You’ve seen her. That woman who radiates the love of Christ.
His truth glows in her eyes. His love shines through her smile.
His mercy beams through the words she speaks.
The world may or may not call her attractive.
God calls her beautiful. God calls her His.
Take a look in the mirror of His Word and see if that radiant woman might be you.
As water reflects the face,
so one’s life reflects the heart. Proverbs 27:19
As water… Proverbs 27:19
This verse starts with a comparison—“just as” (CJB). Solomon is saying, Look at how these things are alike and learn.
Water can be turbulent, whipped up by the wind. Or it can be calm and placid, like the Sea of Galilee on an autumn day.
“When you look into water” (NIRV), hoping to catch a clear view of yourself, you need a surface as smooth as glass. Like a mirror.
…reflects the face,… Proverbs 27:19
Back in the day, women gazed at their reflections in polished brass (Exodus 38:8). For the poor, a basin often served as a natural “mirror” (NLV), where a woman could see her face “shine in the water” (DRA).
Today, glass coated with amalgam is the mirror of choice. That reflection you see is only a “likeness” (NIRV), not the real you, though it is your “true face” (VOICE). It’s what others see when they look at you.
But that’s not what God sees. He looks beyond our mirrored image. He looks inside our hearts and observes the things we do. “For the Lord is a God who knows, and by him deeds are weighed” (1 Samuel 2:30).
What does the Lord know about you that no one else knows?
What deeds of yours might He weigh and find wanting?
We won’t know the whole story until we stand in His presence. But this is a guarantee: “Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known” (1 Corinthians 13:12).
God sees the absolute truth about who we are and what we’ve done. Even so, He loves us completely. As is. As His.
“Ta-da!” indeed.
…so one’s life reflects the heart. Proverbs 27:19
In other words, all the things you are—“your thoughts” (CEV), “your heart” (ERV), and “your mind” (NCV)—echo through your words and are revealed in your actions.
What you do, day to day, “reflects the kind of person you are” (ERV). Your heart shows in the way you live as a “real person” (NLT). The real Lizzie. The real Susan. The real Linda.
Standing in front of a mirror, lifting up our arms, and saying “Ta-da!” is a great way to begin the day. What we do next is even more important to the Lord.
James wrote, “For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.” (James 1:23-25).
It’s God’s Word that shows us who we truly are. It convicts and counsels and comforts. It shapes and informs and guides. It reflects and reveals.
Mirrors also have a purpose. They help us learn how to accept the woman God created us to be. And the woman He wants us to become. This star-shaped mirror from DaySpring reminds us, “You will shine…like stars in the sky” (Philippians 2:14-15).
So, shine, beloved. Right here, right now. Hide nothing in an attempt to look good. Instead, display your true self as a way of making God look good—because He is good.
Lord Jesus, open our eyes so we can be honest with ourselves and with others. Remind us that our true beauty is designed by You. Our true worth is measured by You. Our true calling is bestowed by You. By the power of the Holy Spirit, let our lives reflect what’s in our hearts: You, Lord.
Now it’s your turn
- The next time you look in a mirror, what good quality would you like to see reflected there, and why?
Please take a moment to Post a Comment below. Your insights mean the world to me and to others.
As always, your Printable of Proverbs 27:19 awaits you, as well as pins to share on Pinterest. Also on Pinterest, you’ll find favorite photos and quotes for each day in October. LOVE this month!
Your grateful sister, Liz
@LizCurtisHiggs #50Proverbs
P.S. Honored to visit Ann Voskamp’s porch on A Holy Experience. And if you need a good laugh, check out “Lighten Up with Liz,” featured on Focus on the Family.
Thrilled to hear about all the Bible study groups who are preparing their hearts for the holidays with our ancient sisters, Elizabeth, Mary, and Anna:
The Women of Christmas
4 weeks or 8 weeks
Free Leader’s Guide
You always make me feel better about myself when I read your devotions.
Thanks for reminding me that what I see in the mirror is only a likeness and not the “real” me. God sees me as I am… and loves me anyway. 🙂
Thanks Carol, you are so right, I’m so thankful God loves me just the way I am! 🙂
I see the real you every Wednesday night at choir, beloved, and am here to say, you ARE beautiful and VERY lovable!
