Have I mentioned lately how wise you are? Your understanding of life and loss and learning and laughter and loving God comes from a well of experience, made deeper by the hours you’ve spent in His Word and in His presence.
When you share your wisdom on this blog, on Facebook, on Twitter, you bless thousands. No kidding. Thousands.
That’s why this week, four of our sisters will teach us what grace is…in a sentence. Then, I’ll toss in my two cents, and give the Lord the last, best Word.
“His grace is a gift I could never earn or deserve.”—Lynn
Even so, some of us are still laboring to the point of exhaustion, trying to earn His forgiveness. Staying up late, running ourselves ragged, making must-do lists, thinking if we work hard enough for God, He might stamp us “Approved.”
Beloved, it’s time to stop striving and rest in this truth: Grace is a gift. Salvation is a gift. Faith is a gift. And God Himself is the greatest gift of all. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).
“Without His grace, I am hopeless and lost!!”—Brenda
We’re all nodding on this one. Me too. Praise the One who solves such problems. With His grace, we have hope. With His grace, we are found.
When things look or feel or seem hopeless, they are not. That’s the adversary, trying to convince you to give up. Stand firm. “Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord” (Psalm 31:24).
Once Christ has found you, you are no longer lost. He has claimed you, forgiven you, and will never lose you. It’s a finished work. “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10).
“When I make a mess of my life, God continues to love me.”—Mary
That’s grace, all right. Most people avoid mess-makers, but not God. He said to the apostle Paul (and to you and to me), “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). And in messiness. And in wretchedness.
“I always need His grace, especially when I don’t think I need it.”—Diane
This is so the truth. Two of the most dangerous phrases in the English language are “I’ve got this” and “I don’t need help.”
In those moments, the Lord quickly points out our pride—often through a humbling experience—then bids us come to Him, certain of His loving-kindness. “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).
Lord, we marvel at Your unimaginable, indescribable gift of grace. We know we can’t purchase Your gift with our works. We can only accept Your grace with empty hands and grateful hearts and lips full of praise.
How would you finish the sentence, “Grace is…”? Please share your thoughts below, knowing they will bless many.
Your grateful sister, Liz
Grace is faith at work. Without grace there are times I wouldn’t be able to look at myself in a mirror.
It’s by the ‘Grace of God’ that I (we) are saved. Undeserving of it, God showed grace so that we could be heirs in His Kingdom. We’ve all sinned and fallen short of the glory, but He let down His rope of “Grace” to save us, through His son, Jesus Christ! The thing is not many people are reaching up to grab the rope. I finally did, and am so grateful. I am thankful to Father God for this gift; for His tender mercy, compassion, understanding, patience, and kindness. Thus I believe He has passed on the banner of grace to each of us and wants us to run with it. I’ll tell you, it ‘ain’t easy, but by the Grace of God, I can do it–I will do it! I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me! (Philippians 4:13)
Grace is, everything to me, from the first breath I took as an infant on until the day Christ returns. It is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I love God for His grace.
His Grace is underneath and Around me holding me up.
Grace is God’s love and forgiveness for undeserving sinners like me. Grace is having my son here and healthy when doctors told me on the day he was born that he had less than a 1% chance of survival. Grace is meeting the man I love and growing our faith together. Grace is every blessing, every beautiful thing in our lives. Grace is all things God is and does for His beloved children.
Grace is Gods undeserved favor to those who only deserve wrath.
As I reflect on my life, I realize that God’s Grace has always been with me, especially during times of distress, but also in the GREAT times. I have lived a long time with the Lord as my friend and Savior. I haven’t always been on the right path, but His grace was sufficient for me to get back on track. There is no earthly way for us to comprehend the power of God’s grace, nor the extent to which it extends. I pray for His continued guidance, and for the good sense to follow it. Bless you, Liz, for this time.
For me…Grace is something I can not work for, Grace excludes merit. Grace is conditional…to attain it, I must receive it. Its there for the taking, but so many times I feel unworthy…so I have remain out of grace because of it. I am slowly learning to stay in a state of grace, it must be embraced continuously…because I fall out of grace everyday..Grace is a soul-thrilling concept; it must be deeply appreciated, but never manipulated or distorted. Thankful it was made for me….!
