My camera is never busier than during the month of October. Ohhh, the scarlet and gold beauties out there. Suppose we gaze at some glorious trees as we consider His glorious deeds (and get ready for a colorful giveaway!).
Cause me to understand the way of your precepts, that I may meditate on your wonderful deeds. Psalm 119:27
Cause me to understand… Psalm 119:27
Four words in English, but just one word in the original Hebrew: bin, “to discern.” Since we can’t discern the precepts of the Lord on our own, we’re asking Him to break it down for us.
However we say it — “make me understand” (CJB) or “learn thou me”” (WYC) or “help me” (NCV) — it’s a heartfelt cry for clarity. Once we understand the how and why of something, it’s easier to grasp what it means for us.
…the way of your precepts,… Psalm 119:27
(Sidebar: When I hear the word precepts, I immediately think of Kay Arthur, who has been teaching God’s Word, “precept upon precept,” for nearly six decades. The last time I heard her speak, she was still on point and still on fire for the Lord. My hero.)
Isn’t it wonderful that we can ask God to help us grasp what His “precepts are about” (CEB)? We don’t have to simply take Him at His Word (though we can, of course). Rather, He invites us to know the “meaning” (CSB) and “function” of His “rules” (NIrV) and “commandments” (NLT).
He loves us enough to make certain we understand His teachings “inside and out” (MSG). And here’s what He asks us to do with that knowledge…
…that I may meditate on… Psalm 119:27
Now, that’s a surprise. Having taught us all His commandments, you’d think God would expect us to act on them immediately. To work, work, work. To do, do, do.
But that’s not what this verse says. We’re to “think deeply about” (NIrV) everything He has created. To “contemplate” (CEB) and “ponder” (MSG) the wonderful things He has done, instead of focusing on who we are and what we might accomplish.
It seems God is far more interested in our worship than our work.
…your wonderful deeds. Psalm 119:27
What might happen if we occupied our thoughts with His “wondrous acts” (ISV), or mediated on His “miracle-wonders” (MSG), or marveled over His “marvels” (WYC)?
I think it might change everything about how we do life.
Because the more we understand who He is and what matters to Him, the more we’ll fall silent and remain still, filled with holy awe and a sense of wonder. It’s the heart of worship, and it’s what He loves and deserves most.
Heavenly Father, help us to understand and meditate, to discern and contemplate, to be still and know. We have learned how to work. Teach us how to worship. Amen and amen.
Are you ready to answer the question I posed? What might happen if we focused on His wonderful deeds, rather than our own? Scroll down to share your thoughts.
On Tuesday, October 15 I chose three winners — Faye, April, and Pamela — to receive autographed copies of two of my best-selling children’s books, The Pumpkin Patch Parable and The Pine Tree Parable. Even so, your comments are always welcome here.
Thanks for opening God’s Word with me on this October day!
Your sister, Liz
P.S. If you missed our October 2nd Wonderful Wednesday on Facebook LIVE, watch / listen as we meet one of the original Jesus Girls, Elizabeth from Luke 1. And wouldn’t it be grand to connect in person at one of our autumn events? You’ll find details on my calendar here.
We would be overwhelmed with gratitude. We would be overcome with knowledge of His greatness and power. We would fall on our faces before Him to worship the one who loves us so very much.
I love the kindness of our God and the fact that He doesn’t ask us to check our brain at the door when we are believers. I have been learning to be content like the apostle Paul teaches . I have certainly not arrived but the practice of gratitude has been huge. Thanks for sharing this message Liz. Good is so good!
Thankfulness and devotion would flow as we focus on His wonderful deeds. Thinking on those give us perspective and hope. My first grandbaby will arrive in the next few weeks. This is truly a wonderful deed as we were/are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Two years ago my husband and I,recently retired and moved closer to the country. From our back porch rocking chairs we daily marvel at His creation as we survey the trees, birds, and large pond and the vegetables and flowers in our 5 raised garden beds. It keeps us in constant awe and thankfulness.
One thing I got from my precious Dad, is the contemplation of the goodness of our wonderful God! Dad would go to the basement and sit alone with the Lord and worship and be in awe of His greatness! Miss you Dad, but I know you are in His presence worshipping our Blessed Lord!
That would be so Wonderful!
This is what I needed. Thanks Liz.
Your question, “What might happen if we focused on His wonderful deeds, rather than our own?” got me thinking. If I am focused and aware of what He has done, I would be more satisfied in my life. I would have less fear and anxiety in focusing on what He has done and what He promises to do. It may even help me be more generous toward those I meet each day as I focus on what He has done for me.
Thank you for sharing this verse with us. And for the lovely Autumn pictures! My favorite time of year.
God bless.
I love what you wrote, Linda! I heartily agree.
My favorite time of year also.
Focusing on His wonderful deeds would definitely fill me with hope and awe. Not to mention humility, as my good is far far inferior, if not even unrecognizable next to His good. I think that’s why I love to read the Psalms so much, I love how David is constantly recalling the goodness of God. It helps pull me up when I am down.
I would be completely engulfed in His glory and unable to do anything but worship Him. In everything that I did I would worship Him!
Liz, I just love your teaching. Always so insightful and inspiring, gently reminding me to turn my focus back to where it belongs. Thank you for sharing the wisdom and gifts God has given you. You’re such a blessing!! 🧡❤️💚
Fall is one of my favorites too! And thank goodness it’s finally arrived in our neck of the woods, in Aiken, SC! Last several weeks were just brutal with the heat. What a refreshing thing to wake up to chilly temperatures.
Fall is definitely my favorite time of the year. I needed this word this morning Liz. Thank you. So many times I get into the “martha”mode instead of the “mary” mode and DO fail to slow down and just take in all His splendor. What a blessing this was to me today. May God continue to bless your ministry!
I think we would be in complete awe of how deep God’s love is for us. We would be speechless.
If I focused on His womderful deeds more I would become more like Him and would be a clearer reflection of Him to others. I would then be following Philipians 4:8.
