Glorious Splendor, Wonderful Works

Of all my childhood summer memories, I cherish most the days we spent at the shore.

Bare feet on hot sand. Bright sun bearing down. Collecting shells by the pocketful. Building sand castles with plastic buckets. Running into the sea, laughing loud, arms spread wide.

Nothing but ocean stretched to the horizon and beyond. That vastness put everything in perspective. Small us. Big God.

This month we’re admiring some of the beautiful shorelines God created, and marveling that this same God also created us. Wonder of wonders!

So, our verse for August:

On the glorious splendor of Your majesty and on Your wonderful works, I will meditate. Psalm 145:5 NASB

On the glorious splendor… Psalm 145:5 NASB

Not one but two over-the-top words here, as if David the psalmist was overwhelmed trying to express “the beauty of thy glorious majesty” (GNV) and “the magnificence of the glory of thine holiness” (WYC).

Where to start? Or rather, where to stop?

Some things even language can’t capture. Our eyes widen and our mouths drop open and we find it hard to breathe. The very thought of Him is…ohhh.

…of Your majesty… Psalm 145:5 NASB

I love the NASB: New American Standard Bible. The language is elegant, and the scholarship trustworthy.

What I really love? The pronouns referring to the Holy One are capitalized — He when the Lord is spoken about and You when the Lord is spoken to.

In my first published book — now long out-of-print — I also wrote He and You, thinking that was how it was done. Soon, it became acceptable, even preferable for many publishers, to use lower-case pronouns for deity, so I followed suit.

But in my recent books — It’s Good to Be Queen, 31 Verses to Write on Your Heart, The Women of Easter, and 31 Proverbs to Light Your Path — I’ve returned to capitalizing He, Him, HisYou, and Your when referring to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

It’s not a question of correct or incorrect. Zero judgment of how other writers handle things. For me, it just feels right and good – and long overdue.

You are worthy of honor, Lord, and “Your beauty and splendor have everyone talking” (MSG). We’re talking to You and about You. Blown away by “the shining-greatness of Your power” (NLV). Going on and on about all You are and all You have done.

…and on Your wonderful works,… Psalm 145:5 NASB

Think how many “mighty miracles” (CEV) God has performed just this summer. Babies born. Marriages healed. Diseases banished. Broken hearts mended. Souls rescued. Lives redeemed.

Lord, when we consider “the story of your wonders” (CJB), when we reflect on “Your great works” (NLV) and “amazing deeds!” (NET), when we see how big You are and how small we are, when we look at “the glory of Thy majesty, and the matters of Thy wonders” (YLT), words fail us.

The truth is, You don’t need our words, Lord. We need Yours.

…I will meditate… Psalm 145:5 NASB

Before we act on His counsel and put our faith in motion, we’re called to “contemplate” (CEB) and “focus on” (NET) and “spend time thinking about” (NIrV) what He is asking us to do. To consider our lives from His eternal perspective. To acknowledge His wonderful works, and imagine what He wants to accomplish in us and through us for the sake of the Gospel.

Heavenly Father, give us a sense of wonder when we gaze at Your creation. Show us the works of Your hands, Your mighty miracles, unfolding all around us. Help us see what You see, so we can help others see You. In Jesus’ beautiful name, Amen.

For our August giveaway, I’ve framed three sets of photos featuring five of my favorite shorelines in New Zealand, Scotland, and South Africa. I’ve chosen three winners — Eleanor, Tina, and Nancy —but you are still welcome to scroll down to share your thoughts about where you have discovered the glorious splendor of His majesty. (It might be your backyard.)

Bless you for spending a few minutes standing on the shore with me!

Your sister, Liz

P.S. If you missed our August 7th Wonderful Wednesday on Facebook LIVE, watch and/or listen as we meet Euodia and Syntyche — two Jesus Girls with one big problem.

And if you’d like to catch me in person this autumn, take a look at my speaking calendar. What a joy it would be to see you!

Liz Curtis Higgs


207 Responses to Glorious Splendor, Wonderful Works

  1. marilynn August 14, 2019 at 1:15 pm #

    Splendor is all around us; we only need to open our eyes to see
    what God is showing us so we may replenish our soul and spirit.

    • Sheri rehak August 14, 2019 at 3:54 pm #

      The glory of His splendor-I can see it every season, I can see it everytime someone smiles. I see it most in nature-in my garden,by the oceans, in the flowers opening and the hummingbirds flitting about. I can see it when kids are happy and laughing. I can see it in the hugs others give each other. I can see and feel it when humanity senses something needs to be done for someone who’s suffering. The nicest time I feel Him is when someone shows me they care and love me. Beautiful pictures, Liz!

      • Lynn Thomas August 15, 2019 at 6:16 am #

        Liz, your video about the two dissenting women may well bring peace to a racial conflict in my church. An African American woman has challenged a Facebook post I made giving our president credit for looking into controls for video games and out of no where a volcano of ugly stuff erupted from this woman toward me. She is a leader in the church where I am employed as the Publications Admin. She wants to meet. I am studying the instructions Paul gave these women — “in the Lord.” I know my answer is there.

    • Ang August 14, 2019 at 7:15 pm #

      Thank you for capitalizing the pronouns of our Lord.
      Splendor in a summer rain, refreshing the very dry and cracked earth in the Midwest.

    • Pam August 14, 2019 at 9:09 pm #

      I find His glory and majesty in the gorgeous sunset only He can paint, the delicate, strong flowers, the songs of birds as they sing His praise. In the simple yet loving smile of a stranger.

    • Suzie Mapp August 18, 2019 at 8:33 am #

      The Lords glory is all around from the nature we see to the people who are in service in the Lords name💖

  2. August 14, 2019 at 1:15 pm #

    My gracious! His glorious splendor is everywhere! I am in awe over the God of the pebble and the God of the Mountain! The God of the droplet of water and the God of the ocean! The God of the pine needle and the God of the entire forest! The God of the grain of sand and the God of the vast beaches! The God of the universe is my God! My wonderful, dangerous, just, compassionate God … and I tremble. I see His majesty best revealed in the eyes of his most beloved creation, people – those once broken but now restored!! That’s where my eyes have seen the glory of the Lord!

  3. Lucy August 14, 2019 at 1:18 pm #

    One of my most favorite sayings goes along with this post. Man builds buildings with concrete and steel that are blown over by the wind, while God sets the boundaries of the ocean with grains of sand. Beautiful word today, thank you

  4. Deborah Volz August 14, 2019 at 1:18 pm #

    Just returned from a Maine Coastal Drive, Liz. Bar Harbor, Camden, Rockland, Ogunquit, Kennebunkport….been before but always the rocky majestic coastline takes my breath and amazes me as to the difference between there and here in Florida where we live most of the time. In Maine? My heart always returns to a place called Pemaquid Point. Like the Grand Canyon, I could sit on those time worn, God creations the rest of my life! Maybe you’ve been, Liz. If not, Hotel Pemaquid is a quaint respite right there at the Point. Praying all is wel with you….I am well too! (BTW: I always capitalize His pronoun😍 Glad you’ve returned to the old-fashioned way too)

  5. Erika August 14, 2019 at 1:20 pm #

    Hello Liz,

    I see God’s splendor in so many things. In the faces of people I love. In the beauty of a sunrise or sunset. In the beauty of blooming flowers and a fruitful garden. I see it in the wonder of a beautiful landscape of the beach or mountains. So much to be thankful for !

  6. Carrie Turansky August 14, 2019 at 1:22 pm #

    I’m blessed to live across the street from a pretty manmade lake. I love taking the path around the lake, especially in the early morning. It’s only a one-mile jaunt, and there are always lots of surprises in nature to bring delight and remind me of God’s goodness, glory, and creativity: Eagles, jumping fish, huge hot-pink rose of Sharon flowers, goofy geese, bobbing turtles, and sunshine sparkling on the water. The glory of the Lord is all around if we just take to look for it.

  7. Nancy Deipert August 14, 2019 at 1:22 pm #

    Oh Liz yes I’m with you on the shores of His majestic glorious lakes and oceans. They are my favorite places to be. It just brings me to tears every time I stand on a shore of a one of these as I feel so overwhelmed by it’s sheer power. It reminds me how powerful my God is and how vast He is. It’s almost incomprehensible and I can’t even wrap my head around the whole idea.

    What He’s created for us to experience here on this journey is really miraculous when you think about it all. The sky, the stars, the universe itself is a miracle. Even right down to the smallest creature. Again His sheer vastness coupled with His love for us is mindboggling to me.
    Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with you.
    Have a very blessed day.
    Nancy Deipert

  8. Andrea August 14, 2019 at 1:23 pm #

    I can remember walking through the woods on a beautiful fall day years ago. The leaves were changing colors and starting to fall. The gentle breeze rustled in the treetops, and the sun filtered through. It was a feeling of peace–God’s touch–and remembering it makes me teary eyed to this day.

  9. Carol Loveless August 14, 2019 at 1:24 pm #

    There is a spring fed lake by where I live. Prior to moving here I was despondent, I believed I’d never have beauty in my life again or that I deserved it. I thought I’d have to live in a roach infested apt in a crime ridden neighborhood. Somehow this condo for rent just fell into my lap. It’s a beautiful and safe place tucked in to the woods with birds and all types of nature. And the above mentioned lake. I was just down to the lake this morning. I go every morning that the weather permits. I talk to God there. This morning I told Him that I do believe He cared about me because His hand was clearly what brought me here. He knew this place would bring me the healing I needed and most importantly bring me closer to Him.
    BYW my husband is from South Africa and yes the beaches there are over the top!

  10. Melanie Williams August 14, 2019 at 1:26 pm #

    The glorious splendor of His Majesty IS all around us! However, I – like you, dear Liz – am in love with Scotland and am ever awed by the Lord’s handiwork there. From the highlands to the glens to the lowlands to the beaches to the islands – Alba Gu Brath! Thank you for sharing your photos and words with us!

  11. Karen Jones August 14, 2019 at 1:28 pm #

    Dearest sister, Liz,
    You tapped into my happy place today….. The most splendid place I know… the place that I find the most majestic in which I feel God’s presence and majesty. I was 14 years old before I ever step foot on ocean sand and ocean (Gulf actually) water lapped upon my feet. I never miss an opportunity to visit a shoreline. There is untold power in that water…. Power to rage, power to cleanse, power to soothe…. Only God….
    On another note, I, too, feel the importance of using capitalization when making reference to God, in any form…. He deserves that honor…..