You are such a delightful person. As I look in the mirror I wonder what is God seeing? How sweet it is to hear from His word You are the apple of my eyes. Wow! Thanks Liz for your encouraging words and funny words that make us laugh. You are beautiful and your heart is full of love..
Ouch! This is one of the harder proverbs for me. For a long time, the outward physical appearance has been important to me because most of the time I wear a mask so that others don’t see the hurt and pain inside me. However, my inner turmoil reflects on my face way too often, showing in my attitude and the words I say. With the help of wonderful Sisters in Christ who allow God to speak through them straight to my heart (like you Liz!) and through reading His word and prayer, I am learning to let go and allow God to clean out my inner mess so I don’t have to wear that mask anymore.
Hooray, Amyjo! Masks are great for masquerade balls, but not so great for everyday life. May you sense God’s loving, cleansing power as He recreates you in the image of His Son!
Thank you once again for your insight into these verses in Proverbs. Thank you too for the encouragement you give us. Loved reading Anne’s blog with you on her porch. You too are special. I see Jesus in you.
Can’t believe we just have 11 more Proverbs and our year is done! Thanks for opening the Bible with me, Dianne. And for joining me on Ann’s porch this week…a very special place.
Hi Liz,
On the way to the doctor yesterday I heard you on Focus on the Family radio station in Colorado Springs. When I got to the doctors I parked the car, and sat and listened to you. What a blessing you are! You made my day! I was so focused on your message that I forgot I had a doctors appointment. I listened to your whole message and had five minutes to get into the office for my visit. I am so glad God brought you into my life. He knows what and who we need just at the perfect moment. Thank you God and thank you Liz. 🙂
I’m SO glad we connected via radio, Donna! That was a fun day at Focus on the Family, for sure. And you are right: God knows exactly what we need and when. Amazing.
The one good quality that I would like to see in me would be to have more confidence so that I would let others see Christ in me. I am very introverted and have been most of my life and I know I need to get out in the world and show who and what God is through my actions. I really struggle with this. Thank you Liz for your message today. It is very encouraging.
Bless your heart. You can be sure God knew what He was doing the day He made you. Being an introvert isn’t a bad thing at all. If everyone in the world was an extrovert…oh, my! All talking, no listening. A fiasco! He uses us in quiet ways too. Your actions don’t have to be big and public to be powerful and life-changing for others. Be encouraged, dear Donna.
Thank you for sharing this. When I look in the mirror, I see only the things I don’t like about my face forgetting that God loves me as I am. Blessings!
Rest assured, dear Susan. When God looks at you, He sees only the things He loves…which is EVERYTHING!
I want to see the beauty of Christ reflecting in me.
I think you speak for many of us, Brandi. Please, Lord!
Yes, and I pray that I will make more use of the mirror of God’s Word than I do of other mirrors. God has put people into my life who also serve as “mirrors” — showing me my true self. Very thankful for that.
Good word, Michele. People DO make excellent mirrors…especially if they love us enough to be honest with us!
I was recently reminded that I am a woman of God, loved, pursued, chosen and redeemed by Jesus Christ. As we used to say in the 70’s, God don’t make no junk (incorrect grammar – just like we said it then). I am beautiful because what He has done within me is beautiful. I pray daily for my face to reflect Him inside me. Thank you for your wonderful insights, and I love the way you use so many different versions/translations to make sure we really get the picture.
That’s what we said in the ’70s, all right! Thanks for seeing what I’m about with all the translations, Susan. It’s never meant to confuse or make people wonder, “Which word is the RIGHT word?!” Each version helps us grasp what God has been saying through each generation and each translation. What’s amazing to me is how truly in sync they are. God’s Truth shines through, every time!
While reading your words about Proverbs 27:19 I kept thinking that I want it to be true for me- that Jesus is reflected on my face and in my life!
Yes, please, Lord Jesus. Let others see YOU, rather than us!