When I think of all he has done in our lives!! I get so overwhelmed when all the trees are so colorful in the fall that is so beautiful to think he is the reason for the many changes in our lives!! Also all the miracles he has performed not just when he walked the earth,its all the miracles he performs every day that he performs every day and sad when he doesn’t get the recognition He deserves! Thank you Liz for reminding us to stop and think how all this around us would not be here if it wasn’t for His sacrifice He made for us💜💜💜
“It seems God is far more interested in our worship than our work.” October is my FAVORITE month for many reasons, one is a break from harvest and hot outside labor. A wonderful time to worship! Bless you, Lizzie.
First time reading the blog. Have followed the FB post but not gotten into the blog. Loved it! I’LL be back!
If we really stopped and contemplated His deeds, I think that we would be COMPLETELY overwhelmed…like unable to comprehend all that He has done. Our finite brains would “explode” with the information.
Thank you for always taking me deeper and breaking down the original Hebrew words. I love that! 😘
I too love Kay’s teaching!
When I focus on God and his ways I worship and my love for God deepens. When I shift my focus to Him He fills me with love, peace and joy
What would happen? My focus on earthly things would shift to the eternal perspective of my Heavenly Father. I would become in tune with His will for me and my life and hear His voice more clearly. I’d remember the things He has done and worship Him in awe. Lord help me focus on You!
Kay Arthur is a hero! I love being reminded of God’s love.
Thank you for giving away your wonderful books. My grandchildren would love them.
A beautiful reminder of my need to pause and be thankful.
Everything earthly would fall away. The level of gratitude that would overcome me, would be to great. God has brought me out of the depths of despair into his magnificent glory. His deeds never go unnoticed. More of him and less of me. More positive thoughts and all the negativity falls away.
Fall to me is a perfect time of year to see how great our Father is. His grand artwork is just breathtaking. All the wonderful colors God incorporates together is amazing. Basking in the glory of him always. God is good all the time. ❤
I believe if we meditate on His wonderful deeds we wouldn’t have time to fret about our insignificant issues. God is Good!
We would be overwhelmed with His greatness & love for us! Just taking time to admire His October handiwork is awe inspiring! Thank you for sharing your love & faith with us Liz. ♥
I’m so thankful that God chose to have the leaves change their color, and allowed us the opportunity to appreciate His gift.
When I think on God’s faithfulness in my life and all that He has done for me (His wonderful deeds), my faith is strengthened and I can face my most current challenge knowing He has me covered.
If we focused on all that He has done for us, the only logical response is a life devoted to Him. He gave it all and paid it all so that we could have life eternal with Him!
We might just have a fresh perspective and a new vision for our lives and of who God is
We would gladly sit in His Presence daily with a much better attitude of GRATITUDE for all HE does that enables us to do.
I would no longer suffer from anxiety that overtakes me when I focus on my failures instead of Gods unending mercy and grace.
I love receiving your emails and seeing your podcasts!! I would love to win your books!! I hope u r doing well with your recent battle with cancer!! Blessings to u and your family!!! Happy beautiful fall!!!
I have 2 “knee-jerk” responses: 1) This world would be a much better place to live in. 2) We would be able to “see” all that the Lord has done for us, hopefully on a higher level, and be thankful and grateful for what He has given us. I know that, for me personally, there have been many many things in my life to be grateful for, and thankful for, and I have taken them for granted, not considering them a blessing from the Lord. I am so thankful to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for saving me, and for opening my eyes to all that He has done for me, on a much, much higher level than I ever did before. Thank you Liz, for sharing your wisdom and knowledge with all of us.
Wow First, I need to thank you for your beautiful fall pictures of God’s creation. I live in the hill country in Texas – it is till very warm here and when we do see fall it is in late November or in December,but it is still a very beautiful place to live. Secondly,I have taken Kay Arthur’s Bible studies,Precept upon Precept, and I have heard her in person. I am in awe of who He is . He is apart of every part of our lives including the weather.He is still a miracle worker. He never changes – He is the same yesterday and today. Thank You, Lord Enjoy your beautiful fall.
Oh goodness, we would never stop, if we focused on his wonderful deeds. On my hard days, the ones I’m just down and disappointed because things aren’t going how I like, when God finally gets me to stop and listen to him, if I focus on all he’s done for me, I have a hard time being disappointed and down. It’s only when I nope about not getting what I want that the day gets worse. Thanks for this oft needed reminder, Liz!
If ALL His people meditated on HIS wonderful deeds day and night we just might get an inkling of what He has in store for us when we spend eternity with Him. Instead of saying” look what I did for so and so….” we said “Look what God did for ALL of mankind….” past, present and future. What if we just chose one deed ( say Creation ) this is something we can see, touch, hold, smell, and sometimes taste. How did He make a drop of rain, how did He make a tree, how did He make a bird – now hos did He make ALL the different various species? How did He give ALL those different birds different colors and different songs. How did He create the seasons? His Holy Word is full of His deeds and if we chose just 1 each week to really study and meditate on we would be doing so until He calls us home without touching upon most of them. We would be too busy studying to gossip, to steal, to go to war……
Thanks Liz for this reminder to meditate. Something I need to do more of. I believe if I take time to be still and meditate on Gods words I will think less and less about what I need to do or want to do. Instead I will find an inner peace that doesn’t waver when things go wrong or bad things come. I will find joy and peace.
I think meditating on God’s Word will take the focus off of me and on to the Creator of the Universe! More time spent on God and His Word equal less time thinking about what-ifs, could-haves, and might-have-beens. Beautiful pictures, it is a beautiful time of year!
I love how I can come to God and His word with fear, worry or anxiety and I will
open my bible and do a study and my heart is freed by the time I finish. The message always speaks to my fears and I have Jesus’ peace. Last night I was studying Exodus and read how the Angle of the Lord and the pillar of cloud went and stood between the Israelites and Egyptians, could you imagine seeing the glory of God actually physically protecting you! I went to bed and slept on His peace last night. Thank you God for your provision each day and thank you Liz Curtis Higgs for your insight and speaking Gods word to us in such and amazing and beautiful way. We are so blessed ❤️ I loved you in San Antonio for Women of Joy ❤️
My life would be so much more calm if I focused on His deeds rather than myself. I always say I am but then when things come up….I’m more focused on that. Ugh. Its hard but I will never stop trying, never give up…I love our God with all my heart. I have chronic pain and get distracted very easily. We have our #13 grandchild cooking in my daughters oven right now. Our kids are spread out all over the U.S. so we video read the grandkids books all the time. I would love to share your books with the kids. Thank you for the opportunity to win them.
