In Praise of Sisterhood

Ta Da by the Sea of Galilee 2011

­You already know this, but I’ll state it for the record: I’m all about women. (This group of travelers shouting “Ta-da!” by the Sea of Galilee? Adorable.) My role models are women, my ministry is for women, and I’ve been teaching, speaking, and writing about our sisters in Scripture for three decades. Why? Because God loves women, calls and equips women, and honors women in His Word.

Elizabeth heralded the Messiah (Luke 1:42), Mary gave birth to the Messiah (Luke 2:7), and Anna spoke about the Messiah to all who were looking for the redemption of Israel (Luke 2:38).

When the time of His Passion drew near, Mary of Bethany anointed the feet of Jesus (John 12:3), Mary of Nazareth stood at the cross of Jesus (John 19:25), and Mary Magdalene spoke with the risen Jesus and told His disciples, “I have seen the Lord” (John 20:18).

Makes me wanna jump up and shout, “I’ve seen Him too, Mary!” Because I have seen Him, and so have you. He is alive and He is on the move in women’s hearts, filling us with His power, so we can tell a hurting, angry world about a loving, life-changing God.

This is a verse that says it all for me: “The Lord announces the word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng” (Psalm 68:11). Indeed we are. Let’s unpack this beautiful truth.

Jerusalem Candle on a Bible Open to Exodus

“The Lord…” Psalm 68:11

This is where everything begins: acknowledging that God alone is our source of strength. That’s what the heroines of the Bible did, and what we must do as well.

Leah rose above the pain of her loveless marriage and declared at the birth of her fourth son, “This time I will praise the Lord” (Genesis 29:35). Miriam, with her brothers Moses and Aaron, led the Israelites through the Red Sea, and then she led them in worship: “Sing to the Lord, for he is highly exalted” (Exodus 15:21). And Hagar, an Egyptian slave, presented God with a new name: “She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: ‘You are the God who sees me’” (Genesis 16:13).

These ancient sisters paved the way, so we can follow in their footsteps, praising God in every circumstance. 

Hannah at Nazaraeth Village in Israel

“…announces the word,…” Psalm 68:11

When the Lord “gives the message” (NIrV), it’s time to listen. When He “gives the command” (AMP), it’s time to act. Don’t say, “Oh, but Lord, I’m a woman.” He is well aware of who we are and what we can accomplish in His Name. 

If He is calling you, pay close attention. If He is sending you, beloved, go.

Look at our fearless foremothers! The queen of Sheba traveled hundreds of miles in search of wisdom, then discovered its Source and told King Solomon, Praise be to the Lord your God” (1 Kings 10:9). Ruth, a Moabitess, left her people, her country, and her false gods when she vowed to her mother-in-law, “Your people will be my people and your God my God” (Ruth 1:16). And Queen Esther approached King Xerxes on behalf of God’s people, having bravely declared, “If I perish, I perish” (Esther 4:16).

Bold and courageous, these women were a force to be reckoned with, unafraid to rise up and speak up.

Pottery at Nazareth Village in Israel

“…and the women who proclaim it…” Psalm 68:11

These were the sisters who “carried the news” (GNT), the ones God entrusted to “publish the tidings” (ASV) of Israel’s victories over their enemies in Canaan. 

Consider Rahab, a prostitute in Jericho, who sheltered two spies on her roof, and then made a daring confession of faith: “The Lord your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below” (Joshua 2:11). And Deborah, a prophetess serving as judge over Israel, who commanded Barak to lead the charge: “Go! This is the day the Lord has given Sisera into your hands” (Judges 4:6).

These “lady evangelists” (OJB) got the word out. These “female proclaimers” (YLT) spread the good news. And there were tons of them.

“…are a mighty throng.” Psalm 68:11

We’re talking “many, many women” (NET). Yes, a whole “company” (EXB). After all, it takes agreat host” (ESV) to tell a big world about a big God.

Our sisters today who proclaim the gospel are definitely a mighty throng. Think of all the gifted Bible teachers we’ve heard over the years at Women of Faith, Women of Joy, She Speaks, Extraordinary Women, IF: Gathering, and dozens more. Not to mention the women you’ve seen leading Bible studies in churches and homes and coffee shops in your town women who are passionate about God, His Word, and His redemptive mission.

But you don’t need a microphone or a platform to share the good news. Just go. And tell. Be the Deborah of your workplace, the Mary Magdalene of your neighborhood. Listen for His voice. Stand to your feet. Follow where He leads. Tell all who will listen: “This is the God who sees us. This is the God who loves us. This is the God who sends us.”

Psalm 68:11

From Bad Girls to Really Bad Girls, from Ruth and Naomi to a Shebalicious queen, from The Women of Christmas to The Women of Easter—oh baby, I could write about our faith-filled sisters until the moment I step into heaven. (Come to think of it, that’s kinda the plan.)

Until next month, thanks for giving me the deep joy of encouraging you! 

Your grateful sister, Liz

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262 Responses to In Praise of Sisterhood

  1. Priscilla King January 25, 2017 at 9:16 am #

    Maybe Ruth? Be brave, be honest, work hard, and when necessary don’t be afraid to look bad! 😉

    • Christine Staley January 25, 2017 at 6:52 pm #

      The story of The Woman at the Well, we aren’t told her name but her story is important. Jesus took his time to speak with her even though it wasn’t considered a proper thing to do. My past is a lot like Hers. I can be used by God to share His message just like she did.

    • Carol Minehardt January 26, 2017 at 2:24 pm #

      Christ Jesus did revolutionary things when he looked at women and counted them worthy. Before Jesus came to live among the world, women were silent, following the male to whom they were married or their fathers. Jesus took the women he confronted and used them in new ways to provide a new purpose for them as one of God’s own, and the women helped reveal Him to many, supporting Him in His ministry. All people, men and women alike, regardless of their station in life were loved without reservation and through Christ’s perfection He made each one of us perfect through His own body and blood when He died, rose and ascended to the Father. I am Ruth, Mary, Margaret, and all women for whom Christ gave His all!

    • Joanne Sargent January 26, 2017 at 4:16 pm #

      Sarah, who waited patiently on the Lord, because she believed He would do what He promised.

    • Paulette January 26, 2017 at 5:19 pm #

      Wonderful Liz..there is a lesson to be learned from every p articipant in Scripture. The one that gets me is Esther, that unselfish love for her people, she could of died, WOW!

  2. Cherrilynn Bisbano January 25, 2017 at 10:16 am #

    Amen, Liz. Our group is blessed, convicted, and equipped as we read “31 Verses to Write on Your Heart. “Thank you. I will purchase this book for a new believer that God is allowing me to disciple. (please pray)
    I continue to pray for you daily.

  3. Anita Neuman January 25, 2017 at 10:17 am #

    Esther is my go-to heroine! “For such a time as this” — Ah, what a mantra when we find ourselves in life’s worst situations.

  4. Cindy January 25, 2017 at 10:20 am #

    I would choose Dorcas for her servant spirit. If I spent more time serving others, I would be enriched and blessed beyond my wildest imagination. Be involved in and do the things that are eternally significant!

  5. Adeline January 25, 2017 at 10:21 am #

    Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved Esther, been infatuated with her. I even had a cassette tape of her story that I would listen to over and over. She taught me about bravery, faith, perseverance, patience, and about so much more. I absolutely love her!

  6. Sandi January 25, 2017 at 10:24 am #

    my mantra: Know Him more, Love Him more, Praise Him more, Show Him more

  7. Kelli January 25, 2017 at 10:25 am #

    Mary – the mother of Jesus- her humble spirit, bold submission to God’s plan, and faith are a challenge to me.

  8. Ann Blomgren January 25, 2017 at 10:25 am #

    “Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart”. I have learned the blessing of keeping my mind and heart in the Word and allowing Him to guide my thoughts.

  9. Ouida Ray January 25, 2017 at 10:27 am #

    As the season of mourning ends, I think of Mary… who pondered so many feelings, “But, God”, hmmms, ta das, and Who is this Child? thoughts. The strength of being a woman overwhelms me. Mary’s wrestling with God about her willingness, worthiness and the loneliness bearing His Son would cause her.
    I often wonder what she wondered as she looked upon Jesus with His step brothers and sisters.
    And then accepting John as her son as she watched God’s son die for her sins, for her children’s sins and for the world’s sin.

  10. Karen Schroer January 25, 2017 at 10:28 am #

    I was thrilled to spend 2 weeks in Israel in 2014. I’ll never be the same! I would love to know the name of the Bible pictured in this blog. It appears to have pictures from Israel below the scripture?
    Thank you!

  11. Mary Loraine Felts January 25, 2017 at 10:31 am #

    I often think about Mary and Martha. I try to remember to choose well.

  12. Michelle Murphy January 25, 2017 at 10:34 am #

    Would love to win! I think often about Mary, pondering things in her heart. So often, we women just rattle off things before we think. I believe Mary took the time to really ponder and meditate in her heart what was going on in her life and the role she had to play in God’s plan. But we all have a role in the big plan of God so do we recognize the importance of what we are called to do or do we just float through life and “let things happen” as we go along?

  13. Pat Castle January 25, 2017 at 10:36 am #

    How I love to read about the women of the Bible. They
    inspire me. I especially like Ruth. Have thought of her
    many times during my 59 years of marriage. She has
    helped remind me to go willing where my husband wants
    to go . Do not usually win things like this but have my hopes
    for this beautiful book. Appreciate you and your beautiful

  14. Pam January 25, 2017 at 10:39 am #

    It’s Mary Magdalen that intrigues me and her heart of worship.

  15. Stacie January 25, 2017 at 10:40 am #

    The Woman at the Well is one of my favorite heroines!! She was an outcast, had been divorced, was living with a man she wasn’t married to, and Jesus sought HER out. Then, she went back to her village, all by her lonesome and told everyone there about Jesus!! Can you imagine?? Can’t wait to meet her someday.

    • Sylvia January 29, 2017 at 1:13 am #

      I love Mary. She was frightened to tell Joseph about what the angel had told her. She was going to bear a son by the holy spirit.
      How would Joseph understand her plight.
      Thank God the angel spoke to Joseph to confirm what Mary had told him.
      She was very brave in telling Joseph when she was trying to wrap her own brain around the concept her self. She trusted God for her peace and tranquility.
      Hard thing to do for anyone.
      She astound s my greatly.
      Love her!

  16. KariB January 25, 2017 at 10:40 am #

    Esther is my all time favorite, teaching me patience, faith, how to persevere. ❤️And I love Rahab’s story… how one can have faith to save your whole family! She believed and went all in! ❤️ Cannot wait to read Women of Easter! Blessings to you, dear Liz! Prayers for you always

  17. Brenda Williams January 25, 2017 at 10:40 am #

    I love reading about our sisters in Christ. I know so many wonderful, powerful, kind, charismatic sisters in Christ and true sisters! Would love to win the book even though I already own it 🙂
    I cannot wait to see you in Clarion in November!!!