I loved this post. Sometimes when I am getting ready for the day, I think about what my teenage daughter sees. Does she see me stressing about how I look or what I’m going to wear or about my weight? (yes, I’m afraid she does) Does she see me dissatisfied with my appearance? Concerned more about the outward woman than the inward beauty that reflects Christ? Thank you for reminding us that God sees our hearts and that being beautiful to Him is so much more important than being fashionable! God bless you!
Thank you, Liz, for your encouraging, uplifting words! I so enjoy your gorgeous photos and the glimpses of your life. God bless you!
you are the rarest of gems and I just love every bit of your Jesus-loving heart.
You are SO sweet to drop by, dearest Ann. When I think of the love and truth you pour into hundreds of thousands of hearts each week on…oh! Truly beautiful, just like you, sister.
Liz – I want to be GENUINE and reflect GENUINENESS. Recently, a young woman emailed, texted, called, and sent me Facebook invitations repeatedly to invite me to a party to examine a new “wonderful/miracle” skin cream that will make you look YEARS younger. Well, this old gal is so beyond that and I finally just shared with her kindly that it wasn’t a priority of mine. I love the verse (2 Corin 4:16) that reminds me though outwardly I am fading (no skin cream can really cure that), inwardly I am being renewed. And I love my season of renewal and the wisdom that comes with age. So when I look in that reflective mirror and see my face (wrinkles and all), I want to see an older woman who is GENUINE and honest with herself and others – so that Jesus can use me in truth. I love this Proverbs series so much. Thank you Liz.
Jan Morton (aka Gran Jan) 🙂
I so look forward to receiving these emails. What I want to see in the mirror is love, joy, peace, and grace that only God can give
Just as we can walk by mirrors and not look at ourselves, we can have our Bibles in sight, at hand, and walk right by, without opening His Word, His Mirror. Forgive me, Lord, I am guilty of this too often! Right now, I’ll stop and spend a few minutes seeing what He sees, and asking for grace to become the woman He wants me to be!
Thank you Liz for this beautiful reminder that our true worth is measured by God. For so many years shame and guilt distorted the image I saw in my mirror. Because of choices I made and choices made for me, I didn’t believe that I had any value and because I still viewed myself according to my past those feelings were confirmed each time I saw my reflection. I thought that I had nullified any plans that God may have had for me, if in fact he had a plan for me. I was the result of an unplanned pregnancy, which the enemy reminded me of quite frequently. So naturally I doubted whether a plan for me ever existed.
Now looking back I can clearly see how, time after time, God saved me from others and from myself. I can see how much he loves and values me — enough to die for me.
“So, shine, beloved.”
Yes. Shine. Shine because of who is in us, regardless of who we once were.
All glory to Him,
Thanks Liz! I really have a thing for mirrors even though I don’t like to look at myself much… But I like the way they light things up! And they can be fun too with kids….
I put a little mirror on my desk at work after I read a blog post about having a smiling countenance. That way I can check myself during the day… LOL!
Best, Lina
What a challenge. I do want my face to reflect not only the light of Christ but also the way my life is lived, in victory, not always anxious or burdened down with cares. My husband is often appreciated for his smile – especially at worship, but other times as well. Clear reflections of Christ’s love – this is our goal. Thanks, Liz, for calling this to our attention.
I am blessed to have an identical twin, Bonnie. If I were to look in a mirror, I’d like to see her. She is sweet, kind, giving and loving. Much more so than I. She is one I would like to be more like and I’m trying, Lord, I’m trying.
I want to ‘reflect’ God which would be “love” when I look in the mirror. I knew it was for me when you wrote, “what we do, day to day” “reflects the kind of person you are”. “The real Susan.” God was talking to me – Susan. 🙂 I just want to do His will, be obedient and show “His love”…which has been difficult lately when people ‘disappoint’ me in how they act. I do want my life to reflect my heart, and I want my heart to reflect Jesus.
A great post Liz! Thanks!
Thank you for staying the course on this. I love the simplicity of proverbs and how it speaks to me. Also, your photography is awesome too!
The good quality I would like to see reflected back in my life is……graciousness. Why? Because Jesus is Grace. I want others to know him and that His Grace is the means of salvation.