  12. LeeAnn Avery August 14, 2019 at 1:31 pm #

    I so agree, I always say my happy place is being at the ocean. It stretches so far and so wide. The tide comes in and goes out. These two things always remind me of how far & wide God’s Love is for me and the the tide reminds me of God’s constant faithfulness.

  13. Kathie Pauley August 14, 2019 at 1:31 pm #

    Sitting quietly and on a hill in Bloomington, Indiana overlooking a calm and peaceful lake. Just being still and knowing You are God!

  14. Vicki Akins August 14, 2019 at 1:31 pm #

    The beauty of the great outdoors make my heart sing. My husband and I often eat dinner on the porch overlooking the nature park on the other side of the fence. Seeing mother nature in her beauty, reminds us that we are not alone, the animals and us must sing together to make this world a brighter place.
    We love to dance to the music together, this is making my heart sing, for the first time in over 42 yrs. he is now leading and I am following. Ying and Yang.

  15. Karla August 14, 2019 at 1:32 pm #

    Wonderful article on this Wonderful Wednesday! I agree with you on the capitalizations. I also, correct or incorrect, always capitalize Heaven, lowercase satan and of course, hell.
    Here in SC, being retired, we do the beach in October. Love it then.
    Thank you for your faithfulness to all your friends who love to listen and read. Saw you in Montreat and loved every minute of your teaching.

  16. Pat Stuart August 14, 2019 at 1:32 pm #

    We have just returned from a trip to Colorado. Driving from south western Arizona to Keystone, Colorado, a week in the mountains and then the drive back. As we traveled through Utah I couldn’t help but marvel at the beautiful colors and Hugh rock formations. When we stood at the continental divide in Colorado at 11,900 feet, you feel like you are at the top of the world and can see God’s hand everywhere.

    • Betty Brown August 14, 2019 at 5:55 pm #

      Are these pictures for sale? Where? Price?
      Specifically interested in the first one: ? Small us. Big God.

  17. Carole August 14, 2019 at 1:32 pm #

    Liz, you are a lady that shares my place of peace. When the world closes in I search for a body of water whether it be pond, river or lake. (Ocean when I can). There is just something calming for me there. I think of how water in so many forms were involved in Jesus’ life and those in the Bible. How glorious is His beauty in the world

  18. Mary Kay August 14, 2019 at 1:33 pm #

    Thank you, Liz, for a beautiful study and reminder. I’ve always been awed by God when I’m on an ocean shore. More recently he wowed me atop a mountain peak. After nudging me to trust Him with my fear of heights and ride the Funitel to mountain top because our son wanted to share his space, his view with us, our little family (3 plus scaredy-cat dog) stepped off the car into pristine snow and 360 degree view of snow covered peaks. A small Lake Tahoe in the distance glittered like the jewel it is. We all whispered, in awe of the view God provided. So, mountains, oceans, or in between, I love discovering God’s fingerprints all over my world. Bless you. And thanks for the opportunity to win those powerful, lovely photos!

  19. LauraAnn August 14, 2019 at 1:34 pm #

    I think if we look, we can find His splendor in everything and everywhere. My first thought was looking out at deer in the yard of a past house I used to live at. My second thought was seeing a rainbow downtown when I do not believe it had been raining. I lov3 the message.

  20. Pat Willisma August 14, 2019 at 1:35 pm #

    Since I know how much you love Scotland, I wish you had identified which of those beautiful photos were from there!

  21. Brenda Williams August 14, 2019 at 1:36 pm #

    I feel called to water. But, sadly don’t have any in my backyard.
    I have always liked going to the little “crick” creek just down the road.

  22. Dorothy Armstrong August 14, 2019 at 1:37 pm #

    I live at the Jersey shore, so I know what you mean when you look at the magnificent ocean that our Lord created for us to enjoy. You become spellbound as it rolls in and out. He is so large and we so small.
    Another place that we are very, very small and His glory is shown, a walk through the redwood forests oh California.
    Praise His Name!
    Thank you Liz for the beautiful photos from the four corners of the world.

  23. Tracy Crump August 14, 2019 at 1:37 pm #

    Liz, your newsletter came at a “glorious” time, just as we’re spending a week at Pensacola Beach, FL, our favorite vacation spot. But on the way here, we swung by Atlanta to see our new granddaughter, Ayla, only ten days old. That’s God’s work I’m meditating on!

  24. Jane August 14, 2019 at 1:37 pm #

    Oh, Liz! I was so delighted to read your message today. I share your love of the NASB and how it capitalizes His name. I love the way it jumps off the page at me as a reminder of just who I am reading about.
    His magnificence is world-wide but as I have most recently experienced the vastness of the Amazon River and its people, I would have to pick that location.
    I did, however, grow up in Oregon and can remember standing on the rocky shoreline and being overwhelmed with a sense of majesty. At the time, I didn’t know who the creator was but looking back I think that He was calling me.

  25. Penny August 14, 2019 at 1:39 pm #

    God’s beautiful fall colors were enjoyed at Mt. Cheaha, Alabama’s highest point, on a gorgeous autumn day.

  26. Monti August 14, 2019 at 1:42 pm #

    I’ve seen the LORDS glorious splendor and majesty in many things:
    The night sky giving way to stars, moons and planets
    In the breathtaking beauty of flowers blooming,
    and the Rocky Mountains standing firm and strong. I’ve seen His majesty and His splendor in mist and fog of early mornings, and the breakthrough of the sun…and in other seasons of glistening white fresh snow on pine branches, deer trekking through the woods….
    Rainbows and sunsets. And oh a glimpse of His glory when my grand baby giggles, or reaches out to touch my hand!

  27. Kathy August 14, 2019 at 1:43 pm #

    I live in Wyoming, so there are a lot of beautiful places here that burst my heart. Just last night my almost 4-year-old grandson walked with me to see the moonrise. Together we held hands and sang “I See The Moon.” I thank God for that boy always!!

  28. Sheila Opper August 14, 2019 at 1:43 pm #

    One of my favorite places to view His wonders is in my backyard. The different color flowers, the species of birds, squirrels etc all in our yard. Plus our own little doggies. All created for my pleasure! And I must agree with you with regard to pronouns referring to our Heavenly Father and Lord and Holy Spirit to be capitalized. We need to give Him all the honor we can in any way we can. Thank you Liz!

  29. Arleen Jacobson August 14, 2019 at 1:53 pm #

    Every morning when I awake to the birds singing in my backyard and see the glorious beauty he has created in my backyard, I am so blessed to be looking on His wonders. When I am at the top of a mountain getting ready to ski down, I am so mesmerized by His beauty that I freeze in place and take it all in, praising Him for all He has created.

  30. Lisa Peterson August 14, 2019 at 1:53 pm #

    I have found God’s Glorious Splendor when visiting the many Eastern shorelines. These past few years I am amazed at God’s Splendor shown in the hills and valleys where I live in Lackawanna County. As I drive to and from work, I look up to see the different shades of color, mist and sunbeams shining through the clouds. When I’m on the top of a mountain, I scan the beautiful valley below. God speaks encouragement and comfort to me every day through these beautiful mountains and valleys.

  31. Paula Moulds August 14, 2019 at 1:54 pm #

    Where I have discovered the glorious splendor of His majesty:
    I have always loved the Fall with all its color and splendor. I especially enjoy visiting Oakland, Maryland, where my husband and I first fell in love. Every year they celebrate Autumn Glory.

  32. Lori S. August 14, 2019 at 1:56 pm #

    Hilton Head Island, there is something about that little island, when I vacation there with my children we all sleep well and feel very relaxed and at peace. It’s a beautiful island where I can spend my mornings on the shore line thanking God for the beauty he has created for us. I have fond memories there with my family and many pictures to cherish for my lifetime.

  33. Sarah Cayton August 14, 2019 at 1:57 pm #

    I am quite obsessed with capturing sunsets. My camera is full of them. His light show almost always leaves me standing in awe. It’s like He draws me out to come and see what His paintbrush has created today. And almost always I find myself capturing it with my lens, like some crazy attempt to capture His Light.

  34. Shirley Webster August 14, 2019 at 1:58 pm #

    Thank you Liz for sharing your gift of writing such beautiful word pictures .
    They are wonderful reminders of God’s Majesty and how blessed I am to be His child. It’s beyond my human comprehension how He is so generous to me. Last Sunday our pastor shared how God’s grace is like the ocean waves constantly washing away my sins. God Bless You!

    • Karen Bousquet August 14, 2019 at 2:04 pm #

      Love what you said. Karen

      • Cathleen Rafalko August 17, 2019 at 7:15 am #

        I fly a lot for my work outside my home. I love meeting my glorious God in the dark night when the sun is setting and the plane is quiet. I stare out the window viewing our planet from 35,000 feet above God’s creation. I contemplate, meditate and pray. It’s when I’m closest to the glory of heaven. I have my travel bible and use this time to reflect and hear the voice of God. Thanks for your post and all you do for the glory of God💛💙

  35. Karen Bousquet August 14, 2019 at 2:03 pm #

    Sometimes I am astounded by the beauty of our Creator God. I recently relocated to Powell River, B.C. Canada and everyday there is a new painting, a new sunset, the huge forest and the vast ocean. I could spend all day just marvelling at the beauty God has given us for OUR pleasure. Thanks Liz for the email reflecting the beauty you see too. And I too capitalize HIS name in every form. It just makes me feel right too. You are a ray of sunshine, I love your everything. Karen ❤️

  36. Megan L. August 14, 2019 at 2:11 pm #

    Such beautiful pictures, and a great verse to go along with them! I enjoy watching the clouds pass by overhead against the blue sky, and how the trees sound as the wind passes through them. Watching birds and other animals doing what they do is always amazing too.

  37. Rhonda Thompson August 14, 2019 at 2:11 pm #

    The Rocky Mountain National Park

  38. Linda Holloway August 14, 2019 at 2:14 pm #

    One of my favorite places that I have felt the glorious wonder of His creation is in the mountains of South Africa.
    I live in Minnesota and we do not have mountains here. On my first trip to South Africa I was overwhelmed by the beautiful majestic mountains. They spoke to me about the Ancient of Days. I wondered about what they had seen their during their existence. They had a presence of authority and grandeur. When I looked at them I was brought into a place of worship to the great I Am, the Ancient of Days.

