When I chose the word new as my theme for 2020, I quickly found out God is all about new.
His people made offerings of new grain (Numbers 28:26). They carried the ark of the Covenant using a new cart (2 Samuel 6:3). And the prophet Elisha requested a new bowl filled with salt to purify Jericho’s water (2 Kings 2:20). All three verses include the same word in Hebrew, chadash, meaning (you guessed it) new.
We get the spiritual significance of using something new. It’s clean, pure, undefiled. Holy and set apart.
But what about when God does something chadash, something altogether new in our lives? That’s what this month’s verse is all about.
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19
See,… Isaiah 43:19
God wants us to open our eyes, to “watch closely” (VOICE). It’s a call to action. “Behold” (DRA). “There it is!” (CEV). “Look!” (CEB).
He understands how easily we focus on temporal things — what’s for lunch? what’s on Netflix? — and miss seeing eternal things unfolding all around us. Miracles and wonders only God could orchestrate. Blessings we take for granted, from the birth of a child to the dawn of a new day.
…I am doing a new thing! Isaiah 43:19
Once we fix our gaze on Him, the Lord gives us a heads-up: He is “going to do” (EXB) something we’ve not seen before, and is “about to carry out” (ISV) “a brand-new thing” (TLB).
My pulse quickens, imagining what it might be. The God who can do any thing will surely do a good thing, especially if it’s a new thing.
Are you feeling stuck in the same old thing? The same routine? The same daily grind? Then this good news is especially for you, beloved: God is doing something new.
Now it springs up;… Isaiah 43:19
Just the word we need this winter: the hope of a new season on the horizon. “Even now it is coming” (CSB), the Lord assures us. In fact, He declares, “I have already begun!” (NLT).
Because we’ve had some unusually warm days in Louisville, I’ve been watching for crocus to appear on our lawn. God is asking us to pay even more attention to signs of progress in our spiritual walk, to the doors of opportunity He is flinging open for us, and the certainty of His efforts on our behalf, “bursting out!” (MSG).
…do you not perceive it? Isaiah 43:19
Because God knows us so well, He offers a second reminder to keep our eyes on what He’s doing in our lives. “Be alert, be present” (MSG), he cautions us. “Will you not give heed to it?” (AMPC).
We’re trying, Lord. The truth is, we get so bogged down with old things, dead things, we struggle to see new things, fresh things, even as You promise us, “you can see it now!” (GNT).
I am making a way in the wilderness… Isaiah 43:19
Wilderness? Oh, we get that. Dry and barren days full of going through the motions. But that’s not where God wants us to live, which is why He is charting a new path, “a road in the desert” (CJB).
We get so stuck in the now, we can’t see the next. But God can.
…and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19
How like our God, to refresh us when we need it most. A friend calls, a letter arrives, a text appears, a prayer is answered, and suddenly life is good again. “Waters will flow where there had been none” (VOICE) and in the “dry and empty land” (NIrV) we discover “flowing streams” (TPT).
The literal translation? “In a desolate place — floods” (YLT), something God alone could miraculously accomplish.
Only you and the Lord know the dry and empty places in your soul. Are you ready to believe He is doing something new for you this year?
Our special giveaway this month? Two copies of a new forty-day devotional, Women of Courage, by our friends at (in)courage, and two lovely Woman of Courage necklaces from DaySpring. I chose our two winners on Friday, February 7. Congrats to Amy and Mary.
You are still welcome to leave a comment below, sharing the new thing you sense God doing in your life this year. I promise, your words will encourage your sisters.
Last month on Facebook LIVE, we celebrated the mercies of God, which are new every morning (Lamentations 3:23). If you missed it, take a listen. For our First Wednesday in February, we discovered the new command (John 13:34) Jesus gave His followers. That lively teaching awaits you here!
God is definitely doing a new thing daily in me with what His love looks like. Not how I define love and not how the world defines love, but how He loves. And it started with going back to the basics…Jesus loves me, this I know…not, “this I work for it”, not, this “I need approval for it”, but this I know! Because His Word tells me so. Sigh.
Your post today so very much hits home for me. I have been stuck since last July, I have felt like I’ve been in the wilderness, lost and confused but this morning I woke up and I said today is the day I start my life anew. Today for the first time in all these months I began reading my devotionals, and my Bible. I feel like I am finally able to take a breath, I feel new, I feel hope. I am out of that wilderness, thank you for these words today Liz, they hit home for me.
This New Year has started out with the Lord drawing me closer and drawing me to do more in my walk with him. I can’t wait to see the new doors that he opens for me to serve him.
The new thing God is doing in my life Is working on my marriage. He’s resurrected it this past year and it’s been amazing to witness it. I’m still in awe at how He brought our marriage back alive after being married for 27 years. He gets all the glory. Thank you Liz for being you and bringing the Word to us! Blessings!
I just read this scripture this morning . Thank you for confirming that I have heard his voice in a dry and barren place. I recently lost my mother and now my beloved sister. I’m broken and only God can put me together again. So I wait for the dark clouds to rise. And a new journey begin
The new thing that God is doing is restoring my health. Praise His name.
God is doing a new thing in my relationship with him and others. He’s teaching me to just enjoy his presence in prayer knowing how much he loves me. He’s also teaching me how to accept people for who they are, to not be offended, and to love like he loves. The new thing he’s doing is making it about him and others, not me.
This verse was part of our sermon Sunday. It was also the verse of the day on KLove the other day. I have a picture on my fridge with this verse. I have been praying for God to provide a godly man for my daughter and her kids as she has had two bad marriages and the kids have dads that aren’t good for them. So this verse tells me that He in going to give my daughter and grandkids a new husband and earthly daddy that is godly and is encouraging and loving to them. Thank you for the prayer you prayed with me a couple of years ago for her and the kids. God Bless you always.
I pray God shows me a new thing. A right diagnosis for something I have been suffering with for over a year..almost 2. My quality of life is just getting worse and I have had so many doctor bills with no answers. I pray this new door for me is the right answer. New sounds pretty darn good.
I know a few people who choose a word to focus on in Him for the year. I hadn’t thought about it until reading this post, Liz. NEW – what a wonderful word from the way He has made us new in Him to finding the “new” in the everyday things and people. Receiving a “new” word from Him when we ask. Realizing that often He responds in a new way, new timing, in His plan over our lives to give us good and to bring Him glory. NEW – I love that word. So this year, I will be moving to a new home of my own (my first since my husband died 9 years ago) and a chance to have a little garden and to invite people for tea, coffee, meals, prayer, shelter. It is a new chapter in my life and I am so excited. But mostly I am excited for the perspective – although, God willing, I get to move, I am aware and looking for the new in this day. Can’t wait to see what it brings.
As 2020 begins God is redirecting me to let go of things I’ve done for decades and pursuing an entirely different path
The new in my life has been adjusting to a new home, a new ministry, and taking part in Bible college classes! Exciting!
God has been working a “new thing” in me by causing me to stretch my limits of personal comfort- reaching out and expanding to purposefully be “confident” in my day to day, being brave.
So- my “new” is living with the “confidence” that God has given me- and everyone- as He has promised!
God has been using a study to get me to look at my church through His eyes and see His love for my local church. We love Jesus and the Truth is preached. We are Christian’s who are not perfect and if I want to become more like Jesus I need to see Him in every program. If I have a problem with the church, ask Jesus how can I be part of the solution and not part of the problem.
My husband and I feel that God is calling us to start a new ministry in our church that is geared to gamers and “nerds” like us. It has been exciting and frightening all at the same time as we watch God’s hand as He unfolds this plan.
God blessed me with another daughter for 2020 but I feel that God is also blessing me with many other new things this year such as a new job or new growth in my business and writing.
My new thing is trusting, fully trusting that the Lord will carry me and my burdens of sickness and worry. I am newly diagnosed MS patient and all I can do right now is pray about my treatments and my “new normal” and how my family can adjust as well. I pray every day for patience and wellness for my family and myself. So, trust in everything He does is what I am trying to do.
The new thing God has been doing in my life is He is nudging me to be more intentional in connecting and developing a relationship with women in my neighborhood. He is stirring in my heart the desire to be more transparent in my faith and to share the love of Jesus as I make connections.
I feel the Lord telling to get healthy! Not by an fad diet, but think about what I eat and move more.
God is teaching me to be aware of people around me and helping me to see them with His eyes …everyone has a story …don’t be quick to judge…
look at others with fresh and loving eyes
God gives me new peace, new strength and new patience every morning. Which peace is my word for the year………and that is definitely something new for me!
We are studying how to become new , at church. I love to hear more encouraging words on it.
God has changed me so much. I depend more on Him. He gives me peace even during stressful situations.
Thank you so much.
We are studying how to become new , at church. I love to hear more encouraging words on it.
Thank you so much.
As I ready myself for retirement on Easter Sunday, one door is closing but I am excited to listen and learn where God will open a new door and lead me in the days, months and years to come. That’s the great thing about doors on hinges. They are made to close, but then open again. They are doors, that’s how they work. Thanks be to God.
I believe the Lord is teaching me moderation in all things as well as not asking the why questions but learning to accept and give thanks.