Grace is God’s undeserved, unearned favor that has called me to His side as His child. I am concerned Liz, hearing so many people using grace to “whitewash” sin. By this I mean, grace is explained in a way one would believe that God winks and showers His grace on us when we are wrong. Grace cost Jesus His very Life. It is not frivolous by any means! Thanks for letting me share! I love the Amplified version:
Ephesians 2:8-9
For it is by free grace (God’s unmerited favor) that you are saved (delivered from judgment and made partakers of Christ’s salvation) through [your] faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [of your own doing, it came not through your own striving], but it is the gift of God; Not because of works [not the fulfillment of the Law’s demands], lest any man should boast. [It is not the result of what anyone can possibly do, so no one can pride himself in it or take glory to himself.]
Grace is feeling God’s embrace as we run back to Him.
Grace is God’s unconditional love for us
God’s grace is an unending fount
How I need and praise His glorious mount
From Calvary’s hill His blood did flow
The sweetest grace I’ll ever know
He stills me to believe
All my striving and fears relieved
This post was grace for my soul! To all my sister friends, I say amen… amen… amen… God’s grace yet again!
“Grace is God’s Fruit of the Spirit in action.”
God’s love
Retauration’s delight
Acceptance’s faith
Condemnation’s enemy
Everyone’s hope
Grace is God’s resources working in my life giving me His power to live triumphantly. His power, His resources, all for my benefit.
Grace is my Fathers unconditional love for me just because I am His through Jesus Blood. NO .SHADOW. OF .TURNING. EVER.
Grace is like rain falling softly down on me and it feels so good.
Grace is…. I’ll turn it around and simply say “By Grace Alone” and I am forever grateful Lord.
Liz <3 Thank you for being so generous with your wisdom. Your words always resonate and remind us who we are and who we belong to. Grace is the only way I make it through each day. XOXO Mindi
Grace is a free gift of love, but we must be willing to accept it with a humble heart.
Grace is God’s unimaginable mercy, kindness, gentleness and love that He pours out on me even when I don’t expect it and can’t begin to understand how it is that He feels that way toward me and wants to do it anyway.
Grace is the sweetness of God’s presence that He delights me with through other people. Even when I mess up time and time and time again. Thank you, Jesus!
Unearned, unmerited, undeserved FAVOR/LOVE of GOD on those who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord & Savior!
Grace cost Jesus Christ his life, but it is free to us who believe in Him.
Grace is Abundant, Generous, Overflowing Goodness of GOD!
Grace is unconditional love that has engulfed us. Grace is wonderful, tender hearted and faithful.
God’s Grace is my life jacket. It keeps me afloat. Thank
you Lord Jesus.
Grace is the support I need as I lean into God both consciously and unconsciously every. single. minute. of. every. single. day.
Grace is a gift I can never deserve but have been given because of the love God has for a sinner like me.
Grace is such a miracleous gift that no other being can vestiw upon us As humans we can show mercy but not grace it is the greatest gift of all from God.
Grace is so humbling…and I am so thankful.
Thanks Liz – Bless you!
Grace is gift of Love hope and true happiness when we least expect and when we receive we thank God who smiles from heaven upon us Forever
GRACE: Gift Received At Christs Expense
A dear friend once gave me that acronym and I’ve never forgotten it.
Thank you Liz for your wonderful way with words that are always so life giving – like a fresh touch from Holy Spirit! Bless you!
Grace is love beyond what we could remotely imagine!
Grace is a precious gift that I can in no way ever hope to earn. Through God’s unmerited love & grace I am redeemed & set free!!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!
Grace is the wonders in life I have not earned but have been given by God. Without Grace there is no way I would be where I am or who I am. I know that now and I’m so thankful!
The love of God is so great and abundant that it spills over into our lives with grace. How great is the love of GoD ….able to give us all the grace we need….The gift of God in grace gives us faith, hope and charity……saves our souls. Praise his holy name!!!!!!!Jesus
Grace is hope in the darkness, knowing God will find a window even if the door seems shut.
Grace is simultaneously humbling and comforting…
Which reminds me to go grab your “Embrace Grace” to re-read. Need to do that annually. =)
Another super post, Liz. Thanks so much.
Praying for Monday to come together!