  18. Peggy Meyers January 25, 2017 at 10:43 am #

    I have learned from the Women in the Bible that no matter what I do in this life, God still loves me unconditionally. I know I can do anything He wants me to as long as I rely on Him and not my own powers. To God be the glory!

  19. Gabriela January 25, 2017 at 10:43 am #

    Adah has taught me how important and right it is to keep all promises – even the ones that aren’t so happy or good.

  20. Joy Bitler January 25, 2017 at 10:44 am #

    Ruth is one of my favorite women of the Bible. She was obedient even in difficult circumstances.

  21. Brenda January 25, 2017 at 10:44 am #

    Thanks, Liz…I love the thought that Mary surrendered to God’s will for her life. And we have to do the same thing in our lives everyday…

  22. Laura Ahr January 25, 2017 at 10:47 am #

    Eunice and Lois, Timothy’s godly mother and grandmother. They are a reminder of the influence we can have on our children and grandchildren. With 5 children ages 20 – 30, it’s easy to fall into thinking they don’t need me anymore, but they need to see a faithful testimony for Christ in me, all their lives.

  23. Becky January 25, 2017 at 10:49 am #

    I have been studying John and Mary of Bethany gave ALL she had to Christ, a most intimate and precious sacrifice. What an example for us women today!

  24. Mary Jo Oliver January 25, 2017 at 10:51 am #

    The relationship between Mary & Elizabeth taught me to treasure relationships with my Sisters in Christ.

  25. Kristi January 25, 2017 at 10:52 am #

    Oh Yay, it’s here! Woo-hoo! Definitely a possibility for our next Bible Study at church. Thank you Liz!

  26. Susan January 25, 2017 at 10:53 am #

    This week in John 12 I saw what it means to worship Jesus extravagantly from Mary, Lazarus’s sister.

  27. Rosemarie January 25, 2017 at 10:54 am #

    I have learned from every woman, through their stories, that God loves me. He cares about my life, my family and my relationship with Him. He works in my life in ways I may not understand, but in the end, it’s all for His glory and my growth.

  28. Earlene Gordon January 25, 2017 at 10:56 am #

    We know more about Rebecca that we do Isaac. Rebecca was real, she faced being separated from family, bareness, a difficult pregnancy, stress with children, stress with husband. Rebecca was real, her life was very real. As a 74 year old Christian woman, LIFE IS REAL, and it is only with the power of the Holy Spirit, a loving Savior, and lots and lots and lots of grace can we make. But praise the LORD GOD IS REAL!!

  29. Kay January 25, 2017 at 10:56 am #

    I have always thought of Martha. The practical sister, the get things done. No she didn’t sit at His feet, (but I believe she listened as she worked) yet she believed in Christ, not always fully knowing and trusted In Him to open the “smelly” tomb. She loved her Lord and knew Him, I need to keep trusting even when it seems “smelly”. I am too busy like her but like Mary desire to spend time at His feet.

  30. Leslie Turner January 25, 2017 at 10:59 am #

    I can relate to Hagar, feeling invisible and unheard (my favorite superhero is the Invisible Woman) and love her name for God – El Roi – the God who sees me. The older (and fatter) I get, the more invisible I become in society and even in God’s church, but God sees me, calls me, and gives me purpose in a world that doesn’t know my value. Also – at times I have a certain relative who can be “a wild donkey of a man”…. Hmmmm.

  31. Bobbi January 25, 2017 at 11:02 am #

    One of the ladies in the top 5 would be Ruth. We repeated Entreat me not to leave you… in our vows when we married 381/2 years ago and I would choose to again. Then my husband became an Air Force Chaplain for 22 years so I followed him across the US and Germany and still ministering with him today in a rural, poor mission church bringing Christ to marginalized, misfits (word used in love for those who aren’t comfortable with a bigger church and don’t think they’d be accepted as they are). God has blessed our lives and we also repeated the verse that said, where you die, I will die… and praying that will continue to be true for us.

  32. Cindy January 25, 2017 at 11:03 am #

    God loves women so much and he empowers them. I love how he came to Hagar in the desert. She wasn’t one of his chosen people and she didn’t call or look for him, but he knew right where she was and came to her to give her a promise and care for the needs of not only her but her son as well

  33. Debbie Woodland January 25, 2017 at 11:09 am #

    Our women’s bible study group enjoyed “The Women of Christmas”, which we studied in December. We certainly became much more acquainted with each one and it so enhanced our daily worship remembering how special each woman was in the life of our Savior.

  34. Becca January 25, 2017 at 11:09 am #

    The story of the woman caught in adultery has taught me the most about the character, the unconditional love, and the supernatural grace and mercy of my Savior. This quick interchange, for me, is just dripping with the heart of Jesus from how He addresses her [not identifying her by her sin], to reminding her that no one was left to condemn her, to telling her that she can move forward free from sin! I get emotional every time I read it because that’s my Jesus – that’s what He does – and it’s also a great reminder for His church to drop their stones and instead reach a lost world with His love.

  35. Marilyn Turk January 25, 2017 at 11:10 am #

    Hi Liz,
    Thank you for writing The Women of Easter. I lead a women’s class and we studied The Women of Christmas a year ago. In fact, it even inspired me to write a play! Anyway, there are really two women that come to mind as examples for me. One is Deborah. When I did the Walk thru the Bible, I remember the phrase for Judges was “no man was able.” That phrase resonated with me during my marriage to an alcoholic. I had to handle so many things for my family and our home because he was not able, and I found solace knowing Deborah did the same and so much more.
    Another woman is Mary Madgalene who had been healing from demon-possession. I’m sure her reputation followed her and remembered her as a crazy woman, but she did not let her past hold her back and keep her from following Jesus and becoming one of his early disciples.
    Thank you for your ministry. I heard you speak at Mount Hermon several years ago and hope to see you in our area some day.
    Marilyn Turk

  36. Cathy January 25, 2017 at 11:11 am #

    Anna. She grew up, no doubt hearing, “he who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty” (Ps. 91:1). At some point in her own need for shelter, she decided to take God literally. I can picture her living in the temple, praying, fasting, keeping her mind on things above, and speaking to the women who came to her for counsel. Some might think her life was confining, but I find it inspirational, beautiful, and most worth emulating. I have an incurable disease and look to God for shelter in a literal way. He was enough for Anna, He is enough for me, and He can be taken at His Word. Bless the Lord!

  37. Ashley January 25, 2017 at 11:11 am #

    One of the ladies I have learned from is Esther. I enjoyed reading with you about her and studying more. She is a woman of courage and heart. Thank you for helping us to shine a light on these women and to gain a deeper understanding.

  38. Lawan January 25, 2017 at 11:14 am #

    Esther was so brave, strong and capable. She didn’t let a little thing like possible death get in her way!

    Abigail is another that encourages me. She was a thinker and a planner. She saw a potential tragedy and went to work to avoid it. Brilliant!

  39. Janice January 25, 2017 at 11:15 am #

    I think Mary of Bethany. When I get wound up in the world – “worried and upset about many things”, I try to remember to chose “what is better.” I try to picture myself at the feet of Jesus – wow – just thinking about that gives me goosebumps! Love your books and your studies. We are working on Really Bad Girls of the Bible right now in our Sunday morning study. Just finished The Girls Still Got It and looking forward to The Women of Easter.

  40. Katie January 25, 2017 at 11:23 am #

    Hagar praising the God who sees. “El Roi” Being a stay at home Mom for 14+ years I have found comfort in the reminder that he sees. Being at home with kids you often do not get a lot of notice. But He notices!!!!

  41. Stephanie Taylor January 25, 2017 at 11:25 am #

    Mary and Martha both speak to me. I’m a doer in service sometimes to the extent of Martha and I have gotten upset if no one helps me. And then that gentle voice of Jesus reminds me what He told Martha. Just in the last couple of years, I have experienced Mary — sitting at Jesus’ feet and soaking Him in and had that ah ha moment realizing what Jesus meant when He told Martha that Mary had chosen the better. Jesus is beautiful at His feet!!

  42. Yolanda Cessna January 25, 2017 at 11:25 am #

    Reading the Bible in my youth and then reading your books I have heroines that shape my life.
    I’ve derived:
    Faith from Ruth and Mary Magdalene;
    Courage from Esther;
    Strength from Deborah and Rehab
    And of course love from my Lord Jesus Christ.

  43. Ammie Black January 25, 2017 at 11:27 am #

    Hagar…because I have felt invisible as she did…Ruth because I have a heavenly redeemer who has set my feet on solid rock and an Earthly redeemer in my husband who lets me know that I am of value and am loved. And finally, Mary, mother of Jesus,…you have to wonder about all that left her wondering. How did she cope? What did her later years look like? How did it affect how she raised other children given the fact that her firstborn was the Most High God? She dealt with every emotion under the sun, and was so favored by God. Yet did she sometimes simply feel burdened by it all? There is such poignancy in the words of her heart recorded in scripture. It touches me.

  44. Marsha Numerich January 25, 2017 at 11:39 am #

    Sisterhood, oh what a great cloud that has gone before us, I feel it is time for us to move away from the comfort zones of our Church pews and be that light on a hill proclaiming the message God has for us to proclaim. I have heard God has a work for us – if we choose not to do it – He will choose another who will walk it out. It is a time for Christian sisters to gather in unity and stand for God’s Word and promises. Be a Mary Magdalene and share the good message.

  45. Jeri January 25, 2017 at 11:44 am #

    And so many believe strong women is a new idea!

  46. Anne Rightler January 25, 2017 at 11:46 am #

    Reading about Mary and Martha, reminded me that I sometimes need to stop the busy-ness and just listen. Time to worship at His feet rather serve.

  47. Bethany Miramonti January 25, 2017 at 11:46 am #

    In the midst of a second divorce, the woman at the well, gives me hope for a life beyond the rejection of man, judgement of society, feelings of unworth. I am reminded that God sees me, knows me & loves me.

  48. Eileen January 25, 2017 at 11:48 am #

    Photina or (Photini), the Samaritan woman at the well. She was THE first person Jesus formally and explicitly revealed His true identity as the Messiah to! You GO girl!! 😉
    And she went on to fearlessly preach The Gospel until her death ironically at the bottom of a well.

  49. tina January 25, 2017 at 11:53 am #

    The Samaritan woman at the well realized her need for a Savior , accepted Him and then boldly preached Him.

  50. brooke January 25, 2017 at 11:55 am #

    I love learning about women in the Bible… Be they quiet and unassuming or a queen, God uses them to fulfill His purposes. I love Esther because of her AMAZING bravery in the face of what could have been death. WOW! to be that bold!

    Thank you Liz for using your life for Him, as well. I am always excited after reading your posts and love seeing your passion for your Savior and for us!

