Today we might say, “I can’t wrap my head around it.” Three thousand years ago, King David put it this way:
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. Psalm 139:6
Such knowledge… Psalm 139:6
What “extraordinary knowledge” (HCSB) might that be? The verses that come before it describe His mind-boggling wisdom. “Knowledge like this” (ISV):
You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely.
You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.
Psalm 139:1-5
Right. “That kind of knowledge” (CEB). A deep and intimate understanding of who we are, what we do, where we go, how we think, and even what we’re going to say. Yikes.
“How well you know me” (NIRV), Lord, even as You surround me on all sides, even as You place Your hand on me.
Such a thing would be terrifying if He didn’t love us. But He does love us. Completely.
…is too wonderful for me… Psalm 139:6
Too wonderful. Too glorious. “Too amazing for me” (ISV), and way “too great for me to understand!” (NLT).
Isn’t that the truth of it? Just when I begin to think of God as my friend and companion, His Word reminds me He is also King of kings and Lord of lords and Creator of the universe and…and…and.
“Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!” Romans 11:33
Beloved, if we’re not astounded by His infinite wisdom and overwhelmed by His boundless knowledge, we’re not looking in the right direction.
…too lofty for me to attain. Psalm 139:6
Like the hills and mountains pictured here, God’s wisdom is “so high above me” (CEB) and so far “beyond me” (CSB), I can never hope to reach the summit.
I can study it, admire it, point people to it, but “I cannot grasp it” (EHV), no matter how much effort I expend, and “I cannot fathom it” (ISV) by any earthly measurement.
Even if I spend the whole of my life trying, “I can’t take it all in!” (MSG)
That’s exactly the kind of God I’m grateful to serve. Too majestic, too high, too wonderful to wrap my head around. But never too much.
Heavenly Father, You are everywhere and You are everything. You know us better than we know ourselves. Seeing You high and lifted up, we are humbled and put in our rightful place. When our hearts are heavy, raise our heads so we look toward You for comfort. When our minds are spinning with worries and concerns, guide our thoughts in Your direction and fill us with Your peace. Amen and amen.
I have a special giveaway for September — three new books for teen girls and young women, meant for you to share with someone you love and want to encourage. Wait It Out by Jamie Grace, Show Up for Your Life by Chrystal Evans Hurst, and Radiant by Priscilla Shirer.
Since this post is all about knowledge, my question for you is one posed by Chrystal in her book: What would you tell your teenage self? What do you know now you wish you’d known then? Scroll down to share your thoughts. Although I chose a winner on September 17, I would still love to read what you have to say.
Thanks for joining me for another wonderful month in God’s Word!
Your sister, Liz
P.S. If you missed our September 4th Wonderful Wednesday on Facebook LIVE, watch and/or listen as we meet Joanna and Susanna from Luke 8. And I’d love to see you in person at one of my fall events. Details here. Finally, if you’ve not read my latest book, 31 Proverbs to Light Your Path, it’s a perfect fit for fall and on sale right now for just $6.87!
I was not raised in a Christian home and did not know the Lord Jesus as my Savior,; that came much later in life when I was married and already had 2 of our 4 children. I would tell my younger self: “Look around at the stars ( He hung them and He knows each one by name), look at the canyons and valleys ( He carved them just for us to look at in amazement, look at a brand new baby ( the miracle of birth and creation ). How can you not know that God the Creator did this for us to enjoy? How can you say “there is no God?” The Lord Jesus loved you enough to die for you – no one else will love you like that.
We spent the summer traveling by train and viewing this country ( and His creation ) by train – the glaciers, the canyons, the oceans, the forests – everywhere is the evidence of His great handiwork.
I have heard this question, “what would you tell your younger self?”, so many times in my lifetime. I’ve answered it, I’ve read and heard others answer it. There are secular and Christian songs written from this question. The best answer I have ever heard and still find the most useful was given by Beth Moore.
I cannot quote her answer verbatim, but the gist is this, “Dear younger Me, the ride will not always be pleasant nor unpleasant. Jesus makes it abundantly worth it though. Just hold on to Him, you’ll be ok.
I hate some of my past, but I love the results of some really bad hurtfilled decisions I made when I was a very young teenager.
I now am a grandmother with a beautiful family, learning more daily to lean into Jesus and just live!
I wouldn’t change one single decision I made because it brought me here.
I would tell my younger self not to be in such a hurry to grow up; just enjoy this season of life. I would also tell myself to really be in God’s Word because the road ahead will not always be smooth and you will need the promises found in His Word to help you navigate those bumps and detours in the road of life.
I would tell myself to hang on to my faith. I had a very strong faith as a child but in my college years I didn’t uphold my side and talks with my Father. I am ever so blessed to have that back again in my life. If only I would not have strayed. God loves us always. So eternally grateful.