I hope to, more often, see love and joy when I look in the mirror, Liz!
Too often, I don’t present myself as a Child Redeemed (joyful, radiant, loving) but as a child condemned (downcast, burdened, frustrated). My post today reflected my desire and encouragement to daily celebrate before the Lord, just as King David did (2 Samuel 6).
Liz, you know how to get to the heart of matters. I look in the mirror some days and don’t like what I see. I realize what I am looking for is what the World dictates and need to remind myself a heart after God will reflect itself hopefully to others. Thank you for always making me think, dig deeper and be encouraged. Elaine
Thanks so much for being transparent and real. You are such a blessing. I want to reflect kindness and thankfulness…
As one who avoids mirrors as entirely as I can – Yes, I even dry my hair and put make up on with the bare minimum light so I won’t have to see the mirror clearly! But this struck a chord – maybe I need to take a look in that mirror and ask God, “What do you see? What do you need me to let go of and let you take over? Help me reflect you and not the world. Help me be the woman you created and loved so much you died for her.”
I so appreciate your words of encouragement. I love the scripture for today; I want to memorize it. It is very inspiring to me. It sums up your message so aptly. Thank you.
Wow!!! I am settling in for the night as I read this! I just had a conversation with a friend about how I need to see myself through God’s eyes and not the world’s. On Sunday, I wrote some very damaging words…they were, I HATE MYSELF!!! I Do believe that is one of the saddest things I have ever read!!!
He continues to amaze me. When I think I have read His Word, and heard every scripture on how God sees us, He pulls out another one!!!
Thank you Liz for sharing your heart with us!!! I’m going back to read this post again, because I need it!!!
Since getting cancer and going through chemo, each time I look in the mirror, I find a slick shiny bald head that would make me cry. Just recently… I mean just in the last 2 weeks… I have begun to look beyond what’s looking back at me. I am starting to see the strength of the Lord, which is what has brought me thus far in my journey. I just want to see less of Dori in my mirror and more of Jesus. Its a pleasure to know that no matter what I look like, how much hair I have, my lack of eyebrows… I’m still good enough for Jesus…he loves me regardless. I know he has great plans for my future…this is just the pathway I must walk to get there. I pray I learn every bit I can on this journey, that Jesus can use it for his benefit and Glory. I love your Wednesday blogs Lizzy… Thank you for heart for us hurting women!!!
I rarely looked in a mirror until I was in my late thirties, and only after the Lord clearly spoke to me saying – you’re beautiful. What would I like to see in the mirror, now? A face full of grace abounding to others. xxx
Thanks for the reminder of God’s unconditional love – and that His work in us is what makes us beautiful!
This favorite Proverb is so critical for us to memorize! It reminds me of how we are supposed to “produce fruit”, and if we are doing THAT for God on a regular basis, I can imagine it would be obvious in our reflections. 😉 Thanks for the word & awesome teaching as usual, Liz! Looking forward to getting Women of Christmas as gifts for a few special women in my life!
I quite often forget to look for what God sees, when I look in the mirror. In fact I have found my self praying to be able to see me as he sees me. Thank you for the reminder that we are all beautiful and loved and cherished!
Dear Liz,
For years I have avoided mirrors. Seeing who I really was/am is hard for me; I often just see the mess of me. Recently I have been talking with my baby boy who already (at age 8!) goes from goofy, funny emotions to real low, sad ones. I told him just the other day that the Enemy wants his heart, his mind, and his day but, “Aaron, you have Jesus living in your heart. The Enemy has no right or place or ground that he can take from you!” Usually God speaks to me as I am speaking to my children;) When you ended with praying that our lives would reflect what’s in our hearts, I cringed, but then I read your next word, JESUS! Jesus, my Jesus! He’s been in my heart/life for 18 years. He is my everything, but a lot of the time, I think I am a big disappointment. I see my horrid failures…some that occur over and over again though I truly pray, confess, and repent…and I think, “Hide me away so I don’t make a mess of Your Name, Lord!” The problem: I stay home with our five children, homeschool three of them, oh and I’m a worship minister’s wife at a church we help plant eight years ago. Great life to try and live hidden in. 😉 Ha! (And, I believe that is part of His plan for me too – to not let me hide.)