  51. Ellen Schmidt January 25, 2017 at 11:58 am #

    Ruth…she inspires me to never give up! Even when everything seems bad for a long time, persistence leads me to carry on toward the goal!

  52. Paula Cribb January 25, 2017 at 12:00 pm #

    For me its Mary Magdalene. She gave Jesus all she had, her prized possession, all of her. She humbled herself at His feet and washed them with her tears. I hope to one day humble myself at His feet and do the same..

  53. Linda Arthur January 25, 2017 at 12:02 pm #

    Learning from the “bad girls of the Bible” – that I have a second chance to turn a bad habit into a good habit for Jesus… that!

  54. Gloria January 25, 2017 at 12:02 pm #

    Thank you for your dedication to women. We need desperately to encourage each other in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ. I so enjoy reading your books, please keep doing what you’re doing! you are a true blessing and inspiration!

  55. Sally Davidson January 25, 2017 at 12:04 pm #

    Women of the Bible are an inspiration to us who seek God’s love and mercy. Unlike the “marching women” we know where our inspiration is.. in women who have lived following His direction and not that if the world

  56. MS Barb January 25, 2017 at 12:10 pm #

    Rahab speaks to my heart! She told the spies, “We have heard of your GOD!” And she believed in GOD because of what she had heard! She hadn’t even seen the miracles in the desert, but yet she believed and hid the spies! Not only did she save herself from destruction, but all of her family who were w/ her when Jericho was defeated.

  57. Diana G. January 25, 2017 at 12:15 pm #

    The power of forgiveness and the freedom Christ brings is what I learned from Mary Magdalene. It is beautiful to behold how changed her life was. God is good!!

  58. Chris Wiersum January 25, 2017 at 12:17 pm #

    I can relate to Deborah in the fact that I have the privilege of leading the AWANA program at our church. I have an awesome team to work with while impacting the lives of children. We have seen young children come to salvation and grow in leaps and bounds. It is so worth it when you see the “light” go on when they understand a spiritual concept. Deborah had a tremendous responsibility in judging the nation of Israel, but I have so much pleasure in leading kids to Jesus. Thank you for your encouraging words.

  59. Shirley Alt January 25, 2017 at 12:19 pm #

    Liz, ANNA, my hearts prayer is to spend my days in fasting and prayers as
    Anna did in the Temple. The intense desire of my heart is sharing the
    Word with women, proclaiming who we are IN CHRIST and WHO Christ is
    in us!!!! My heart is sharing Him, His Word and praying for other women.
    Thanks for your many books.

  60. cindy January 25, 2017 at 12:25 pm #

    I like Ruth and Rahab and even Hagar – I love that God used each of them or promised them something so specific when they were not part of the nation of Israel…Ruth and Rahab are examples of choosing God in the midst of their ungodly cultures, and I love that Hagar calls God “the God who sees”…what a powerful testimony for anyone who is searching in today’s confusing times!

  61. Martha Bishop January 25, 2017 at 12:26 pm #

    The book of Judges – The story of Deborah. Deborah is the only woman in the Old Testament who was a Judge, and she was a responsible and capable person. This has helped me to see that my opinion, my decisions, are as important as those of any one else, yet they are only mine. Each of us have our opinions and each of us is entitled to our choices. Yes, there are laws and rules that must be followed for communal living, but I should not be judged by the ideas of someone else. Nor should I judge someone else because their beliefs are different from mine, as long as those beliefs are not harmful.

  62. Kerri Norrod January 25, 2017 at 12:28 pm #

    I would say I have learned so much from Esther. She has taught me about bravery, perseverance and patience.

  63. DE Silver January 25, 2017 at 12:41 pm #

    Women in both the Old and New Testament learned Scripture and taught it to their children. May we do likewise.

  64. Sheila January 25, 2017 at 12:42 pm #

    In a time when women were considered more like property than human beings, Jesus never failed to recognize their worth and contribution. Just look at who He appeared to first after His resurrection and gave the important task of being the first to declare He was risen and alive!! I am so thankful that He never gave up on me and saw that I had value.

  65. Laura G. January 25, 2017 at 12:43 pm #

    I have learned about bravery and courage from Esther.

  66. Dee January 25, 2017 at 12:47 pm #

    I loved your “The Women of Christmas!” Gave a copy to each of my female co-workers for Christmas last year.

    So I’m so excited you have now written “The Women of Easter!” I would love to receive an autographed copy, but, if not, I will order a copy so I can begin reading for Lent.

    Thank you, Liz, for your many books for and about women. They educate and inspire us!

  67. Mona January 25, 2017 at 12:57 pm #

    What wonderful timing. I want to read this for sure.

  68. Sandy January 25, 2017 at 1:02 pm #

    Mine would have to be Deborah or Abigail. Both women were intelligent and fierce in a time where women were not rightly valued.

  69. Terri Fullerton January 25, 2017 at 1:09 pm #

    The woman who was hemorrhaging for twelve years. I empathize with her. I have ached with the loneliness she must have felt, the desperation she had to spend all she had to find healing. Maybe she hears whispers of this man named Jesus who has healed the sick. Her courage to persevere, to press in when it was against levitical law for her to touch a man when she was unclean inspires me. I can sense her reaching out and extending her hand in faith. Something in her dared to believe in Christ’s healing work. She extends her way through the distractions, through the noise, past the people. She reaches the One who can help her. Imagine what that must have felt. He restored her health and her position. She wasn’t “the woman who was bleeding” to Jesus. She was “Daughter.” This reveals a God who sees us as family, as a daughter not a nuisance. He shows God’S tenderness and compassion.

  70. Melody Durant January 25, 2017 at 1:09 pm #

    I have completed all of your wonderful Bad Girls of the Bible series, while serving as a mission in Mexico and Nicaragua! Persistence is what these ladies marched through, whether with gentleness, stamina, determination or bull headedness, they were used by God. Which shows me He can continue to use a chubby 56 yr old who clings close to her husband, marching through or around jungles, mountaintops, snd volcanoes, because of Philippians 4:13!

  71. Edwina Aaron January 25, 2017 at 1:13 pm #

    Recently, I was reminded by Sarah that we should wait on God’s timing and that He has it under control and does not need our help to make it happen.

  72. Christy Mobley January 25, 2017 at 1:14 pm #

    I love what I learn from you Liz!
    Jochobed taught me to trust God more than I fear man (or woman).

  73. Michelle Cupp January 25, 2017 at 1:15 pm #

    The woman in the Bible who inspires me most is the woman in Proverbs 31. She is truly a woman with a servant’s heart. She works hard, she supports her family and her household, she teaches her children, she helps the poor and she is truly a woman of God. She is a shining example of the virtuous woman we should all strive to be!

  74. Laurel Shaler January 25, 2017 at 1:23 pm #

    Dear Liz, I am leading a group of women through this student at my church starting tonight. I am so thrilled! As we learn throughout the gospels, especially Luke and John, Jesus LOVED women and He LOVES them today! That is what I am reminded of every time I read about his encounter with one of these women. Blessings!

  75. MichelleH January 25, 2017 at 1:24 pm #

    So many inspiring women, even the ones who aren’t ‘named’ are there for a reason. As a mother now, the strength of Mary floors me. I cannot imagine watching my son be tortured and crucified. Esther has always been about courage for me. Frightened, but in the right, stand strong. Be scared, but do the right thing anyway. Very hard to do!

  76. susanlshearer January 25, 2017 at 1:31 pm #

    I learned from Mary Magdalene that even though we sin Jesus still will love us and not judge us.

  77. Elizabeth Robinson January 25, 2017 at 1:34 pm #

    I would have to say Mary and Martha because the Lord has been reminding me of man things going on in my life right now that I still need to rely on him first and put him before anything else also not to be going to church and bible studies etc. Out of obligation but come with a willing heart!

  78. Vicki January 25, 2017 at 1:35 pm #

    Mary of Bethany knew that to love God more than anything else was the best way to live.

  79. Alison Anderson January 25, 2017 at 1:36 pm #

    One of my favorites is the bleeding woman- bless her. No soap, no water, no feminine hygiene products, no over-the-counter pain medications; yet she KNEW if she could only get close enough to touch Jesus’ clothes “I shall be made well.” So she did and she was. Powerful faith indeed.

  80. Leanne Herrmann January 25, 2017 at 1:42 pm #

    Hey Liz, I am so excited about your new Women of Easter book! I lead a women’s Bible study group of about 40 women, and we used the Women of Christmas as a 3 week Bible study in December. Our women LOVED it!! We cannot wait to read the Women of Easter and use it for our Lenten Bible study.

    Mary, Mother of Jesus: TRUST. Steadfast TRUST in God.

    Oh, plus, my best friend and I will be coming to see and hear you speak at the Pursue the Passion conference in Winterville, NC in a few weeks! Praying for the Lord to use you in a mighty way and for the women he is bringing to the conference. We are soooo looking forward to it! Blessings!!

  81. Kimme Nuckles January 25, 2017 at 1:42 pm #

    I learned that Esther had her struggles as she faced the possibility of death, yet she followed her heart as she followed what God required.

  82. Kimme January 25, 2017 at 1:45 pm #

    I learned that Esther struggled with what was required of her, not just being fearless because of God. In the end, she prayed through and followed God’s plan.

  83. Patricia January 25, 2017 at 1:54 pm #

    I find it ironic that many of those who don’t know Jesus say the Bible and Christians put down women and sujugate us when in fact, the opposite is true! Jesus uplifts women and in the Bible there are so many examples of Him giving women the privileged place! Such a wonderful and mighty God!

  84. Rita Schwass January 25, 2017 at 2:00 pm #

    What a wonderful verse for these rebellious times!

  85. Debbie January 25, 2017 at 2:15 pm #

    A widow for 2 years and 3 months, I am thankful that God continues to speak to and use women to further His Kingdom. I must say that God is always faithful and I place my trust in Him. Thank you, Liz, for your ministry to women! May your ministry continue to be blessed!

  86. Patricia January 25, 2017 at 2:32 pm #

    Ruth is my heroine. She left her family and place of birth with her mother by law. Naomi’s God became Ruth’s God.

  87. Colleen January 25, 2017 at 2:33 pm #

    Mary and Martha. Taught me that listening and enjoying the company around me is more important than the cleaning up. God has put many people in and out of my home and life that if I had waited for my house to be clean, I would’ve missed a great deal. His ways are perfect. Thank you Liz for making me remember this.

  88. Patti Iverson January 25, 2017 at 2:38 pm #

    I “think” I mostly relate to dear Rahab–sure she screwed up, had her issues–but when push came to shove she allowed the Lord God Himself–ooooh!!–to propel her to say and DO the right thing, even at her peril. Wow. She’s a hero. And I’m thankful Liz, that you are doing and telling for your life’s mission and we all get to “go along” for the ride. Keep on keeping on, dear sister in our Lord I’d love to win your book.

  89. Brandi Hosmer January 25, 2017 at 2:41 pm #

    I would love to win one of your books.