  39. Marilyn Turk August 14, 2019 at 2:14 pm #

    Every time I see a glorious sunset, I remember the verse in Psalms 19 that says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” I’ve been blessed to see the majestic waterfalls in Yellowstone and the sun rise over the ocean from a lighthouse keeper’s house on an island off the coast of Maine. When I’ve gone fishing at dawn with my husband, I’ve witnessed the day come alive with soaring ospreys and diving porpoises. I am truly thankful for the evidence of God’s glory.

  40. Carol Maldonado August 14, 2019 at 2:19 pm #

    I so look forward to your e-mails and beautiful pictures of God’s creation. I went to Puerto Rico many years ago, my husband’s Mom’s house was over looking the mountains. Every morning I would watch the sunrise and thank God for his beauty he created.

    Sweet Blessings

  41. Londa Hayden August 14, 2019 at 2:32 pm #

    My most inspiring times are often in nature and at the beach. I have many fond memories with my mother and sister at South Padre Island, Texas. Always an early riser, morning strolls along the shoreline alone while praying and enjoying our Heavenly Father’s creation often brought songs to my lips and poetry to my heart. This reminds me the scripture Psalm 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

  42. Doris August 14, 2019 at 2:37 pm #

    Hello, Liz! I too spent much time growing up near the Seashore and for me it was the beautiful beaches of Ocean City and Cape May, New Jersey along with others along the Eastern coast. Today I have been missing it!
    I have also loved seeing sunrises and sunsets. I also love the little things like the tiny little blue flowers that pop up in the yard and many times I thank the Lord and realize how beautiful His creations are. If in this fallen world which is also waiting to be redeemed from the curse of sin is SO beautiful, can you imagine what the new heavens and earth will be like? Love your photos and the lesson from His word!

  43. Mary Ellen August 14, 2019 at 2:37 pm #

    The beauty of God’s creation takes my breath away all the time, but most often when I am sitting on the balcony at the beach listening to the waves crash on the shore (Who tells the oceans to only come this far?). Also when I am at the lake or on my patio watching the humming birds at the feeder.
    And, I agree with you on the capitalization of the pronouns referring to the Holy One. I have always written it that way and always will!
    Love you Liz!
    Mary Ellen

  44. Alana Morgan August 14, 2019 at 2:41 pm #

    Wow! His splendor is gloriously displayed everywhere…my granddaughters laugh, the breeze in the air, the CLOUDS of multitudes of shapes, sizes and colors…in kindnesses, in heartaches, in lessons…He is ah-mazing!!!

  45. Penni Rogers August 14, 2019 at 2:47 pm #

    All the beaches I’ve been to in the US and in Nova Scotia! Absolutely breathtaking!

  46. Pam E August 14, 2019 at 2:51 pm #

    It’s so hard to choose! But I’d say there is amazing beauty UNDER the sea. Against a soothing aqua background, multicolored tropical fish 🐠 and a dreamy watery landscape of coral formations, reflect the glittery light from ripples above. And it’s all hidden – unless you put on a mask and go underwater. God is so gracious in allowing us to discover His majesty in new ways.

  47. Karon Dunifin August 14, 2019 at 3:09 pm #

    I see God’s Majesty on the shores of Lake Michigan. When the waves are huge and being whipped by the wind!! So…. beautiful!

  48. Terry August 14, 2019 at 3:09 pm #

    I discovered His glorious majesty this summer during a week spent at Surf City, New Jersey on Long Beach Island. I witnessed the sunrise every day, and each day was unique, different, and beautiful. I would spend an hour or so every morning in His Word and in prayer and meditation with the sound of the ocean waves roaring and the majestic beauty of the sand and sea before me. And the sea gulls delighted me with their soaring and their claw prints in the sand. I was in awe of our Creator and of all the beauty and wonder before me. It was like He opened my eyes to see Him more clearly that week. I am forever grateful!

  49. Stefani August 14, 2019 at 3:09 pm #

    My backyard faces a huge field of wildflowers & I have captured the MOST beautiful sun rises with the birds chirping & I post them on my instagram. I take my 4 yr old through the field & we use my plant identification app to tell us all about the beautiful flowers 🌸. While I would love to travel it’s just too expensive so I truly try to find God’s beauty all around me, the things most of us miss in our busy lives or take for granted. Before I die though I will make it to Israel !!! God willing that is!!!

  50. Kara Grant August 14, 2019 at 3:11 pm #

    Hi Liz, just got your email and had to respond! I call witnessing His glorious splendor a “happy place” and I found that moment when visiting my mom’s best friend’s condo a few years ago. They lived on the beach and were showing me around. Their back patio on the second floor showed the waves coming in and the ocean beyond and while I stood there gazing at it there was an incredible breeze blowing around me. They have since moved from that location, but I will never forget the glory of God in that moment as I admired the Miami ocean 🙂 Thanks so much for the giveaway, those photos are amazing!! Blessings and hugs to you!

  51. Suzanne S August 14, 2019 at 3:11 pm #

    God is in the details. His beauty and splendor is everywhere. I see it throughout my day; from the minute I rise to feed the birds and walk my dog, Harley. He is in the breeze, the sky, the trees, the lush green hillside by my home from all the rain. There is no detail too small that has not been touched by the hand of God.

  52. Jennifer Pelot August 14, 2019 at 3:13 pm #

    The amazing beauty of the Grand Tetons seen by our family on vacation out west!

  53. Julie B August 14, 2019 at 3:14 pm #

    Well, I just got back from a drive around southwestern Colorado, so that is what is on my heart today. It has been raining like crazy here, so everywhere you looked, it was green and the rivers and creeks were flowing fast. I kept saying, wow, and meant it.
    Thank you for the reminder that God is great and He is good!

  54. Kimme Nuckles August 14, 2019 at 3:20 pm #

    My favorite place to experience God is by the lake where our cottage is in northern lower Michigan or by one of the Great Lakes.

  55. Martha August 14, 2019 at 3:21 pm #

    Just last week as I was returning home from my morning walk I saw the most beautiful rainbow in the sky.

  56. Robin in NC August 14, 2019 at 3:28 pm #

    For me, there is nothing like the oceans’ shore to bring me nearer to My Lord. The vastness, the roar of the waves & their constant movement, the tangy ocean mist, the sky so bright blue, it hurt your eyes…ahhhhhhh. All my troubles suddenly seem so small & insignificant while Gods’ hugeness envelopes me in His love. Simply awe inspiring. ♥ ♥

  57. Gwen August 14, 2019 at 3:28 pm #

    This morning, we received a light shower along with temperatures in the 60’s as opposed to the 90’s and 100’s. I grabbed my Bible and headed to my back porch…glorious time reflecting on the Lord’s graciousness to us and His creative genius! I do love the seashore, Liz, but don’t get there very often!

  58. Natalie Weitzel August 14, 2019 at 3:29 pm #

    I have found God’s glory in looking at a mountain, watching a storm, and watching a baby grow and hearing them laugh. Knowing that God created each and every one of these things and has intimate knowledge of everything He creates is awe inspiring and simply glorious.

  59. Debra Davis August 14, 2019 at 3:31 pm #

    In the morning I watch the birds visit my bird feeders…so many and all different kinds. They each take what they need and even the squirrels grab a nut or two. God created these creatures to live in harmony and he also created us to live in harmony. Praise God for showing me his creature through this creatures.

  60. Carolyn J Brown August 14, 2019 at 3:36 pm #

    I see His Wonderfulness in the skies above and if you told people what you have seen they want believe you,the most beautiful things I ‘ve seen were just stunning ,once my little neice and I was traveling on the interstate and I could believe what my eyes were seeing and she saw it as well a hand of God,you could see ever detail !!

  61. Carolyn Jones August 14, 2019 at 3:37 pm #

    I love the seashore and the power of the waters created by God, but I think I feel His presence even more in the mountains. The majesty of the Swiss Alps I was blessed to visit two years ago as well as the Tetons in our own USA left me absolutely in awe of His wonder of creation.

  62. Carolyn White August 14, 2019 at 3:51 pm #

    We farm. Some days we get so busy that we forget that our work is in hands. But we can’t help but acknowledge Him in a glorious sunrise or a sunset that just takes our breaths away. Or a clear night when we look up and see the stars that no one in the city can see. Then I remember how He told Abraham that his descendants would number more than these very same stars.

  63. Judy Parker August 14, 2019 at 3:54 pm #

    I often say, “I live in a postcard.” From moose in my yard and a bear in my garage (yes, it really happened) to mountains and oceans all around me, Anchorage, AK declares the glory of God all the time. It’s the most beautiful and wild place on earth to me. 💗

  64. Mary F Brown August 14, 2019 at 3:55 pm #

    Once while camping on a mountain top with a group from church the mist began to roll down into the valley. I was awed that He allowed me go watch this amazing site.
    The next morning the valley looked liked a bowl of white cotton candy.
    Thank for reminding me of that amazing moment.

  65. Patricia Ivie August 14, 2019 at 4:04 pm #

    I have some beautiful memories of sunsets on the Pensacola beach in Florida. Absolutely breathtaking.

  66. Mona Johnston August 14, 2019 at 4:05 pm #

    All nature speaks of God to me. Even the little lizard that plays on my flowers on my little apartment patio.

  67. Anita Manning August 14, 2019 at 4:09 pm #

    Sunsets, sunrises, the pond out back where I see lots of water fowl, early morning walks where we see lots of critters. I don’t think a day goes by where I don’t see the wonder of God’s creation. He is so awesome!

  68. Mary August 14, 2019 at 4:12 pm #

    I was privileged to tour the Alps when in Germany a few years ago. I was in awe of the magnificent beauty of the mountain peaks, to be able to walk above the clouds on a beautiful sunny winter day seeing such an awesome sight. At the highest peak of the Alps is a golden cross marking the height. One of many views of God’s creation and so thankful to experience it.

  69. Donna Balsavich August 14, 2019 at 4:17 pm #

    The ocean is my place of peace and wonder.
    I stand amazed that He holds back the water so it doesn’t flood the earth!