Moving to a new church who needs a praise team leader. I’m not sure how it will work out but I’m following a new path in 2020 . God bless
I am a little over 1 year out since my cancer diagnosis. I have enjoyed my job for over 29 years. I have recently been blessed with 2 grandchildren. I feel a strong tug in my heart to go home and be more available to help with childcare and be a blessing to my little anonymous cancer patient ministry . I am scared. Change scares me. Depending upon my husband for financial support scares me. I have family members who need my help financially too. I am a creature of habit. But God has allowed me to live through this past years cancer treatments and I feel He has drawn me close because he is getting me ready for a deeper more meaningful role in life.
Hello Beautiful Lady!
Amazing how this new word for your year is NEW!
God has certainly directed me down NEW paths already this year and I’m rejoicing in every step He is walking with me on with each path.
There have been doors that He has closed and NEW ones that He has opened up for me, some personal and others within the ministry.
Your monthly here couldn’t have been more appropriate for what is taking place in my life right now and with this New Year, 2020.
I appreciated your Scripture verses that went so beautifully with what you shared~ Thank you!
I pray you are doing well, sweet sister in Christ~
One of the best new things God is doing in my life is supporting me as I stop drinking alcohol altogether.
He is also supporting us as my husband recently retired, and we have more ‘togetherness time’ than ever before in our 43 years of marriage! 😲 So far, so good!! 🙌
I believe that God is giving me “New eyes” to see Him afresh!
New eyes are equivalent to me, same as ‘first Love’ !
It’s like seeing Him for the first time all over again!
Nothing can take the place of that first beholding of a thing of beauty that you’ve never seen before!
And there’s no one more BEAUTIFUL than our God!
New eyes are a wonderful gift!
Thanks Jesus for the eye-salve!
As I sit here pondering about the fact that it is already February. I have moved back home to live with my parents ( mind you, I am 50 years old) it is a bit humbling experience yet it so precious being able to help my parents. Last night, my mother was going down memory lane sharing stories about her own Father giving her penicillin RX hidden in candy cane bars. My Father was telling me how he pleaded with his mother to sign permission to go into the Army when he was only 17 years old. All these stories from long ago are new stories for me. I am the youngest in my family and the only Deaf child. Many of these stories I never “heard” because it is easier for my parents to communicate with just me with no siblings around. I am grateful to be learning these old stories to tuck away in my heart when my parents are no longer here on this earth.
Wow, what an amazing blessing! 💕
I’ve just lost one friend, due to cancer, and another, very close friend has just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. God is calling me to “trust” Him! His mercies are new every morning, and I need to just trust in Him, daily.
God is telling me to trust and listen and be more disciplined with the blessings he’s given me. To be a better steward than I have been.
I keep looking for something new to sense from God – I feel like He might be after me to take more time for myself; to slow down and appreciate life itself.
My husband left Dec. 28. So my new thing is Trust. I am trusting in the Lord to show me the path I must follow at this point in my life. Trusting that He will give the the guidance, strength and wisdom to make choices for my life.
Definitely feel we should pray for one another in lover. Not just a quick.prayer. But a fervent and heartfelt mission to reach God for one another.
Hi Liz!
The ‘new’ I sense is more focused/dedicated time with Him. ‘New’ resources to help my learning.
Thank youuuuuu for this opportunity.
Alana Morgan
God is so good… He makes us all new everyday and this year I am being meticulous to see and focus on His great Joy everyday, to allow Him to bring me into a place if matchless joy in relationship with Him.
The new thing God is doing for me is leading me into an amazing journey with him! I am making the best effort I can to make Him first in my everyday, I am reading His Word and engaging in prayer each morning before my feet even hit the floor as in just this short 34 days I have seen such an immeasurable difference in my life and in my children. God is good and His mercy is new every morning…
I cannot wait to see where God is leading me, where my journey with Him goes, and also where He leads my children.
I think the new thing my hubby and I will be sharing is a new layer of ourselves with each other and our commitment to this 45 yr journey we have called marriage. The Lord is funny about not leaving us in our past messes and brings us out so he can make them new.
PS: I’m loving your Rise & Shine devotional
I’m naturally a shy person, and don’t mind being alone. But this year I chose Gather as my word. Already I have had new opportunities to gather with friends and family. And I added some fairy hair as a whimsical thing to do. I have had many strangers come up and start conversations about my sparkly hair!
I feel he is working in my heart. To be more gentle kind slow to anger less prideful. Seeking him first and then making wise choices in our life.
I have always been a reluctant giver. I occasionally ask God, what do you want me to give to?
I believe this year He wants me to give well beyond anything I have given before. He has shown me the specific need of what needs to be done and the amount it will take. In my mind, it is a big amount. In His mind, it isn’t. I have to be trusting and faithful servant, not a reluctant servant.
Phil 1:6 says that He will be faithful to complete the good work He started in us.
When it was time to chose my one word for 2020 God chose the word “Trust” for I know that it wasn’t one I would have gravitated to choosing. What was God going to do in 2020? In the last 2 years I’ve unexpectedly lost my brother from acute pancreatitis and my nephew from opioid overdose. Neither to my knowledge confessed Jesus as Lord. This last month I’ve lost a close relationship with my best friend and have no clue why. For 8 years I traveled to Haiti to visit with people in a small farming community I considered as second family and that partnership ended in 2019. My volunteering opportunities also seem to be in a transitional phase… so I’m ready for NEW beginnings, insights, relationships, ministry and service opportunities from God and I know it will mean I will need to fully trust Him in all things🙏
My new thing for this year is to learn to truly “rest” in God and his promises. I am focusing in on truly taking time to learn about my God and his desires for me as his child.
God is growing me to new challenges and new studies. Trusting him for guidance that he maybe glorified
I think God is preparing me for a new season of change in my life, but I’m not sure. I do believe He is wanting me to focus more on trusting Him though.
I have not seen my daughter in 2 years even though she lives one county from me. She cut off all communication with me and I never knew the reason why. I shed tears after tears and asking myself so many questions as to what went wrong. In joining a new church that I feel like family I started praying for God to help me with my pain. I prayed for our relationship to be healed whatever the reason was. With Gods help I was able to forgive her for the lies, for taking my things without asking me, for leaving home before I was even released from rehab therapy after my illness. She is my only child and I had no one to help me once I was home. Once I prayed to God to help me let her go into his hands and for me to stop trying to work things out my way but his. The miracle has started to happen. Of all places we ran into each other in the local Kroger store. It was if we had never been apart. I was Leary to even reach out to hug her, but I did. The hug came back from her . All I could do was thank God for helping me let go of trying to do his job and prayer again that he continue to walk with me so that I do not get in his way of working out our relationship. Maybe one day my daughter will tell me what happened, but if she doesn’t then I will still know deep in my heart that God had his own plan and this just brings me closer to him.
New for this year: offering frequent prayers and extending efforts to demonstrate the love of Jesus to those who are relatives, co-workers, neighbors, acquaintances, and people who are often in the news (especially leaders). Love one another!
My new thing is to be more focused on stopping and listening. Not being so busy to “get things done” that I miss out on what God wants me to accomplish.
God is preparing me to study The Word daily!!
The Lord is blessing me with a new vision!
There are so many new things God is doing in my life. I have a new sight, perspective: seeing through God’s eyes. He has given me a new mission, a new way to reach the lost. I have new Christian friends through my Bible Study. I have a new energy and eagerness to join God in his work. I have a new year to accomplish this. I am renewed!
I do need to trust God’s plan for my life.
God is working in my life already this year with a “new” role for me! I am finally going to be a grandma! I have really been missing my Mom who passed away and have been remembering what an important role model she was for me growing up as a child, then through my early adult years as I married and started my family, and how she gracefully embraced being a grandma to my 3 children. She exemplified God in her life and showed His love to her grandchildren. Even though she has passed on into Glory, I now get to gracefully and happily embrace my “new” role as a grandma and teach my new grandchild how much Jesus loves him/her! I will try to fill my mom’s really big shoes in my new role as grandma!
God is showing me how to walk through grief over the death of my daughter by making me more aware of His presence in my life!
Arleen, you are in my prayers. Our daughter Selah went to be with Jesus at age 16. Twenty-one years ago. Sometimes it seems like yesterday. This is most likely the hardest and most awful thing you will go through in your life, but you will make it when you keep hanging on to Jesus! You will grow in grace, strength, mercy,and understanding. You will grow closer to God, His handiwork on this earth, and the SURE hope of heaven and reunion with your daughter one fine day! Grief is work. It is the price of a love that never forgets. God bless you, dear one.
He has had me on a journey lately this is slowly changing my heart to consider a new direction in my career–something I would have NEVER dreamed of for myself 20 years ago when I first started, and I am very excited about what he possibly has in story for me. It is a step of courage for me to even consider the new option, but when I can see how His hand is shaping this step I get excited about it.
Yes a new thing is happening. I finished a job as the contract expired and wasn’t renewed. Now to see new doors of opportunity open up. Love the devotion today. Very timely.
As a 60something year old female, I struggle letting go of things that I really can’t (or shouldn’t!) do anymore. The Lord has been comforting me and letting me know that He will still use me, I will not be forgotten, I will always have a purpose. Reading your devotional today, Liz, is confirmation that He will begin a new thing in me; a new chapter in my story; a new leg of my journey. It will look different. Change can be good! I am still growing and His mercies ARE new…every morning! Thank you, dear sister.