  90. Joyce January 25, 2017 at 2:46 pm #

    I have learned that we all have a different role in life and that once we figure out what that is, we shouldn’t waste the talents God has given us to complete that role.

  91. margaret sifford January 25, 2017 at 2:46 pm #

    I so love Ruth!! She left everything to obey God!! sometimes we want to obey God, but think of all the things we are giving up, so we change our minds and not obey! Really enjoying 31 Verses to write on your Heart!! Thanks so much!!

  92. Blanche Hake January 25, 2017 at 2:51 pm #

    I have been waiting for your next book. I gave the last one to several friends this Christmas. I was at Hershey, PA for the Women’s Festival and enjoyed your talk. Keep up the great work as many women are encouraged by your writings. Take care of yourself and exercise those joints. God bless you, Liz.

  93. Barbara Wiginton January 25, 2017 at 2:52 pm #

    Liz, I believe that the woman with the blood issue is an inspiration to me. Like me, she didn’t want attention drawn to herself but merely touched the hem of Jesus’ garment to give her some peace. Because He was God Himself, he felt it and transferred that power to heal her. How powerful He is. And He can heal us today if we’ll just reach for Him. Thank you for your insight and love for our Father.

  94. Carol DePriest January 25, 2017 at 2:53 pm #

    I love that the first recorded time Jesus stated Who He was, He was speaking to the ‘Woman at the Well’ in Samaria. Women usually went to Jacob’s well early in the morning, to draw water for the day’s needs, where they socialized freely. However she came to the well in mid-day to avoid the village women, who gossiped and shunned her. Her shame kept her hidden and indoors until after she met the Messiah, then she ran into the village to tell all the townspeople so that they too could meet Him and believe. This nameless woman became the first evangelist!

  95. Elizabeth Shewell January 25, 2017 at 3:07 pm #

    I learned from Sara and Hannah to be patient in waiting for God’s time to fulfill my dreams for a family. It is so hard to wait, but I know that when it happens I will be filled with joy!

  96. Jackie January 25, 2017 at 3:08 pm #

    Hannah, with whom I can relate. In early pregnancy, I was in danger of miscarrying my firstborn. I cried out to the Lord and promised to give him back to Him in whatever role He chose for him. I was not surprised when in college Michael told us he felt the Lord calling him to full-time ministry. Often, I have “pondered” things in my heart, just as Mary did, where my son is concerned.

  97. Michelle R January 25, 2017 at 3:10 pm #

    The woman with the blood issue. Talk about faith. She stepped out and touched Jesus. She knew if she could get to Him she would be healed. He may not cure each person like that; but if we have faith like her, we know He is with us. And if we just reach out like her we can teach others about Jesus.

  98. Penny January 25, 2017 at 3:12 pm #

    From Queen Esther I learned to be willing to listen to advice as she listened to her uncle and also to make plans to carry out the will of God.

  99. Dawn January 25, 2017 at 3:18 pm #


    Looking forward to seeing you again in eastern NC in February! So thankful for your teachings and how you help us all to reach further than we ever though we could – in His Name!

  100. Karen T January 25, 2017 at 3:23 pm #

    Thank you for using Psalm 68:11, I’ve never thought of that verse as an empowerment to women!!
    I loved your quote “Our ancient sisters paved the way, so we can follow in their footstep…”
    I want have a heart like Mary, who believed the Lord would fulfill His promises to her!

    Super excited for your new book.

  101. Barbara Alaimo January 25, 2017 at 3:26 pm #

    My favorite sister in Christ is Mary. What I learned from her is to cherish her Jesus. She teaches me to trust and hope at all times no matter what is happening. She teaches me to say “yes” even when I don’t understand where that will lead me.

  102. Mary Geddings January 25, 2017 at 3:29 pm #

    I want to have faith like the woman with the “issue of blood.” She was so completely confident is Jesus’ ability and willingness to heal. She knew all she had to do was to get close enough to touch the hem of his garment and her life would be changed by Him.

  103. Michele January 25, 2017 at 3:30 pm #

    What I learned from the woman the well is just as you described her on Today’s Christian Woman : “In any century, our response to the Lord is the same. We confront our true selves, experience God’s grace, and share the good news.” I’ve been married three times and I’ve gotten tripped up and self-condemning when I view myself through the law’s lens, but when I revel in that beautiful, overflowing grace of Christ, I know I have been forgiven, can forgive myself, and be a talking, walking, genuinely loved woman of God’s grace that wants others to revel in Him as well.

  104. Betty Best January 25, 2017 at 3:38 pm #

    Studying Deborah this week….what a mighty warrior for her God. Her life reminds me that I don’t need to be intimidated by anyone…as long as my life shows forth His power and not mine…a great prophet in the midst of all masculinity…may her tribe increase!

  105. Digna Kelly January 25, 2017 at 3:40 pm #

    The Bad Girls bible study at Hope Lutheran Church in Hudson Fl. Just finish THE WOMEN OF CHRISTMAS, I learned from Mary to pray for faith like she had. She was the HERE I AM LORD, girl. We have gone through all the Bad Girls books,so that’s our name. I hope I am a winner.

  106. Stephanie January 25, 2017 at 3:53 pm #

    I love all your books. I think a woman of the bible that surprising spoke to me was Rahab. To me it says you never know who or how God can use you in his plan.

  107. Bonnie Walker January 25, 2017 at 3:53 pm #

    Hagar, the woman cast out who had the privilege of giving God his first names. “The one who sees me”. Wow! ToThe Queen of Sheba, who will stand up for this generation on judgement day and condemn it”… just wow! She came far from the South, to proclaim, to hear the wisdom of Solomon. Luke 11:31. Another Wow! To dear young Rhoda, a hand maid, in the home of JOHN Mark’sMother, a Mary, rushed to the upstairs chamber where believers were praying for the prison release of Peter…. but those unbelieving believers would not listen to her. “He is here!” They scoffed her! “You are out of your mind they said”. Can you believe this? How often I fail to believe! I need a scoffing onnsome days!

  108. Carolyn Injoy January 25, 2017 at 3:55 pm #

    I learned from Ruth’s love and commitment to her mother-in-law, Naomi. She followed her to Bethlehem instead of returning to her own mother after Naomi’s son, Ruth’s husband died. It takes dedication to love a mother-in-law as your own. I learned that with my own.

  109. Vicki Warner January 25, 2017 at 4:01 pm #


    This morning I was studying the meaning of “meek” from “blessed are the meek (gentle) …” from the beatitudes. I think of Mary when the angel came to her and told her she would conceive and bear a son, who she was to name Jesus, though she was a virgin. Her submissiveness to God’s plan and purpose, “… may it be done to me according to your word” showed great faith and strength in God’s sovereignty. She trusted God for her future, and that He had good in store for her though she didn’t understand it all.

  110. Susan Matteson January 25, 2017 at 4:08 pm #

    Hi, Liz. I hope this is where I am to respond for the drawing for your Women of Easter book! 🙂 One woman in the Bible who I have learned from is Mary, when Jesus said to her, “Blessed is she who believes the promise made to her will be fulfilled.”

    Thank you so much for taking the time to dig into the Bible and gather information on these beautiful women who lived in Jesus time and loved him so dearly. I can’t wait to read your book!!!!

    Susan Matteson

  111. Connie R. January 25, 2017 at 4:09 pm #

    From Ruth, I have learned loyalty. From Mary I strive to learn obedience.

  112. Judy January 25, 2017 at 4:12 pm #

    I would so much rather follow these women than the ones last weekend.

  113. Linda January 25, 2017 at 4:16 pm #

    I have liked Queen Sheba ever since I read your book. She made up her mind and went to find all the wisdom she could.

  114. Cyndee Palmer January 25, 2017 at 4:16 pm #

    I have learned so many things from all of these special women of the Bible. The overwhelming theme, and what sticks with me the most, is that God will love us always, no matter our circumstances, where we come from, and no matter how low we’ve been. Through some tough times I’ve learned more to trust and put my faith in God.

  115. Tricia January 25, 2017 at 4:17 pm #

    Esther showed a beautiful and unselfish spirit by her willingness to die for her people. Patience is not a virtue I have and I so admire that in others. Praise God, he’s working on me!!!!

  116. Laurie Diggins January 25, 2017 at 4:21 pm #

    In Joshua 15 Meet Achsah, the daughter of Caleb. She was promised as the wifely prize for the warrior who took Debir. I applaud her respectfulness, confidence, wisdom and courage.

    She respected her husband and asked his permission before journeying to make a special request of her father. She humbly asked Caleb for a blessing (usually reserved for sons) in the form of property. She exercised wisdom in asking for sources of water in a desert land. She had courage to know she would be heard. What a fine example!

    17 And Othniel the son of Kenaz, Caleb’s brother, captured it; so he gave him Achsah his daughter as a wife. 18 Now it came about that when Achsah came to Othniel, she persuaded him [to allow her] to ask her father for a field. Then she [rode up to Caleb and] dismounted from her donkey, and Caleb said to her, “What do you want?” 19 Achsah answered, “Give me a blessing; since you have given me the [dry] land of the Negev (South country), give me springs of water, too.” So he gave her the upper springs and the lower springs.

  117. Linda Hunter January 25, 2017 at 4:33 pm #

    One of my favorite women of the Bible is someone most people don’t recognize. When Deborah told Barak that Sisera had been placed in his hands, earlier she had told him this battle would be won by a woman. Most people think that’s referencing herself. However, it was a simple woman who Sisera asked for refuge. She gave him milk. She let him lie down and sleep. She then used her everyday skill of hammering a spike into a tent to hold it in place. Only, this time, she hammered through his temple. Jael delivered the win of the battle.

  118. Pat Works January 25, 2017 at 4:37 pm #

    Hi Liz, I will first tell you that the adulterous woman has always been my favorite woman. Having this in my own background and divorce, my Lord telling me how much He loves me, set me free from all those desires; free to love rightly; free to embrace Him and share His love with others. Instead of death, she found life; she found forgiveness; she found real Love. Second, I am on the 17th day of 31 Verses to Write on Your Heart. I am memorizing the truths as I go. However, God spoke clearly one day when I read this on the 14th day: “So, do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Is. 41:10). It was like a neon light and I have not let it go. He is “my” God. What a God we serve? Mighty and strong and He is love. Whatever is coming down the road HE IS WITH ME. HE IS MY GOD. HE IS LOVE. Thank you, Liz, for using your gift of writing to touch the hearts of many. May God bless you in even mightier ways than ever before. – Pat

  119. Cassia January 25, 2017 at 4:38 pm #

    Thinking about Peter’s MIL – she got her healing then went right back to work! Love that!

  120. Carol M. January 25, 2017 at 4:43 pm #

    Oh this book sounds lovely! If I don’t win, I will get on Amazon : )
    Thank you for all your teachings.