Love you,
Grace is God loving me and never leaving me no matter what I do or don’t do. His love is unconditional.
Grace is our Father picking me up when in my sin and weakness I stumble
and fall. Grace is the do over when I fall short. In a recent sermon series
by Kyle Idleman, Grace is greater than…. and it’s true. It is greater than
anything the world can thrown at us, it is greater than anything the evil one
can do to us.
Grace is the successfull end of each and every day I have fallen short only to be able to run to Abba’s wide open arms knowing He could never love me more.
Grace is the perfect gift from God. It fills all my needs. I just have to trust Him and open it.
Grace is…EVERYTHING!!! Where would any of us be without it
Grace is joyfully living an undeserved life through Christ.
It never fails to ease my heart to hear of God’s grace for me because He is always there.
Thank you.
grace is the sure and certain knowledge that God loves me. Me! That awesome simple fact has kept me afloat in many turbulent seas xx
Grace is what I need everyday sometimes every minute. To be a caregiver to a beloved family member is sooo very difficult that it is only by grace that I am reminded of how good God is and how He loves us, even the ones who forget who He is. I am reminded that I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens me as I try to do my best in giving care.
God’s grace is his love for me…I was lost and he found me
Grace, Grace, God’s Grace……Grace that is greater than all my sin!
Grace is sufficient! {2 Corinthians 12:9}
Grace is strength to keep pressing on knowing that God is fighting for me.
Grace is a gift from God that I truly do not deserve. I am such a sinner. Doing the same things over and over again. Asking for forgiveness daily for the sins I commit. But God’s grace is something I cannot earn, buy or steal. God’s love for me is His abundant GRACE!! Freely, yes, freely given just because he loves me so. You just cannot beat it!! Thank you God!!
Grace is God’s amazing love for me. For so many years I have striving to be Approved not only for His eyes but for others as well. I don’t have to work for it, it is a free wonderful gift. The best gift I will ever receive. One word but oh so powerful!! Thanks Liz for once again showing me insight into His word♥
Grace is the miracle of unconditional love, the magnet that draws me closer to him.
Grace is…unbelievable, unimaginable, unthinkable, but not unattainable!
G = God’s
R = Riches
A = at
C = Christ’s
E = Expense
Grace is unmerited favor. Favor lavished upon the undeserving – me. Abundant love, abundant forgiveness, unconditionally and never ending washing over me like a gentle wave of the ocean. So thankful for God being who He is. WOW!
When I first saw the title of this post, it gave me conflict. For in our lives, “Grace is” a relative who has given us great difficulty in recent years. Now some normalcy has returned, but difficulty still rises up with her on occasion, leaving us a bit on pins and needles. Although her name was originally given to her after a traumatic birth (it was grace that allowed her to live), now different aspects of grace apply to her life, and ours.
Grace is, Life to the dead, WATER to the thirsty, LOVE to the lonely and hated, HOPE to the hopeless, JOY to the sad…I could go on for eternity! Praise Him for His grace. Amazing!
Grace is, Life to the dead, WATER to the thirsty, LOVE to the lonely and hated, HOPE to the hopeless, JOY to the sad…I could go on for eternity! Praise Him for His grace. Amazing!
Grace is… Perfect Peace!
My dear sister Liz you and the good Lord just slapped me right upside the head!!! This has been a difficult year. My mother has Alzheimer’s , “I got this” my younger sister just died in my home from cancer. “I got this”, my aunt is on hospice watch, “I got this” my husband and I filed for bankruptcy due to illness, “I got this” our home is up for a sheriffs sale, “I got this”. I could go on but you get the picture. I have said to everyone that asks how I am “I Got This” I really don’t. GRACE is knowing that He’s Got This!!!!! Thank you my sister in Christ for the brick in the head Gayla.
Grace is God waking me up every morning, loving, healing and teaching me like I never did any wrong!
Grace is not having to strive… but simply accepting Christ.
To me GRACE is a sweet and precious gift…….that I do not deserve, but He gave it to me anyway…
Grace is the most precious Blessings to me I praise God with all my heart for His Grace!
Grace Is…Amazing!! I am so undeserving of it, but PRAISE God every day for His generous gift of Grace, “Amazing Grace” where would I be without it!!!!