My new thing. At the age of 43 I’m attending College for the first time. I’m getting my bachelor degree of Science for Business Administration. I would’ve never in a million years thought I’d be doing this. I’ve worked in business for over 20 years and am just now going to college to get a degree. God works in mysterious ways.
A dear friend has been in the hospital for over a month. She is very positive and we have several prayer groups supporting her. Recently I prayed the Surrrender Novena for her but it turned out to be just as much for myself. It has been constantly in my mind and a reminder we cannot do it alone, that we need to allow God’s will and trust in him to handle everything in his own loving way
God called me to leave my full-time position with our local church as “ministry coordinator”. I finished just this past Sunday following more than seven years on staff.
I sense He isn’t done with me and has incredible plans for me. ❤️
Anew life for my husband whose diagnosis was thought to be very very serious. But through Trust & heavy prayer was diagnosed as an arthritic disease Praise Jesus.
The “new thing” in my life is called: RADIOFREQUENCY ABLATION…
It’s where my doctor will go in & burn the nerve endings in my low back to “try” & help me be in less pain and to help my quality of life!
I work a fulltime job & each day has become more & more difficult due to the amount of pain I am in!
I have done every type of injection known to man so this IS my last resort!
God & I have many a conversation about this & I do feel he is nudging me forward to have it done…
Believe it or not it is scheduled for Valentine’s Day February 14th…
No flowers…no chocolate…no fancy restaurant could mean anymore to me that day then to come out of the procedure in less pain so I’m going for it!!
The new thing God is doing in me is showing me what it means to live as a citizen of Heaven here on earth – Kingdom living, and bringing Heaven to earth. I’m learning about majesty too and that’s definitely new because I never understood what that meant until now. It’s definitely an adventure and I’m loving it!!!
New man, new house, new job!
So blessed and so nervous. I know God has a new plan for me!
I feel I need to be in Gods word more, and feel his holy spiritual I know he blesses me every day
My mother has been in a memory care facility for two years, she wants to go home and back to what she has had before this need to be with others and get help. It is difficult to visit because all she wants to talk about is getting out of there. God has given me the message of looking for joy in all things… just a little … everytime I visit now I’m adding some joy to our time … small doses here and there… it has really helped both of us to cope … Thankyou Jesus!
I am starting a Celebrate Recovery Ministry at my church. That is the new thing God is doing for me this year! Yes, it is a lot of work, but God put it on my heart. I know with God’s help, He will see me through it! My strength comes from Him!
Hi Liz! Amazing that your topic is A New Thing! I DO feel like God is doing something new with me! It has been 15 months since I lost my husband David, college friend of your husband Bill from Georgetown. He had melanoma that took him in less than a year…all while I was dealing with a large cancerous tumor on my kidney. Surgery took care of me, and all my scans since then have been clear! Then I had back surgery 11 months ago.
I’ve said through all of this: God has it all in His hand. As for me, I’m holding on to His other hand! He’s making me stronger and stronger as I get a handle on what my life looks like!
Thanks for all you do!
The Lord is doing a new thing in my spiritual life and in my health. He led me to do a 40-day sugar fast, and I have begun to return to Him as my sustenance. I am not following my own way, but His. He is doing a new work in my health as I allow Him to lead me on what to eat. I am going to Him for what I need.
I love how you talked about waiting for spring. It’s coming! The long awaited sun will shine and out of the darkness beautiful flowers will appear.
For me my new thing is being created in the dark storms surrounding me. Patiently waiting in the stillness for God. Trusting that soon light will shine.
I might not know what my new thing is right now. Maybe it’s a new understanding, a new outlook, or maybe just a new season coming.
New can be hard but like the flower waiting for a new season I too will wait on the Lord. (Hopefully I can do this well because I’m not a patient person!)
I feel God is calling me to reach out to the lost in our family in a new way – by posting my morning devotions and posts of thankfulness. The first part is easy – I read my online devotions from Max Lucado, Chuck Swindoll, and Dr. Charles Stanley and then post them to Facebook. The second one not so easy – most days I can find multiple things to be thankful for and then there are days where I can’t even be thankful for breathing. So I am trying to remember to post something I am thankful for even if it is just that I got out of bed today.
I feel God giving me a new inner peace and understanding of His desires for me. I feel a new clam within and it is creating a new more peaceful life
I am experiencing a new thing seeing God working in my life through different things people have said and I know it’s God. I never listened so now I’m more aware of all that God has done and is doing! Thank you God and thank you Liz I really enjoy reading the devotional s gives my heart and soul peace
New beginnings for many friends – newly baptized, newly widowed – but Alzheimer’s is done, new babies, new adventures by traveling again after long road of elder care. The Lord is good …. and doing new things for us all.
God is doing a new thing in me by confirming His assurance of my salvation. HE wants me to get it. HE wants me to know it is about HIM and not me. I have struggled with fear since I was nine years old. Through Romans and 1,2,3 John HE is once and for all clearing this up for me. It’s a new time! A new year! A new hope! HE LOVES ME! I am HIS and HE is mine. FOREVER!
Perfect Love Drives out Fear
Perfect love drives out fear. Yet we may feel fearful every day. I hate fear. I wish I could drive out all fear. Yet, fear also causes us to take precautions. We use seat belts for protection in case of an accident. We buy insurance to protect our assets. We get medical care to be able to quickly address any health issues. No one is exempt from fear. The same way rain dumps gallons of water onto a house or building, the rain comes and no one can stop it. Yet, we try to control our fears. We suppress or ignore them. Fear, like rain, needs to managed. We are not at fault for our fears. Fear can press us into God or it can push us away from him. Eaves troughs on a building direct the water away from its foundation in order to protect the structure. If the water continues to pour without being managed through an eaves trough system, the foundation will erode and be undermined leaving it susceptible to collapse. Likewise, going to God with our fears allows him to direct them so they will not overtake our lives. He directs fear away from the truth of his promises. God can manage our fears and help to prevent erosion and damage to our foundation in Christ.
I am embracing this new attitude about fear by trusting more fully in Jesus. He is with me in my fears and does not condemn or shame me for being afraid. He holds me and calms me in the midst of the fear. He is my Daddy.
Matt 7:25 ESV “And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.”
Not new but new again; really trusting the Lord and waiting and watching Him work!!!!!
Thank you Liz! This year 2020, I feel that God is doing a new thing in me! March 17th will be the 2nd anniversary of my husband of 28 years entering Heaven. The last 2 years I have been lost in so many emotions that I lost me! This year is the year that I take the time I need for me to dig deeper into His Word and prayer. I am learning to say no to somethings and do a new thing. I recently heard, ‘just because you can do it, doesn’t mean you are called to do it’. The things I do this year, are things that I feel God calling me to do.
My “new thing” is a dependence on my loving Creator, at a time when my heart and soul are shattered. My 25 year old son died of a drug overdose a few months ago and without God’s word and the love and support of my Christian friends and family, I would truly be lost.
God has spoken to me in my pain, reminding me of His love for me in powerful ways. I spoke at a friend’s memorial service last month per the family’s request. My friend accepted Christ in hospice, thankfully. But her husband and son are atheists. Her adult daughter is a believer. The memorial service went well, I was careful to share all that I would say, including prayer and pertinent scripture with the father and son to be sure they were comfortable. They said they were. All went well, but that evening after I left, a huge physical fight broke out between brother and sister. It was very disturbing to me. Their mother was a gracious, gentle, kind hearted woman. I got angry. I thought to myself, these spoiled kids are awful. The trust fund babies have been given more than most, live in beautiful homes, have more than they can ever need and they act like fools! But God reminded me very audibly (my own voice): This is how YOU are. I bless you, and you are rebellious. You think you know better than my plans for you and yours. But no matter what your behavior, I love you and I will forgive you and pursue you, because you are mine.
Oh my. What a convicting moment. I realized I was just as rotten, in frequently feeling sorry for my loss of future with my precious son (only child) and the pain and sorrow my husband and I feel, even more so in the presence of others we love and their adult children. But God GAVE us 25 years of joy and miracles. He took our son to heaven with Him. He taught me so much through my son’s belief. He tenderly blessed us with beautiful memories and stories of good that our son had done we never even knew of before his death. So yes, dear Liz, I am believing that God is good and He IS doing a new thing.
I wear several “hats” in my congregation. Now He has given me a couple of opportunities to fill in for our pastor when she is on vacation. She even had me write my first sermon! God is certainly stretching my awareness of what I am capable of doing when I pay attention or listen to His nudging! Thanks Liz for your continued inspiration.
Thanks for this inspiration. I feel God may be calling me to a new ministry. Still praying and hoping for confirmation.
I keep running into this verse about God doing a new thing, so I’m paying attention. I want to see, with my eyes wide open, what God is doing. My word for 2020 is “LISTEN,” so I’m also listening to what God is saying to me. I’m being careful what I listen to (turn off the TV), and I’m choosing to lean into God and away from things that drain my hope.
What a good word! I needed that. I also like the verse from Revelation 21:5 – “Then he who is seated on the throne said, ‘See, I am making all things new!'” – J.B. Phillips. Thanks for the reminder, Liz!