These books were some of my absolute favorite to read to my boys when they were little! Lord willing I will read them to my grandchildren, too.
If I focused on God’s wonderful deeds and not mine, I would not be focused on self. I would not be proud. I would be humbled and amazed.
A few weeks ago, scans showed my husband probably had bone cancer. We waited for two weeks while they did a more comprehensive scan. During those two weeks I prayed and trusted, but I knew if he had bone cancer, I probably only had two more years with him. For two weeks I trusted, but I was down thinking about the what ifs. Finally, the results from the new nuclear full body scan came. There was no evidence of cancer! I rejoiced! Then I felt bad because I had been down for two weeks thinking about the what ifs. A few days later, I was working the workbook for a study our women at church are doing. Suddenly, I felt God tell me, “How do you know the first scans were artifact. Maybe I healed him.” I felt God’s love ooze out of my pores. His wonderful deeds, indeed. I’ll never know if he did have cancer, but I know that I will focus on His deeds more in the future. God is good, all the time. Now I love Paul more than ever . . . and as for my love for God and His wonderful, miraculous deeds? My faith and love for Him have increased as well. It oozes out of my pores!
If we changed our focus I think fear, worry, and so many other negative thoughts would disappear. I’m practicing this today!!
Thank you for the beautiful post. I like taking my Bible and going to Benett Spring State Park here in Missouri, parking under one colorful tree and contemplate God’s goodness. He is a most gracious God to give us this beauty to behold and enjoy.
God bless you and yours.
Ahhhhhh! I would exhale more, stress less, smile more, and worship more consistently throughout the day! Sounds like a plan!!! 🙂
Liz~ I agree with Kay Arthur being on point, but so are you, my dear, sweet lady!! What a blessing you are, Liz. I am so glad I have had the chance to hear you speak once. One time I called to order a book, and YOU answered the phone!!! What a GAL!! Thank you , as always for your wise words, humor, and the ability to make people think, by bringing the word to us in a very real way!! Blessings and continued prayers to you!
It would help me release all the fears of this world.
It is wonderful to know that he wants us to be still and know…not earn our way with our works!
I love your insight into the Word. Makes me want to delve deeper. Thank you.
If we focus on His wonderful deeds, rather than our own, we would be full with peace, happiness, awe and Love ❤️
It’s all about Him. I fade away.and bask in His Glories
In our busyness of life we rarely take time to consider the magnificence of our God, we simply move from task to task to task. Meditation is vital to turning our focus away from “me and mine” to marvel at All of God’s glorious wonders, leading us to praise and proclaim. And find blessed rest in our hectic mess.
Oh, Liz, if I were to stop, look, listen, and meditate on who God is and what He has done both in my life and all around me, I wouldn’t tend to be so anxious, afraid, and addled at satan’s fiery darts. Indeed, I’d have that joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart. Thank you for this reminder!
If we focused more on God instead of doing in his name, the world would be less violent. I love the beauty of the fall colors. Can any human create such wonders? Praise God.
Reading your posts are always such a blessing and wonderful way to start my day! A much-needed reminder to focus on his deeds for us and not on what we are doing! Thank you Liz❤️
If we focused on God’s wonderfyl works we would have a much brighter outlook on life. When we focus on ourselved, we are going to see many more failures than successes. From experience, focusing on ourselves and our problems does nothing but create anxiety and stress. However, if we will focus on what on what God has done for us and the blessings He’s given us, then we can appreciate life to it’s fullest.
The very natural thing that happens when I meditate on God and all of his precepts is that I am reminded of how small I am. Of how huge and wonderful our God is… I become immersed in humility and gratefulness that he would reach down and love me. I am so very thankful and filled with joy… ❤️
I’m currently involved in a Bible study in prayer. This fits right in with it. Thank you God for those people who have the gift of writing and can help me to learn more about you.
If we were to focus on God’s wonderful works we would have a better relationship with God, our Family, and friends. When we give all our problems to God we see his deeds and understand his will for us. We might not know what he has planned for us but he does. Thank you Liz for you are an amazing speaker and writer. Just love your books.
IF we were to focus on God’s precepts. This world would be a MORE wonderful place. I look out on His creation and am in awe. Each season changes and each season is special in its own way. By God’s design it is ALL good. Praise God!
Oh, how we need to do this. “His ways are not our ways” and if we could only remember/learn this! How our lives would be so much more peaceful!
If I focused completely on His wonderful deeds, knowing in my heart that everything comes from Him and every “deed”would be done, not for me and this world, but for Him and eternity.
If we choose to focus on His deeds and His work, we then can redirect our energies and efforts. This is of course so much easier said than done! But if we meditate on our Lord, then I know we will find the direction and desire to be there according to His will. This is Grace!
Thank you the beat wake- wisdom. I always find good “meat” that keeps me po during the message all day. You being such practical wisdom. Happy Autumn!
I need to continue to take the focus off of “me” and allow myself to see the wonderful works of God, in both the environment and the people I’m surrounded by; oh how I’ve missed so many special things by not looking through God’s eyes and appreciating (and learning from) his handiwork. I am grateful to all of those who can write and teach me things I don’t understand when I do see them. God bless you Liz, for the part you play in sharing our Lord and his creations!
Oh the impact I could make in our family, church, and community if I focused more on God and His Word than on my own selfish desires. I think I do stop to read, study, and ponder His Word, but many times the intended action never happens due to laziness and/or busyness.
Thank you for that wonderful encouragement. I really needed it right now. And loved the pictures, what beauty God shares with us. Yes I need to stop focusing on me and look toward what God has done. Isn’t He amazing! Thank you
I would humble myself and stand in awe of who God is all the time,
which would change my perspective in all things as I would look at
life and people more through the eyes of Jesus rather then my own
head and agenda. I would have more of a mind of praise for my
blessings and not get caught up in all my circumstances that I tend
to stay focused on. Wow……what a way to live!
often when I am frustrated by events beyond my control… when I am disappointed in my ability to measure up to some standard of my imagination… when my heart is heavy with sorrow, I will take a walk to wonder at God’s magnificent creation and it quiets my soul, it humbles me when I see the greatness of my God. He is the lifter of my head… and I can trust in his love for me. Life and my health have gotten in the way of those walks in the woods. I miss my time alone with God in the cathedral of his own design.