    It’s so wide, so dark at night, and so powerful, it makes me think of His power.
    His protection.

  70. Susie August 14, 2019 at 4:19 pm #

    Liz, I can’t tell you how I loved this posting about our LORD and the glorious splendor that He personifies and creates. I spent the last 2 weeks of July on the Pacific Coast with my sons and grands, and dear friends, just soaking up the majesty and delight of the Redwoods meeting the magnificent coastline. I used to live there and miss it dreadfully. So many of my spiritual breakthroughs, God’s firmest dealings and gentlest healings, have occurred alongside the ocean. It is a “thin place” where He seems extra near to me. This trip ended with the news that one of my sons has cancer, and so it was bittersweet. But I trust that my God is close, even when these big obstacles seem to crowd out the sunshine. Bless the LORD, oh my soul and all that is within me. He is still and ever shall be the limitless, wise, and compassionate Creator and Provider. Thank you for such a lovely, lovely reminder of Him today.

  71. Theresa August 14, 2019 at 4:20 pm #

    I’m filled with quiet Awe and Wonder for the Lord, everytime I see the hawk in our park -like backyard fly over our yard and neighborhood. He glides and soars and at times calls out , reminding me of God’s power , creation and uplifting love. He is and I am speechless.

  72. Carol Sumner August 14, 2019 at 4:21 pm #

    My place of awe is the lakeside at Enid Lake, MS. There is a special spot at the end of a point where the sunset is magnificient. Our family has camped here for many years, and my daughter says it is the most beautiful place on earth. Her eyes capture the might and beauty of Jesus in many things, but this spot, just might be the most beautiful indeed. She has painted it on a canvas for her Dad. It is his most treasured gift, next to her…

  73. Tracey Brink August 14, 2019 at 4:22 pm #

    One of my favorite shorelines is found in Alaska. I’ve been many places but Alaska —-there just aren’t enough words to explain Gods splendor and Glory that I found while there. Breathtaking -I worked with Alaska missions while there to spread God’s unconditional love to those who feel no love.
    My daughter even painted a portrait of one of the pictures I took

  74. Jackie Lawrence August 14, 2019 at 4:25 pm #

    High in the Andes Mountains in Ecuador, is a place where I have been so amazed and blessed by the splendor of our Awesome God. The mountains, waterfalls, flowers, flowing rivers, volcanos, and smiles of such beautiful people show forth God’s glory and splendor! I am so thankful for being able to visit there for the past 11 years, and be a part of His Kingdom work there.

  75. Jan Prox August 14, 2019 at 4:25 pm #

    I experience His majesty every time I visit the Swiss Alps. The last time was out of Brigg, south side of the majestic Jungfrau where the glacier runs southwest through a valley behind the mountain . We went to the top on two chair lifts. It was a weekday, quiet, few people, and a clear day on the mountain top. We purchased hot chocolate from the vendor and sat at a picnic table admiring the peace and hearing the breeze whisper through the valley over the ice and all I could think of was God is here hovering and whispering to me. I felt like I wanted to break out in song. I have never felt that close to God. I just knew he was there with us and ready to listen to me and talk to me.

  76. Gisriel, Jaci August 14, 2019 at 4:38 pm #

    St. John’s in the Bahamas.

  77. Holly Dame August 14, 2019 at 4:39 pm #

    The summer of 2018, my family and I traveled to Grand Cayman, BWI for a week. We stayed on 7-mile beach. It was so beautiful and peaceful filled with the awe and wonder of our amazing God! We even saw turtles and experienced a submarine tour! What a blessing!

  78. Gayle Jones August 14, 2019 at 4:40 pm #

    Oh, LIZ, the power of words and of course, HIS WORD. I love the reminders you send us and the beautiful pictures that mankind COULD NEVER produce or create. What a great reminder of who is the Master Creator, Sustainer and Lover of Souls.
    I find HIS works in every sunset and every sunrise and feel THE POWER AND MAJESTY OF HIS NAME hymn singing in my heart as I look. Blessed that we are to have this wondrous opportunity to see it and share it with others.

  79. tina August 14, 2019 at 4:52 pm #

    I see God in HIs creation…even in the inner city

  80. Shirley Taylor August 14, 2019 at 5:03 pm #

    Amen to your idea of capitalizing pronouns referring to GOD and/or Christ. For years I have taken every Bible I own and with pen or pencil made the pronouns capitals! Every time the word “name” is printed referring to GOD or Christ I circle it in red and highlight it with yellow. That way I am always drawn to the words around it which refers to a promise or reverence toward our Awesome GOD. As I have taught many middle-age and high school age students to do the same, I have prayed they understand how meaningful that act of reverence is to the One and Only GOD. Thank you for speaking this truth!

  81. Denise McPheron August 14, 2019 at 5:09 pm #

    I feel God’s majesty sitting on my back porch swing overlooking our beautiful backyard. I look and feel God’s creation: green yard, beautiful flowers, feel the breeze on my skin, the touch of my dogs fur, the sound of cars going by, heat the neighbors laughing while sitting on their back porch. I am so blessed on being one of God’s creation.

  82. Tina August 14, 2019 at 5:14 pm #

    I have experienced God’s breathe-taking majestic on a beautiful cliffs in Ireland; gorgeous views in Hawaii; mountains in Colorado; in fall colors in Maine & Vermont; and my married home on the beautiful Great Lakes of Michigan

  83. Linda Neely August 14, 2019 at 5:21 pm #

    I am always awed when I watch the bees, butterflies, & hummingbirds coming to the flowers in my yard. Each flower & creature is so unique & miraculously made. God’s creation is never boring!

  84. Diane McElwain August 14, 2019 at 5:27 pm #

    Last weekend we visited old friends at a former church on Lake Ontario. I’m very fond of water! We had a wonderful time. Great memories.

  85. Elizabeth Baker August 14, 2019 at 5:28 pm #

    Thankyou for drawing me to reflect on His glorious wonders this morning here in Australia..
    I also believe that for me to give Him His full awe and devotion I also need to capitalise His wonderful names! Thank you also for your words of Our Father’s awesome creation. I take myself to the waters of Moreton Bay in Queensland Australia a couple of times a week just to sit and reflect on Gods goodness and His creation and what I’m doing about sharing that.
    Thankyou, Beth

  86. Kim Ray August 14, 2019 at 5:34 pm #

    I am in the UP of Michigan on vacation. It’s beautiful. When I take time to listen and reflect on God’s majestic creation, then I hear the still voice of Jesus. Being around water and in the mountains is when I really feel like I’m in His presence. Thank you God for your creation.

  87. Martha Cook August 14, 2019 at 5:34 pm #

    We are Spring birds in New Smyrna Beach Fl. Our condo faces east at the edge of the Atlantic. I stand on the deck as the sun rises where sky meets ocean. I will never lose the wonder! The God who made us..the Christ who saved us!
    I stand amazed!

  88. Kathy Hoover August 14, 2019 at 5:39 pm #

    I seen His glory, when I got to see baby humming birds and their mommas. It was late evening and was marvelous. Even got a short video. God is Great!

  89. Trudy Kroll August 14, 2019 at 5:43 pm #

    Where I discovered the glorious splendor of His majesty:

    Last Saturday I attended a wedding in Idaho (i’m from CA), it was held in a pasture with 25 family members, close friends and a few dogs attending. it was so simple and pure you could feel, smell and see His glorious majesty. He is awesome!

  90. Rita Cone August 14, 2019 at 5:44 pm #

    in the mid to late 70s I lived in Missoula,Montana..
    in 2005 (after living in Ohio a few years and Texas for a couple decades) I moved to Roanoke, VA. Like Missoula, the town is surrounded by mountains. I asked God to never let me take the beauty of the green trees, flowers and mountains for granted. I love the mountains surrounding the whole area (no matter where I am) as I feel that it is God hugging me.

    And yes, I think it should be He, Him, His, etc. He deserves to be lifted up higher than you and me.

  91. Dawnielle Alden August 14, 2019 at 5:48 pm #

    The valley view in Yosemite National Park is beyond words in it’s beauty of God’s hand.

  92. Autumn August 14, 2019 at 5:54 pm #

    I see God’s splendor all around me in nature. You know those big fat birds with those toothpick sized legs. How in the world do the hold the bird upright? God knows. The tiny fuzzy caterpillars when they curl up in a ball when you touch them. How do they know to do that to protect themselves? God knows. Have you ever gazed at the night sky with all the stars twinkling above? How many are there? God knows. Just amazes me that the same God who knows all that cares when I’m feeling discouraged. AMAZING!!!!!

  93. Darleen Newman August 14, 2019 at 5:55 pm #

    When I look into the eyes of the children of New Delhi, India or Nakuru, Kenya when they realize how much Jesus loves them and give their heart to Him. That is one of my favorite sights.

    Thank you dear Liz for your encouraging words! ❤

  94. August 14, 2019 at 6:09 pm #

    I love the Jersey shore early in the morning as the sun rises over the ocean, wet sand and quiet board walk. The colors are just a small taste of the glory and majesty of our God. I stand in awe and reverence at this beautiful palette of changing colors. Being an amateur artist I have attempted to capture just a measure of this beauty. Thank you Lord for being able to enjoy just a small taste of your glory!

  95. Carol Walton August 14, 2019 at 6:12 pm #

    I see His splendor everyday in my back yard…hummingbirds, blue jays, squirrels, butterflies, my vegetable garden and amongst my flowers. We were able to take a cruise to Alaska 4 years ago…we saw a glacier calve, whales, bears, flowers …. the wonder of it all!

  96. Dianne Bass August 14, 2019 at 6:14 pm #

    Three months after my suicide attempt, I went to Colorado to spend time with a dear friend to get away from home and people. One day we drove up Pike’s Peak. I still had a non- emotional emptiness inside. When we got out of the car and I saw the splendor of the mountains and valleys, I cried. Not just cried, I finally had the ability to release all the feelings inside me. My friend hugged me and just let me cry for a long time. Why? Because I not just took a look, I saw and was in the middle the splendor of God’s creation. Every direction I turned was magnificent. This was the beginning of putting God back into my life. He never left me even though I pushed Him away.