God is doing a new thing inside of me. He asked me to change my attitude about work and to bloom where I am planted. I have been embracing where I am placed and already seeing new things. The best part is, my grumbling is ceasing and my joy increasing.
Last year I left a bad marriage. My children have grown up and I will be retiring in a few years. I’m not sure what my “new” will be, but I want to serve my family, friends and neighbors, and I want others to see Jesus in me. I have no idea where He is leading, but I’m doing my best to follow!
Something new can be so scary, but shouldn’t be. Of course we are all too human so being open to a new path or direction; even at 75 requires
positive prayer to receive and be Blessed. Challenges and changes abound.
Thank you for giving to us this WORD as an accountability partner in Christ, I do pledge to begin a NEW again… In Word and Deed! God Bless each day as we strive to become more of what we are promised to be in our faithfulness! He is good all the time! “This is the day..”Psalm 118: 24
New to stopping the craziness of life and to live intentionally. Seeing old me in a new refreshed by Gods love
I have started reading my Every Day with Jesus Daily Bible January 1 and plan on reading it everyday until December 30. I am in a bible study that uses your book “It’s Good to be Queen.” I have also started listen to Tim Mackie’s podcasts called “Exploring My Strange Bible” and his Bible Project.com which has a daily devotion time. I am trying to restart my life in a better way by using God!s Word to direct me. Love your books!
That’s a great word, Liz, and perfect for you and your new health and new home! I think, for me, God is setting me on a new path with my home and work and travel. Due to a new California law, I had to become an employee of the company I had been working for as an Independent Contractor. My husband and I have a new job, working together, driving a drug education trailer. And we’re traveling more, away from home more than we’re there. It’s allllll very new!
I’m praying the NEW thing God is doing in my life is to bring a new love to me. My husband died 3.5 years ago. I miss him dearly. I miss having someone to share life with. I get so lonely. I thank God daily for showing me the way with hope, faith and trust to guide me. He never fails me. Blessing surround me but nothing feels the same as being loved by someone. Please join me in prayer for a Christian gentleman, sent by God, to be my “NEW” in 2020. Love in Christ, Kim
I started out 2020 in the Holy Land. Everything was new. I began seeing the Bible in a whole new light. I have a new appreciation for the families in the West Bank. I also have a new appreciation for my family here at home, for making it through my selfish travel to Holy Land. It wasn’t easy to not have Mom or wife. I also have a new outlook on my life going forward. This one 14 day adventure gave me a new look at life.
We moved to the mountains last fall. EVERYTHING is new…where to put things, how to find my way to the grocery store, how to manage our utilities, everything! Now experiencing a newness of seeing things for the first time…the mountains, trees, birds, deer…and no traffic and noise. Feel GOD is giving us a second chance to see his glory up close.
Thanks Liz, for your love of nature and the glorious flowers. Lois
God has me in a ‘new’ season of dependence on Him while dealing with scary health issues my husband is experiencing. I feel His Spirit helping me through each time anxiety rears it’s ugly head. I am learning to lean into God more than ever before as we learn to live in a peace only God can give in our new-normal situation.
My new thing is going for a walk everyday. It may only be ten or fifteen minutes because of arthritis, but each new step helps. It’s not only the walking that is benefiting my health and well-being, but the newness around me each day. Recognizing each small thing in God’s wonderful world of nature, from the grey squirrels that scamper across the grass, to the sweet song of the bird high in the trees. I am grateful to the Holy Spirit for helping me recognize the newness each day.
I sense that God is showing me areas of my life that need attention. With the Holy Spirits guidance, I do not have to fear the unknown, but walk in faith by the Spirit. Praise God!
Thank you, Liz, for this encouraging post. Not exactly sure what all the new things are for this year, but I do know that God is doing wonderful things in my heart regarding His love and grace. Expecting big, new things this year, straight from Him. 🙂
Sharing something new… we are studying Hebrews with Lisa Harper in my Ladies Bible study and my husband/pastor is also preaching from Hebrews … so I and captivated that My Jesus is Great!! He is the Greatest!! And I am “fixing my eyes on Jesus, the author and perfect or of my faith”. He alone is able….
My husband and I have been married and in full-time ministry for almost 31 years, serving in many different capacities – local and state level within our denomination. We have been displaced for 8 months, awaiting our next ministry assignment. Yes, The Lord is doing a new thing and we are believing that He has a great plan, purpose and place for us as we continue to wait upon His timing, which is perfect.
Thank you, Liz! Your love and encouragement through scripture and your gift as a wordsmith, strengthens us with renewed hope.
Blessings to you and your family. You are precious, loved and appreciated.
This verse ties into what God is calling me to do in 2020. And that is to become a confident woman. To let go of fear. To trust in God. Step out of the boat, my comfort zone, and try something new. Live the life God intended for me to live. If I can step out in faith and trust , I can discover all the new things He has waiting for me.
I feel as if I am mindful of being mindful. Whether its with my finances, my bible readings, my bible study or my eating. When I pause before I act its generally a much better decision. I don’t do these things alone, I feel its the Holy Spirit telling me to pause and be mindful of my actions.
GOD has me listening closer to hear and feel the HOLY SPIRT, and then respond to it.
God is impressing on me how “unique” every person I meet and every circumstance we go through is “unique” to us. As I meet new people I am trying to be more open in my listening to understand exactly how to present the living Lord to them in a way that meets their particular need. This may not make sense to anyone else, but it seems very clear to me, it’s sort of like the old, don’t judge a person ’til you walk a mile in his shoes type of thinking. We all need something different from the Lord to meet our needs and He is capable of meeting every need, we just have to be better listeners to help someone find that Christ is the answer to every need we have.
I think God is trying to tell me to “trust”. Not that it’s new, but after a car accident, loss of a friend’s husband and my best friend’s diagnosis of Leukemia in the first month of 2020, I feel that He’s yelling, “Trust ME!” I am going to trust Him that it is as He says in Romans 8:28 – all for good for those who love God…
I started out 2020 in the Holy Land. Everything was new. I began seeing the Bible in a whole new light. I have a new appreciation for the families in the West Bank. I also have a new appreciation for my family here at home, for making it through my selfish travel to Holy Land. It wasn’t easy to not have Mom or wife. I also have a new outlook on my life going forward. This one 14 day adventure gave me a new look at life.
Adjusting to a new schedule!
I feel like 2019 was a very hard year. But, all through this last month, there are new things God is in and He is working. The waiting and healing and grieving were awful. But He could see the new and the best and now I get to see some glimpses of it. Thanks for sharing this marvelous way of thinking it through.
My word for the year is “BEHOLD!” from the same passage. Can you not see it?!?!?! I laid down a chronic sin, trusting Jesus to set me free, and he did.
I have many prospective opportunities in my future, but I am at total peace knowing wherever he takes me, it’s going to be awesome! And it will be something only He can do.
I’m praying to tell 1,000,000 people about Jesus, to tell my story on Good Morning America, and write 5 bestselling books for His glory. That’s just a start.
“Dream big, pray hard!”
God is definitely doing a new thing in me. To minimize my stuff and be as minimal as I can me. I already feel a sense of peace in my space. Also, worship the Lord in the morning 🙏🏽😇🕊 and to read and study His beautiful word in the morning.
My new thing is learning to adjust to my husband’s recent retirement and our move to live closer to family. We know God is leading us and He is in control. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
The Lord Is showing me a new thing in my life. He is showing me that I can trust him to provide for me.
He’s helping me to listen more with my heart, than my mind.
God is teaching me to go deeper in my relationship with him to become a true follower not just a church attender! Love trust and obedience daily
Such a beautiful devotional to read on this rainy, dreary day about God’s Newness every day. After the recent loss of my dad, death and loss could be a desolate image in my mind. But because of my Savior and the faith that my Dad lived by, I know of the newness that he is experiencing with Jesus. What a glorious image God has given me of my earthly Dad, who was a very weak 98 year old man in this world, is now in the body of a young, vibrant, joyous, rejuvenated man, basking in the glory of God and worshiping our Savior. I’m so happy for him. “oh that will be, glory for me…”! “When on that day I shall look on his face!”
I truly believe God is with and has been with me during my journey with Stage 4 Cancer. From the first time my Doctor gave me the news in late June of 2019 – I cried, but then I rejoiced, because I knew God was giving me an opportunity to fight this Cancer and I Thanked Him for that – I am currently receiving Chemotherapy every 3 weeks and I am so Blessed to have a caring Team of Doctors, Nurses, and assistants – I am so Grateful to God for all that He does for me every single day – His Love and Mercy is so Powerful and I am forever Thankful –
After receiving a new opportunity to live again this time last year, I’m embarking on another new journey with the LORD.😊
God is doing a new thing. New season of being a GRANDma! New life with a GRAND newborn! Just love the scent of a newborn baby. xoxo.
New adventures outside of the area! Outside of the country! He does make all things NEW. I knew it right!
A wonderful confirmation of the “new” thing God has shown me. My spirit has long gravitated to prayer and teaching others how to pray; to not be afraid to voice a prayer out loud; even to understanding a “Help me,God,” is prayer. That door is opening now, though I long thought God had forgotten me. I will be speaking on and teaching others how to pray while at the same time building an avid and powerful prayer team for our church, pastors, communities, nation, and the body of Christ all across the globe. The Scripture you used, Isaiah 43:19 is the one God gave me some years back. Now, we see His word being fulfilled. Patience wins out as God shows out. Wonderful message and confirmation for me. Thank you, Liz, for your obedience to God’s word and sharing with all of us.