Thanks so much for the autumn pictures! … When I take time to meditate on God’s Word, my focus becomes clear because my focus is on Him, not on myself and all my failings and shortcomings. Most of all, He helps me see His greatness, His beauty, His power in and through and for me, and my perspective changes for the better. I can let go of things that bother me and give them into His loving hands, knowing He will take care of them in His way and His time. What a wonderful God we worship!
If I focused on His wonderful deeds and not my own I would never worry and completely trust Him. I would not feel the need to be in control.
If I focused more on God’s wonderful deeds.It would me how blessed we truly are for God to paint such a beautiful picture of our future and what he has in store for us.
If we focused on His deeds instead of our own, we could be worry free! Because His plans and deeds for us are for our good and not to harm us. Others would be blessed as we shared the live of God and we all know those blessings overflowed on us.
Less focus on “me” would open my eyes to truly see Jesus and His glorious majesty all around. I would be more aware of His wonderful ways and miracles. I could actually be still and know! Great devotion once again!!
Thank you for this!! And the photos are beautiful! I’m thankful for Fall!
My day would be so much better if I centered all my thoughts on God’s wonderful deeds. There are so many, that my worries and stress would be much less. What a wonderful loving Father we have.
There are not enough words to describe Gods wonders. Sometimes when I try to think about what eternity is or will be like my head wants to explode! But when I just sit and ponder His grace, mercy, love, sacrifice, I become so filled with a combination of gratefulness, love, humility and smallness I just want to cry for what He has done. How can I do anything but love Him?
What wonderful miracles would take place with our eyes opened to God!! Our focus on Him!! Love the sentence you wrote, It seems God is far more interested in our worship than our work!!! Yes, yes!! Thank for this thought provoking post!! Enjoy Autumn!!! We in our part of MT didn’t get fall this year,very few trees changed colors, we got snow!!!
If we would keep our eyes and mind focused on God and HIS GOODNESS rather than other people, our problems, our stuff…We all would be Happier, MORE Healthy, and LESS STRESSED!! What a Different world this would be!!! GOD IS GOOD and FAITHFUL ALL THE TIME!!
We’d be in awe opening the eyes to his heart and to ours truly saying Wow oh Wow and we’d sure get along better sharing God’s love creating all this beauty for is! Thank you Lord! You are so awesome!
I’m raising my grandson and a recent devotion we did together was that very thing … Focus on God and what He did and do likewise! We were created in His image and to develop His characturistics. We are to get our thoughts off self and on to others. What’s awesome is watching how God grows the seeds we sow in others. …and then comes the harvest! (souls for His kingdom; fruits of our labor; blessings beyond what we could thonk or imagine!!! God wants us to experience so much more than what we think we are capable of. Great word Liz. Be blessed.
If we could just take our eyes off self and turn them toward Jesus and all He has done for us, our daily lives would be filled with joy and our stress levels would decrease! Thankful for the fall leaves that remind us of our Great God!
Peace and contentment!
I am overwhelmed and awestruck. It stops me in my tracks and causes me yo fully focus on the Great I Am.
Thanks for the sweet reminder of meditation rather than ‘work, work, work, do, do, do’. God brought together a group of widows and we’ve been looking at what God has for us. It’s a sweet gift to take Truth to these ladies, pointing them to God, walking alongside them offering encouragement, hope, and empathy as they walk through life!
What a lovely way to start a new morning! Thank you for you wonderful advice and insight.
I’m thinking there would be a lot more humility in my life if I took the time to meditate more often on Him and his precepts rather than on me and my circumstances. Focus on Him=less focus of me. John 3
To focus on Gods deeds, I believe it is important to have a healthy fear of who God is. It is so easy to minimize or make God into who I want Him to be, to fit my human
desires. To really know Him is to fear and love Him. Everything else flows from that as He tells us to “fear not,” as He has come to give us life in abundance.
It than helps us to focus on His deeds so that we can than to some extent reflect Jesus to others. Making it about Christ.
Such a great love God has for us that I cannot truly grasp it all!
If we focus more on His deeds rather than our own….if we would just take a moment and be still and really stop and think about what He has created and what He has given us and all of the many blessings that He has given us, then we would see that our deeds are nothing. Without Him we are nothing. We would be down in our knees thanking Him and giving Him the praise He deserves for what He has done. It will make us humble and help us realize that what we accomplish is only because of Him giving us the abilities that we have to do so! Stop and thank the Lord today!
Liz I truly love your insight. Psm 119 is so rich and gives us much to ponder.
God bless you and your sweet husband.
God is my Rock, I have no other need. If I be still and know that He is God, I am at constant peace and surrounded by His unfailing love.♥️🙌
God is almighty! He loves us unconditionally! He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for us so that we can have a personal relationship with Him! He loves us more than we can imagine! I’m humbled by His love!
What IF we spent time marveling over His wonderous ways? What IF we took time to just breathe in the beauty of the changing leaves this season. We too often run through our days going from one task to another without enjoying the beauty all around us that God has given us.
I plan to spend some time in the next few days engaging my senses in the beauty around me. The crunch of leaves under my feet, the feel of the breeze on my face, the beautiful colors all around me, the taste of something pumpkin flavored. Just marvel at what God had provided. It will do my soul well to feel His love all around me, enjoying some time with Him.
These books explain God so well!
I’ve read The Pumpkin Patch Gospel to all our older grandchildren. Last year we had a tragedy in our family where our daughter and her children had to move into our small house. To make room for them all my books got put away and I can’t find many of them. I want to read your book to our youngest, Jacob, who is 8 and would love to have another copy. God bless.
God’s wonderful deeds are beyond us, but by His grace we see His wonders all around us. We move from the exterior, our self-focus, to the interior reality of God’s wonderful work within us. Thanks be to God our Creator and Sustainer.
We might find peace
Great books for the grandkids!
I think when we focus on His deeds rather than our own, we see the blessings that He brings…which far exceed the things we bring to the table!