I would tell her, “no matter
Many of us in my era were very nieve, very trusting.
Questioned very little. Our Mothers gave their best, but rarely challenged, even they questioned in their mind.
I can stand due to the MIRACULOUS transformation of my parents thru Christ. So GRRATEFUL! I saw-I BELIVED. GOD did it! I’m still believing & No one can change my mind!
I like to start my day thanking God for all he has done for me the previous day. It really helps me to get through my day.
Love the Fall photos. I love the colors of the trees, etc. .God’s majesty is shown.
What I would tell my teenage self from what I know now. Life is precious, dont take anything for granted. You need to always have Jesus in your life and he will guide you through the ups and downs.
I would tell myself , “You are loved, valued and beautiful inside and out”. Today I wished I would of known who Jesus was and that He was all I needed. I did not accept the Lord until I was an adult. Thanks once again for a thought provoking word Liz!
What would I tell my teenage self? To live life to the fullest and to make sure I started my journey with the Lord way earlier than when I was 25(Now 41). My niece (18 yrs old) loves the Lord and has had to learn to fully rely on Him, even more now than before, her life with seizures the past two/almost three years has been very tough, memory loss, a couple of auto-immune diseases, difficult days walking or talking, and now she is having to deal with hair loss. BUT in all the dismay she still see Jesus and knows who He is, loves Him, and prays to Him daily. We don’t know why she is going through this BUT I want her to know that she is Radiant in God’s eyes and ours too, that she is more important then she thinks. That God has an ultimate plan for her, even when her days are rough.
I wish I had known being offended is a choice and that the abuse I endured was not my fault or my burden to carry.
This is so good, Michelle!
Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. Psalm 119:165
I don’t think my younger self would have listened to any advice; I would have just whispered, ‘Don’t worry, it does get better!’
“Dear Younger me”,
Your life will be just right according to God’s plan. Do not worry or fret. Enjoy your freedom and God’s blessings for as long as you can!
I would tell my teenage self that perfection is a lie. It will only lead to destruction and loneliness. I’ve lived most of my life trying to “be” and “do” perfection. Almost too late I realized what it has cost me in so many areas of my life.
I have often wondered about some of the things I did when I was a teenager & some of the things I went through & wondered this question… what would I tell myself. “Although the road won’t always be easy, just remember that God is with you always! There are things that I went through that I still don’t understand why, and I may never understand it, but I am a child of God. He can use anything, any circumstance for His glory!
Also, I think about 2 verses:
1. Jeremiah 29:11 (My fav)
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord , plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11 ESV
Oh, this verse has helped me through so many trials, as well as celebrations in my life! God doesn’t want us to be hurt, sad or mad but I do think that He allows us to go through things in our life that will bring us closer to Him. We can also use those trials that we go through to help connect & build relationships with others who have gone through similar ones. No matter what, God has a plan. He knows what’s best for us, even when do not see it or understand it.
2. Roman’s 8:28
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28 ESV
This verse, to me, has a very similar reasoning. Even when we go through trials, God uses them for good! He uses them to bring Him glory!
I wish I had known how Much Better it is to live a life following close to my heavenly Father! The opinions and approval of my peers is nothing compared to God’s way.
To just relax and have fun. You have a voice — use it.
It’s not about finding “the one”, it’s about having friends. It’s not about being “perfect”, it’s about realizing that you are going to make mistakes — just make sure you learn from them.
When I was 16, I thought I knew everything. Then I had a baby. Still thought I knew everything. As I got older, I became ashamed. I realized I missed out on so much. Yes, I got married to my baby’s father. He was a good boy/man. We didn’t last, because we were so young.
It all finally turned out alright. I married a God fearing man and we have now been married 36 years.
I would tell my conflicted frightened and helpless teenaged self that God has already figured out all the things I cannot, and He will bless me with a long, happy and love-filled life. I am almost 77 and 60 years ago I saw NO future at all for me.
God is good!!
I wild tell my teenage self to seek the lord wholeheartedly! To not become complacent. But, as I look back all the experiences I had have led me closer to the Lord.
To trust in the Lord’s plan and purpose for your life without compromise or hesitation.
I would tell my teenage self that God’s plan really is perfect. I tried so many times to do something in my “strength” instead of relying on His mighty power. I could have saved myself a lot of work if I went to the Lord in prayer instead of trying to fix all of my issues myself.
I would tell my younger self… “You are enough, you were created by a Perfect, Almighty, God for His Perfect plan and you are more than enough.
I would tell my younger self… “God has a plan for you! There will be a lot of ups and downs, and bumps in the road, but you’ll get there with his help. And it’s all worth it!”
I would first tell myself to not listen to the negativity from others. I’m better than that.