Gods mercies are new everyday to me. I know what good new things he has begun in us he is faithful to finish
Thank you for your wise and encouraging words! My word for 2020 is “bloom.” I am sensing that God is wanting me to make some changes — just not sure exactly what yet. It will certainly be a “new thing” and I am looking forwarding to whatever He has planned.
What is the new thing God is doing in my life? I will be serving in Honduras this month for the first time. I sense that He is going to show me things my head knows, but not necessarily my heart. A bigger picture outside of my comfortable existence. No matter how tight things have been, I have always been blessed beyond measure. I am praying that He changes my world view and my heart.
A new thing…God has called me to participate in our Student Ministry, specifically to pray for the students. I believe my calling is not only to pray for the ministry and leaders overall (which I do and have done for some time) but to be an intercession prayer warrior for specific students. I don’t know who they are but am confident God will show me when I need to know. I’m excited about this path He has placed me on!
I have a new dependence on God. I’m in a situation that I can’t fix on my own but I know that He can and some days I must remind myself of that almost every minute of the day.
For me, my “new” thing is to TOTALLY rely on and trust him. I struggle with that and some days its hard but moment by moment I’m working toward that. He is SO good and has immense patience!
Ahh, Lizzie. Your words have landed! 🙂 DOUBLE WITNESS as my friend Carol King says. Our pastor’s sermon series began Sunday with a message about “Moving Forward” and making sure our dreams are bigger than our memories.
And He is breathing encouragement into me to keep on believing and doing, and NOT wilting under the cancer dx of my husband and the seemingly impossible hill to climb in my work. Hallelujah ~ if we are here, there IS a reason and a task to be done! Onward … God bless you, dear sister.
God is transitioning me from over 50 years of 9 to 5 ministry and nonprofit organization jobs to a NEW path toward my dream of writing and ministering to women — fulltime. You are such an inspiration and I hesitate to even mention “ministering to women” to someone of your caliber, but I know I am called and God has been preparing me for this season — this NEW season.
I really believe 2020 is going to be a good year for Christians who
Are hungry for a move of the Lord in
Their lives!
2020 vision with clarity
Isaiah 43:19 is one of my favorite verses. I think the new thing God is teaching me is to rely on Him more. Thing’s have been extra hard with some changes in my life and health challenges. I’ve been discouraged and have pulled away from Him some, now He’s calling me back. I better listen.
Hello Liz, two new things God is doing in my life. First,- a reconcile with my adult son; Secondly, I am physically moving to a new town and residence.
He is going to write through me greater than ever before! ♡
I believe God is making me bolder in relationships with others, so that I may demonstrate love in new ways.
God is trying to teach me how to forgive and move on with my life in a way that is honoring to Him.
God is pointing me toward a permanent healing from a decade of chronic pain by tying most of my loose ends together. Having me focus on sharing my gifts and upping the joy factor in the life of friends, strangers, family and self is all part of His plan. I am grateful and humbled by the journey.
My church is going through many changes. Our wonderful pastor is doing God’s calling and leaving us. We are also doing many renovations which is hard for us that want things to remain the same. I will have so many NEW things in the coming year
I appreciate your idea. I want to join you this year and keep an eye for all the new signs of God. I feel that havent given credit to God for good things that “just happen” in my life.
God is really working a new thing in my life! My husband was ordained as a deacon two weeks ago, I am starting to lead a discipleship group, and I am learning how to do life after bariatric surgery. New year, new me! That is so true. Isn’t God amazing!
The Lord is stretching me in waiting with joy as He shows me how creative He is to bring about Christian friendships and fellowship in my new home in Honey Brook Pa. Praise His name !!!
Hi Liz. I love your encouraging devotions. Because of huge problems in the church my husband and I attended for 30 years , we had to leave and have found another church to attend. It is a bit of a struggle because it doesn’t feel like home. But the people are kind and God’s Word is preached. I sense God’s leading in becoming more involved in service to Him at our new church. Please pray for Him to grant me the wisdom and courage to do His will.
God has re-enforced his love for us through my niece who was given diagnosed with multiple brain lesions and was given 4-5 weeks to live. After 7 very strong chemo treatments, the doctors told her she was a miracle, all the frontal and temporal brain lesions are gone and she has only 2 in the back. I send her daily prayers and encouraging notes. Her faith has deepen and she will say I am God’s story. I would like to have the book for her as she keeps becoming a strong woman.
I’ve been a professional full time church worker for over 22 years. This past year really pushed me beyond understanding. With in this past couple months I have felt a true hunger to be in his word more than ever before and it’s just such a good feeling. I am so fortunate to have such a loving heavenly father. I am full of joy!
In the past month I have lost my co-leader in women’s Ministry and then my co teacher in Sunday School. Feeling a bit abandoned, I’ve been praying for God to strengthen my faith and help me to be open to whatever He has planned. This was such an encouragement to me! Felt like God spoke directly in answer to my prayers. “I see you, daughter. I hear you. Keep trusting and watch what happens!” He is Almighty God, and he WILL be glorified – in heaven AND earth! Hallelujah!!
Revival in my prayer life
I sense that God is telling me to leave my current job of 3 1/2 years for another job. I also feel that He is telling me to make Him a bigger priority in my life and to do things for the right reasons, not to try to earn His love; I know that I can not earn His love.
The word “new” is perfect for me. In April, 2019, I lost my first born son. Needless to say, I was devastated. I have faced a lot of “new” in these short 8 months. I found out I have a “new” normal. I also found out I am stronger than I ever thought I was. 3 weeks after my precious son passed my sister-in-love passed. 2 years before that my 34 yr old daughter-in-love passed. Since both my parents are gone, I am the one my siblings turn to when it gets tough. God has given me new ways, new thoughts and new life. I don’t waste my life and time like in previous times. I have “new” things to be involved in that God has given to me and promised me.
Since I retired God has opened new ways for me to serve children through 2 school programs. Love being His hand and feet.
God is Rising up a new Season of Hope and Healing in My Life💜He is Restoring My Voice to Sing Again
This morning I was released from three months of physical therapy for a total knee replacement. Although I have resumed all but one of my areas of service, I wonder if God has something in store for me. I try each day to be alert to where He is using me or showing me something new about Him. I wonder if my new knee and I will be called to a new area of service. Hmmm . . . .
I sense God doing a new thing in me this year. I am not sure if He is opening up doors for new ministry or going to close some doors to ministries that I am already involved in. I have this unsettled feeling/unrest which usually means God is going to move me from my comfort zone.
I am a what IF type of a lady!! He is slowly teaching me through the teaching I have received from you and also from our our Pastor, That I don’t have to worry about what is around the corner, I don’t have to make plans for myself for tomorrow, because my God is already there planning for me and setting in motion what He would like me to do that day.
I feel, I know you’re not supposed to go by feelings, but I am free!! It is so cool to finally grasp that God is there before me, with me and has been each step of the way. Yes I fall down trying to do what I feel is best for me Which never turns out, but He is always there to pick me up dust me off and put me on the right path again. He still working on me, to make me what I Ott to be!!
Make memories
I am not aware of a new thing God is doing in my life, but I am open to whatever he wants to do.
My husband and I have embarked on a new journey called retirement. This is both an exciting and frightening experience which has given me many a sleepless night. I want to be able to take my hands off the control switch and trust God.
God is transitioning my husband and I out of a ministry opportunity and we are anticipating where He will send us next. Prayers are appreciated!
My word of the year is “Grace.” The new leading from the Lord this year has been digging deeper into His word. Searching for different versions and meanings of passages. Studying for comparing scriptures for deeper meaning and understanding. Searching for my new place in guiding others in our small group Bible Studies.
I LOVED this newsletter and your word for the year being New and not something temporary but specifically something new that will impact eternity. I can relate as my husband is joining in retirement. The prayer I am focusing on is God teaching me (us) wanting to teach me something new this year as well. I don’t want to be focused on what is comfortable but to be open to new opportunities to serve Him. Also to be flexible in my time and plans and open to what God may want me to do each day. Not to be so set in my own agenda I miss out on heavenly opportunities. Amazing I’m still working on this after 60 plus years. In ways it almost seems harder the older I get.
Every day is a new day. We are adjusting to being “empty nesters” and new routines, new friends, new activities.
A dear friend of mine passed into Heaven a week ago. One of her many ministries was writing postcards replying to prayer requests of the women in the local jail. God has led me to volunteer to take up this ministry. I picked up my first 9 prayer cards this afternoon and now am praying over them before writing some encouragement back to them. Trusting that God will give me the words He wants them to write to them
I feel that God wants me to take on a new assignment from Him which is to publish my book “Tapestry: entering the presence of the Lord.”
As I journey through all of the steps involved in becoming a first time author, He is teaching me to trust Him, as I venture out further beyond my comfort zone.
Look for this new book, which is a collection of original Christian poetry coupled with scripture meditations in the summer of 2020!