When I focus on what God has done and is doing, especially when I have opportunity to enjoy nature and outdoor vistas with my sweetheart husband, I find I become reacquainted with serenity. Breathing in fresh air, walking on mudflats alongside a river that has captured sunshine’s sparkles, trees in glorious color all around, and even the fantastic shapes and textures of driftwood (I love driftwood) make me want to shout out how wonderful He is.
What would happen if I focused on His wonderful deeds, rather than my own? I hope it will teach me to worship Him the way he wants me to. I get hung up on me to where I just want to sit down and cry. Am I pleasing God? Am I doing enough to show him how much I love him? Am I being obedient or am I missing what it is he wants me to do to love my neighbor as myself? I am so grateful for all He has done for me, but does He smile when he thinks of me? Today, I am going to try to just worship Him, but I don’t know exactly how.
Dearest Liz, thank you for your wonder-full insights from the Psalms today and the vivid autumn photos! Your question has alerted me to realize that if I focused more on magnifying the LORD’s works vs. being preoccupied with my own, I would experience more of the fruit of His Spirit. There would be much less pressure and angst as I cast my cares upon Him, knowing He has accomplished all the important work and not being SO concerned about myself and the busyness of this world.
My mom’s small group has been struggling with understanding some parts of Corinthians lately, love that we can ask God to help us understand.
I love autumn with all its brilliant array of colors. (Maybe also because my birthday is in autumn. I am over 70 and still counting😊). We are traveling so are having the joy of viewing God’s creation as we journey down the road.
I love how God confirms His Words to us.
In another message God encouraged me to give Him my day, my thoughts, my anxieties myself. I am doing so today as I say, “Here I am”.
I don’t need “To Do” instead I want to MEDITATE on God’s precepts as I say to God, “ Here I am”
I believe that if we focus more on His wonderful deeds rather than our own, we would see life through God’s ways than our ways. Our actions, thoughts would be more pleasing when we focus on our wonderful Creator than focusing on us. We would be less depressed, less stressed, more productive and better at telling others about Christ.
I am never disappointed in how richly I am blessed studying The Word with you. Your faithfulness in teaching and your love of Him makes you my hero. We have The Pine Tree Parable and my kids love it. I still tear up when we read it.
I think that if I were able to focus more on God’s wonderful deeds I wouldn’t have time to feel like a victim due to chronic illness, nor would I feel scared all the time, which is how I have lived more of my life than not. I am a work in progress, and I think that this would be a change that would move me forward more on this walk.
Hello, Liz 🤗
If we focused more on God’s deeds rather than our own, we would be less anxious, more at peace, knowing that God is sovereign.
And we would let go of our worries and concerns and let Him take care it…. God is good!
dear Liz
i love your lessons and this one touched my heart.
that God wants our worship 😊
thank you😍
I was blessed to be able to attend your conference in Pagosa Springs, Colorado! Your words about the splendor of His creation rang vividly as I open the blinds this morning to see these beautiful San Juan mountains adding yellow aspen leaves to their beauty!
Keep Serving!
I remember being at church camp as a child/teen in the summer and enjoying the beauty of nature and feeling the spirit through God’s beautiful Creation. At those times and even now as an adult, I feel most worshipful, connected and spirit-filled when I am resting in his presence instead of my own.
I would love to give these books to my 21 month old granddaughter and her newborn sister (Oct 3)
Thank you for your ministry and I’ll be seeing you at Sandy Cove in November!
These pictures so speak of the Lord’s gifts to all of us. You can’t help but believe in the beauty of God when you look carefully at the beauty of nature from the largest tree to the tiniest worm. God is good.
I really enjoy the colors of fall. I try not to think about the next season because I live in Minnesota and after the leaves are gone well it’s bear trees and bushes until next year.
I work with school children (K-5) once a week at my daughters public school. We have a Good News Club on Tuesday after school. We average 30 children excited to learn about God and who they are in His Kingdom. I would like to share these books with them.
Thank you for your monthly facebook chats. I am inspired each month because God can use me in so many different ways. I love Him, and His Word continues to help me live in this very unhappy world.
Focussing on what God can do, and who He is, rather than on what’s going on in my life, is what keeps me sane!
I love your photography, and I’d love a chance to win your children’s books!
Your question of our focus on God’s deeds…If we as follows of Jesus Christ would join together and stop fighting among ourselves ; maybe, just maybe we could be the change our world is looking for today. Stopping all this desire to be “me first”, shooting our fellow man, and possibly stop some of this hate that has come across us like cancer. I keep remembering how especially us as Americans were just weeks after the 9/11 attacks; we loved our fellow man, we helped each other, we talked with each other. What happened? Can we ever get back there?
Liz Curtis Higgs; I love your books, your speaking engagement (I have been able to see you twice), your love for bring the Bible to life for our times. You make the Bible alive not a long ago history lesson to endure. Thank you.
When focusing on God’s deeds for all of us, I find myself moving closer to my Father in Heaven. Being positive about life even in the challenging times because I know how our story ends. I consider death to be a “graduation” into Heaven. Not a final story. I’m 86 yr. old and still enjoy Bible studies. We can always learn new insights as we live our lives.
You are a true blessing to all o f us, Liz. Love, Sally Marta
I admit–I’m too often thinking of my needs and wants. I’m forever asking His forgiveness! I too love Fall. I do find it easy to Praise Him every time I see the beautiful trees and I can focus on His goodness! I know if I Praise Him constantly I could serve Him better and stop worrying about myself. I know I would be more joyful!!
Thank you so much for your beautiful words and gorgeous Fall pictures! Warms my soul. I think if we focused more on God’s wonderful deeds, we would be overcome with gratitude and fall on our knees to worship Him. Remembering what all He has done for us and giving Him praise for it releases such joy and thanksgiving. I would love to have your wonderful books to share with my grandchildren. God bless you!
If I learned to Focus on His Deeds rather than my own, I just might learn to relax better than ever & not struggle with my physical body or my day to day stuff.
Oh what beautiful fall pictures. Only our wonderful magnificent God could paint the leaves so gorgeous! His deeds are beyond what my mind can comprehend and I thank him for each of them. To God be all honor and glory!
If we were able to focus on His deeds, it would cause me to think less about my own self and more about His wonderfulness. Autumn provides many opportunities to consider His works because all you need to do is step outside to take a look. It would be great to carry the awesomeness of this time of year into other aspects we often look right over.