Second, being 62 and a grandmother of my first pre teen granddaughter, …life matters more with Jesus than your peers. Your relationship with Jesus is all you need. Stay faithful to Him and He will get you through lifestyle trials. Be one with Him! Commit everyday to Him.
Yes, indeed!
God’s got this in so many ways. You are stronger than you know and your struggles, the teasing, the bullying, the learning disability, are going to make you into a teacher that changes lives. Your students are going to come to you for prayer, for love, for ways to get through life, and everything you are going through now is God refining you to help them. You will be tested in the years to come in so many ways and the heartache to come will try to break you, but lean into God, baby. Put your trust in Him. Rest in the arms of your Savior. Let Him hold you. You are so loved.
I would tell myself to not get so lost in a relationship with a guy that I lose my dignity and self respect. There was no physical abuse, but there was mental and emotional abuse. No visible scars, but scars just the same. Luckily, as an adult, I found a husband who truly loved me and honored me.
I would tell my teenage self that beauty comes from within. And that it doesn’t matter what material things you have in this life because they can be taken from you in an instant. But integrity and good character cannot be taken from you by anyone.
When I was a teenage I wish I knew how easy it was to have a personal relationship with the Lord. He is my rock. I do not know how I would do daily life today without Him.
I would tell my teen self first that you are beautiful. Made by God who has great plans for your life. Trust no one. Don’t try to be popular. Listen to the voice speaking inside your heart. Looking at my experiences it was this purpose loving kids and young people. Being an Advocate for children. My students are so important to me. I now have a fierce love for people.
I thank God for His mercies and Love.
If you want to learn something new do it! Don’t talk yourself or let others talk you out of it!! Life is short and will get away from you before you know it!
I think I would tell my younger self not to spend so much time worrying what others think or how you look. Trying to compare your looks to someone else’s is just a good way to feel less than. Instead you need to find your value in God and who He says you are.
Teenage Cindy, don’t sell yourself short. All those things that appear to sparkle in front of you now are hollow lies that distract you from your First Love. They are the things that you will find attractive because they seem to offer happiness. They will quickly fade.
Your Creator offers riches of complete fulfillment because his steadfast love for you endures forever. He offers only good gifts. Trust His wisdom and love, for there you will find joy and peace and happiness beyond your understanding.
In your immaturity, you will not heed this advice right now, but it’s part of a plan to bring understanding though your pain, and an opportunity to receive His mercy and grace.
Please promise to remember this one thing: His steadfast love endures forever!
I would tell my teenage self to be brave enough to ask for help. It is ok to admit when something is overwhelming you because no one goes through life without challenges. I was too ashamed to admit that at 17 being in a competitive University was too much for me and ended up dropping out. But next month I will be 60 and I am headed to seminary with the full knowledge that I have the support of God and all of my church family. If (no I should say when) it gets tough I will get help! So teenage self, you are wonderfully made, God gave you a huge support system, be brave enough to get help when you need it because we all need help now and then.
I would tell my younger self that knowing Jesus and reading His word is not only cool but life changing. I was so worried about being cool. I wish I had known that Jesus gives so much and only takes away what will harm us or keep us in bondage. That He loves me no matter what I have done.
Oh how I wish I could tell my teenage self that I am worthy, that I do not need to give in to boys and their fake love ploys, or put up with physical or emotional abuse, that I didn’t have to do it all and it was ok to be a teenager, that I was not abandoned by my true Father, the father to the fatherless, that it is ok to say no to so many things, you do not have to fit in, you were born to stand out and that I am ok just being Susanne, I am fearfully and wonderfully well in the image of God, my Father, Father to the Fatherless, lover of my soul, creator of my days.
I would tell my teenage self to love herself. That she’s okay. Because God says so. Because God loves her. Passionately. I would tell her that her value is not in her looks. In her weight. That her value is that of a princess, and that she is strong, a warrior. I would tell her to just trust God; curl into His lap and let Him love her. I would tell her to search out her true identity. I would tell her that her identity doesn’t rest in other people, but in God. I would tell her that to believe all this is okay, and it will make a huge difference in her life later on. I would tell her to learn what it is to live in wholeness – mind, body, spirit – in Christ. I would tell her to learn what real relationship is.
I would tell my teenage self stop worrying about being on your own you don’t need lots of friends around you . Love yourself as God Loves you 💖
Oh, little me….little teenage me….you do not know it all…just shut your mouth, and be quiet. 🙂 Your mom and dad ARE right, and you will hear your mom coming out of your own mouth later on with your own precious littles (don’t look at the yucky Halloween stuff; turn your head away) (and sometimes your dad – aka “Do you live in a barn?” “Are you paying the electric bill?”). And yes, your younger brothers and sister are STILL ANNOYING.