As a full time caregiver to my husband who has dementia, I feel that God sends me a new adventure everyday. He is telling me to face each new day with joy and hope. I can’t stop the dementia, but I can choose to not let it destroy me. Each day is new and God is with us.
I have sensed a newness of his presence this year 2020.
What new thing? Restoring my hope that seems to be so buried deep, dare I say missing? *sigh*
I’m in awe of how He knows us/me intimately, our inner most private thoughts and wishes and dreams…..I have a few as we all do…. when I was low and close to a pit … out of nowhere my brother calls and offers me and a friend to a vacation on the beach this summer…. I work hard but it’s work I don’t mind … after I hung up the phone I started to cry and thank God for blessing me with a beautiful gift. I love realizing and remembering God is the ultimate one I always need to thank for all his goodness.
Giving me courage to hope
The new thing that GOD is working on me, is not to judge people on the outside or what they say to me, because only GOD knows their heart. This is a constant reminder to me to start a new year, not judging others, including my inner family, my church members and simple strangers, I meet. Like judging what someone said, and looking at their appearance and thinking, “Why don’t they wear something cleaner!!!..” I am seeing that I judge every thing and every body… it has grieved my heart so to see this within me…but every day is a new start, and I can once again ask GOD to show me where I am judging….So this is something new I am doing every morning…
A new thing I am experiencing is God is sending others into my path. These people that I have so haphazardly met have offered me their testimony of faith. This represents to me that God is answering my prayers as I seek direction and answers. Needless to say I am in awe and amazement barely can describe my experience. Please God continue to send Angels to me. I am absorbing every fiber of truth that they are speaking over me. In Jesus name, Amen.
I hesitate to put it into words but I think the new thing God is doing in me is learning to forgive; or perhaps it is a new and better understanding of forgiveness. Through my adult
Sunday School class/Bible study, He is teaching me through his Word a new understanding of forgiveness for myself and for someone in my past. Forgiveness.
I guess my new thing is that I am getting older and have to accept limitations. My body just can’t do what it used to. But my mind can still enjoy great Christian fiction!
The Lord also gave me this verse Isaiah 43:19 for this year. Excited to see all He has in store.
I am excited about the new things God is doing in my life. He has restored my joy for ministry and for teaching our Women’s bible class. He has given me new ideas and new directions, including using your book Bad Girls of the Bible. Each woman has been assigned a bad girl to present and they are excited about the opportunity. We hope to present a skit highlighting the bad girls one Sunday.
God is also using me (despite my physical impairments) to speak at a conference on Spiritual Growth. Just when I thought I was down and out, he gives me an opportunity to present his word to others. I hope and pray it is only the beginning of “new things” God is doing in my life.
Thank you for your ministry, it has been a blessing to me!.
As I began to read your message I felt in my Spirit God is speaking to me. Yesterday I confess to him I felt like I was still in the wilderness. I am 73 and sometimes you feel old. I really was saying to God what do you see me doing? What is your vision for me? As I was reading Isaiah 43:19 my Soul just felt like a flowing river inside me. God said : Behold , I am doing a new thing! He was saying to me do you perceive it will you know it and give heed to it. I bowed my head and ask God to direct my path. I know it takes courage to step out and begin a new but my heart wants to take a risk. I am believing God for A New Thing Thank you God for your Great Blessings. LynnFloyd
God is using me in a new avenue of service in my church. I feel so blessed to be able to serve my church family in this way.
Through my husband’s struggle with cancer, God is drawing us closer to Him. His mercies are new to us every morning! He is faithful! My husband has stable disease as of today.
Each beginning of a new year I believe God sets a new thing He will reveal in our hearts. For me it to look at things at new perspective. To see things as I’ve never before through His eyes.
God is doing amazing new things for me as He guides me this year with new challenges for our household as we seek what is next for our special needs young adult son. I feel God’s presence as I seek opportunities that will work for our family.
My new thing that God is doing in my life is through reading the book, Idols of the Heart, I am convicted of all the many times that I choose something over God. This is an idol, even though I would like to ignore or deny that. Through prayer I am becoming aware of my idols and seeking to turn to God instead. Oh, I want Him to be first in my life! Now to uproot the things and people that I have allowed to displace Him, no small task, but definitely worthwhile.
I sense God showing me how to more fully live for and in Him, to His glory, as I begin a new phase in my life as caregiver for my elderly parents. He is teaching me such patience, to thank Him and my parents for the gift they are and have been in my life, and to enjoy our time together while the Holy Spirit works to increase my faith. Praise God!
The year 2020 is bringing some significant changes in my life. My oldest daughter is marrying a wonderful Christian man, but will be moving out of our house. We are very close since I was a single mom with her for 4 & 1/2 years. Also, her sister is graduating a month after the wedding. As a homeschool mom, I am feeling the loneliness of losing my special time with my youngest daughter as well as my “identity” as a homeschool mom. I feel God is working on my trust and relationship with Him as I tackle this “new” role He has planned for me. I am not sure what the future holds for me, but I am confident in His plans and direction!
God is helping me to see that I can declutter and reorganize in small ways that will help me in big ways! Sometimes we need new things, sometimes we need to see what we have with new eyes. My prayer is that I will see everything with new eyes as I pray and God leads.
Thankful for a new beginning learning to be a caregiver to my dear husband who has Parkinson’s and start of dementia. So grateful God has given us both strength and grace for each day. God is good!
I love that new is the word of the year! I am beginning a NEW season! I’m one that struggles with change! After teaching 37 and a half years, I started caring for my grandchild a week ago. It’s a new time for me. A time for pouring into my grandchild and a time for singing Jesus loves Sadie and hearing her coo back.
A new time…Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. Song of Songs 2:12
Oh Liz,
Isn’t God good!?! I am walking through my desert at the moment, and constantly God is reminding me of His being in control; of His plan, in His time. Through Instagram posts, Sunday sermons and your monthly letter. Whilst I am waiting for God to reveal his plan, and show me the way forward, I battle the worry and anxiety – I know His plan for me is good. God is faithful – he has provided over and over in the past, for me and for all his people.
Thank you for your timely reminder, and your faithfulness to Him as you minister to us, His people. XX
I am hoping and trusting for a new thing today as I sit here with our dog who we need to euthanase. My husband is a wreck as he has no hope. Please Lord Jesus give him a glimpse of the relief he will give our beautiful Sheba when he makes that terribly hard decision. And please renew his heart as well.
I feel I am being led to live a healthier lifestyle. I want to be around for many years to come and watch my grandchildren grow up!
The last ten years have challenging for my husband Russ and myself, with health and finances.And this last Christmas. I felt worn and tired, but other day I cried out to the Lord. I felt something broke, I have been more at peace. So I believe things will be getting better, I have hope once again. I am learning, I being shape into more like God and less like me!Julie
I sense that GOD is doing something in my life, but I just don’t know what… yet. I had an unfathomable loss in my life six years ago, and although GOD has blessed me and granted such peace, I feel as though HE has allowed me time to grieve and adjust, and yet is preparing me for “something”. I am trying to dig into HIS WORD and seek HIS guidance.
God has been doing a new thing in my life. I am now doing a Bible study at the local nursing home and also at our church for the women. I also lead the women’s Sunday school class on Sunday. I’m not sure how I got into the lead role of any of these except that God seems to have put me there. I do get very frustrated at times at lack of participation and feeling like it might be me and my leading. I just leave it in His hands and ask for His strength to keep going and to lead in His way.
This sounds like me! I lead the Prayer Shawl group at my church and just l getting people to reply to a text is like pulling teeth! I wash just thinking today “maybe I’m not cut out for this role.” I give it to Him and pray for His will to be done.
I am doing a devotion that is 21 days to a more grateful heart. I hope it shows me how to appreciate who and what is around me more than I do currently. It can’t hurt.
Hi Liz,
The new thing in my life – my husband and I spent 2 summers in Lexington, KT, helping to build a new church. It was a wonderful experience for so very many reasons. Since 2018, my husband has had surgery on both his shoulders and last fall I found myself with a total knee replacement. What we ‘thought we would be doing in our retirement years’ is not to be, so we are waiting on the Lord for what the “new” will be ahead for us. I sense a return to active involvement in the pro-life movement, and my husband is eagerly awaiting spring to start gathering maple sap for syrup. Much to look forward to. Lord give us eyes to see the “what” of our next years.
I, also, believe God is calling me to a “new” thing… a new way of
renewing my mind. My thought process has been stagnant aka “same ole’ same ole”and I believe its time, let me re-phrase that, I know it’s time to think differently, boldly but within the framework of what Holy Spirit wants me to focus on. I don’t know about others but this is a struggle- I am a mother (55 yrs) of 9 kids-[6 still at home ]and 4 grand-babies- each growing and experiencing God in a different way than I did, at their age.
I find myself restless, yearning to do things before- I die/or before I am no longer physically able to do it… time is not on my side.. so I am dreaming bigger; unfortunately for my husband of 30 years, I am a wanderer; I am wanting to wander farther…poor guy.
So, yes new is the whisper from Holy Spirit and I am glad He knows me and continues to tether me to him.
Thank you for the word of God.
I hope this year God will do a new thing of growth in the fruits of His Spirit in my life… that will pour out onto my family.