I have been praying for at least the past two or three years that God would put that light that I had when I was a younger Christian back into my eyes, my heart, and my smile. I want to truly “take joy!” I want to really LOVE. I have been so stuck on me for so long (I am one of those introspective persons) that thinking of others before or over or without needing to include myself is still new and unusual territory for me. I want it to be my “old stomping ground”!
I am encouraged by you Ms. Liz; so very encouraged!
I am grateful that God knows my true likeness and your devotion today reminds me that I should be focused on that and not on my outward appearance. Love your devos!
This verse affirms what the Lord has been speaking to me. I have been avoiding mirrors and pictures after putting on weight and feeling like that is only what others see. Focusing now on remembering that God sees my heart and loves me as the woman He created, not my outward appearance!! When I look in the mirror I want to see my passion for His word and how that passion can reflect back to others. So thankful for your gift Liz that helps stir that passion for God’s word♥♥♥
I have so been enjoying your weekly devotionals from the book of Proverbs. I love how you take the verse apart and help us dig deeper into the truths conveyed in the verse. This week’s Proverb was a good reminder to me as I often get “stuck” in negative self talk when looking at what I see reflecting back at me in the mirror these days. It also made me think of a verse in 2 Corinthians 3:18 which I have memorized and is such a beautiful promise. “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord,who is the Spirit.” Thanks be to God that as I draw near to Him, the reflection others see will be more of Jesus!
Hi, Liz,
Love your encouragment this morning! My goal today will be to let my light shine – through my face!
This verse is a good reminder for me to look beyond my physical appearance and insecurities, and focus deeper into the spiritual presence that God is building inside me. When you have God’s peace and love inside, I think it shines through you to show the world something special, and beautiful in a way that the world can’t quite understand or ever recreate, because it only comes from accepting and knowing God! I think it is one of the ways we can create interest and point people towards salvation. I think everyone is searching for the kind of peace and acceptance that can only be obtained through a personal relationship with our creator, and by letting his love shine through us we help point them in the right direction. 🙂
I would like to see authenticity, grace, acceptance, peace and love eminating from the mirror as I gaze into it and I’d like others to feel it while in my presence.
I am grateful to the Lord for His timely word through you! He sees our hearts and while we tremble, we also have hope. I appreciate this reminder! It is my prayer that the Lord would work quietness and trust deep in my soul and that it would be reflected in the way that I react inwardly and outwardly in every day situations. May His holiness, grace and gospel truths be worked deep into the fiber of our beings.
With humility, gratitude and love,
Sometimes knowing God sees what is in my heart is comforting – and sometimes it is frightening! I’m thankful He loves me anyway, and always offers forgiveness.
Loved the truth you spoke in this post Liz!
This is a reminder to me that God sees in my heart and knows everything
But he loves me anyway.
Here I was this morning displaying a turbulent, crabby face as I tackled a thorny issue with my insurance company. But here in your email is my smiling face in our group picture at the Sea of Galilee. What a wonderful reminder that I am a daughter of the Most High God and have nothing to fear or be anxious about. Goodbye, grouchy face. Thank you, Liz!!!
Liz, thank you for the Favorite Proverbs which you post.
At first ‘reflection’ on the mirror post I thought my reply would be that I would like grace reflected on my face, which is a desire. But then I thought, ‘if I had to pick one thing, it would be PEACE.” If I reflect the Peace that comes through knowing God in Christ Jesus, then it means I am covered by His grace. PEACE means that I am trusting in the One who created me; who chose me; whose Son came in the likeness of my flesh and died on the cross in my place to change me from my old nature into His nature, which is new for me. It means I am Trusting in His Sovereignty in my life and not the circumstances of it. If I reflect His PEACE it means I have a Hope the world does not have, but hopefully will see and want.
Forgot to include one sentence in my previous response. It should include: *If I am living in God’s Grace then I can be at Peace with others in spite of the differences we may have.
Thanks, Liz, for the way you get to the heart of a matter; and for sharing and being interested in what others have to say.