Be thankful you knew Jesus way back when, because He will get you through the giant messes you make in a few years.
Love, your beauty from ashes older self.
As a teenager I lived in a very strict home and I wish I could tell myself that its not being perfect that God wants from us but a relationship with him. I have found that relationship and I will be perfect in Him someday!
I wish I had known how much God loved me. I always thought He was too busy for my problems. This thought process came from my mother who was too busy and never told me she loved me. She was critical and compared me to others my age. She also never told me that Jesus loved me. She sacrificed for me and I know she did love me. She thought I would be spoiled if she affirmed me in any way.
I grew up in church and I am sure I heard that sin is against GOD, but it did not hit home until much later in life. My list of “things” we as Christians do not do and do was there but not the reality that ALL sin is against GOD. It is a decision to be against GOD, opposing GOD, and going my own way. This is what I would tell a younger me, and I have shared with women’s groups in teaching. It may sound simple to some but it was eye opening for me. We are either for GOD or against GOD, and our life will reflect what is in our heart.
I would tell my teenage self that you don’t need a boy to validate your worth. You are worthy to God.
I would tell my teenage self to trust in my Heavenly Father and in Jesus for my worth, to not look for it in the world around me. For King and Country’s song, “Priceless”, sticks in my head, and I’m happy to hear my granddaughter humming it. We all are roses in bloom, and priceless.
I would tell myself that Jesus loved me beyond measure as my mother couldn’t tell me she loved me, I thought God was probably too busy for me. I wish I had known then what I know now.
I would tell my teenage self not to get so wrapped up in what others think of you. Instead , enjoying being who you are and LIKING the person you are is really all that matters. Be your best self.
There are a thousand things I wish my teenage self knew. Mainly I needed to know that who God says I am holds more value than anything the world could say and that fear can be overcome when you have Jesus by your side and that there are probably a lot of good reasons to do or don’t but that fear should never be one of them.
If I could tell my teenage self something, it would be to stop wasting your time on someone who has no intention of loving you or your God. Also, don’t be afraid to step out and get a job – learn financial responsibility!
I would tell my teenage self:
“Education and self worth are far more important than popularity and boys!” 👍❤️
I would tell myself that I am so much more beautiful and precious than I could ever imagine and to stop wasting precious time and energy getting the wrong people to love me
Your worth, young lady, is in God’s design and worth of you! Not in some boy’s opinion of what they think they know about you. And the ones who call you “friend” and you think they know the “real” you, they don’t. Only God does. And any partner in life is going to be so deeply rooted in God, they’ll only see God’s design in you and cherish it. Wait for that. Don’t chase anything else but God. Oh, and when someone calls you a “big” girl, it’s because you tower over them in height and you fill the space you are in with your light and life and presence! You are not fat. And so what if you are. Seek God for your worth and identity. Let His love drown out the rest of the world and believe Him only.
The only love worth chasing after is the love of your Heavenly Father and spending time in His word each day is one of the most important things you can do.
I think the thing I would tell my teenage self is: to not put myself down, to acknowledge the creation that I am by the Creator. Not fitting in or belonging with everyone else is ok because you are set apart you are a chosen girl of God and He adores you
“You are doing such a good job, my dear. I’m proud of you “
I would tell my young self how much God loves me, that He has a perfect plan for my life, that I should please only Him, and that He wipes away all tears so that joy can come. As so many have noted, young self couldn’t believe these truths. But looking back on the road I have travelled, God has taken all those mistakes, sadness and trials to craft me into the God-loving woman I am today. Thank you, Lord, Almighty Creator of the Universe!
If I was a teenager I would tell myself to wait, wait on the Lord and His plans. To read and learn His word, not the worlds view.
Liz I’ve been blessed by having the opportunity to attend one of your conferences in Oklahoma City last year. Our church has seen all ur videos over and over and each time enjoy them more! I thank God for wonderful women of God like you! Your personal life story blesses me and always gives me hope for my granddaughters that aren’t living for the Lord. God bless you !
I would tell my young self that the people in my life are so much more important than the things! We are not guaranteed any certain amount of time with our loved ones, so make it count!
What would I tell myself as a teen is what the tears have taught me. I AM LOVED BY ABBA GOD ALWAYS AND FOREVER. I don’t have to fix things, be good enough, just as I am. I still struggle to remember that some days. God’s ways are best. Listen and obey. Thanks liz for sharing with us. I would love to share these books with my granddaughter.
I would tell my younger self that the voice that you hear, the emptiness you feel, is God trying to get your attention.