  97. Linda Jenkins August 14, 2019 at 6:23 pm #

    To sit on the shore and gaze at the beauty of our God’s creation takes my breath away…especially as the waves break on the sand. ❤️

  98. Janet Thurier August 14, 2019 at 6:32 pm #

    How big is God, how big and wide His vast domain….but small enough to live within my heart….

  99. Cindy McRary August 14, 2019 at 6:34 pm #

    I often see the splendor of his majesty while I am driving in my car: a glorious sunrise, the ever changing view of the Smoky Mountains, freshly mown fields, all reminding me of his goodness.

  100. Jan Wynn August 14, 2019 at 6:37 pm #

    Liz, one of my favorite places to be is in the June Lake Loop in the Eastern Sierra’s. The lakes are beautiful, the mountains majestic, and the Aspens are a washed with golden leaves.

    It is a sight to behold. So much of God’s splendor in one place.

  101. Marcia Hall August 14, 2019 at 6:47 pm #

    Just wait for Cannon Beach in Sept. His majesty is truly blazing at that beach and Haystack Rock. I’ll be there with friends. Flying their from TN.

  102. Debbie August 14, 2019 at 7:15 pm #

    Talk about His majesty, I’m sitting on my back porch in Texas listening to the roar of thunder and watching the flashes of lightening as a summer storm approaches. I am in awe of Gods power and might! I love the beauty of a sunset over the lake or the power of a mighty storm.

  103. Kim Turner McCulley August 14, 2019 at 7:17 pm #

    I have come face to face with God’s glory and majesty right in the middle of the mess. When I believe I can’t take even one more step, He always find a way to encourage, to give hope, to whisper His presence.

  104. Amy August 14, 2019 at 7:22 pm #

    The glory of GOD’s splendor I hear in the loving Wisdom in my Mom’s words or in her beautiful grey hair & slower gait of her walk as well as her beautiful hands that do multiple tasks in love. She is majestic in her many prayers for others done in worship throughout the day & at night. Her eyes shine blue from the majestic love of our LORD & SAVIOR.

  105. Terra N. August 14, 2019 at 7:39 pm #

    What a joy filled with awe to stand on any beach and admire His masterpieces on land , the ocean and the skies. I LOVE going to Myrtle Beach because it’s close to home that I can get away just to SIT or walk alongside the seashore to take in how deep and wide His love is for us. As far as the east is to the west, the depth of the ocean we cannot truly understand how much The Almighty loves us!

    It brings me to tears sometimes no matter how many times I go to any beach. To look a such splendor and know that God created heaven and earth just with His voice. And that’s to include everything within it in just a matter of days! Nobody but God did that!! With all this said the song My Redeemer Lives by Nicole C Mullen fills my heart because it speaks greatly of Who He is and all that He has done.

    God bless each heart that shares and I thank you for sharing with us such a wonderful post with beautiful pictures!!

    Glory be unto Him always,


  106. Lesli Pool August 14, 2019 at 7:40 pm #

    When I spend time in and with nature I am in total awe of Him. I have always loved camping. I find it comforting and a place that I connect with God.

  107. Brenda Morgan August 14, 2019 at 7:49 pm #

    Thank You Liz for reminding me of God’s majesty. It is, at times, difficult for me to see and/or remember the beauty God provides when so much ugliness pervades the daily culture. Though I have often seen the beauty in my little garden with butterflies, blossoms, birds and even bumblebees I desire to look more ardently for it in my comings and goings and, Lord willing, be more aware of His goodness to me.

  108. Deana Alexander August 14, 2019 at 8:02 pm #

    Living in rural Ohio, I have discovered and appreciate His amazing splendor in the farmlands and in the skies- His cloud formations, flowers growing, etc. One of my favorite songs is “King Of Glory” by Third Day- so I stopped my car and took a video of a “typical” summer day – yet so amazing—the breezes blowing in the corn fields, trees, wildflowers by the roadside and the cloud formations —while that song was playing.
    I’ve always loved the ocean- don’t get there often— and try to recognize and enjoy His splendor where ever I am— His blessings.

  109. Terri Fullerton August 14, 2019 at 8:14 pm #

    This summer I saw God’s wonderful works in Sequoia National Park. My posture was ever looking up. We were small and young compared to the 2000 year old giant trees.

  110. Melanie G August 14, 2019 at 8:23 pm #

    Splendor is one of my favorite words in scripture. All the beautiful flowers with butterflies fluttering and hummingbird zooming around them taking their nourishment. Sunrise and sunsets that illuminate the sky and reflect beautifully on the water. Waves crashing in the ocean, tides coming and going, dew on the grass and fog early in the morning are awesome. Mountain peaks and valleys, curvy roads to explore and bountiful fruits to enjoy. Every day is a blessing, being amazed at the splendor of the Lord!

  111. Judy Cox August 14, 2019 at 8:25 pm #

    The beauty of the ocean and the tides coming in and going out always remind me of God’s majesty. To know that he controls the water and it can only go where He tells it to go assures me that He can handle anything going on in my life. My favorite thing is thunderstorms out over the water at night. I was blessed to watch one roll in while on vacation last week. As I watched the night sky light up with flashes and bolts of lightning, I could not help but see the glorious splendor of His majesty. I am in awe that the Mighty One who can do that knows me and loves me.

  112. Becky Belcher August 14, 2019 at 8:32 pm #

    This amazing world we’ve been given is filled with beauty and wonder, from the many things in my own yard – fungus, spider webs, miss, trees, squirrels and birds, and so much more, to spectacular landscapes like our fabulous beaches/waters, forests/trails, mountains/canyons [I was so overwhelmed at the Grand Canyon, I felt could not come close to capturing it in a picture], ancient dwellings, and kind people doing for others♡♡♡♡♡
    Thank YOU Liz for sharing with us ~ My Best, Becky B.

  113. Becky Belcher August 14, 2019 at 8:34 pm #

    Above should read ‘moss’, not ‘miss’😁

  114. Crystal August 14, 2019 at 8:36 pm #

    It was snowing in South Carolina!! I was a passenger in the front seat of the car as the flakes gently fell and then clinged to and flattened out against the window directly to my right. I was mesmerized by the beauty of one perfect snowflake! It was so intricate, unique,and beautiful- the amount of beauty, art, and creativity God put into that one snowflake overwhelmed me! It reminded me and still reminds me, years later now, that God puts an infinite amount of love and care into not only each and every snowflake but into me as well! Nothing compares to God’s infinite, all consuming, love of each of us, so much so that He died for us! Oh, what will snowflakes look like in Heaven?!!

  115. Martha Bildt August 14, 2019 at 8:36 pm #

    Pemaquid Beach (and Lighthouse) in Maine!! Such majestic rocks, pounding surf, blazing sunshine, and our Lord’s Voice in the beauty of His creation and over the water. God bless you for your uplifting thoughts and verses. Our Lord is truly worthy of all Praise!

  116. Jean Nungesser August 14, 2019 at 8:40 pm #

    His wonderful, magnificent shorelines of the islands of Hawaii very much declare His majesty!!

  117. Bec August 14, 2019 at 8:46 pm #

    With a view above our valley, I see and am amazed at His creatures (many wild birds), His world and His presence in my every day.

    Thank You Lord!
    Great is Thy name!

  118. Lorie August 14, 2019 at 8:53 pm #

    Sitting around the campfire listening to my 3&4 year old grandkids while making s’mores on a beautiful summer evening while camping.

  119. Cynthia Salzman August 14, 2019 at 8:54 pm #

    We just enjoyed two days walking along the beach on Lake Ontario and a night of awesome magnificent viewing God’s glorious splendor at Niagara Falls! And we were blessed to see it with our two grand daughters and a daughter!

  120. Jean Roberts August 14, 2019 at 8:59 pm #

    About ten years ago, I was able to vacation in Destin, Fl. It was dark when we arrived, but the morning was beautiful. We walked down a sandy path to the beach and when the ocean came into view, I literally gasped as I saw the vastness of God’s creation. I thought nothing could top that! Wow!

    Fast forward to April 2018. I was driving my sister and I home from FL. As we drove around a curve in the hills of TN, the trees had just leaved out and there were scallops of all shades of green – just waves and scallops of green -glorious! And breathtaking once again! My sister and I were praising Him as we continued home!

  121. Mary Huff August 14, 2019 at 9:00 pm #

    Just today watching a small squirrel trying to carry away a whole ear of corn that was way too big for him. He would carry it a few feet, then drop it and eat a few kernels (I suppose thinking it would lighten the load) and then pick up and keep going for a few more feet. Meanwhile, a blue jay mama thought he was getting too close to her nest evidently so she would swoop down and try to get him to take off, but no way was he leaving his treasure of a whole ear of corn. I just stood and watched for over a half hour, thinking about God’s way of making every creature so perfect and beautiful.

  122. Patricia Castle August 14, 2019 at 9:01 pm #

    I love getting your e-mails. Wonderful Wednesday is such a help to me. I am srruggling a bit right now . My dear husband of 62 years recently lost his battle with cancer. He was prayed for much for healing, but God chose to heal him His way.. he was called home the 5th of June. God is still showing me His wonderful splendor. Maybe not the way some see splendor. But right now as I watch my latest great grandson story and flourish, I see Gods handiwork. Love you Liz, you are such an encouragement to me.
    Your sister in Christ,

  123. Elle August 14, 2019 at 9:18 pm #

    Glorious splendors — I am amazed when I see photography that captures tiny details that we so easily overlook: the tiny anatomy inside of a flower, the shiny eyes of a fly, the gossamer wings of a dragon fly. The tiniest of details have great beauty and combine in fathomless ways throughout creation.

  124. August 14, 2019 at 9:27 pm #

    you caught me in rocky Mount, Virginia. Bad Girls of the Bible led me to purchase Unveiling Mary Magdalene. I have shared it several times with friends at church.
    It is good for us to share our connections to our heroes in the Bible. It is important that we study the Word and share our thoughts with others. You are doing a wonderful job and bring us joy and knowledge.
    Thank you,

  125. Kim August 14, 2019 at 9:37 pm #

    Mountains always make me remember His splendor, especially the ones in the Alps. Seeing all the tiny houses, animals, etc. nestled in the valleys below the towering peaks pushing into the clouds can take your breath away. The colors, light, and natural beauty remind me that the Father is an artist and realizing how tiny I am reminds me how awesome He is and that I should trust Him and run to Him when life’s troubles start to feel as big as those mountains.