  121. Alice Robertson January 25, 2017 at 4:45 pm #

    In 1982, my husband took a job in Nashville, TN. I was miserable to leave all my friends in Baltimore. Before we moved a good friend gave me the name of a woman in a church in Nashville. I appeared for my divine appointment after moving. At that church the first person I met was Mary Lee, the woman I had been told about. She asked how things were going and I unburdened my sad heart. “Let me pray for you,” she said. I thought she meant she would pray for me in her Quiet Time, but she reached out, took my hand, and prayed right then and there. She taught me a valuable lesson that day and I learned the power of hearts joined before the Lord.

  122. Vicki J January 25, 2017 at 5:13 pm #

    Just one? I believe that would have to be the woman at the well. She may be nameless and faceless, but I know her broken –and healed– heart. We are kindred spirits, sent on our way to proclaim the LORD. Thanks for asking!

  123. Doris Acker January 25, 2017 at 5:24 pm #

    Hi, Liz! The Lord always uses you to encourage, challenge and teach me. If I have to pick one woman from the Bible (and there are many!) I would say the woman from Luke 8:43-48 who had had a hemorrhage for 12 years. She just wanted to touch Jesus and she knew she would be healed.
    So she teaches me not to fear going to Jesus, that He is my healer and my friend and my Lord. He is the one I can go to with anything and at anytime. He calls her Daughter and gives her not only healing but His peace. I think of her often.

  124. Beth Taylor January 25, 2017 at 5:27 pm #

    Ruth was willing to give up everything for Naomi, her unselfishness was amazing. Her boldness with Boaz was truely remarkable for a woman living in that time and culture. I want to be like that. I want to be willing to be unselfish and bold for my God!

  125. Denise Storch January 25, 2017 at 5:29 pm #

    I would choose Ruth who left her “comfort zone” to be a blessing to her mother-in-law. She puts the needs of another person ahead of her own.

  126. Debbie Edmondson January 25, 2017 at 5:33 pm #


    THANK YOU for reminding me of the power and impact one woman can have in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

    Please keep writing your encouraging and inspirational books and Bible Studies.

    In His Grip,

  127. Shelly Cox January 25, 2017 at 5:35 pm #

    If I had to pick one, it would be the Samaritan woman at the well.
    Looked down upon and broken for her poor choices, she was forgiven
    and saved by Jesus. Most women have felt broken or worthless at some
    point, and this is so uplifting that our deepest, darkest secrets can’t
    stop us from becoming Godly women if we seek it.

  128. Debbie Henry January 25, 2017 at 5:42 pm #

    Liz this is such an encouragement after watching the women protesting in DC last weekend. As the women of the Bible the Christian women of today need to rise up and proclaim the real truth. THANK YOU for being one of those women who inspires others to proclaim the real truth. We love your Women of Easter book if I am chosen. Many blessings to you.

  129. Pam January 25, 2017 at 5:44 pm #

    I love studying about God’s people…especially women…… Leah and Mary, sisters but so different… but God used them both…. I would love your one of your books…… Joy~~ Pam

  130. Susan G. January 25, 2017 at 5:58 pm #

    Thanks for this Liz!
    I love reading (and studying) about all the ‘throngs’ of women who have gone before us.
    I am learning from these mighty women to be bold and have courage and to be obedient to the Lord.
    Bless you Liz for your great teaching!

  131. Janet Laudett January 25, 2017 at 6:07 pm #

    I have several–Esther for her courage; Ruth for her loyalty; but after watching “The Nativity Story”, I see that Mary’s courage, trust and faith was outstanding! Until you “see” it on the screen you don’t realize what it took for her to endure the accusations, gossip, and possibility even of being stoned to death! But through it all she trusted in the Lord and believed. May I follow that example!

  132. Janice Windham January 25, 2017 at 6:29 pm #

    I think of Mary, mother of Jesus, so often. To recognize what God asked her to do… blindly believe….makes a mighty impression on me every time I stop and think of her.

  133. Zanese January 25, 2017 at 6:46 pm #

    Of the woman with the alabaster jar in Mark 14, it was said “She did what she could”. Those are my marching orders too.

  134. Linda D. McFarland January 25, 2017 at 7:09 pm #

    I so relate to Martha and Mary. I am usually too busy ‘doing’ instead of taking the time to just ‘be’. So many great women in the Bible that we can learn from. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  135. amy January 25, 2017 at 7:14 pm #

    I love the story of the woman who had the flow of blood for 12(?) years and she thought if I can only touch them hem of His garment I will be healed. This is a great reminder to me with all my health issues. If I reach out to Him, He will reach back.

  136. Kathy Johnson January 25, 2017 at 7:26 pm #

    I have always loved the story of Ruth. She is an amazing example of our need to be completely devoted to following our Lord. No matter what, she listened and obeyed. I need this reminder daily. Thanks, Liz, for your dedication to women and wanting us to understand the Bible better!

  137. Kathleen January 25, 2017 at 7:28 pm #

    I love the courage of Esther and think of her when I am faced with difficult things. I also like the woman with the issue of blood,like Amy shared. I went through a year of female issues which caused me to bleed all those months before doctors decided to do a hysterectomy. I just can’t image how she felt having that for 12 years. Oh my! 12 months was more than I could handle.

  138. Stephanie Frederick January 25, 2017 at 7:47 pm #

    Jochebed: I love the trust she had in her LORD. She put Moses in the River, not knowing the result. And in God’s love, He allowed her to nurse the child and nurture him in the Faith. What a great picture of Faith and Servanthood!

  139. Brenda January 25, 2017 at 7:55 pm #

    The Samaritan woman at the well realized her need for a Savior , accepted Him and then boldly preached Him. May I boldly see my sin, acknowledge it and rush to tell others of what God has done in my life.

  140. Renee Yoder January 25, 2017 at 8:46 pm #

    I am so excited about the Women of Easter and look forward to sharing it with the ladies in my small group!! I have read Women of Christmas for the last three years and have learned so much. I would be so blessed to win a FREE copy of this special book. Thank you for your passion for women, Liz.

  141. Susan Copeland January 25, 2017 at 9:03 pm #

    How do you choose one woman in a God’s word? We (small group) just studied about Mary & Elizabeth before Christmas and their willingness to serve God, then I think about Esther and all she did for her people, “for such a time as this” she stepped up bravely approached her king with a request to protect her people. I want to be braver and courageous like Esther, ready to step up and do whatever He calls me to do, go where He calls me to go.

  142. Marilyn Williams January 25, 2017 at 9:22 pm #

    Wonderful study of Ps 68:11. I’ve always so loved both Ruth and Esther. To be as faithful as Ruth was and risk going to a strange land to take care of Naomi or to risk all when God places us in a position for such a time and take a stand – all worth it because of the Love and Goodness of our Great God.

  143. Angie Leonard January 25, 2017 at 9:42 pm #

    I love how the books allows me to look at it from a woman’s perspective. It’s so smoothly written so I can easily grasp their roles in the bible. And of course I read them with your voice and enthusiasm in my head and it just makes it so much better. Thank you

  144. Evelyn January 25, 2017 at 10:09 pm #

    There is so much to learn from many of the women of the Bible. We did the “Bad Girls” study and to there was something learn from each one. Here are a couple that stood out in particular: Rahab – My past does not determine my future. Even a “bad girl” can be used to teach others; Eve – Know God’s Word so I won’t be deceived. I need to not only have God’s Word in my mind, I also need to meditate on it and keep it in my heart. Thanks Liz for such a great study. Evelyn

  145. neely January 25, 2017 at 10:21 pm #

    It amazes me how much in common I have with some of the women in the Bible. By studying their stories it helps me to grow, heal, and love God even more! Thank you Liz for writing About all the women of the Bible.

  146. Dyane Loveless January 25, 2017 at 10:31 pm #

    Esther…She was bold and courageous to save her people, and she was willing to die for them.

  147. Susan Kay Jewell January 26, 2017 at 12:16 am #

    Through our church’s adult Bible study sessions on Women of the Bible, I have learned that I have much in common with many of the women in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. The lesson — God has a plan for each of us and He helps us fulfill His plan “not for our harm but for our good” and nothing can stop His plan if we have faith in Him. Amen!

  148. Martha T. January 26, 2017 at 12:31 am #

    I have learned that Jesus sees me from Hagar. This is very important to me during tough or confusing times.

  149. Margaret January 26, 2017 at 12:44 am #
    Sweet Liz, I have enjoyed reading your work for several years and have not one time been disappointed. Learning from each one of the ladies you’ve written about as a “word fitly spoken”. Your words (God’s word) has ministered to me in several seasons of my life and been a great builder of the knowledge of who I truly am in Christ. Thank you for what you write, and how you write…I love your wit and humor, but mostly I love your commitment to loving women of all ages in every spot around the world. Bless you!!!

  150. Kristy Lynn January 26, 2017 at 2:15 am #

    One of the stories of a woman in the Bible that really touches me is that of Rahab, here was a woman who was not serving God with her lifestyle and yet when it mattered she was devoted to Him. Her story teaches me that God can use any one of us, no matter our past to accomplish great things!

  151. Barbara Paton January 26, 2017 at 2:16 am #

    I learned that Hagar gave God a new name. “The God who sees me.” Another name that belongs to a loving, gracious God.

  152. Judy S January 26, 2017 at 7:01 am #

    I know that God can use us wherever we are and whatever our station in life to accomish His goals and further his kingdom. He used Rahab, a prostitute of Jerico, and mother of Boaz to hide Israelite spies!

  153. Nicole January 26, 2017 at 7:08 am #

    I’ve learned from nearly every woman in the Bible (even from the negative examples, lol), but I think the one who touches my heart the most is Hagar. An Egyptian slave in the most unfair of circumstances, caught in a triangle she didn’t ask for. Her life would be terribly difficult. And yet, because she knew that God saw her – when the rest of the world saw her as nothing more than a possession – she could carry on with contentment. What a beautiful example of faith!

  154. Kathy T January 26, 2017 at 7:15 am #

    Hi Girlfriend! So exciteded for your new book- Women of Easter! You’ve taught me so much about so many of the women in the Bible! I have so many favorites- So I pick Elizabeth- she so wanted a child and than somehow raised John ( that must have been a challenge) to pave the way for Jesus! Amazing!

  155. Carol Mae Derrick January 26, 2017 at 7:33 am #

    Hi Liz, I have been a faithful follower of yours for years, from women’retreats in Pinecrest, CA to Bakersfield, CA where I got to meet you personally. My woman of the Bible is Esther. The courage to stand up to a king who could have easily had her killed. She approached without permission, told of her being a Jewish and then pleading for their lives to be spared. In times like this we as women, are going to have to be strong and courageous to face ur troubled times. I learned so much about her from your bible study on her in our Women’s group at the church j was going to in CA. God bless you abundantly.