I came to the Lord when I was 16 and I vividly remember thinking – I don’t know what all this is about, but I need to do it. “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it.” Psalm 139:6 I have spent the last 46+ years working to understand who God is and what He wants of me, and I’ll spend the rest of my life working toward that goal. My “need to do” is even greater today than it was then because I have learned a lot about the overwhelming love of God, His grace, His mercy. But He never said we’d be finished in our quest. We are to learn and to experience Him anew every day – come what may! Psalm 139 is one of my favorites. Thanks, Liz, for sharing!
Dear younger me: All those yrs you were angry with God blaming him for everything 😡 and dearest young heart you were so innocent of the evil in this world. So grateful for God’s love always being there . His knowledge is so awesome the love you feel when he’s filling you with his love! Unlike nothing you’ve ever felt before. Let him love you! Your a blessing and your gonna make it Your his girl,!!!! Love me and you
Oh dear Liz,
I so needed this today! thank you!
As to what I would tell my teen age self. . . it would be what I told my daughter and am telling my granddaughter now, ” It’s so easy to get caught up in needing the approval of those around us, it’s so easy to believe what that scrawny neighbor boy thinks about us; to focus on hair, teeth, body etc. , but there is a true you that is real and that lasts. Maybe it’s only visible to you when you know, really know you are loved but to those who truly love you, it is visible all the time. And my dearest that’s how God sees you ALL THE TIME”.
I would tell my teenage self that life is ok. Stop worrying about every littme thing….we always worry but somehow with God we always make it. Listen to your parents, for they really do know what they are talking about. Put people and memories first, materials last. And above all, give your life to God and TRUST Him!!!!
I would tell my teenage self many things, but to sum it up:
Yes, you can know God and love Him even though you can’t see Him, hear Him, or touch Him.
Begin by reading the New Testament. Confess your sins to God , and ask Him to help you to start living God’s way instead of your way.
Live for Jesus !
I would tell my teenage self that we are made in God’s image and our bodies are His temple so we should take care of it in that manner, but also not be drawn into the worlds view of body image but of Christ’s. Look to the Lord and not our physical.
Liz, I would tell my teenage self that I am special just as I am.
I wished I would have known my Savior back than. However, I am so eternally grateful I know Him now.
Be blessed my sister,
I would tell my teenage self to put God first. Not to seek the attention of boys, and to keep my body as a temple rather than giving it away. I would tell myself to read, and study the word of God and hold on to his promises. Be anxious for nothing. Your parents are right and only want the best of you. Don’t rebel. If you lie with dogs you get fleas. Meaning stay away from bad influences and be a leader, not a follower.
What a great question! Since God blessed me with two teenage girls, I feel it has been important to tell them what i wish someone had told me: focus on letting God mold you into His best for you…and the rest will fall into place. Don’t worry about all of those extraneous things…let God have your heart! Focus on your relationship with Him, study His Word, look for the opportunities to serve others that he places in your path…believe and trust Him and His plans for you…and keep fanning the flame to grow the gifts He’s given you. Still good advice! May we all take the time to seek him first.
I would tell my teenage ages self is that the mirror and the measuring stick do not truly reflect me. I am so loved and valued.
I wish I had realized in my younger years to not major on the minor! Also, forgive, forgive, and forgive! There’s always two sides to the story!
I would tell myself that as wonderful as you think life is supposed to be, it is never going to turn out to be that way. You may have an illness that keeps you from the work you loved, you may have an inoperable tumor, you may lose the love of your life in a split second and wonder how you are ever going to make it. Then you will lose your parents and your best friend all in a years time and your heart will be torn in two. But you must never forget that God may give you more than you think you can handle, but He will be beside you, holding you, and sometimes carrying you through it all.
I would tell my teenage self that you won’t be shy forever and you will know how to talk to boys, in fact you will treasure time with your boys one day.
I know know that no matter what comes God leads my life for great things.
Call to me and I will answer you, and show you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3
God loves you for who you are and not what others things. Look to your heavenly Father for goodness, peace and understanding.
This whole message today spoke to my spirit in every way. I am often awed by the majesty of Almighty God allowing me to call Him, Abba Father. Like a child I run to Him and know He is there, and then I am reminded of His holiness, majesty, the Power of Him, that I could not even see His face lest I perish from the glory and awesomeness of Who He Is! Good, good, word!
Wait for God’s best for you don’t rush your teen years enjoy them to the fullest.
I would remind my teenage self that a beautiful person really has very little to do with makeup. I tell this to my teenage daughter and the books you have chosen would be a blessing. I think I always “knew” this because I was told, but I could have saved much time and worry!
I have a 14 year old daughter. I tell her all the time what I wish I could tell my younger self. Most recently, she was dealing with a bully. He had bullied her in the past and they now have a class together. He is a “popular kid”. Even though he hasn’t said anything to her in this class, she was so anxious. I told her I wish I would have realized that I gave those people too much power over me. On the day I graduated high school, the power they had seemed to disappear. But, it was because I chose not to give it to them anymore. My prayer for her is that she will choose not to give anyone that power over her and be confident in who she is in Jesus.