  126. Jannie Ensing August 14, 2019 at 9:38 pm #

    Dear Liz:
    Just read your study on Psalm 145:12.
    “On your glorious Majesty and your wonderful works I will meditate”
    To start to meditate I so much see that I need the Holy Spirit to help me do that, because my mind seems to wonder, and I would love to “see” with His eyes His beauty in everything. After all He created everything for His pleasure. Can we do the same, For His pleasure meditate, we too were created for His Pleasure. Hope I make sense to you.
    With much love in Jesus our Saviour. Jannie❤️
    From Canada

  127. Susan G. August 14, 2019 at 9:47 pm #

    I must say I’ve so enjoyed all your past photos of the most beautiful flowers ever, but I do love the coastlines edged with sand (or grass!) with water as far as you can see melting into the horizon.
    We just came home from the Oregon coast last week (a few hours west from my hometown also in Oregon.) And there’s nothing more awesome than watching the tide roll in and out during the day, revealing huge boulders that a few hours before lay hidden beneath the waves. Walking the endless sand beach (also looking for prized shells) was so therapeutic as I reveled in His ‘works’. At the end of the day, was more of His “glorious splendor” of breathtaking sunsets that only He could ‘paint’!
    I love His Word and His stunning works!
    Thanks for this today Liz!

  128. Nelda Crook August 14, 2019 at 10:05 pm #

    I see his majesty in the beautiful sunsets in my own backyard! They have been so beautiful this year! A myriad of colors; pinks, lavenders, oranges, and grays, mixed among huge piles of clouds of varying sizes and hues. No one could create such beauty but the God of the universe. The Great I Am!!

  129. Carol S. Chupp August 14, 2019 at 10:27 pm #

    Psalm 19:1a The heavens declare the glory of God…..
    Of all of the Lord’s beautiful creation my favorite are the stars of the heavens. I remember camping on the north rim of the Grand Canyon many years ago and waking up in the middle of the night, opening my tent flap, and literally having my breath taken away by the view of the heavenly skies. It was truly a worshipful moment that I have never forgotten.

  130. Andrea August 14, 2019 at 10:38 pm #

    I am thrilled about your decision to capitalize all references to the Lord–and I love the NAS version also! My favorite place to observe His splendor is Sea Pines/Hilton Head Island, SC, but I’ve recently found that a wooded area with a hundred shades of green lowers my blood pressure almost as much. My Sunday School teacher once said that even though we’re no longer in Eden, we still see remnants of it all around us. I LOVE that!

  131. Fannie Goldsmith August 14, 2019 at 11:23 pm #

    Living in Kansas most people think we don’t have anything yo show us God’s splendor but I disagree. If you look for God you can find Him wherever you are. God is in nature here too. He is so awesome.

  132. Lynn Janzen August 14, 2019 at 11:48 pm #

    This summer my husband and I went to two of our magnificent Maritime provinces – Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. I felt a kindred spirit to my ancestors who had arrived from Scotland as we enjoyed the Celtic toe tapping music and found my family’s history of the clan and tartan that they belonged to. The splendour of the ocean, red soil, high tides, mudflats, tidal bore …. all amazing examples of God’s amazing creation. It left me in awe of the splendour and majesty surrounding us.

  133. Pat Buchanan August 14, 2019 at 11:59 pm #

    I can remember being at the beach one year and decided to get up early and go to Bird Island (near Sunset Beach and N. Myrtle).. I had never seen a sunrise at the beach so got there and it was still dark and I felt so alone on that beach (but safe)….I first started hearing little birds chirping and maybe noises from other creatures – and it so gradually lightened up a bit and it was really amazing to see that sight that I had never seen since I am a late sleeper but it was well worth it and I would do it again….. His works are so amazing but we ain’t seen nothing yet….. Am looking forward to the New Earth and all the beautiful and amazing things that will be there for us to enjoy.

  134. Eloise F August 15, 2019 at 12:00 am #

    It was about fifteen years ago that I was on the freeway driving to work one morning and saw a glorious sunrise that took my breath away. It was right in front of me! I’ve seen many sunrises and sunsets in my life, but nothing in real life nor in pictures or paintings has ever matched that sunrise. My immediate wish was that I could get off the freeway and capture it with a camera, with the sun’s rays shooting up and down through the clouds in starburst fashion. Of course, it lasted only moments, as the sun moved behind the clouds and it became a typical sunrise. When I got to work, I saw a Christian friend and mentioned it to him. He said, “You saw it, too?” It was spectacular! Now, as I think about it, I’m glad that I didn’t get a picture of it. I know that a snapshot would not do it justice, and in looking at it on a piece of paper, I would lose some of the wonder that I still feel in remembering it. God’s creation is full of wonders!

  135. Geri Trezise August 15, 2019 at 12:27 am #

    Dearest Lizzie: First, I want to say I have always felt I must capitalize any reference to our Father, Son and Holy Spirit in my Sunday sermon notes and anywhere I write that God is referenced. I sometimes wondered if I was wrong so I was so glad to read your explanation. And having lived in the country for the last 34 years, all I have to do is walk out on my front porch and I can see the Lord’s Amazing handy work everywhere I look. As I gaze at the birds, and sometimes rabbits, deer, and raccoons, as they come to eat at our feeders, i glory in His gift of nature to us to enjoy and I thank Him for His love. What a mighty God we serve!!!

  136. Ruth Hargraves August 15, 2019 at 12:47 am #

    I just finished reading your Wednesday message and turned to look out of my window; and the splendour of the evening sunset was just falling behind a long line of large oak trees. At this time of evening the sparrows are also singing a hearty song of praise and thanksgiving to Father God. What a mighty God we serve. New Zealand has indeed some amazing beaches and mountains. Oh worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness.

  137. Paula August 15, 2019 at 1:26 am #

    I don’t want to enter, bless others first! Please! I just want to tell you Sister Liz that you encourage me so much and you are a blessing in my ! I love you precious sister!! Prayers for your healing!💋💗🌹Amen

  138. Laurie Diggins August 15, 2019 at 3:09 am #

    On the glorious splendor of Your majesty and on Your wonderful works, I will meditate. Psalm 145:5 NASB Joyous little children, full of laughter and love, are wonderful works to behold. The beauty of nature–like Niagra Falls where I asked Jesus to come into my life–is a continual feast of encouragement and awe. Thank-you Father for the ability to behold Your beauty!

  139. Georgina Jordan August 15, 2019 at 4:23 am #

    Each morning as I head off to work (to a very stressful job), I drive down a hill and round a corner, I see the most beautiful sunrise. Hues of yellows, pinks, oranges! Gods creation! A new day. A new beginning. Some days, when I am caught up in my own thoughts, I almost miss it. Then He opens my eyes to His beautiful handiwork!

  140. Lee Ann August 15, 2019 at 6:05 am #

    What gorgeous scenes you showed! They make me want to capture that beauty in a landscape quilt or embroidery scene. Nothing inspires me like the nature God has created. Thank you for this post.

  141. Eleanor August 15, 2019 at 6:10 am #

    Looking out into my garden, watching the leaves move with the wind, and hearing the birds sing praises to their King. From the tiniest ant to the tallest tree, creation sings praises to the Lord and it is a privilege to take those moments to join in.

  142. Lee Rust August 15, 2019 at 6:14 am #

    Recently I was afforded the opportunity to travel along the Alaskan shoreline, specifically the Endicot Arm. It was as if God took my breath away for 5 hrs straight! The majesty! The colors! Watching baby seals play on icebergs! I was utterly exhausted by the end of the trip. I felt as though I was surrounded by God on all sides. Glorious does not adequately describe those moments.

  143. Kathleen August 15, 2019 at 6:42 am #

    Thank you Liz for glorifying God with these amazing images!
    My husband and I just relocated from living in the beautiful Green Mountains of Vermont to the Seacoast of New England. Now we are minutes from the ocean. What an incredible blessing it is to regularly feast our eyes on that magnificent shoreline where God has displayed His awesome creativity and power! All I can do is think of Him, praise Him for who He is and His great kindness for blessing me, us, with so much beauty in our world. And like a sunbeam, it all points back to Him! To Him be the glory!

  144. Diane Pitts August 15, 2019 at 6:52 am #

    I am also overwhelmed with our finiteness in the presence of the Scottish Skye-line and US Mt Rainer.

  145. Donna Craft August 15, 2019 at 7:08 am #

    The mountains have been the place where I feel surrounded by the Lord’s splendor. The lush green majesty of tall oaks, the coolness of the forest floor, the doft sound of lake water lapping on gentle shores…fills me with peace, in God’s presence. So much more I could share.

  146. Stephanie Quinlan August 15, 2019 at 7:47 am #

    I see the splendor of God in my garden – the Creator making something from nothing, year after year. 🙂

  147. Joanna August 15, 2019 at 7:50 am #

    God is bigger and more capable than I give Him credit for, unfortunately it’s easy to forget. I too capitalize He His etc because it seems right to me. As I write this I’m vacationing along the coastline of southwestern Florida. The Sea always reminds me of His mighty power, as the sand grains on the beach so are we human souls , vast, individual, and can make a difference ( just get a few of those sand grains in the wrong place). Help me God to see that your power is not just for others , You use it for my good too.

  148. Katie Byrd August 15, 2019 at 7:52 am #

    Good Morning Liz!
    I love this weeks message, I’ve always been one to stop and take in the moment of a sunrise or sunset, a beautiful flower, or just the amazing colors that abound!
    I am a Midwest girl, like yourself, and I love seeing the fog rise above corn fields and the sun shining through. But if I’m honest, the place that gave me most pause, and wonder, was Yellowstone National Park.
    I worked in the park for 2 summers and the winter in between. And let me tell you, literally EVERY WHERE you looked was another “glorious splendor” of God’s creation! I loved just driving through the park and stopping at pull outs and taking it all in. Going on hikes, and tours to see everything that I could see. My favorite view by far, was a pull out between Lake Hotel, and West Yellowstone, that at night you couldn’t see any man made light. And when the lake was lit up by the moon, and the Milky Way was bright, you could almost imagine what it looked like before man, when it was just our Maker. It’s stunning, it’s breath taking, it’s a “Glorious Splendor” made by our God for us to see, if we just take the time.
    Thank you for asking this question this week…. It made me remember one of my favorite places on Earth!

