for For all your couragement yougave to all the women’s who don’t feel beautiful cause I am one of them love you
I heard you speak at Sandy Cove many years ago and that weekend you spoke and explained about Ta-Da! I can still see you raising your arms in exuberance as you spoke of Ta-Da moments in your life and how we can also have them. You helped me to see that weekend how valuable I am to God, in spite of my earthly physical appearance. I would love to be able to receive your Ta-Da stickers and pass the others to some of the gals who attended that weekend or have taken your Bible study courses with me.
I am rejoicing with you about your last doctor visit of being cancer free. Through your journey you have given God glory, showing us how to walk the trials of life with God in the forefront.
You have blessed me through your gift of laughter, your books and ministry. Thank you for allowing God to use you.
These would be wonderful to share with all the beautiful women in my life.
“No evidence of disease,” hear these wonderful words from the book of Liz 1:1. God is good all of the time. We all shout “TA DA” with you! Your words always fall on the right ears at the right time. You share God’s words and make them ours.
Really uplifting. We really need to see ourselves as God does. So easy to forget that “God doesn’t make junk. Am so happy for the hood report from your doctor. Woooot!!!!!!🙏
So happy to be part of people who listen at your feet. I have not been personally in an audience, but this article makes me feel I have. As ww are all safe in Jesus arms, we need to encourage and guide each othee through. Thanks for your encouragement and your inspiration to do this for others.
LOVE the news from your onocologist! Amazing grace!
Blessings of joy and peace to you.
Thanks for your books and the encouragement you provide!
Liz! Such joyful news! You are such an encouragement to me and to so many others. Thank you for your heart of generosity. ❤️
Praising God with you for a healthy report! He is so good!
I do not believe in coincidence (what Christian woman really does?), so I know it is by His grace that I ran across your blog post tonight before settling into bed.
Your post reminds me (perhaps God is reminding me *through* you, sweet sister), that I am beautiful. I am good. Why? Because I am *His*. Nothing more; nothing less.
Thank you so much for the gentle reminder.
Much love and peace to you –
Praise God for the good report of “No evidence of disease”! Thanks for fighting to get well.
My friends and I did a study on Bad Girls……, Real Bad Girls….. and It’s Good to be Queen before traveling to Tifton, Ga., to see you on the Outrageous and Contagious program. We received the Tada cards that day. We are from Port Orange, Florida. What a great experience; we are still talking about it. We’re trying to get tickets for when you are in St. Augustine this fall.
You are such an inspiration to so many women. For some of us who have trouble letting go of our past mistakes, and thoughts of never being good enough, just to hear your testimony, lifts us up.
Thank you, Liz, and continued blessings.
Yippee!! Wonderful news from your Oncologist!
Praise God!🙌🏼 😃
It would be a blessing to be able to share these “Ta-Da’s” with the ladies in my bible study class. As women, i know how we need the encouragement. ✨
Thank you for your consideration!🌸
Praise Hod! You are an amazing woman of God! I love seeing you at Women of Joy! I would love to share these Ta-Da cards with my teacher friends! Thank you for your ministry! ❤️❤️❤️
Oops! Praise God!
Praise God on your health news. You are such a blessing to so many.
Beautiful words…you are always so encouraging.
Ta da… would love to share these with the residents at our retirement community.
What s lovely word and the best was the pps! Praise the Lord!
Ta da… God tells us we are fearfully and wonderfully made! I have changed my “thought closet” into believing these words. I would give the Ta da’s to my life group sister’s.
You are such a blessing!! And Hallelujah on your good news!!
Ta Da!! Love you, Liz💙💙
I’ve never seen myself as particularly beautiful, because I’ve always been overweight and because my dad told me I was nowhere near acceptable in his estimation. Thank you for showing us that our Heavenly Father seeks beauty in the heart. Ta-Da!
Wow! Thank you for the encouragement that I needed to hear today. Gods timing is always perfect!
I suggested our ladies summer Bible study do the Bad Girls study and we are! I would love to share the Ta-Da vinyl clings with them. I have mine in my kitchen window. Still praising God for your good news!!!! Hugs!