The more we focus on his deeds, the more we see, the more we marvel, the more we understand, and this motivates us to love more and DO!
His wonderful deeds – I think of the four seasons, that give us changes in our life.
The spring, when we are young and carefeee, the summer when we become into an adult, the fall, when we work hard to look forward to the winter of our lives, when we can reflect on the seasons we have been thru.
My mother is from West Virginia, we go to visit the cemetery where she and many of her family members are buried.
It is a long drive from Ohio, it the clean air, and beautiful scenery are well worth the drive.
I would like to send you a picture of the beautiful mountain tops and trees we saw there.
Fall’s glorious colors shine thru as the sun brightens their colors even more. The sky is full of stars in Heaven’s sky, looking down on us.
If we focused completely on our Almighty Father this Earth would be a beautiful place all rejoicing God’s Word💖
If we focused on His deeds instead of our own, the whole focus of our lives would change, and we would be seeing through His eyes instead of our human eyes. Instead of being self-centered, we would be people centered, doing as Jesus did: walking this life, loving others, and teaching about the imminent Kingdom of God.
I believe we would be WOWED-in a positive way-by this perspective!
I definitely need to hear this. Thanks!
Love the way you break it down. I do know how to work, but I need to learn to worship my Savior the way He created me to worship. It’s a constant meditation. Thanks for your words of wisdom.
Would love these books for my granddaughter who turns 1 on Sunday the 13th. So want her to grow up with a love for Christ and for others.
Your psalm 119:27 verse is just what I needed😀Thank you. Blessings! Would love to win one of your books!!!
Why are we such doers rather than worshipers?
I know how I can fall into that category quite easily.
But…the desire of my heart is to worship my Lord and Savior, to be still and in awe of His Great Holiness.
Theres no better place to be in our walk and relationship with the Lord, than sitting at His feet, learning, listening and growing in His marvelous ways.
There is a peace that passes all understanding, and who doesn’t want that peace in their life?!
Your fall photos are absolutely, positively gorgeous!
Thank you for sharing your beauty with us.
More more of YOU and less of me, Dear Lord!
God is present in all our deeds but it’s when we are following what He wants from us that we are pleasing Him. All the things I do if not for His glory as futile and meaningless no matter how good I think they are. Every part of my being is to serve Him
Oh, my. It’s so easy to focus on His deeds. How can you not see the beauty in each cloud that’s formed or the tree with the changing leaves or better yet the spirit of God that reiterates from within when we focus on His will. My deeds are nothing compared with His.
Thanks Liz for always having encouraging thoughts.
We would simply dwell (remain) in His presence!
As much as I dislike saying goodbye to my petunias, geraniums, daisies and other colors in my patio pots, I do relish the beauty of the leaves as they change colors. Isn’t amazing that our trees and mums and pansies know JUST when to grow and change?? Letting go is hard for me in general, but I realize that transitions, though often painful, can bring beautiful surprises.
Thanks, Liz, for your encouraging words. Oh, how awe-struck and hopeful we would be if we were to increase our focus on His deeds rather than our own. When I do still myself and meditate on God’s majesty and beautiful creation, I can’t help but praise Him!
Thanks too for the giveaway, our little ones would love the books.
Life would be even more wonderful because we’d have an attitude of gratefulness which fits Gods perfect will for us. We’d also be amazed and in awe of His power and comforted by His love. Our minds would be on lovely positive things, and thus, we’d be happier. 🌺
Focusing on His wonderful deeds, rather than our own, would bring peace to our souls. So important to remember in our daily lives!
Thanks, Liz, for sharing this special verse!
You are right-on. I have been taught to worship but not
to “be still and Meditate”. Not for a second, that would
be good, but really give God my all.
I think if we took these verses seriously and meditated on The Word more and lived less busy…what we would discover might be the true meaning of MORE of HIM means LESS of me.🙌🍁🙌
Color me surprised! I had no idea you have written children’s books!!! Pick me! My great grands would love these!!! Thank youuuuuu for the opportunity 🙏🧡♥️
What a wonderful lesson! We so often take all things of beauty surrounding us for granted. They are just there. It is time to really enjoy and praise the Lord for His perfect paintings that surround us. No human artist can match the colors and details that we miss as we go about our daily lives.
About 20 years ago the Lord drew my attention to this verse from Psalm 119: Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word.
I keep coming back to it, and the Lord keeps showing me things in my life that I once treasured that really are worthless. Lord, open my eyes, teach me, show me. Show us all!
As a farmer , Fall is a time of harvest. A time of reaping the goodness God has provided. Basking in the wonderful colors of the season , the crisp evenings, and the bounty provided make this a special time of year.
What a wonderful reminder of the beauty of autumn. Here in Australia we are enjoying the magnificence of the spring season. Everything becoming new again. What an amazing beautiful world the Lord has created for us to enjoy all year round.
If we focus on God, we will become closer to Him, have more peace, and be a light for Him.
I believe if we focused on God more than ourselves we would appreciate Him and His creation more. There are so many blessings He bestows on us all the time that we would be more humble and less anxious to think about ourselves. Enough rambling. Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures of God’s handiwork.
I’m in awe of the creation God has provided for us. I was driving home from a long business day a week or so ago and it was twilight. The sky was a gorgeous pinky peach color. The clouds looked like someone had taken a paintbrush and swirled it through them….all wispy with whirls and curls. It was stunning and I could feel God creating that breathtaking beauty for us to enjoy.
Love your style of teaching and humor. You make it fun as well as factual.
And you smile, many are so serious /solemn looking.
I have been a fan since I stumbled upon a VHS tape at a garage sale , over 20 years ago. Thanks for sharing yourself with the world.
I grew up in Ohio walking through crunching, colored leaves. Then we raked them and roasted marshmellows over a smoky fire. I moved to Texas and there was barely any color and I’d forgotten how beautiful God’s creation truly was. When I moved to Virginia – the Shenandoah Valley, in September 2005 I fell in love with his gorgeous creation: variety of trees, lots of colors, mountains. Ooh I feel like he hugs me when those mountains are all around me. It’s God saying I’m am always present, I will never leave you or forsake you. I have asked Him numerous times to NEVER let me take his beautiful creation for granted. That first autumn was amazing and then Spring sprung with COLOR. What might happen if we focused on His wonderful deeds, rather than our own? We will praise Him for everything and remember that our worship is much more lovely to Him than our deeds.