Note to self: Hold onto faith. Family usually stands true as do a few a good friends, but God is unfailing. In an ever changing world, the unexpected is just around the corner, but God is always by your side! Or in today’s vernacular, “He’s got your back”
I would tell my teenage self to enjoy life and not be so shy. You are liked by thie kids in school. You need to love yourself. You are very pretty. The God of the universe loves you. Don’t get married right after high school . Do pursue a career and don’t start drinking. Be a little bit more assertive, not so introverted. Don’t worry about what others think of you. That’s their problem, not yours.
Hi Lizzie. I would tell my teen-aged self about how to have a relationship with Jesus. I would tell me that I am loved by an amazing God. Learning that He loves me would have made such a difference as it has since I became a believer at age 21.
A note to my teenage self: Get in the Word daily!!
I would tell my teenage self that there is a God in Heaven Who sees me, He knows me and He loves me when I didn’t feel loved or even visible. I was not alone, and the Prince I was wanting to rescue me from my home life, was right there just waiting for me to call His Name! Jesus Christ alone would resue me. I wasted years “looking for love in all the wrong places” as the old song says. I would hope she would listen!
I would tell myself to get that college degree right away! Don’t wait until later in life. I would, also, say to not let anything or anyone come before my relationship with God… keep that the highest priority.
I would tell my teenage self that constant fear of everything is NOT normal. God didn’t intend for us to be afraid but gave us a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. Seek help and know that God didn’t cause whatever triggered your fear. And He is NOT mad at you. He loves you deeply.
I’d tell my younger self that you can never outrun or out sin Jesus. He will never leave you. Your sin can never scare him away. Lift your eyes to the one who loves you more than you can ever imagine.
I would tell my teenage self to not lose my virginity at the age of 14! That my body is truly a temple and I need to respect it and that having sex will NOT make a man like me anymore than if I do not have sex before a commitment from him.
What would I tell my teen age self???Live each day,don’t carry guilt,just know some boys never grow up to be men. I now know that God has been with me and I wish I would have believed that then
I would tell my teenage self to consider others’ life situations before I “judge” them. I would tell me to remember the things I learned during my preparation for life, catechism class, and turn to the Lord for His guidance and forgiveness; because I felt so alone in my teen years. I would tell myself to forgive, because my parents were doing the best that they knew how. I would tell myself to cherish relationships with my family because I would not have all of them in my life forever. I would tell me that God is Love and if I just ask, He will guide me all the rest of my days on this earth.
My teen years were dominated by my parents’ divorce and the splitting up of siblings… some with Mom and some with Dad. This was the toughest time of my entire life, and I am well into Medicare age.
I would tell my teenage self when You get to church listen to the sermon and find Christian girls and boys to be my friend. I would tell me how important it is to hide God’s word in my heart not merely learn words to recite on a program..
I wish I had known how to study God’s Word, pray, and trust that God always knows what best for us … that his timing is right timing. How I had known how important it is not to make plans without God’s stamp of approval.
I would tell my teenage self SO much! Like, God loves me unconditionally so I don’t need to hurt so badly over my earthly father leaving me, that I am beautiful & God created me perfectly so I don’t need to have such low self esteem, that what the people in high school think of me is truly not going to matter in the years to come, to not build my self worth on what others say or think. That I don’t need to endure physical abuse because I have a God who loves me & can heal all my wounds and oh soooo much more!!
I would say, ‘you are uniquely created and you should cherish & celebrate God’s divine creation, it’s ok not to fit it with the popular crowd and to treasure being different and set apart, and to always take chances even when you’re afraid or think you’ll fail, because it makes life more fun.
What I would tell my teenage self if I could – that “Jesus loves me this I know” is meant for me, too, not just others. That the gift of salvation is just that – a gift – I don’t have to be good enough to earn the privilege of the Gift. I would tell myself that I don’t have to impress the Father with my perfect obedience so that I can have His love, because I already have it, and it is His love that changes me from the inside out, I grow into it and it fits perfectly. His love will make me beautiful if I let Him in, let Him and Jesus and the Holy Spirit live with me and in me. No make up, no mask, no facade – just His love – making me clean, making me free, making me ready for Home with Him.
I can think of lots of things that I would tell my teenage self, but the most important is to get to know Jesus Christ personally.
To fall in love with Jesus first and then a boyfriend.
Oh, what Wisdom!
I would tell my teenage self multiple times a day that “it’s not all about you!” I would remind her that her actions now will matter in the future.
yes, my sister… same
I would tell my younger self to wait, wait, wait til you are married to have sex. The pain, regret and baggage you will carry around, is not worth the short term pleasure of the moment. Wait on the Lord to bring you the right man to marry. Trust in Him!