I love that YOU love to encourage and teach women and I LOVE to be encouraged and taught by you! Be blessed Liz!!
So glad to hear your good report! You always seem to have just the words of encouragement I need to hear. Thank you!
Praise God!! So happy for you. Have loved you for years. Thank you for inspiring a positive attitude in me.
“God is good all the time.”Thanks for this beautiful devotion. My mother always told me the saying” beauty is as beauty does.” We are all beautiful in God’s eyes. PTL about your report.
God made all of us ladies uniquely beautiful as individual as snowflakes. As beautiful as flowers in full bloom no mater what age. Embrace it! Thank you Liz! Love reading your lovely inspiring words of wisdom! God bless you!
Dear dear friend,
I gave my Rise and Shine away! How could I? Very hard but I knew one of our widows needed it more than me. When I did the drawing a ‘new’ widow’s Name was drawn and it was her first time to come to our Monthly Club! Imagine what each widow would think if they received a ‘TA-DA’ card! I think you know that answer!
💕 Those Ta-da cards are amazing!! What a great way to boost some fellow woman’s days!! These are so beautiful! I already have a mental list of who I would present them to!! 😊💕💕
What an awesome idea “tads cards”. I would love to give them away. I am also a cancer survivor and will be praying for your continued good reports.
Thank you for sharing the joy of the Lord as your strength! I’d love to share these cards with the other teachers at our preschool!
“Ta da!” God has made you very beautiful Liz Curtis Higgs. Love you!
Yes yes yes! I am learning…slowly but surely and full of grace…that God created me, chose me, redeemed me, and calls me His. I was carefully designed by God, just like He designs the sunsets and the flowers and the stars. I was designed by God, made in His image…and if that isn’t beautiful, a reason to exclaim “Ta-da!”, I don’t know what is. 🙂
These look great! I’d love to give them to my fellow teachers. We need reminded now and then.
Just learned about you and your ministry for the first time. Sounds like you are following Gods prompting and teaching his word. Thank you for that.
You are such an inspiration! Thank you. Big Hugs.
Praise the Lord. I am thrilled that you are doing so well.
God does good work and as I age (79) and my body begins to go down hill, it gets harder to see that. But I know there will be a new body for me someday. I look forward to that.
Would love to win this cards to encourage friends. Thanks for being an encouragement.
Oops – these. Should have spell checked. Lol.
Psalm 139:13-
You knit me together…I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
I am a child of God
I AM loves me even at my worst
I am because I AM chose me.
Thank you Liz for this reminder.
We all need a reminder of the “TADA”.
You are precious to me! Thank you for loving God so deeply and sharing His Word so sweetly.
I just finished reading bad girls of the Bible. I loved the stories. I would love to win the Ta-da cards to share with my friends. I have a lot of friends that could use a pick me up because they are suffering a lot. Praise God you had a good report from the doctor.
What a beautiful face you have! You are such a encourager by just looking at your face 😘 Thank you Lord for this sweet lady and her testimony of how wonderful You are and how much You love us💜 Liz, so thankful to God for your wonderful healing, keep on encouraging us ma’am 🙏🏻
So happy for you and the results you have been given. You are such a blessing. I can still remember the first time I heard you speak and still today when I finish getting ready for work I take one last look in the mirrow, raise my hands in the air and say….TA-DA.
Thanks Liz, always on target! I remind myself often, God doesn’t make any “oops” and I am so thankful and grateful. Blessings to you for those wonderful words you heard this week!!
I am so happy for you Liz. We need you around to lift us up. I chuckled when I pictured myself in front of the mirror saying, “TaDa.” I’m going to have to do that! Thank you for that picture. I chuckled because it made me feel happy like a little girl to picture it.
thank you for the message.. would love a set of cards
What a lovely, timely message! Thank you, Liz! Praise the Lord for the wonderful report! No evidence of disease..such sweet words to hear!!
Oh, Liz! I am rejoicing with you and yours! Praise the Lord for all He accomplishes through trials and suffering. I have been so thankful for you since I read Bookends and Mixed Signals! I love the Ta-da! Cards! Will share with my now 20 something girls and buddies who need this reminder! Thank you for being real, vulnerable and radiant with the deep, abiding love of God! All glory to God as He walks with you!