I pray each day to remain in His Presence. To have a soft heart to hear His Word and for the Holy Spirit to give me a willing spirit to obey His Word.
I believe when we focus on God’s wonderful deeds, we take the focus off all of our struggles and frustrations. And isn’t it wonderful that when we start focusing on His wonderful deeds our problems seem to drift away, or at least they come into a better perspective for us. God is good and He does so many wonderful things. He is our Shepherd who cares about each and everyone of us.
We would repose in His presence and hear the songs of creation surround us.
We would live a more glorious life and our focus would be on God and others instead of ourselves.
This little study was such a lovely pause in a so-far whirlwind Autumn. My 4 youngest children have been trapped indoors with a very contagious cough and we all needed this glimpse of gratitude right now. <3
I think if we focused on HIS wonderful deeds instead of our own we *would* worship and give thanks constantly, because we would remember that ALL "our" wonderful deeds belong to God anyway, apart from Him we can do nothing!
Thank you dear Liz, all the blessings of the season to you and yours!
You have opened my eyes to my busyness and how God desires me to ponder and meditate on HIM! To not rush to and fro but to to purposefully slow down and focus on who HE is… thank you for always opening my eyes to new truths. And with your help I grow deeper with every study.
God bless you.
Thank you for this ! It is helpful to understand how to pray as you read your Bible.
Sharing His wonderful deeds is very easy in Autumn! All you have to do is open your eyes to God’s wonderful, colorful creations. This is my favorite time of year because of all the changing colors in the leaves. I’m always a little sad when I have to “LEAF” this season behind!
Every time I take my son to Children’s hospital for another eye checkup I marvel again. In July of 2017 this child almost lost his left eye and now he is able to see with 20/40 vision with a contact lens. Next month we go back for a new, improved contact lens that may get him even closer to 20/20. I am ever thankful for His gracious mercies.
If I meditated more on His marvelous deeds, it would impact my life with an increased faith in me,His radiance would shine through me and Glorify Him. Thank you Liz Curtis Higgs for causing us to think! ❤🎶
I think we would be overcome with thanksgiving for who He is and all He does for us. We would see more clearly and love more deeply. We would become more like Him…
Makes me think! What if…
Good message for those who sometimes feel tired from all the “work”for the Lord. Slow down and spend more time with listening.
I thought the exact same thing about Kay Arthur and the word precepts when I opened your lovely blog this morning. I love this time of year when God’s beauty shines even brighter through gorgeous leaves. I can’t wait to purchase these two parable books for my grandkids. Blessings to you and your readers.
I have 2 precious little grandsons fostered and adopted by my daughter. God is transforming them as we teach them about the love of God. What a blessing these 2 books would be to their life and library. Thank you for sharing God’s word and your wisdom with us. You are a blessing!
Hi Liz
When we focus on His deeds and not ours we receive so much more it’s all about His-story because without we would not have our story to tell of his goodness and live and mercy and peace
Because of all he has done for me I have a home awaiting me
On the splendor t
If the King he has so much for if if we will only pause and take time with him
Love you this day Liz and God bless.
Would love to receive these books to share with my grandchildren
Blessings for your day 💗
Ok…one more reminder that I just need to “be still”. Thanks Liz
I am in such awe and wonder of the Lord already, It is my hearts desire to be still, meditate on his word to become more like him. Looking at all your beautiful pictures reminds me of how awesome our God is, I can’t help but praise and worship him. Thanks for sharing, I can feel your joy at every shot you took. God bless Liz, keep inspiring us but take that the time you need to be with him.
Everything changes. It’s awesome. The hard part is choosing to “take your thoughts captive”
In this day of: ME…ME…ME…boy is hard to take the focus off ourselves & onto God! We want to take the credit for every accomplishment in our lives & all the good “stuff” that happens to us & TOTALLY forgetting it was NEVER us but The Lord!! It’s so selfish of us to believe it is ALL about us & that God is doing what he does best…LOVING US & wanting to see us HAPPY & filled with JOY!!!
Would absolutely LOVE to win a book of yours , Liz!!
Thank you for your joyful words and beautiful pictures. Such a lift on a dreary, rainy Michigan day!
If we focused on His wonderful deeds rather than on ourselves, we might see how much He has done and shared with us. Then we might start doing more for Him and sharing His wonderful deeds with others.
Wow! Thinking about the results is beyond amazing.
Wow! I’ll tell you what just happened when I paused to focus on His wonderful deeds… everything else just disappeared and didn’t really matter. all the pettiness disappears… no more anger… no more worrying… even if just in those moments. Your gorgeous pics of the trees and landscaping sure help one to just focus on His works. Absolutely stunning are the colors He has made for us…
There may be less stress and anxiety. More people would see His blessing that were given to us out of love and the joy we feel would give us the desire to share those blessing with as many as we can.
Autumn is my favorite time of the year! I enjoy the cooler weather and the beautiful colors. It’s also a time where the artistry of God just takes my breath away. I’m so thankful for your monthly blog, it always encourages me. Your pictures are amazing too! Thank you for all you do! God bless you!
This was so good Liz! I love to focus on His deeds and His works! He can do more “than we think or imagine”! He is so good and amazing and awesome in so many ways! There really is nothing we can do within ourselves, or by our self because He made us! Everything we are or what we can do or accomplish is because of our wonderful God anyway!
Thank you for sharing your insights on another great Psalm!
And I love all your photos of His “wonders” as well!
Be blessed!
The photographs are beautiful, displaying God’s colorful artwork. And your words, Liz, are always inspiring. I like that you use several Bible translations; some speak more than others.
If we focused on His wonderful deeds and not our own, then the world would be a better place. People would be happier, more content, and we would be looking up more. Self-centeredness would go down if we put our focus on God’s deeds and gave Him the glory, as we should.
When we first be still and worship, our doing becomes worship also.
As I eat my breakfast muffin, I am feeding my soul with spiritual food fro Psalm 119:27. Thank you.