  156. Amanda Blanchard January 26, 2017 at 8:00 am #

    Hi Liz! My woman of the bible is Mary. This Christmas I watched the movie “The Nativity Story”. It gave me a visual of Mary and her start to motherhood. She is so stong and faithful even when others shamed her and didn’t believe her. As a mother myself, I couldn’t imagine staring into the eyes of my newborn knowing that he was born to save humanity. I couldn’t imagine watching His sacrifice. She is the strongest woman of all and that’s why she is my favorite woman of the Bible.

  157. Linda Caulder January 26, 2017 at 8:21 am #

    I am always encouraged by Mary, who sat at the feet of Jesus. The world constantlypulls at us as women to be busy. Jesus says to stop and choose the better thing, time in his presence.

  158. January 26, 2017 at 8:41 am #

    Mary said when told she would have a child, “May it be so to me as you have said.” May genoito. So different from shall we sin that grace may abound. Genoito – may it never be.

  159. Crystal Blair January 26, 2017 at 9:02 am #

    I’m so in awe of Mary, mother if Jesus. She was thrown way out of her comfort zone, but she was brave and humble, and didn’t hesitate to follow God despite the risks.

  160. Barbara Bennett January 26, 2017 at 9:04 am #

    I’m the women that came to Jesus and washed his feet with her tears and wiped with her hair – I get knocked down but He is always there to say it’s O.K., lift up your face sister and look on me! Isn’t it wonderful to serve a wonderful, forgiving God – one that was willing to send His ONLY SON to earth to save us!

  161. Rosalie Wernimont January 26, 2017 at 10:12 am #

    Martha, Martha, what a dedicated worker!- but I have
    discovered the beauty and awe inspiring moments of sitting at
    Jesus feet , as Mary did, and listening to all of His words
    in the scriptures.

  162. Linda barker January 26, 2017 at 10:45 am #

    This is what women all over world need. Not just women of faith. The march in Washington dc. Deceives so.many. They have lost their roles as female,mothers, wives etc. Keep up Gods work. Thank you Linda

  163. Patricia D. January 26, 2017 at 11:22 am #

    Dear Liz,
    Thank you for your devotion to bringing The Word to women with your writings and events. I have always been drawn to the story of Esther. Her bravery, strength, and perseverance are attributes that we, as women, need in the world in which we live today. We need to pray to our Lord for that same determination to save our world today from similar evil forces. She saved her people and we Christian women can do it too!
    I have ordered your new book for my niece and I ask for prayers from your followers, so that she will read this book and be drawn closer to God.

  164. Janice Bittle January 26, 2017 at 11:48 am #

    I’ve learned from Abigal (1 Samuel 25 was married to Nabal and later to King David) about forgiveness. She did not forget the wrong that was done and didn’t mean she no longer felt pain from what was done by Nabal. But she willingly gave up the right to demand revenge and chose to love. She never saw any change of heart or behavior in the offender, Nabal. But she was in charge when it came to initiating forgiveness. Abigal does not approach David with a wagging finger about his desire for revenge against her husband. She comes in humility and respect.

    Abigail was willing to forgive someone who didn’t deserve it and chose to demonstrate love. Jesus Christ did that for me. He continually offers me grace when I don’t deserve it at all.

    So when I’m feeling injured by someone else’s sin. I could seek revenge. Or be willing to forgive someone who doesn’t deserve it and choose to demonstrate love.
    Forgiveness begins with a choice to not respond with a goal of revenge or punishment toward the offender. Forgiveness culminates with a choice torespond with a goal of ministry toward the offender when we’ve been wronged. 1 Thes. 5:15 says “Don’t repay another with evil but seek that which is good.” So in forgiveness you become an agent of grace rather than an agent of wrath.

  165. Jaime January 26, 2017 at 12:52 pm #

    I love Mary and Martha. Its such a beautifully simple portrayal of flesh vs spirit. I’ve always imagined the rest of the conversation between Martha and Jesus as going something like this:
    Martha: Dinner’s not going to cook itself you know.
    Jesus: Martha, sweet child, do you not know? Have you not heard? What of the fishes and loaves?
    Trying to make everything perfect in this world shouldn’t be the focus. Making sure the house is spotless, the centerpiece is beautiful, the flatware is in the proper place, and the food is perfectly presented? It would be nice, but let’s be honest. If dinner isn’t burned, or even if it is, who cares? Its the fellowship that’s important. The Lord isn’t going to do a white glove test on my home. He’s more concerned with my heart.

  166. Sherry Rodgers January 26, 2017 at 1:05 pm #

    With each of the Women of the Bible studies a divine spark has flamed more and more to life. These studies speak to the spiritual force that provides guidance and grace. No matter the characteristics of each woman, God provides what is needed and the character accepts in a divine partnership. The Queen of Sheba had many resources and Ruth had very few, but each improved her environment by reflecting God’s presence in her life. Thank you.

  167. Joann Hickman January 26, 2017 at 2:14 pm #

    I love this! With the throngs of women marching for all the wrong reasons, it is wonderful to be a cherished woman of God! I’d love to encourage my Women’s Fellowship group with the Women of Easter. Blessings, Liz.

  168. Julie January 26, 2017 at 3:02 pm #

    Oh my!! What I’ve learned from these women!!!! God, through you have brought these women to life. They aren’t just some words on a page- people we will forget as the story goes on. They are real. Their struggles are the same as ours whether we are bad girls for a season or really bad girls who’ve lost our hope. I’ve loved and admired the way you have shared and compared these women to current times and struggles. What may have been a “biblical” issue is still so relevant today. I’ve used portions of a few of your books with my ladies Sunday school class. I am looking forward to reading the next one and seeing afresh the ladies bringing in the Messiah.

  169. Linda Hansen January 26, 2017 at 3:16 pm #

    Would be hard to pick just one…as they all have spoken to me over time. Truly because of your teaching did I truly start to become aware of these women and their stories. As a woman it is encouraging to read about their fears, their pain, their joys and triumphs and see how my God used them all for His GLORY! Liz, such a blessing you are and a gift in telling these truths that make His word real in my heart. Thank you!!

  170. PRISCILLA THOMAS January 26, 2017 at 3:21 pm #

    Christian Women have been given precious gifts, and we love gifts that can be cherished. God has given us our time. Our schedules sometime allow us to share our time and usually we invest wisely because it is so precious to us. Precious as it God’s will is that we walk responsibly with our daily activities not being hampered by distractions so we break up that time in sections to accomplish our daily task. Women of the Bible did just that; they were careful how they walked, making the most of their time. They were not foolish but understood what the will of the Lord was.

  171. January 26, 2017 at 3:29 pm #

    I love how wise and brave Esther was! And I love the phrase from that book, “for such a time as this.” It always helps my perspective.

  172. January 26, 2017 at 3:58 pm #

    I am inspired and encouraged by rahabs’ confession of faith.
    Why do we reduce that simple act of cobfession to a pre-scripted formula!
    Love your writing , Liz- once again thank you for the good news!

  173. Margaret Harke January 26, 2017 at 4:09 pm #

    Thank you, Liz for reminding us of how much God loves and uses woman to further His Kingdom.

  174. Joy Davis January 26, 2017 at 4:10 pm #

    Liz I have read your whole series of “Bad Girls.” I have also used them to teach a ladies Sunday school class on Women of the Bible. I am using The Girl’s Still Got It to teach our winter ladies class. I would so love to use this new book Women of Easter to teach a spring class.

    Thank you for bringing the women of the Bible to life.

  175. Pam G January 26, 2017 at 4:33 pm #

    Liz, all of your books make the Women of the Bible come alive for me!!! Can’t wait to read this one!

  176. Jan January 26, 2017 at 4:41 pm #

    Thank you, Liz, for including the pictures of our “Ta-da” at Galilee and the woman at Nazareth Village. Great memories that made so many Bible stories come alive for me. Thanks also for including Anna (Luke 2: 36-38). I have been thinking of her this week as I question why I settle for “just praying” and not “going and doing” more. Praying for wisdom, discernment, clarity as I skirmish with the enemy.

  177. Sue Ritter January 26, 2017 at 4:45 pm #

    Thank you! I love reading your books and your bringing each of these women to life. Their faith and love of God is so reassuring to me.

  178. Connie Simmons January 26, 2017 at 4:47 pm #

    I am thankful for the women in the Bible that teaches me to be brave and bold in sharing Jesus with others. Thank you for doing it so wonderfully!

  179. Donna Edrington January 26, 2017 at 5:11 pm #

    Mary – Mother of Jesus. What a brave and strong woman she was. Virgin, engaged to be married, visited by and angel. I can only imagine how the conversation between her and Joseph went. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book. Can’t wait to see you at Southeast Christian Southwest Campus next week!!

  180. Andrea Hansen January 26, 2017 at 5:43 pm #

    Something I’ve learned from a woman in the Bible:
    Hannah: In 1 Samuel we learn that Hannah wanted children. She struggled with God’s timing but remained steadfast in her faith and confident that God would answer her prayers. She turned her self pity into hope. She prayed, bringing her sadness before God. She learned, and we learned from reading her story, that prayer opens the way for God to work. He just has his own timing.

  181. Noemi Torres January 26, 2017 at 6:35 pm #

    Liz, thank you so much for ALL you do for us women that need uplifting, inspiration and knowledge of the Word of God. Your books are truly a huge blessing in my life. I was born and brought up in a Pentecostal religious mind frame but never truly believed a woman can be used of God the same way a man could. I have read the Bible in it’s entirety about 3 times in my life and have never captured the essence of how you write your books in bringing the characters to life. May God continue to bless you and this gift God has placed in your hands. Love, Noemi

  182. Laura Young January 26, 2017 at 6:43 pm #

    From Ruth I’ve learned more about the wonders of what it means for Jesus to be my Kinsman-Redeemer, as Boaz was to Ruth. Like Ruth, I take refuge under the Lord’s wings. Such beautiful imagery! From Ruth 2:12, “May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.” And from Psalms 63:7, “Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.” As Liz so beautifully explores in her book, “The Girl’s Still Got It!”

  183. Amy Von Achen January 26, 2017 at 6:55 pm #

    If I have to choose just one, it would be Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Her response to God’s calling on her life demonstrated amazing faith, and when she watched her Son die on the cross she demonstrated incredible strength.

  184. Dana Patterson January 26, 2017 at 6:58 pm #

    I am a Martha. I am always trying to get the job done and planning how it will all work out. I am always reminding myself not to forget to try and be a Mary. Live in the moment. Rest at Jesus’ feet. The job can wait, if I’m waiting with Jesus.

  185. Tina Watkins January 26, 2017 at 7:05 pm #

    Lots of great role models! But I love Esther’s faith! To take that HUGE chance, trusting in God and the prayers of others… I yearn for that kind of faith.

  186. Kimme January 26, 2017 at 7:09 pm #

    I learned to accept what God asks of me as Mary did.