There is a lot of “new” in our lives this year. We are in a new house and look forward to decorating it. The Lord is also giving me a “new” marriage. Married 17 years and we can still have a fresh, new marriage different than before. Praise God for New!
I will be leaving my part-time job soon in retail – a retirement not totally by choice but by events beyond my control. With this change, I will be able to devote more time to volunteer work with my church and community and spend more time in God’s word.
I sense God moving and encouraging and pushing me to establish new rhythms in my life to better connect with him and put more routine in my soul! I can’t wait to see what he has in store!
Several people in our church are praying for GOD to pour out HIS Spirit in a new reviving way.
I’m going to watch for all the new ways HE moves in our lives, our community, our nation and the world.
Exciting times my dear sister Liz.
I’m having to accept a new chapter in my life where my body has placed physical limitations on me. I love to work outside and experience the new growth that God provides each new season. It’s a spiritual experience for me as I dig in the dirt, plant seeds and watch them grow. Waiting to see what new thing God has in store for me.
My new thing – should be thingS! We’ve retired and moved to another state, leaving behind a lifetime of friends and family. We are trusting God to show us how He wants to and will use us in this NEW phase of life!
For southern Kansas I may be pushing the season just a little bit, but I am looking forward to spring when things outside turn green and there will be more birds singing. I think I would truly miss the changing seasons if I lived some where where they did not change. Although I am not a fan of cold weather at this stage of my life, I know it is necessary for God’s purpose and for new growth to appear. I am excited to see what new things God has in store for me in my personal life. God is so good and He knows just what we need. Thank you, Liz, for your pictures of new things
This year I am going to FOCUS on Him, be THANKFUL for all He is going in my daily walk, and most of all to TRUST HIM more! He is my awesome, loving Father! Praise God.
I have a very troubled daughter. Spent some time with her today and saw that God is definitely at work in her. She desperately needs a new thing, a new path. I’m trusting Him that this is the time!
The “new” aspect that God has placed on my heart is to be intentional in my life.
To intentionally take care of myself. I’m not good at this, always taking care of others in my family. So appointments I have put off for far to long are starting to happen.
Intentional with the time I spend with God in study, praise and prayer.
Intentional in my relationship with my husband, children, friends.
Intentional in going thru my house and cleaning out etc.
I’m 61 and with the time that God gives me on this earthly life I want to learn to live more intentionally in each moment. God is so incredibly good!
Blessings to you sister Liz!
I love that when I accepted Christ as my Savior all of me became a New creature with a New purpose… to
Love the Lord my God with all my heart, mind and soul. To spread the Good News of His sacrifice for our Eternal New life.
The NEW thing the LORD is doing is removing people out of my life and building up relationships with others.
I sense God doing a new thing, teaching me to really trust Him and only Him. Life has been very difficult, and my heart has been a wilderness of worry, stress, sleeplessness, while I tried to figure it out, resulting in the frustration of knowing I can’t. God has been giving me a new refreshing stream of peace as I am learning to surrender and rest in Him.
God is doing a new thing by making me more aware of Him throughout each day. My word for 2020 is LOOK and I am seeing Him in so many Big and small ways as my focus has shifted to really looking for Him.
God is having a hard time getting through my thick head that when your children leave you have to let them go. My daughter Laura, her husband and five children moved to Iowa two years ago from Arizona. They came back this last Thanksgiving and here we are just before Valentine’s Day they’re talking about going back again and it just breaks my heart. So I cry, throw my little fits on occasion and I’ve come to realize our God wants me to let them go, after all he will be Watching over them but I surely will miss them so very much. I have myself wondering tonight will they really go in the end, but we will soon find out. I also realize that I have really been abundantly blessed with these few months they’ve been
here and I have enjoyed them immensely. Crossing my fingers for good measure Lord, have mercy on my soul
Karen born in Kentucky, living in Arizona ❤️
I have suffered so much physical pain for most of my adult life. I have a physical disease that I was diagnosed with at 30 and now I am 50. But God! I know God is showing me and telling me daily that even though my disease might never be cured by man or even healed here in earth by God that each day is new! In Him I have hope of a new morning and when I am feeling hopeless I need to remember BUT GOD! Not every moment is spent in pain. I am learning to appreciate the pain free moments and to praise Him for them and not be waiting for the next flare up of pain. Just resting in His peaceful presence.
My word for 2020 is Fearless. I can feel God’s presence working on my fears. That is a great new feeling for me.
This Year 2020 is a year of New Beginnings thru the wasteland and dry places. Last Jan 2019 I received Isaiah 43:19 from Our Abba Father sitting in My Mothers hospital room as she was preparing for open heart surgery 5 bypass. I wrote the scripture on the glass of her picture frame in front of her hospital bed. Our Abba Father brought her through the valley’s…Open Heart Surgery Jan 2 Discharge from ICU Jan 8…In Patient Rehab two weeks…Wearing A Life Vest for her heart to the very Appointment of being told she need s defibrillator April 2019 and Abba Father intervened through Prayer and cancelled surgery and we walked out of appt singing Hallelujah and Praisng God, August 2019 being diagnosed with Melanoma Stage 3 having surgery 49 lymph nodes removed, going to post surgery appt and next day coming down with shingles, three weeks later starting treatments every two weeks for melanoma. Treatment are every two weeks till Sept 2020. We keeping calling out to Our Abba Father in Prayer and Are Standing in Faith and Believing As His Beloved Word is For it is Written….See I am doing a new thing! Now it Springs up; do you not perceive it. I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland..Isaiah 43:19 I see before My Eyes My Mother Sharon A Strong Woman Of Courage and For With God All Things Are Possible…Keep The Faith Sweet Sisters and Watch As Our Beloved Abba Father is Making a Way in the Wilderness and Streams in the Wastelands through your valleys…..Love You💗👩❤️👩
Coming out of the fog of widowhood after six years, I am discovering myself and God’s purposes for me. What a blessing to see His work in my life and to experience an eagerness to ‘get about it!’
God bless you,
This word is so very comforting and confirming it is 0530 am this morning 😇❤️🙏 to have the Lord God Almighty speak this word as it speaks so clear,there is so much here to ponder on.
Have a glorious Day 🌞.
The Lord is working amends and healing in my life this year. My word for this year is Peace.
My word for the. Year is Bloom. This is the first time I’ve chosen a word for the year. I’m so excited to see how God will help me bloom in my daily living circumstances, bloom as a woman/child of God,and bloom in my relationship with God
Good morning Liz God is doing a new thing this morning in me this year.I receive the word that was from the Lord.This year I gave been asked to speak to women who are hurting.Wome. who where once drug and alcoholics.I too was a crack addicts. But God has called me out of the darkness into his marvelous light and I am so grateful.i wake up everyday thanking him for his new mercies. I will be speaking at Louisville Hotel in June to the women.eaxe pray for my strength and the word God will give me. Margie
Thank you for this sweet reminder! This year we have moved to a new house, in a new town and a new county. We are finding a new church, meeting new neighbors and finding all things new. Some are delightful, some are challenging but we felt the Lord moving us so we know we are not alone. Clinging to Him in all things! Bless you!
Thanks to you I have found my way back to the Lord. with your posts. And and was in a bible study with some ladies at one time with one of your materials and it stuck with me.
Thank you for being so inspiring.
Wow Thanks for this very special devotion. It is very inspiring and comes at the right time. I am wanting to be the new creation that the Lord has designed us to be. I want to totally trust the Lord with my life and my loved ones lives. I want to be totally hopeful and not fearful.
My husband has been in the hospital a total of 9 weeks since October. God has been so good to us, pulling him out of serious infections several times now. I pray for a new beginning for him and our family without these infections.
The word new …. a new beginning with the Lord . A way to look at each day the Lord gives you and you can serve him with a new attitude.
I love love love your word for this year,”New”. It hit me square in the eyes this morning! I hadn’t thought about that word but find I have been more intentional this year and experiencing “new”. Our granddaughter who is two, comes to our house to visit two days a week, and we are enjoying all the new things she is learning, doing, saying-we continue to be amazed at the joy she brings to us. There will be a new little one joining her in August, and again the newness of a tiny baby that God has created. Our eyes are opened to all things new-thank-you Liz!!!
A new thing, a new life, a new way to be stretched as a woman of God. See, last week, we got a call that my husband and I were chosen by a birthmother to raise her baby! We’ve been once chosen before, but it fell through. The first baby was going to be a drug-free baby that looked just like us. It was everything we wanted. In August, the mom of the first baby decided she would raise the child herself and I thought my guts were being ripped out. BUT, it pointed to a giant hole in my faith. I said I trusted God to have my best interests and I said I would praise Him no matter what, but when the chips were down, I didn’t. I found my way back about a month ago. Then we get this call. A baby that will more than likely be born addicted and no one will ever mistake as my biological child. But, all I have is peace about it. God’s peace. And the Holy Spirit whispering in my ear, “Are you willing to say this most scary Yes? Don’t you know that we were forming you into the mother you need to be? Don’t you know you needed to get that hole in your faith fixed, so you can take this on?” Yes. The Lord is doing a new thing in me.