  149. Debbie Parmeter August 15, 2019 at 8:09 am #

    Absolutely breathtaking. Definatly could be used as a calming point in a room.

  150. Anita Wilson August 15, 2019 at 8:13 am #

    Oh I miss the ocean. I grew up in California and we lived 15 miles from it. On Friday nights my whole family would meet at Huntington State Park for bonfires, hot dog roast, games, and swimming. It was a great time of families sharing together. Oh what memories! I don’t see the ocean very often since I now live in Minnesota. I cherish my memories of my childhood. Thanks for your monthly talks and emails. You are a blessing to all who find you. Praise God for His continued love for us and you. Life doesn’t always turn out the way we had planned or thought.

  151. Pat Hall August 15, 2019 at 8:19 am #

    Anytime I’ve visited the ocean…any ocean…I sense His majesty and wonder. Being there is solace for the soul, and I treasure those memories.
    Thank you for sharing your works of art.

  152. Marjorie Drahota August 15, 2019 at 8:27 am #

    Good Morning Liz,
    I live in northern IA, in the middle of corn and soy bean fields. That landscape gives me the perfect opportunity to capture and enjoy God’s majestic splendor by the beauty of His sunrises, sunsets, magnificent cloud formations, double rainbows starry nights, bright moons….
    Everyday, He paints a new picture for me to enjoy. I used to live on the east coast and had the blessing of a variety of seascapes. I never wanted to live in-land, but the Lord corrected my vision and moved me to this place. He has showed me that He has created His majestic beauty everywhere because there is nowhere that is God forsaken! I pray the Lord will show you a new beauty in His creation today!

  153. Kathy August 15, 2019 at 8:32 am #

    God’s creation is breathtaking. I love to take pictures of waterfalls, flowers, lakes, oceans, fluffy clouds, fall leaves. What a majestic creator! I am so thankful for all of this and more!
    Thank you for sharing this!

  154. Earlene Gordon August 15, 2019 at 8:39 am #

    When I stand still and see God’s wonderful creation. I am humbled that this was created this for us. His least grateful creation.

  155. Jill Stroud August 15, 2019 at 9:00 am #

    I see the splendor of God outside my office window, where I am overwhelmed by the gorgeous green trees and the blue skies. What a beautiful, majestic world we live in.

  156. Angie Luczak August 15, 2019 at 9:03 am #

    Whenever the weight of whatever problem I’m experiencing seems too much I try to get outside. It seems that the vastness of God’s creation exemplifies His great love for us. That then reminds me that, “This too, shall pass, ” and some day all will be made perfect again in heaven. I can feel the love of God pooring down on us at the seashore, in the mountains, and also on the wide-open prairie where I live.
    Thank you for all your words if inspiration, Liz!

  157. Nan LoTurco August 15, 2019 at 10:14 am #

    I was able to visit my favorite place in Canada! The falls of Niagara are one of His most splendid wonders!

  158. Gladys Huttenga August 15, 2019 at 10:29 am #

    I, too, agree with Liz. I always capitalize the words referring to God, Jesus Christ & Holy Spirit — He, Him, You, etc. He should be recognized this way — total respect and admiration.

    • Maria August 15, 2019 at 12:32 pm #

      Liz, you are amazing! I too love the beach and have always been mesmerized by all the ones I have visited, not only in Canada but all over the world. At the beach I see all of God’s beauty come alive as I share my heart with Him!

  159. Jennifer K August 15, 2019 at 10:42 am #

    I think back to a retreat center by the lake! Nice of you to do this giveaway!

  160. Bonnie August 15, 2019 at 10:59 am #

    Oh Liz, your pictures and words have captured my heart! The beach is my favorite place and I had the privilege and blessing to spend 4 days at Clearwater Beach, FL this past summer. Being from the east coast, I’ve only ever seen a sunset 2 other times in my life. You are right, there are no words!! Majestic is the only word that comes close. The colors and the sound of the ocean waves and the soft powdery sand on my toes…nothing compares, and for a few short days I was swept away from all of life’s problems. I can’t wait to go back.

  161. Lauraine Marcus August 15, 2019 at 11:16 am #

    I see His glorious splendor every time I see His sunrises outside my solar. His sunrises and sunsets are so beautiful, they cannot be painted; even though my daughter has tried. Sunrise over the Grand Canyon was really a spiritual experience: we read scripture as the sun rose. He has blessed me, uplifted me, and sustained me through all times. He has shown me how much He loves me through little things like cottontail bunnies frolicking in the grassy meadow outside a hospital window in Bremen. He has been beside our family as we have moved and followed Him where he leads. We have been amazed at his provision that allowed us to see the Pine forests in Mexico become the jungle of banana palms and coffee trees. He allowed us to go to Hawaii where his beautiful vistas and ocean waves brought me to tears. I cannot express what He means to me; He fills my soul. I am loved. I am blessed!

  162. Linda McFarland August 15, 2019 at 12:51 pm #

    I find the glory of God’s splendor everywhere I look. The green grass, leaves on the trees, even a caterpillar that turns into a beautiful butterfly! His creation is amazing! The prints are gorgeous, thanks for the opportunity to win!

  163. Verlene Nickerson August 15, 2019 at 1:15 pm #

    First, thank you for capitalized the pronouns referring to God.
    My neighbor has the most beautifully landscaped yard that reflects God’s splendor. The different kinds and colors of flowers, bushes, grass carefully manicured. I also see God’s splendor when we go fishing early in the morning until late evening, the sun rising and setting… so beautiful. only God could create such beauty.

    The prints are great reminders of the glory of God’s splendor.

  164. Cathy Baillie August 15, 2019 at 2:26 pm #

    I find God’s glorious splendor right off my front porch. My husband, girls, and I have created a beautiful pond with a waterfall surrounded by 5 gardens. I love listening to the water and spending time with my family. We are very blessed.

  165. Tonya Hipps August 15, 2019 at 2:58 pm #

    I love to see God’s splendor every morning out of my kitchen window. I marvel at how He made hummingbirds. They are so tiny and fragile, but full of spunk and attitude! As they fly around the zinnias, I think that these are colors only God could make and I am thankful for them.

  166. Karen Strong August 15, 2019 at 4:27 pm #

    I find splendor in the beauty of the mountains, and the beauty that even a dead tree brings to this world! Only God!

  167. Regina Morse August 15, 2019 at 5:03 pm #

    The splendor of God is all around us. Whenever we garden or walk along the river, it is simply amazing what God has created! Thank you so much for the inspiration you give us all!

  168. Georgia Gallman August 15, 2019 at 6:10 pm #

    There is no place like the ocean to fill me with the wonder and awe of God’s majesty. I am so tiny and aaalll that water is so overwhelmingly inviting, teeming with life, drawing me and lifting me on its waves. Only God can control the tides yet he gives man dominion over this amazing gift.

  169. Cindy August 15, 2019 at 8:31 pm #

    God’s wonder is in my backyard! The extra hot and humid weather has been a blessing in bursting forth all
    sorts of blooms and deep green foliage we have never seen before.

  170. Sophia DeLonghi August 15, 2019 at 9:56 pm #

    Some of the most beautiful sunsets I’ve experienced are on vacation in Sanibel Island, FL and in Traverse City, MI and the surrounding lakes. God’s majesty is apparent through His sunsets! 🙌🏻

  171. Kathy Tanner August 15, 2019 at 10:38 pm #

    I loved seeing how the baby pine cone start as a flower so delicately hidden at the top of the tree

  172. Diane Terry August 15, 2019 at 10:42 pm #

    August 15th,2019
    Just finished reading your post. I also grew up going to the shore as you call it. We called it the beach. We, my sister and I just got home from Myrtle Beach in South Carolina. As I sat outside out travel trailer looking at a lake and then could see the vast ocean beyond all I could say was thank you God for being able to see this beautiful place.

  173. Carol Hettick August 16, 2019 at 12:25 am #

    I think the one of the most wonderful of God’s creations is Alaska. My late husband and I were priviledged to experience it on our 40th wedding anniversary. The views we saw on land and from the ship were spectacular. When you experience such magnificence it is so hard to understand how people say there is no God. That kind of beauty did not just happen. A truly amazing God created it.

    I only wish I could have enjoyed it again on our 50th anniversary with our entire family, but God had other plans for my husband. He called him home in March. Oh the beauty he is beholding now.

  174. Jeannette McConnell August 16, 2019 at 5:16 am #

    I can truly identify with Liz’ adoration for seashores! After settling myself on the beach with hat, sunglasses, sun screen, towel, seaside chair, it’s just a brief time until my eyes are closed and the rhythm and mesmerizing repetition of the waves and soft songs of the birds reward me with inner tranquility. The sensation of the sun’s warmth on my skin partner with the soothing sounds that take me away to such contentment!
    But the best is yet to come!! On the horizon across the expanse of water comes the full moon. As the warm, golden image peeks up from the edge of the waters, it transforms to the pure white form high in the sky. Soon my attention focuses on the dancing reflection of the moon’s light on the hint of waves beyond the shore and the tranquility and peace only God can create is mine.

  175. Connie August 16, 2019 at 6:51 am #

    Thanks,Liz for reminding us of God’s wonderful creation. I have always been in awe of God’s creation around me. I remember climbing a tree as a little girl and sitting in that tree and feeling a presence that comforted me as I escaped the turmoil of my mother’s anger. I didn’t understand that anger at the time. You see my mother had just lost a baby. My brother died 12 hours after birth and I was the one she lashed out at. So, I now know that it was the Holy Spirit that comforted me in that tree. As I sat there I noticed the beauty of the leaves. How the branches reached up to the heaven and how strong that tree was and how I felt safe in the arms of that tree. God was there that day with a little girl that was about 5 years old and who would go on to accept Jesus as her savior around the age of 12. But I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God held me in His arms that day and He used a tree to begin my faith journey.

  176. Patricia Boswell August 16, 2019 at 6:51 am #

    Our family was recently together on beautiful Broken Bow Lake in Broken Bow, Oklahoma. The cove we were floating in was so peaceful and serene–water smooth as glass, blue sky overhead, the sounds of various bird calls, tree leaves gently swaying in the breeze. I closed my eyes to feel the peace and calm and thanked God for His creation and allowing me to breathe it in for just a few moments. And as I looked at three generations of my family together enjoying the same creation in various ways, tears came to my eyes. I was overwhelmed with His most awesome work. I thanked God with a full heart and joyful spirit that all three generations were new creations in Christ. All glory to our Creator God!