  187. Laura Young January 26, 2017 at 7:15 pm #

    Mystery solved! (And I’m not trying to get entered twice in the drawing.) I was excited about this “women who proclaim it” verse from Psalms because I had never noticed any mentions of women in Psalms, but my NIV Bible says, “the company of those”–no women specified. After a bit of investigating–Liz is using the 2011 NIV, not the 1984 NIV. This also explains why the devotional I’m using, Timothy Keller’s “The Songs of Jesus,” has different NIV wording for some of the Psalms than my well-worn 1994 Bible; that had also been bothering me. I didn’t realize the NIV had been updated. FYI-the NRSV says “company of the women” as a footnote. Maybe this discovery will be of interest to some other sisters in the hood who are using “vintage” Bibles; Liz’s verse about a mighty throng of proclaiming women really is in there!

  188. Mary McCauley January 26, 2017 at 8:59 pm #

    I would love to win a nook. You are often in my thoughts and prayers. I have been thinking about the woman at the well. What’s in my cup? Is it filled with worry and fear or light and living water.

  189. Debby Helzerman January 26, 2017 at 9:17 pm #

    Like Esther, I know I am here for such a time as this!

  190. Marsha Clark January 26, 2017 at 9:39 pm #

    Deborah encouraged those around her by prophesying what God gave her to speak.

  191. Lupe January 26, 2017 at 9:50 pm #

    I have learned a lot from the women of the bible my faith has grown and learning to trust God in everything.

  192. Cheri Wallace January 26, 2017 at 9:53 pm #

    Hey Liz, haven’t talk to you in a while. Hope to connect with you at one of your events soon! I am mentored to by Esther’s example.

    Do what you can with whatever you have, wherever you are. Take the opportunities that are set before you. A personal sacrifice is small in comparison with the blessings you receive in return. Whether here or better yet–in Heaven. So don’t be afraid!

  193. Sarah Peer January 26, 2017 at 10:34 pm #

    Mary has taught me to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen. There isn’t a need to bustle around and be busy day in and day out, to impress others with accomplishments, etc. He wants us to learn, to live life as He has taught us to, and to love him above all else.

  194. Ann January 26, 2017 at 10:46 pm #

    So many women to choose as models! One courageous woman was Rahab—hiding the spies when authorities were looking for them. She didn’t even have a “religious connection”—she just obeyed and hid the men. Esther—loved reading about her since I was a child. Who doesn’t want to grow up to be a beauty and save your people? Mary of Bethany–I would much rather listen to someone talk than to do housework like her sister! And Mary, mother of Jesus. sigh. I remember teaching my son to recite the Christmas story at age 5 driving back and forth daily to daycare. He recited it in church for Christmas Sunday. Then 20 years later, he is reciting them again—as a minister. My heart filled with joy. I sat there and thought of Mary pondering, thinking this must be how she felt. I am so thankful that my boys serve God. I must have done something right.

  195. Sally Jurkowski January 26, 2017 at 11:19 pm #

    I read your book, The Women of Christmas, for the second time this Christmas Season. I am in awe of Esther’s and Mary’s faithfulness, willingness and trust in God’s plan for them. Mary was so young, yet was eager to do what God wanted for her life. Esther was so old, but she, too was eager to do what God wanted for her later years.

  196. Darlene Sage January 26, 2017 at 11:50 pm #

    When God blesses you He may be getting you to where you can help others as He did Esther. She also recognized the power of prayer before acting.

  197. Linda January 27, 2017 at 6:01 am #

    I would love to read your new book. Sometimes it gets discouraging to not hear about strong women and their importance in the eyes of Jesus. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.

  198. Ann January 27, 2017 at 6:01 am #

    Always enjoy your posts, Liz! The ladies that have touched my heart the most is Ruth & Naomi. I have a wonderful relationship with my mom in law and together we have always gleaned from their testimony of this beautiful relationship!

  199. Cindi Bohmann January 27, 2017 at 7:43 am #

    I learned about second chances from the women of the Bible.
    Coming back from a very dark place to live in the light of the Lord.

  200. Krista Risinger January 27, 2017 at 9:05 am #

    I’m going a different route. Mine is the Proverbs 31 wife. I learned so much more than I thought I knew. I actually have begun loving myself so that my husband could love me more. I’m depending on him to remind me when I’m being negative and not supportive. I am trying to live as the Proverbs 31 wife. I ask God to help me be thankful during my household chores that I am so blessed to be able to have a wonderful God fearing family and house to take care of. My husband respects me and I respect him too. I am starting to be a wife that God wants me to be and not whom I want to be. Please pray with me that I will stay on God’s task/route and continue my journey of the Proverbs 31 wife.

  201. Avis January 27, 2017 at 10:26 am #

    Thanks, Liz, for highlighting the lives of these women! How wonderful that in His plan for us, God used women in the genealogy of Jesus! That is a great reminder that God uses women today whose hearts are right with Him.

  202. Toni January 27, 2017 at 10:44 am #

    I used The Women of Christmas as a Bible Study and it forced me to slow down and really study these women and their lives. It was a blessing to all of us that took the time from our busy holiday schedules to meet together.

  203. Diana Lamanna January 27, 2017 at 11:14 am #

    Ruth was an amazing woman. She taught me that hard work is important for what you love and believe in and good things may be your reward. I am 68 but want to grow up to be like her.

  204. Julie Sunne January 27, 2017 at 11:48 am #

    Mary the mother of Jesus, who had to do the ultimate releasing of her children. As I’m in the years of launching my “birdies” out into the real world, her sacrifice and faithfulness resonates with me.

    Also, I love the blind obedience of Ruth. She went and did, with little understanding of where and how she would be provided for. Amazing!

    Love you, Liz! You mentor me from afar.

  205. Erica January 27, 2017 at 1:10 pm #

    I have learned just how much God cares for us by observing Leah. Poor Leah, famous as “the ugly sister”. But to read about her crying out to God when she felt unloved, what one of us hasn’t done that at some point? God hears Leah, and blesses her. And she blesses Him right back when she credits Him for her children. She’s an inspiration!

  206. Mavis morton January 27, 2017 at 1:56 pm #

    I love the study of Ruth and also the queen of Sheba. I think about both women. You made them come alive and I could picture them in my mind. They both had great faith.

  207. Melinda Seil January 27, 2017 at 2:58 pm #

    I enjoyed Ruth and Naomi and Esther and am challenged to boldly go where I may not want to go to share God’s love and truth with others.

  208. Carol Tate January 27, 2017 at 4:27 pm #

    I love how God even mentions his faithful women throughout the old testament! Especially Ruth and her faithfulness to her mother in law.

  209. Sunshine January 27, 2017 at 5:15 pm #

    I love the faith of Mary, mother of Jesus. And I love how she pondered things in her heart!

  210. Amy January 27, 2017 at 5:41 pm #

    I felt really connected to the ‘woman at the well’ after hearing a message on her a few months ago at a women’s conference. I realized that, like her, I too try to keep dipping in my ‘well’ to satisfy my deep longings that only Jesus can satisfy. I stopped running to the things and people I used to run to and, instead, run into the arms of Jesus. I have never had a more real, personal or beautiful relationship with Him. It’s wonderful!

  211. Marilyn Kellander January 27, 2017 at 5:47 pm #

    I was reading about the woman at the well, the author, John MacArthur, pointed out that it was an event in which Jesus said” I who speak to you am He” the single most direct and explicit messianic claim Jesus ever made, and it was for a really bad girl. Thank you Jesus!

  212. Gay Martin January 27, 2017 at 5:53 pm #

    I’ve read and re-read Womena of Christmas and am in awe of Mary and her submission to the Lord’s will for her life, no questions asked, not needing to see how it’s all going to work out…..I am so lacking in this department but desire to be like Mary and say, “I am the Lord’s servant, be it to me as you have said.”

  213. Michele Linehan January 27, 2017 at 8:44 pm #

    A new book…WooHoo! How do you pick a favorite? They all give us inspiration and teach us such valuable lessons?

  214. Chris Heidegger January 28, 2017 at 1:05 am #

    So many of our Women of the Bible have inspired me . I believe Mary when she met and talked with the risen Lord in the morning is my favorite event. She had just experienced the Crucifixion of her Lord on Friday and then on Sunday to meet him in the garden alive would be almost too much to take in. But each Easter I take such joy in meditating on the wonder and courage of her going alone to the garden to prepare Jesus body for his eternal rest and Jesus had defeated death and was living — what an experience that must have been for Mary.
    God chose women to meet Jesus and spread the first words of His resurrection. What a deal!

  215. Cynthia Quiroga January 28, 2017 at 3:46 am #

    I’ve been reading 1 Samuel. One thing I discovered about Hannah was that she spoke up and told her husband what she wanted. She told God what she wanted. She did not hem and haw and beat around the bush, she said very plainly what she desired. She did not attempt to manipulate. She was honest. She kept her promise. Wow. I’ve been very impressed by her.

  216. Rena January 28, 2017 at 8:25 am #

    What an inspiration! If I had to pick a favorite woman of the Bible it would be Mary of Bethany. Apparently she didnt care what anyone thought…she just poured out her sincere, valuable and loving devotion (and perfume!) to the Lord. Love her example!

  217. Patti January 28, 2017 at 10:05 am #

    Looking forward to another book from you, Liz. I am currently reading Slightly Bad Girls of the Bible. I learned from Sarah that God’s blessing, mercy, love & compassion are not dependent upon our “right” behavior. p.86 “She acted without seeking God’s will & she acted foolishly, yet God showered Sarah with mercy again and again.’ How encouraging to me.

  218. Tina January 28, 2017 at 11:29 am #

    I take away something from every woman of the Bible I study. I especially loved learning about Sheba. I would like to most be associated with the woman who had faith to be healed just by touching the hem of Jesus’ robe. Or the one who mentioned that even the dogs get crumbs. Barely noted in the Bible but HUGE in faith.

  219. Debby January 28, 2017 at 12:12 pm #

    As in Esther’s situation, I DO KNOW that I have come into the kingdom for such a time as this! I STAND FOR LIFE! My son is thirty-five years old, was brain damaged at birth, and still requires 24/7 care. He cannot walk, cannot talk, cannot work, cannot vote, cannot serve our country, cannot read or write, or hold a position in the church. Basically, the only thing he can do is SMILE! Scores of people are blessed by his smile. He stands for life!

  220. Mary Jane January 28, 2017 at 1:21 pm #

    My heart melts and tears fill my eyes when I ponder the story of the woman who anointed Jesus at Bethany.

  221. Maria Williams January 28, 2017 at 1:28 pm #

    Hagar – no matter what wilderness I have found myself in, God sees me, he hears my prayers and he blesses me.

  222. Debby Zigenis-Lowery January 28, 2017 at 2:09 pm #

    This season, I have learned from Hannah to ask God for my dream.