Thank you Liz for all you loving and warm thoughts! And for guiding us, your sisters in Christ, in understanding God’s word and for learning to love our Lord so very deeply! This a most beautiful time of the year God gives to us to marvel in! God’s blessings on you and your family this Fall season!
This speaks to me. I’m a doer. It’s my love language. But God has been showing me and teaching me these past several months that I need to BE STILL with Him. Breathe in His Name. Thank you, Liz, for sharing what God has laid on your heart with us.
If we focus on His deeds instead of our own, we can open our eyes to see the blessings that he is giving us every day. Sometimes we tend to miss blessings because we are focused on ourselves.
If I focused on HIS wonderful deeds instead of my own, I would have my eyes opened to all that he has given me. I would not have any little “pitty parties” when times get tough, but would see the great things he has given me. One bad apple in the barrel should NOT be my focus, but ALL the good apples would forever be my focus.
Meditating on God’s wonderful deeds would FINALLY get my mind off myself and onto the one it belongs! His wonders never cease. It will take forever to know them all. My mind is so small to think only of my world!
Liz, you nudge us not as gently as we would like sometimes, but you are always so “spot on”. Thank you for this fresh look at worship and how we are to ponder His wonderous deeds.
Love these insightful words of wisdom! Thank you for sharing what God has placed on your heart!!
If we were to truly focus on God’s deeds, especially through Jesus’s actions, it would change the world. When we focus on those deeds, we are taken out of ourselves. We don’t focus on self but on others. Focusing on God’s deeds would provide the lamp for our paths, a guide to what we should be about. Christians would become more Christ-like because as we focus and follow what we were shown to be important and worthy, we would also do likewise. When we see all of the evidence of God’s love, we would want to share it wholeheartedly with everyone we meet — not through words but through actions.
If we were to focus on God’s wonderful deeds rather than our own, we would find a joy greater than we could ever imagine. We would understand how truly blessed we are. The deeds of God make what we as humans do so insignificant. All one has to do is look at the beauty of all the birds God has created, the flowers that grow in different climates, or listen to the cry of a newborn baby. How can anyone not feel the joy in what God creates?!
Liz, you said “God is far more interested in our worship than our work.” If we were to focus on God’s wonderful deeds we would be worshipping God, the Father, in ways we don’t understand! We would be blessed…and God would be honored and glorified. Sounds like a win – win situation. I can only imagine what it would be like to see God’s face as I truly focus on Him and His wonderful creation and worship at His throne of grace.
Hi Liz
Thank you blessing my life & my day with your uplifting devotionals. I would love to have the honor of attending one of your speaking engagements one day. Your two children’s books look like they would bring a smile to any child’s heart & soul.
Thank you making me & so many other’s smile
Haha as soon as read the word percept in the verse my mind automatically went to Kay Arthur. Then to read on at your side bar made me laugh.
To focus on his deeds and not ours brings about a peace and happiness deep down in our souls. It’s about him not us. With these results of doing it the right way…why is so hard at times to put our focus on him instead of ourselves?? Grrrr the flesh.
Liz your photos are beautiful and make me homesick for my north Georgia mountains, ablaze with God beauty, in the fall.
Liz, my 2 favorite things that God does is the ever changing sky with clouds, sunrises and sunsets. The other is the colors of fall. October is my favorite month. Could be because of the cool, brisk mornings and evenings, the absent of humidity or maybe because it’s my birthday month (just turned 60 on the 9th). I love to see His wonderful creations and just be in awe of them. I wish I could discern more and I hope with more time I will be able to. Thank you for sharing and I pray that your health is good. Carolyn Barnette (from one cancer survivor to another) God is good.
Focusing on His wonderful deeds would remind me of His love and power in my life. It would help me put everything I do in perspective. It would definitely focus my attention on what is truly important.
Oh Lizzie–I have been out of town and am just now reading your verses…..You are such an inspiration and motivator!! I love the colorful pictures….I really didn’t think we would have any color this year, with it so dry. Looking forward to more inspiration……………
If we focus on. God’s. Deeds and not our own. We see all His. Glory and. Wonder. And. His. Care of us. Everyday. If we keep our eyes on. Him. We won.t. have to. Fight the. Battle. He will. Fight for us. He. Makes. Every day a joy. In. All. Bad. Things. Happening around us. God is. In. Control !
If we focused on God’s good deeds and not on ourselves, we wouldn’t have a minute to be so self-absorbed. We wouldn’t have a minute to criticize and judge others. I would hope that with our focus on God this world would be a better place to live with others until our home with our Heavenly Father! How absolutely amazing! 💖
We would quit striving and be in complete peace.
My thoughts are reflected in the lyrics of “Only Jesus,” by Casting Crowns:
Make it count, leave a mark, build a name for yourself
Dream your dreams, chase your heart, above all else
Make a name the world remembers
But all an empty world can sell is empty dreams
I got lost in the light when it was up to me
To make a name the world remembers
But Jesus is the only name to remember
And I, I don’t want to leave a legacy
I don’t care if they remember me
Only Jesus
And I, I’ve only got one life to live
I’ll let every second point to Him
Only Jesus
All the kingdoms built, all the trophies won
Will crumble into dust when it’s said and done
‘Cause all that really mattered
Did I live the truth to the ones I love?
Was my life the proof that there is only One
Whose name will last forever?
And I, I don’t want to leave a legacy
I don’t care if they remember me
Only Jesus
And I, I’ve only got one life to live
I’ll let every second point to Him
Only Jesus
Jesus is the only name
Jesus is the only name
Jesus is the only name to remember, oh
Jesus is the only name
Jesus is the only name
Jesus is the only name to remember
And I, I don’t want to leave a legacy
I don’t care if they remember me
Only Jesus
And I, I’ve only got one life to live
I’ll let every second point to Him
Only Jesus
I don’t want to leave a legacy
I don’t care if they remember me
Only Jesus
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Bernie Herms / John Mark Hall / Matthew Joseph West
Only Jesus lyrics © Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd., Capitol Christian Music Group
I’ve been trying to concentrate on Him and His attributes. When I do, it seems like the things I’m facing become insignificant in relation. I know that He’s got this. It does put it in its right perspective. That gives me encouragement and comfort. I don’t have to shoulder it myself.
Beautiful…thanks for challenging me.