First, I am beyond excited to read that you are free of the horrific disease of cancer.
Second I remember when you spoke this truth to several thousand women at an Extrodinary Women conference. It totally changed the way I saw myself.
And third – I am pretty sure it is impossible for you to become any more adorable. Much love to you!
I am thanking God for your wonderful report! I love this post and plan to share it with friends today! It is a message women need to hear again and again! I have my Ta-da card by my mirror so I read it every morning! Thank you for all you do to keep us looking to Jesus!!
I love the way you write! It is always so insightful. I have learned souch from your writings. Please keep it up as long as you can!
Feeling like a winner! Thx for all you do and inspire.
TaDa begins this morning, yes fully clothed! Thank you Liz
God is so good…all the time ❤️
Thank you So Much for this Beautiful Post… It just so happened that I just happened to stumble across it via my FB Newsfeed from a Friend of mine, who had shared it. My take-a-way from this to share with others will definitely be the part where you said: “Surely He didn’t make lovely butterflies, exquisite flowers, and gorgeous sunsets, and leave out womankind, the crown of his creation!” Thanks for sharing & God Bless, Liz Curtis <3
Your life and your writings are inspiring! I have shared your blog and your books with my sister, who recently was diagnosed with breast cancer. May your strength and encouragement touch her heart as it has done for many women, each on their own journey . God bless.
Love to read your post and listen to you speak . Especially love your Facebook live talks.
Attended one of your events years ago in Tucson. You spoke of how we are all beautiful flowers in God’s garden; one of a kind and unique. You stressed the importance of embracing our uniqueness saying “if you don’t do you, who will?” That has remained with me for almost 20 years. Thank you!
Thank you, Liz. You are a living example of living in the love of the Lord who is the only One who can make us feel truly loved and beautiful. I’m feeling a bit unloved and beat up despite the people in my life that do love me with their broken love. I’m learning to not expect more and be grateful for those gifts. Hugs, Jan
I remember the first time I heard you speak. It was in Duluth Minnesota. I remember you talking about saying “Ta da” to ourselves, and I cried. All of my life I have been crushed by others who said mean things to me and my mother who never made me feel like I was worthy of anything. I tried so hard to fit in and be what everyone else wanted me to be. In the process I lost joy in who God had created me to be. And then I heard you speak, and my whole thought process changed. You have continued to inspire me through the years. I thank God for you. I love your positive energy and inspiration. May God continue to bless you and keep you healthy!
Liz, You are such a blessing to me. I truly thank God upon every remembrance of you! Praising Him for your good health report. May. God use your health issue to encourage and comfort those whom need it and therefore bless you.💕
NED! What beautiful words. May they bless others as you praise God for healing.
I saw you yesterday at the Christian Writer’s Conference and your keynote touched me greatly — and made me laugh, of course. Maybe louder than many others in the room. While I am a writing notice by Liz-measure (and appreciate your encouragement), I am not in the cancer department. I’ve got you beat by 7 years and counting, the last 3 1/2 NED with Stage 4.
Thank you for the reminder about beauty as God’s precious daughter. My original tumor was in my jaw, which resulted in a jaw transplant. So, I “lead” with my cancer — if the aches and pains didn’t remind me of cancer even before my feet hit the floor in the morning, that first glance in the mirror certainly does.
I encourage you to accept the “journey” but to pack light. Sometimes we have to carry our own baggage long enough to be reminded how blessed we are when the burden is carried by another.
Liz. I am praising the Lord for reading your wonderful health report. I had thought and prayed for you often. I had never really known of you until you were in Martin, Tn. earlier this year. I was so blessed!!
Hope you can be in my area again!
Prayers and blessings
Connie Rainey
I have one class left for our Summer Bible study of The Girl’s Still Got It. I don’t want the class to end! I finished the book today with tears streaming down my face. This is the second summer Bible study we have done with you (two years ago we did Bad Girls) and I thoroughly enjoyed them both. I wish you would come speak in the Virginia/DC area. I know 60 women who would love to be there!