Liz, thank you for sharing your insight into the Word. I love how you pull from different versions of the Bible for clarity. I now do this in my personal study time!
When I look in the mirror, I want to see Jesus’ love reflected in my eyes.
When I look in the mirror, I would like to see love reflected. Most of my life I have been hiding behind someone else’s face. I have been told by a friend that my smile hides so much pain and indeed it does. I was emotionally and physically abused by my mother who constantly reminded me that I could never do anything right. I was sexually abused by a relative. I lost my soulmate in an accident on the night we became engaged. My first marriage was to a man who I came to realize was the male version of my mother. In addition he is an alcoholic. We were divorced after 20 years. I remarried a kind man and we are good friends, but I just cannot express love. I hold back and find it difficult to open my heart. I would like to reflect the love that I know God has for me.
I would like to see more Trust, more Joy
Even in pain, I would like to see bright eyes filled with hope, peace, & trust – waiting in eager anticipation & excitement for my Lord to come to me once again as my healer, strength & my everything!
Knowing the plans I had for tomorrow are already disappointingly out the window, I want to see an image of a hope filled smile. I want to have a positive attitude to start the day and even say “something good is going to happen to me today! “
I have just found you and I am so glad I did. I love your blog and your reminder that the image I see is not the real me. It is only a depiction of me. What makes me who I am is also what is in my heart and my heart is pointed to God. Thank goodness He pursued me and thank goodness God sees the real me… for He sees my heart! I love the Lord and the things I have been learning as I walk with Him on my journey. Thank you for your dedication. I can’t wait to see and read more. Thanks, Leah
It took a long time to heal from the brokenness that came from a life where I believed the abusive, negative, hurtful things others said to me or about me but refused to see myself as a creation of the Most High. A beautifully crafted, wonderfully made, treasure to the heart of a Perfect and Sovereign God. My Heavenly Father sees me as I truly am. That truth is heart wrenching, glorious, awe-inspiring, amazing, and unfathomable but it is Truth. I now choose to see myself in that truth daily, to look through the reflection I see and pray that my heart reflects that love to others. I pray that I can offer a little light in this dark world because that is what He has called me to do and who He has made me. I am beautifully loved and gloriously made. Marvelous are His works. He calls us Marvelous! Thank you for all of the encouragement you give us daily! It is a blessing!
The timing of this message was priceless. I was thinking things and saying things that weren’t me. I need to look in the mirror and see what the Lord sees and own it, live it, and embrace it. He loves me for me and that is what makes my day!
Thanks for the wonderful reminder of what God truly sees..The Heart… As I struggle with the outward appearance daily I know my inward is doing ok and the rest will follow suit. So thankful for this reminder
Oh, Sweet Liz God has used you once again to speak directly into my heart, soul and mind. After being over weight for so many years and now almost 60 pounds lighter I still see the ‘heavy’ LouAnn in the mirror. Some days I can’t stand looking in the mirror. Changing the image in our head is almost harder than changing the outward body.
What I am learning and accepting (& btw trying to instill in my 15 year old granddaughter who thinks she is not beautiful on the outside … generational issues) is God loves me and sees me from the inside out. He knows my heart and soul. He sees the daughter He created in my mother’s womb and He is bringing her into the Light of His world. He is using my BG days to minister to women and in doing so it is removing the doubt of being good-enough to serve Him.
Thank you again, friend for your obedient heart and calling on your life to encourage others. God is working through you to get to the heart of my issues. I am blessed to know you, by your faithfulness to God in all things, by your transparency. TA-DA 😉
Mirror mirror on the wall…it will lie, seduce, and fool. Our Lord does not.
I would love to see grace, mercy and compassion reflected back. I pray that God is transforming me to be more like him.
Every young girl should read this reminder….there are so many women who have been barraged with the “perfect” looks by tv, magazines, peer groups, etc. It is a daily struggle for many to see their outward appearance and compare themselves to someone else….God sees us as we are…our inward self…and only with Him can we realize that we are each beautiful in His eyes….we each have so much to give….I pray that each young girl looks in the mirror and sees her worth made by our Lord Jesus…
Liz- as always, you are right on target with a message directly to my heart. Thanks!