  223. Maria January 28, 2017 at 3:54 pm #

    I learned so much from Mary who was willing to be humble in her serving the Lord to the point of looking so bad before a world that would possibly even want to stone her for obeying the Lord in bringing the savior to the world! She even said that the Lord does great things for the poor seeing His blessing in this thing He was doing as being for the good of those in need. We are all in need! Humble to the point of surrendering her rights to herself to her reputation even! Wow!

  224. Linda Lyon January 28, 2017 at 3:55 pm #

    Our church women’s circle group has just finished the Bible study on Ruth and Naomi, The Girl’s Still Got It. Thank you, Liz Curtis Higgs, for another great Bible study helping us to delve into the scriptures and finding wisdom from these women.

  225. SandRa Lee January 28, 2017 at 4:45 pm #

    I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter where I’ve come from and what I’ve done, God loves me and will use me to share his good news of hope to those who have been where I have been.

  226. Sharon Rose Wilcox January 28, 2017 at 6:33 pm #

    One of the favorite things that God has taught me through Queen Esther’s story is that when she approached King Xerxes she did not know if he would extend the sword, which meant her death, or the scepter, which meant acceptance. God told me that as His daughters we never have to wonder which one He will extend to us when we approach Him. He will ALWAYS extend His scepter and welcome us into His presence and give us His undivided attention!
    I am so grateful for that amazing insight into His wonderful character!
    Thank you for this article, it blessed and encouraged my heart! Blessings!!

  227. Cathy Cline January 28, 2017 at 6:43 pm #

    Miriam amazed me with the love for her family and with her courage to save her brother (Moses) at such a young age. She knew what it was to experience hope and despair, terror and deliverance, slavery and freedom.

  228. Sharon Swanson January 28, 2017 at 7:37 pm #

    Queen Esther for remaining faithful and obedient to her heritage and loyal to her people whom she knew were GOD’s chosen and in grave peril. By trusting His presence with, and for her, Esther demonstrated fearless bravery and beauty as never before seen! By her obedience GOD empowered her with perfect words and the opportunity (saving mercy), for incredible acts of gracious hospitality –“for such a time as this” to influence the King and save her people from extinction. Although GOD is not mentioned, we too can experience His power when we are humbly submissive to His Sovereign authority over our lives. By Esther’s obedience to His will, she has been kept in high esteem by all women of faith who aspire to make a difference for those they love and for all GOD’s people! It’s JESUS’ power! JESUS led her all the way! Just as He leads my Queen Esther’s today— Dr. Carol Swain, Michele Bachman, Bobbie Patry and Ann Voskamp! Thank You, great and mighty GOD for our brave, bold and audacious women of faith!!!

  229. Crystal January 28, 2017 at 9:10 pm #

    Jephthah’s daughter in Judges 11:34-40 was not named. She was sacrificed because of her father’s vow to God. She took her girlfriends and went to the mountain to laugh, cry and pray. God places wonderful, praying women in our life to call on when we need them to strand in the gap for us.

  230. Bo January 28, 2017 at 9:37 pm #

    Mary teaches me that the best place to be is at the feet of Jesus, hanging onto His every word, and soaking in His love…

  231. Janice Scott January 28, 2017 at 9:44 pm #

    Alone in the wilderness, forgotten even by those who are loved by God, I am learning, like Hagar, that He sees me.
    He is the God Who sees me.

  232. linda depue January 28, 2017 at 10:05 pm #

    the proverbs 31 lady I try to follow her likeness to jesus

  233. Anne January 28, 2017 at 10:48 pm #

    I’m encouraged by the story of Ruth. She teaches me that this is not a time for inactivity. Her message is: Do not despair; do not be bound in self-pity. God has a greater purpose for our life.

  234. Linda January 28, 2017 at 11:39 pm #

    My father told me as a little girl that he named me on purpose. My first name is Linda which means “beautiful” and my middle name is Ruth which means “friend”. He said he wanted me to be a beautiful friend throughout my life. Ruth in the Bible certainly was a beautiful friend. I hope is can follow in her footsteps.

  235. Lorinda January 29, 2017 at 4:16 am #

    Sometimes I wonder about ‘Mrs. Noah’. We aren’t given her name or much about her. We aren’t told she behaved like Lot’s wife or Job’s wife.
    But she stuck with her husband and his crazy project that took a long time to build. Did she doubt this big project? Did she trust her husband’s leadership, knowing that he walked with God? Did she understand? Did she quietly trust because she trusted her husband and ultimately the God of her husband? Did she just quietly support her husband. What was her role in gathering food, clothing and provisions? How was she supportive to her husband and sons and daughter-in-laws when the people on the outside, looking in, did not believe and thought they were crazy? I have always wondered why more wasn’t said about her. But we do know she did end up in the ark with the family!
    I can relate to Hannah. Wanting a child and praying for that child to come. Her faithfulness in praying. Her trusting the Lord, setting time aside to meet with the Lord in prayer.

  236. Donna January 29, 2017 at 7:51 am #

    Mary of Bethany modeled focused, generous, humble, grateful, vulnerable, loving extravagant worship.

  237. Denise January 29, 2017 at 8:31 am #

    Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a young woman of faith and humble submission to God. “May it be unto me as you have said.” I want to grow in himble submission and trust.

  238. Lei Testa January 29, 2017 at 9:03 am #

    Martha of Bethany – she was he organizer, the worker, the doer (some of my own strengths and faults!) yet Jesus revealed himself to her through His words, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” And she answered her best yes ever when she said “yes Lord, I believe you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.” Wow! Can you imagine how happy she was to,switch the funeral meal into a celebration of Lazarus’ life restored?!?

  239. Karen Roberts January 29, 2017 at 11:45 am #

    The woman with a hemorrhage for 12 years (Mark 5:21-34). She knew that if she pushed through the crowd, she would get well. “If I just touch His garments, I will get well.” This woman was considered unclean, and according to Law, she should not have touched people. Jesus fulfilled the Law, AND she touched Jesus, AND power went out of Him. Jesus called her “Daughter” and told her that her faith had made her well.

    After about 15 years of fibromyalgia, this was my prayer, “If only I can touch Jesus … I want to be well, but more importantly, I want to touch Jesus.” On November 21, 2010, Jesus healed me of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, confirmed a miracle by my doctor.

    Praise the Lord!

  240. Tissa Boyer January 29, 2017 at 7:02 pm #

    Mary and Martha are two of my favorite women in the Bible. John 11: 3 So the sisters sent word to Jesus, “Lord, the one you love is sick.” I have come to understand this sentence, so much more this week! John called himself “the disciple or the one Jesus loved” (John 13:23, 19:26, 20:2 and more). For a long time, that phrase “the one Jesus loved” confused me – why would Jesus love one disciple over the others? Simple minded me could not move past the words, but now the Holy Spirit has shown me that I am ‘the one that Jesus loves” and the disciple, John, through his writing this phrase, reveals the love of Jesus for ALL of us! Through the words of Mary and Martha, women to women – Jesus loves ALL!!!!!

  241. Charlene January 29, 2017 at 7:48 pm #

    “The woman at the well,” from John 4, who we heard about yet AGAIN in church today. She had 5 husbands and was living with a man when Jesus went out of His way to fall exhausted at the well He knew she would come to. I’ve “only” been married 3 times — when I feel so bad about myself, I can hardly stand it another minute, I think of this woman and how Jesus loved on her and gave her the honor of running to tell everyone about “the man who just told me everything I ever did,” convincing her by their short conversation in the noonday sun that He was, indeed, the Messiah.

  242. Carol January 29, 2017 at 7:58 pm #

    Jesus’ mother, Mary. She said YES. Yes to so much uncertainty. Yes, in faith that God would see her through. Yes, as she stood by and watched her son on the cross.
    The hardest YES.

  243. Ann Lee January 29, 2017 at 9:05 pm #

    When I read that women accompanied Jesus on his travels, funded his ministry, and were valued by Him, my value is affirmed. I am a child of God. Dearly loved….

  244. Catherine January 29, 2017 at 10:05 pm #

    Queen Esther, reminds me that I was created for such a time as this. I am who I am and where I am for a purpose. I just need to listen to God and know why.


  245. Donna January 29, 2017 at 10:27 pm #

    Recently, I have thought more about Mary’s humble acceptance of God’s path for her, although it surely included misunderstanding and accusations on the part of her community and hardship in ways we can’t begin to know. She is one of the many of the “great cloud of witnesses” who are cheering as we run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

  246. Janette January 30, 2017 at 8:09 am #

    So encouraging, right now I am having a hard time finding joy in my ministry. I need to memorize this verse to continue to focus on God and what He has called me to do.

  247. Pam Taylor January 30, 2017 at 11:41 am #

    One part of Mary’s (the mother of Jesus) story that has always encouraged me is knowing that though she walked in obedience to God’s calling, she was mischaracterized by her culture. Many undoubtedly believed she was lying to cover her sin, rather than believe in the truth of the incarnation. She was probably shunned, labeled, etc. She was given an incredible gift, but with it came incredible difficulty and sorrow.

  248. Paula Mantrozos January 30, 2017 at 3:43 pm #

    Mary the mother of Jesus -to the servants at the wedding in Cana – “Whatever he tells you, do it.”
    Wise words right there!

  249. Barbara January 30, 2017 at 5:14 pm #

    Hi Liz,
    I can not wait to read this book.
    Thank you for again putting all your wisdom and love down on paper for us to take in.
    I think that Abigail is a good example for me…and one that I think is often forgotten and a person I love.
    Thanks Liz. Have a blessed week .

  250. Shiela Stensgard January 30, 2017 at 6:20 pm #

    When I first read about Rahab I was amazed. To think that God would use a prostitute! Not only that but he put her in the linage of Christ! It spoke to me of God’s tremendous love and compassion . How often we misjudge one another,but God sees the heart and the true nature. I am so thankful for Christ’s abiding love and willingness to forgive and accept us! Otherwise I would be lost! Thank you Liz for your beautiful thoughts and wisdom. Shiela Stensgard

  251. Mary M. January 30, 2017 at 7:29 pm #

    I have enjoyed your books for years and can’t wait to dig in to The Women of Easter.

  252. Vicki Anderson January 30, 2017 at 8:17 pm #

    The mother of Jesus, Mary. I so often find myself marveling at the maturity of her as such a young girl to be single and carry the son of God as her baby, trusting God every step of the way. Then to be a mom to Jesus Christ as a baby, a toddler, a young boy and beyond. I deeply admire her.

  253. Holly Orr January 30, 2017 at 9:50 pm #

    I just love your writing, your thinking and your humor. You make my day brighter. Thank you for sharing.

  254. Debra Harden January 31, 2017 at 12:37 pm #

    Ruth…. always knowing that He is with her and looking out for her. The confidence that all will be well.

  255. Bettie Collins January 31, 2017 at 3:00 pm #

    I learn from Esther that there are times that God may have ordained for me to be bold for Him.


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  2. Only the Good Stuff: Multivitamins for Your Weekend [01.28.17] | Viral Bible - January 29, 2017

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