I wish I could tell my teenage self to live a more carefree life, to have more lighthearted fun. I had an ill father, so my life had a more serious cast to it. But still I was young and free.
I have learned that true happiness comes from living an honest and virtuous life, and from earning my bread the old fashioned way, through hard work.ok
I am grateful for you Liz. Thank you for all the good things you share with us.
I would tell my teenage self about Jesus ❤️
Cannot wait to see you in person in Springfield, Ohio, my hometown. Sharing your books with friends so they can appreciate you also.
I wish I could tell my teenage self to be patient. Be still and know God.
You prayed and prayed, but you didn’t listen. Hear what God is saying to you. He will never steer you wrong
Janet, your identity is in Jesus Christ. Stop looking for it in other people’s acceptance and love. Make your relationship with God more than showing up on Sundays. Put Him first and believe everything He says about who you are in Him. ❤️
Liz, you made my friend, Renee’s day in Nashville this week. She is the one who introduced me to your books years ago. Thank you for being so real and pointing us to more of Jesus. Keep writing!!! 😊📚
I would tell my teen self that the God of the Bible is so much more personal and loving than the God that other people tell you He is.
I would tell my teenage self to look for Christ and accept Him as Lord. I did not hear the gospel until I was 31 and accepted him as my savior a year later So must time wasted not knowing peace. Thank you God for accepting me into your family. I love you Lord
I love the song “Dear Younger Me” by MercyMe. I did not know God then and my identity was subject to the undercurrent of the deep waters of young adulthood. Anxiety, depression and harmful choices soon followed. If the knowledge of Christ and using my experiences as an example of what NOT to do can guide my young son on his lifepath, then I will have served him well.
I would tell my teenage self to not be in such a hurry to grow up. I would tell her to hold on to Jesus. I would tell her that God loves you dearly and He has a good plan for your life.
Judy, every prayer I said every night in those growing up years My Jesus, my God heard…college nights…all of them. Here I sit remembering all the answers I have enjoyed through the years. A prayer I had prayed at 10 years old and through the years was God give me a Christian husband, someone Who would help me go to Heaven. And he did… we just celebrated our 59th year of marriage and moved into a home cottage we built for our needs and the needs of the students on the Harding University campus where we started Outreach America and are still involved today and so thankful!
We have 3 grandsons attending here!
He answered me over and over in such an abundant number away!!!
What I Wish I had known then what I know now. That God does hear us and does answer our prayers. I wanted to Believe that and it was really true. By the
I’d tell myself to stand up for myself, believe in myself, ask for what I want and seek the Lord first in all my choices in my life, to put Him first and do what He created me to do/be! Don’t worry about the peer pressure or what society thinks!!!
So True 😊
Hi Liz If I were a teenager again, I would know that I was worthy of love and not be afraid of what other people thought of me. That I was complete in the God who loves me.
I wish I had known more about the love, forgiveness, and grace of God.
I would tell my teen self that being different isn’t bad, that I didn’t need to look for acceptance and love in the arms of a guy because it doesn’t happen and I’m worth more than that and to really believe that God loved me, that being “saved” didn’t mean people and circumstances around me would change but that God’s love was inside me and I could trust that.
I know now that satan really is a liar and he uses every trick he can to keep teens from believing in Who they can become and who they are in Him and that we as a church are wasting our time with teens with entertaining them instead of preparing them for battle and letting them know that being a Christian isn’t a bunch of rules and don’ts.
I would tell my teen self to understand the “why” behind celibacy which helps you understand why parents want you to wait until you are married to have sex.
Also, LISTEN to the red flags you may see in a relationship with a guy.
I would tell my teenage self to stop comparing. Stop comparing about looks, clothes, your relationships with others, your relationship with God. I remind my teenage daughter of this and I know it’s hard ! These books would be a great blessing to her and our family. Thank you for the opportunity.
I will tell my teenage self. God is with you when you are most hurt, you do not have to run or hide you are in His arms. Listen to His voice and know that He understands the pain that you are going through and your brokenness. Open your heart, pray and see, and accept the Love that He sends your way in others, especially in that special someone that He created to be your soulmate. Once you find that someone do not be afraid to Love without expectations because God is Love and He loves you without expectations. Write in your heart Corinthians 13, there you will find the answers to most questions in your life. I wish I had know that I needed to pray for that special someone that God created for me, so that I would be able to recognize that person and once found, I would of be open to love without been afraid and to embrace the way God has always embraced me.
You are not here to be a play thing for men, you are a child of god and worthy to be here
same here, Susan. thank you for being brave enough to post this.