The next time I look in the mirror I pray that I can see kindness and peace. The peace that passes all understanding. Peace that can only come from God.
And an unhurriedness that I almost never see!
Thank you for your writings and for radiating Christ 🙂
God is really trying to get this into my head . . .just returned from a ladies retreat where we focused on how God is making us beautiful – – now I read this devotional today. It is so easy to get sucked into the world’s definition of beautiful. So thankful that God sees the real me, and still He loves me! How amazing He is!!!!!
i wish I could see myself the way God sees me and created me to be. It is very difficult when you constantly hear the negative voice inside your head. I know what God’s word SAYS about me but I keep praying the Holy Spirit will help me accept myself and give me peace. Thanks for all of these studies on Proverbs. I have written many notes in my journal on each weeks Proverb and have printed each one and made a notebook full of Proverbs.
Yes, Sharon …. I so often hear the same critical inner voice. Peace be with you
hmmm. Isnt His timing funny sometimes?
I feel like I’ve spent the last 12 years buried under the weight of expectations, needs and demands. This last weekend, (where I met you, Liz!) I kept hearing the message that He sees me. He still sees me! I’m still here, and I feel tender…and seen! I pray that I’ll honor Him in this newly found reflection. I want to serve Him still, but without loosing myself–and the joy that I have in using my gifts for His glory!
I recently heard you speak at the Women of Faith conference in Indianapolis. So happy to come across your page here. Thank you so much for the encouragement. I love that you don’t sugar coat anything. Life is too hard to beat around the bush. 🙂
Liz, your opening description of a beautiful woman in God’s eyes…oh! isn’t that just what we all long to grow into?! But you, dear girl, have reminded us that He does see us so much differently than we do and I’m thankful he knows my heart, especially when something I tried to do didn’t quite turn out the way I hoped! Thanks for reminding us of our TaaDaa! moments!
I want to see peace. I look anxiously for peace and love when I look in the mirror.
When I look in my mirror, I want to see the peace, love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Savior, shining in my face and through my eyes.
Our women’s Bible study group is going through Colossians at this time. It reminds me that Jesus Christ is in me, and he is my hope for glory. I have never been overly confident, though I can do many things well. I just have to remember that Jesus is shining through what I do, and it doesn’t matter if others see me; I am nothing, but if they can see Jesus through what I do then it’s all good.
As I was reading, I could see my friend, Mary. Mary was my mentor and has been with the Lord 2 1/2 years now. She always radiated kindness and joy. That is what I wish people could see in mine.
I want to see love and compassion when I look in the mirror. It is so easy to get wrapped up in my own life. I want to see a person who loves well and thinks of others above herself.
I love your devotions and your insight into scripture and how it relates to women. You are truly a blessing.
My sweet mother(rip) always told my sister and I that “pretty is ,as pretty does.” I want the refection of my life to emulate the love and kindness towards others, as I know Jesus showed us all long ago. The world needs such compassion and love right now….I hope and pray that somehow every little bit of kindness helps in some small way.
Liz, I am fifty one years young and you so inspire me! I always struggle with body image etc. but you, you seem so confident! I cant thank you enough for just being….
What I would like to see reflected is kindness and compassion. Over the last year, our Bible Study has been dealing with growing in Christian character and becoming the person God wants us to be. God has been dealing with me about showing kindness in all circumstances, especially when it is inconvenient. I love your study of Proverbs. Thank you.
I normally avoid mirrors like the plague. Full length mirrors especially. The dark forces know that what I see in a mirror makes me forget that I am a princess, beloved of a king. How wonderful to be reminded that God doesn’t see fat rolls, turkey necks, blemishes and split ends. He sees a heart for Him, a treasure, a gem. O that I could see me as He does! I am working on it. Thanks for the encouragement!
Your words are always so uplifting and inspiring. I love reading your devotions and seeing your beautiful photography. Thank you for reminding me that Jesus does love me for being me. I often think I do not live up to the worlds standards of beautiful and then I think….that’s alright because I am always beautiful in the eyes of Jesus. You have reminded me that Jesus does not judge me on my weight, my heighth, what I am wearing, how I have my have my hair or any other outward appearance. He sees only the good in me even when I cannot see it and I pray I can reflect that good back to others.