  177. Judith Robl August 16, 2019 at 7:10 am #

    Thank you, Liz, for returning to the capitalization of pronouns in reference to the deity. I grew up with that habit and have had great difficulty in using the lower case letters when requested by the publisher. Thank you for using your position to help us return to the proper respect for the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Grace and peace, J

  178. Nancy August 16, 2019 at 8:47 am #

    I love the ocean and feel my best self down-the-shore where I experience the majesty of the sea, feel the sand under my feet, and can just “be”. I often long to be there when I’m in my day-to-day grind. But then there’s that commute to work, driving down that road and I am blessed with little glimpses of God’s glory that make me smile and sometimes laugh out loud. The laundry hung out to dry. The fields stretching as far as the eye can see. The woman in her garden, in that bright pink dress, picking flowers for her roadside stand. Mules running! God’s creation and glory is all around me. I simply have to open my eyes and my heart to SEE.

  179. Linda Riley August 16, 2019 at 9:33 am #

    I’m fortunate to live just inland from the Southern California coast, and by extension the entire west coast of our country, which I have driven many times. When my son was just a baby, Mom and I camped at the beach for a week, and so began an end-of-summer ritual we repeated for many years. Now that we’re older, she is 96, we still enjoy the beach albeit for shorter times, just a ride down and a stop for lunch. It is one way our Father provides refreshment for us!

  180. Kristi Anderson August 16, 2019 at 10:52 am #

    The ocean , indeed, reminds me of the detailed work of our Creator…from the curved horizon to the smallest shell. But, I am even more amazed that He lets us participate in the upkeep of His creation as I tend the flowers and food that grow in the gardens. He likes us enough to include us!

  181. August 16, 2019 at 3:04 pm #

    A trip to Alaska several years ago and an excursion through Denali park was breath taking. Every hill and at every turn there was something that your eyes could hardly fathom. God’s Creation unveiled – too majestic for words!

  182. Barbara Wiginton August 16, 2019 at 3:58 pm #

    Having been fortunate (blessed) to view the Grand Canyon from the rim and from the floor and truly feel that God’s Creations are His way of expressing His love for us. I can’t imagine anyone not literally losing their breath when they see the majesty portrayed in this amazing work of art. The shore, the mountains, a tiny hummingbird or a tiny baby..all are His Handiwork.

  183. Stephanie August 16, 2019 at 10:33 pm #

    So many of God’s amazing creations are what goes in my “Blessings” journal. He is AWESOME! (I think this word describes only Him~ it is so overused in our society)
    Liz, I love that you addressed the topic of capitalizing pronouns for the Lord. It is very important to me, as it shows respect for our God.

  184. Kim Arnold August 17, 2019 at 10:54 am #

    My husband and I were blessed to spend a week in Turks & Caicos with seven other friends. We saw God’s glorious splendor of His majesty through the gorgeous views of the Caribbean, endless beautiful blue skies, night time spent among the multitude of stars and quality time in fellowship with friends. There is no way to explain the beauty and friendship we experienced except to know that it is because of God’s love for all us.

  185. Debi Guenzel August 17, 2019 at 5:46 pm #

    Just returned from France, Belgium and Germany on a WW2 75th anniversary tour with my husband who is a WW2 buff. The things we saw were magnificent in His majesty. From the shores of northern France where the soldiers landed on D-Day to the German Alps at the top of Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest. We saw the glory of God, reached out and touched it when the clouds rolled in at the top of that mountain. It took our words and our breaths away and we both were in awe of God’s creations.

  186. Julie Gilroy August 18, 2019 at 12:30 am #

    The Outer Banks of North Carolina never fails to awe me. I’ve been going since I was a child. It’s a place where I find peace.

  187. Carol Masteller August 18, 2019 at 5:52 am #

    Do you know what? I can find peace almost anywhere I look! My flowers (ignore those weeds), the porch (yikes, needs the broom), or the old swing (guess I should sand and repaint this year). LOL! You have taught me that gratitude thing ; ) Thank you so much for that, because some days, well, I really need it. Love ya!

  188. Stacy August 18, 2019 at 8:27 am #

    His splendor is such a gift to us. And I agree I think it should be capitalized. I have never been comfortable using a small case h when referring to God. He is mighty and mighty to be praised. Thank you for your encouragement.

  189. Susan Criswell August 18, 2019 at 8:38 am #

    This past June we celebrated our 40th anniversary with a trip to Canada. From the tranquil serenity of the Butchart Gardens to the splendid majesty of the Canadian Rockies, I was amazed. It was truly breathtaking. I felt as though I were drunk with the beauty of creation. Thank you for this posting; it helped me to dig deeper and ponder my experience.

  190. MS Barb August 18, 2019 at 6:43 pm #

    My parents had a cabin in northern Minnesota. It was “primitive” w/ an outhouse & hand pump that had to be primed each spring. The lake was surrounded by birch bark trees, pine trees, and hardwood trees. The lake was about a mile across and 3 miles long…the cabin faced west; the lake would be calm, and like glass, shortly before the sun would slowly sink behind the trees and we saw glorious sunsets! In the morning, the lake would still be calm, and the call of loons would echo off the water… so peaceful and serene!

  191. Martha Kirkman August 18, 2019 at 7:57 pm #

    I have two places that are my favorite places to enjoy “the glorious splendor of His majesty”. The first place is on Isle Royale National Park. It is a wilderness park in Lake Superior that I have been going to for probably 43 years. I married into this spot and it has grown on me as a place that I just love to visit. Over the years I have hiked the island many times and the past four summers my husband and I have worked at the camp store. We love campsite #1 in Windigo. The last four years on my day off I would hike up to Grace overlook. In both places it is just peaceful, watching the beauty of the creek, a pond, birds, insects, and just the natural beauty of this place all created by our wonderful creator. I was blessed to occasionally see a moose, fox, snowshoe hare, ducks, geese, loons, etc. I love to read, pray, meditate and just enjoy the blessings God has bestowed on me.
    My next favorite spot is my deck. It is small room for a grill, a chair, and a couple of chairs. I love to have my devotions outside on the deck. It looks out over our backyard and woods. I am blessed to have many kinds of birds eat at the feeders including an occasional hummingbird. Every so often as I am praying or meditating I will see a doe with her fawns come prancing through. I feel so blessed to have these reminders of God’s glorious majesty and His creation and the reminder that He cares for me.
    I have a quote that I read everyday “God help me to see your loving presence today in the little pleasures that you have strewn along my pathway.” A second quote I also read…”God surprise me with your presence today.”

  192. Stephanie Bankhead August 19, 2019 at 7:47 am #

    We live in the panhandle of Texas, where the sunsets are the canvas of God’s splendor each morning and evening. Beauty to behold right out the back door. Despite being planted here, my heart soars at His majesty that is a roaring ocean. I love the mystery lurking underneath and the power displayed in what’s above. It brings me to my spiritual knees every single time.

  193. Sandra West August 20, 2019 at 8:11 am #

    I purposefully look and listen for the Glorious Splendor of God displayed in this world, and can see it everyday! In the beauty of a rainbow after a storm, in the song of a songbird in spring, in the laughter of a child, in the aqua blue of the ocean in parts of the world, to the majesty of a sky glowing orange and purple in the painting of His sunsets, and so much more. However, the most Majestic, Glorious display of God’s Splendor I have ever seen was in a little village in Nepal. After a day of working in a clinic and hiking, we were treated to the most beautiful scene I have ever been blessed to see! As dinner was ending and the darkness of night was upon us (they have very limited electricity and we had to use headlamps to see), we were told to turn off our headlamps (you could not even see your hand in front of your face!), and instructed to look up. There are no words adequate enough to begin to describe the most incredible, Majestic, and beautiful Splendor that God displayed in that night sky! Stars, planets, stars, galaxies (did I say stars?) all visible to the naked eye (as far as the eye could see)! Never have I ever seen anything like that! In the still, quiet darkness, we were so humbled and awed at the Splendor and Majesty of God, and the blessing of being in audience of that quiet symphony of stars that we began to sing, “How Great Thou Art.” A beautiful display that He allowed me to witness and has etched in my mind that I pray will never be forgotten until He calls me home!

  194. Margie Tate August 20, 2019 at 1:55 pm #

    I find His Splendor most when I am camping. There is something about being in the woods, and so close to untouched nature that resets my soul from the hustle and bustle of the every day life. I like to find a nice spot near a gnarly old tree, and reflect, surrounded by the sounds of the forest. It is so calming, and when you listen you can her all the creatures God has created that you don’t normally pay attention to. If you sit long enough, you may be visited by some of them. Like Snow White, except you are a Princess of the one true King. Having this time of devotion is something I am modeling for my children so they can find their own place to find His Splendor in their lives too.

  195. Ann August 20, 2019 at 4:39 pm #

    Ah–I have experienced the power & glory of God in many places, but I think the most significant to me is the woods behind my house when I was a teenager. It’s the place I met Jesus face-to-face in His Word, where I struggled to surrender and then gave Him my heart. Since then, the Southern piney woods have always tugged at my heart. I look on those woods every morning when I sit beside my bed to pray. Add sunrise (or sunset before bedtime) and that’s a plus!

  196. Suzanne C. August 20, 2019 at 7:44 pm #

    I have discovered the glorious splendor of His majesty all over this beautiful earth. From my backyard to the lovely mountains with flowing waterfalls and streams that you can wade in to the beautiful beaches at the Coast. I love the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. I love the sound of the seagulls. I see the splendor of His majesty in all nature. I ride by a lake twice a week and love to see the ducks floating in the water and love having to stop on occasion and let them pass. I love seeing the deer running on the side of the road and jumping the fence to run into the woods. His majesty is everywhere, you just have to look for it.

  197. Denise August 22, 2019 at 10:07 am #

    As I started reading this blog post, this verse from Psalm 97 came to mind:

    Psa 97:1 The LORD reigns, let the earth rejoice; let the many coastlands be glad!

    That verse had me thinking about how many coast-lands there are in this wonderful world of ours! And they are glad because the LORD reigns!