O Liz, if there only were a time machine. I stopped going to church when I was a teenager so I would go back and tell myself to keep going and that God loves me so much. I would tell me to raise my kids in church and the importance of it. My teenage daughter would love one of these books. Her birthday is this month. I can’t wait to come see u in Louisville next month!!! Hope I win ☺️ you!!!
I would tell my teenage self to not to try to be a people pleaser. Keeping everyone else happy will wear you out and distract you from keeping God Happy with you. Pleasing other people will take you down paths you don’t need to go — they will hurt you. Seek God First and He will take care of the rest.
I would tell my younger self to truly just accept that you are absolutely a Child of God whom He created and loves dearly. There is no one on this earth whom you need to please. Don’t waste valuable time and energy worrying about what other people think of you. Pleasing God is all that matters!
I would tell my teenage self. You can can trust God. Others may disappoint and fail but He is real. Stay the course. He has great plans. It is going to be hard but He will never leave you.
God is for me, not against me! He’ll never leave me. He Loves me so Very much. He will be my anchor in the storms. The Joy of the Lord will be my strength. I am forgiven, so I can forgive others. Christ died on the cross for all sins….even those that feel like they’re against me….but their not. All sin is against God and Christ’s blood paid for all of them. If I don’t forgive, I’m saying Christ’s blood wasn’t enough….and I’m inviting torment into my life. Don’t live in torment. It’s like drinking poison and expecting the other person to be hurt. Allow God to love others through me.
Keep your eyes fixed on Him no matter what you face or feel. Trust Him in all.
I wish I knew how fast life goes by and that I would have been more spontaneous and free with time to spend with others- and not on making things be so. Still working on this one
I would tell my teenage self to read the Word of God and trust in God. I ran so far ahead and didnt let God lead me. I welcomed brokenness and heartache through unwise choices.
The prodigal life is misery; don’t stay so long.
You will find peace when you find your way Home.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Raise your children in the Word; it’s REALLY going to matter later.
I wish I had understood that God’s will for my life wasn’t some mystical grandiose design but rather to know Him – to grow in His grace and knowledge to become more like Him and to share the good news with those I come into contact with. I so misunderstood “delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart”.
Spot on for me too!
I would tell my teenage self: You will meet God, and He will change EVERYTHING. Don’t give up on Him. Don’t give up on yourself. You’ll want to, and you’ll try everything to die. You’ll abandon everything you learn about God, but just know you’ll get back up and you’ll run back to God and He’ll love you all the same. Because He is GOOD. He is LOVE. And He NEVER left you, even if you thought He did. Even if other people told you so.
Pursue God more ardently and LISTEN. Find a personsl mentor
What I would tell a teen that I wish I had known is that your virginity is more than just not having sex. It’s your thoughts, your mouth, the things you read, watch and look at, any experimenting before marriage leads to comparisons after, even if its found in romance novels, which can make you feel your marriage doesn’t measure up, and your purity is a gift that God has trusted to your care to keep protected for Him until He tells you who He wants you to give it to in marriage. To give even part of it away before then cheats all three of you; God, your husband and yourself because it will never have the magic of waiting and delight of opening unexplored treasures. That’s what I wish I’d known. That’s what I would share.
I’d tell my younger self to look not to achievements, or my perceptions of others perception of me, or outward appearance / what culture equates with beauty, to define and validate me. That my worth is truly in the love of my Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.
I am 50 years old and I have a 16 year old daughter and a 19 year old daughter. As a teen girl, I was so lost and broken. I found my worth in boyfriends. I made so many bad choices and I pray that my daughters have more wisdom and discernment than I did. I wish as a teenage girl I had a relationaship with Jesus. I wish I knew how precious I was to him.
Thank you, Liz for being such an encourager! God bless you!
As a teen, I really loved God and wanted to please Him. But I operated a lot out of fear of failing Him – what He would do, that I would miss forever His best will for my life. Today I would tell my teen self, “Ask the Father to convince you deeply of His love and acceptance of you. You don’t have to ‘perform’ for God’s love, for His guidance, for His blessing. All are already yours in Christ. Relax. Enjoy Him. There is room to learn by stumbling and failing, and grace that totally accepts and loves you. Relax!”
Almost all my choices would have been the same, but I would have enjoyed the journey a lot more had I leaned this sooner!
Lizzie, I’m so glad you said yes to God and his love for you! Please know He has used your words (sometimes His words through you) to encourage me
and often make me laugh out loud. Thank you for sharing God’s love and your life with me. It helps me be more joyful, more focused on truth while more light hearted.
Your Davinna
I would have told myself to seek Christ early and hold on fast to Him. And with Christ,I would have eliminate all the lions before this Goliath and I would have been more discerning and FOCUS on CHRIST JESUS without hesitation and without compromising.