I want to see more kindness, gentleness and laughter!!!
There is a body of water I like to visit, there is a walk way that runs through it on one side it is clear as glass but look on the other side and the water is coming through a culver turbulently pouring over the land and through the woods. That is the difference in our days – With God in control and working in the Spirit seems can be clear as glass but when we take it into our own hands and we decide we need to be in control it is very turbulent. He desires to meet our needs – He is a gentleman – He waits patiently for us to ask – then he gives.
I love what you said about displaying our beauty and shining for Him to make Him look good! What a great reminder!
Thank you for sharing the truth of God’s word, I always enjoy your insight on the scriptures!
Liz , you spoke at a pastors conference in New England this year & I signed up to follow you on FB, thank you for the joy & transparency you give to women ! TaDa has been a life changer for this 55 year old gal !! Thanks for sharing your beauty & gifts with others !! You are a blessing in my life ❤️
Loved this, Liz!! I want to reflect the love that Jesus has poured into my life. I have not as of late. Letting circumstances overwhelm rather than allowing Christ to overwhelm me with HIS strength and grace and truth. Thanks for your constant love , encouragement, grace.
Liz, you have a way of knowing what I need to hear each week! Thank you for sharing your insight of the scriptures, it has been a blessing to me!
Beauty shown forth in the Word of beauty! Thank you for sharing it with us!
Thank you so much for your encouraging words, Liz! I want joy radiating through the grief to be visible to all.
God doesn’t make mistakes and He made me. I open my arms and lift them to the sky and ask that He will take every part of me, perfect in His eyes, and use it for His glory.
Thank you Liz for always being like a fresh breath of air…such an inspiration to so many! I will sure look at myself differently now when I look in that mirror and hopefully my love for God will shine through even more now! 🙂
Love this blog. Loved meeting you at Women of Faith in Indianapolis! Thank you for all the laughs! God is good!
Looking in a mirror can be enlightening and discouraging. We see things we do not like. It is the outward us. Thankfully God sees all of us including our hearts. I sometimes wonder if the mirror sees my impatience and irritability ? I know God is working in me to do better, but some days are better than others. I see the toll the years have taken, but know God sees my love for Him. I pray that He continues to finish His work in me.
I’m very good at giving this scripture to others, but it’s very hard for me to take it myself. When I look in the mirror I see all my imperfections and things that I want to change; the slightly graying hair, the acne scars, the… It’s not always easy to take the advice that I give to others and turn it on myself. However, I know that God DI NOT create any junk and that He loves me just as I am. Thank you for reminding us ladies about how much God truly loves us!
I want to see eyes that sparkle and a smile that’s heartfelt, peaceful and content in knowing that, in Christ, I am enough.
This was a great read. It is hard at times to remember the way God sees me instead of the way others see me. I know in my mind that the thoughts of others mean nothing when compared to God. When I’m walking around this earth day in and out I find my mind wonders to what others may think but I’m thankful that God is my center and He always brings my thoughts back to Him and how He sees me
I just love to read all your devotions. I also loved getting to know you during the ewomen conference in Southaven, MS.
Thanks for your admonition not to hide anything in order to look good. It’s true, that looking like God sees us, and seeking to be the hands and feet of God to others is far better.
Tonight I watched a video that I checked out from my local public library entitled “Bad Girls of the Bible.” It led me here tonight, and I was just giddy to see your blog. I love hearing others’ stories of what Christ has done ! Your uplifting words tonight have truly been so encouraging to me. Thank you for reminding me that God can use us when we are transparent with our testimonies and concerned not about what others think of us but with what they think of Him. And His goodness despite us! Needed your words tonight. Thank you.
I too enjoy your blogs and beautiful pictures. When I look in a mirror I want to see what Jesus sees…deep down to my heart…the who I really am and who I truely want to be. More like Jesus.
Thank you! Your words are such an encouragement – usually right when I need to hear it!
I enjoy your blog and beautiful pictures. I have enjoyed you breaking down the Proberbs this year.