Oh my gosh. You just put me on my knees. I have been going through some very rough times and lately to the point where it has interfered with my sleep my appetite and even my worship time I was ready to make some great changes but did know how to get through it I woke this morning to put some thoughts on paper and try to prepare for a huge meeting concerning my decision then I opened my email and there you were my dear friend helping to guide me to this passage. Oh my gosh I feel to tears and now I have renewed hope thank you Liz and praise God is huge in my life thank you Lord for your guidance
A New Relationship with my Adult Daughter. Praise God.
The new thing that I can feel God going ahead and preparing for me is becoming a mother! It is not in the traditional sense, but I feel God pulling me into become a foster mom. I am now in the beginning stages of becoming certified! It is exciting and terrifying all at the same time, but I know that my God wouldn’t call me to something if He wasn’t going to walk me through it! This year is going to be full of new things, small and large!
The new thing God is doing in my life is reminding me that I did not choose Him, He chose me! I am a 45 yr old widow. My husband of 20 years passed away eight months ago to colon cancer. I also didn’t know my father growing up, so comprehending the Lord as a father figure is difficult for me. There have been numerous moments in my life and even my marriage where I didnt feel “wanted”–
So with the passing of my hubby, the reality of some “church family” that caused some hurt through our cancer journey, and lonliness in general–i am reminded that even if no one else chooses me- HE CHOSE ME!!!
And He has been with me and provided for me and my girls all along no matter the circumstances. Right after the cancer diagnosis, my oldest daughter found out she was expecting!!! Another answer to prayer, my late hubby got to be a part of my precious granddaughter’s life for nine months before he left this earth for his perfect healing. God’s timing is perfect and that sweet little girl-now seventeen months old, keeps me going and smiling every day🙂
I believe God is preparing my heart for a new ministry. I have a burden for young women to know they are special, and that they are loved by God. I also have a burden to mentor them in life skills. I’m excited to see where God takes us in this “Valley of Grace”.
After guiding a Bible study for 16 years, the Lord has directed me to rest and receive!! So I’m joining a study and Truly walking out of my comfort zone. I’m excited
What a breath of fresh air. I am starting a new healthy challenge with the new year with a group of friends. It is a struggle at times to remain healthy eating but also to be healthier in my quiet times and Bible study. This “new” is a perfect reflection of all He will do through this process. It generates such anticipation and excitement in my heart!
I think God is leading me to draw healthy boundaries with one of my adult daughters. I have got to stop coming to rescue and she had to stand on her own. I pray for strength and courage to remain strong.
I am in a season of grief. My 68 year old sister died unexpectedly in her sleep her name is Eileen. She lived with our parents her entire life. She had learning disabilities, and had challenges dealing with how some people perceived her. She NEVER complained, she did not know anger or know how to lie. She had childlike faith. Dad died in 2004, so mom and Eileen have been each others support. My mom, Harriet is “overwhelmed “. She is 93. Mom has buried her second child. She needs the courage only God can give her. We are all in a NEW chapter in our lives.
God spoke ……”Kaye , it’s MY new – NOT what others think should be new for me”.
Powerful words….thank you GOD
God is not only doing a new thing in my life this year, He does new
things every day! He is my constant companion and friend even when
I face difficult challenges and deal with thoughts of discouragement. He
knows how to get my attention everyday in the little things He allows me
to see and hear. He is working all things for my good and for my family,
and I will continue to praise him for the victory!
God is giving me a new perspective
Challenging me to change my tired old ways into new attitudes
Courage to look at the why… and ask if this brings Him glory
Courage to face it and ask for His direction and Holy Spirit power to take the next step…. Phil 4:13
My “new thing(s)” have been huge this year! A heartbreak led us to a cross-country move, leaving friends and family. New things – a new home; a new cultural environment, finding new friends, searching for a new church family. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19
I don’t have a new thing, just an old thing that God is leaving in place. It’s a discouraging neurological condition I have had for several years. It’s at least not getting worse, but not responding to treatment either. I’m simply asking for prayer that I can deal with it in a godly manner an not get so discouraged by it. By the way, I am not suicidal. God is the only one who can give or take life. Just discouraged.
You bring me such joy with your posts and the pictures you use are always beautiful. I am trying to be new in Christ by letting go of worry that I carry daily in our family business, how will we pay for this, how will we get this done, etc. God is so good and it always works out but my worrying is still there. This year, 2020, I am pledging to let go and let God handle my worries like He says He will.
God bless you Liz and your ministry.
God is setting me free from financial burdens. That’s very new!
Dear Sister! This new year is already bringing about new challenges. God is making New Wine! Changing me and making me new. In December He clearly told me I was going on a long journey and simply followed that with these words: “Trust Me”! I said okay I will. Therefore, my word for this year is TRUST. I am finding so many things that I had not trusted Him in to now put in the fullness of TRUST. Thank you for listening to and following His call on your life.
I have a friend. That may sound strange to most normal people but I have not trusted anyone for so long it feels good to be able to share the real FBG me
My “new” thing for this year is learning boundaries and making room for myself to rest or sabbath on a regular basis. I have allowed myself to take on more and more over time and this has caused me to be overburdened. Over time this has a negative effect on mental and physical health and I sensed very clearly that the Lord wants me to focus on rest this year (without guilt) so that I can be strong on my journey and not frazzled. Still adjusting….
The new things God is currently doing in my life include bold witnessing, patience with caring for loved ones, and increased knowledge thru my bible study!
The new thing for this year that I believe God to be working on is giving him control of my children. My oldest just went off to college. He’s always needed a little help, as he has Aspergers, but I didn’t realize how much I have been trying to control every single thing in their lives. He has a friend who went to the college he’s going to now that was killed in a car wreck last year in the summer. I sometimes dwell on this and I think God is telling me that I can’t control everything; that it’s not even my job. That He is in control. I am reading through the whole Bible in a year again, keeping my mind on Him and looking at all the ways He is in control. I’ve read the Bible several times through, but it is amazing how God opens our minds and every time is fresh and new and He teaches me new things!! Praise God!
I just had a partical mastectomy and I have felt Him walking beside me holding my hand since the diagnosis. He has given me peace on this journey.
Thank you for this post. I loved this it, it was just what I needed to realize that God still does ‘new’ things for everyone in this day! I feel that God is opening a new door for my health and a job that I will love, this year. I’ve already noticed some wonderful results in the ‘health’ journey I am on!
Thank you for the lovely photos and encouraging words. The new thing God is doing in my life is rising hope after a challenging year. ☺️
A “new” thing I aim to live is to remember that God is near on all days.
He is the Lord of the famine and the feast, and he uses both to accomplish his will.
The new thing I sense God is doing in your life this year is healing. I have been recently diagnosed with “compensated cirrhosis from non-alcoholic fatty liver”. My last blood work came back a little improved and I had an ultrasound performed on Monday (get the results on Thursday) to see the progression. I have believingly prayed that God would touch my liver, spleen and pancreas and heal them as He healed the woman who touched the hem of His garment.
God brought me to two bible studies that I so needed last month… to reNEW my hope and faith (which are my two words this year). So I am learning as I step up and really KNOW/understand what God’s Word is telling me, and live a New (positive) Life of hope & faith under HIs Grace. To bring me out of my negative “rut” and start me back on a path of surrendering ALL in my life to HIM who sees the whole picture. I try to be the co-pilot so often in my adult children’s lives, and where I need to be is SERVING others behind the cockpit… because let’s face it, we (underline 10 times) can NOT do anything in our own strength. We have a GOD that sees all, knows all, and has it under control. I have to learn to keep my EYES on Him… obey & Trust 100%… and live the Life he has for me.
I praise God for His new mercies he bestowed on me each day. I’m His new child each day upon waking up. He has blessed me with new blessing each new day, for my health, my children, my husband, my grandchildren & great-grandchildren. All these new blessings makes me a rich woman prepared to do new works for His Kingdom.
The new thing God is revealing to me is how I need to teach and guide my kids and grandkids to have their own personal relationship with Him. I can tell them of things in the Bible and look up things for them and such. But God has been telling me to guide them not do their walk for them. I have already seen God working more in their lives and them telling me how they are seeing it. Faith building! I love how God leads and it is up to us to listen and do.
I’ve been a disciple of Christ for almost 31 years and I’m seeing new mercies every day! For the last six years, I’ve been co-leading Bible Study at my church in a group of twenty or more women. This winter/spring, I’ve been given the opportunity to lead four women through a survey of the entire Bible! Because it’s new to them – even though they’ve attended church for years – it’s like new to me! I’m rediscovering and relearning such beautiful truths in God’s Word!
After 35 years of marriage, my husband’s mom – 88 years old, moved in with us. Now 4 months into our “new normal” we find our lives a daily privilege -helping her finish her race well, and the weight of daily responsibilities and reduced freedoms. Seeking what God is doing NEW? Daily time in His Word helps my perspective . I’m still trying to be alert to His movements, in this new phase of our lives and marriage.
I think that God will free us from worry as my dauhter has had a recurrence of a brain tumor..she is 38 years old and was diagnosed when she was 9..she has had 3 surgeries and radiation..she is the most inspirational person I know and is always encouraging others and putting herself last..she deserves this blessing I believe because of her relentless positivity and compassion.. thank you and God Bless
I sense that God is preparing me for a drastic change in my life. Scary, but I’m leaning on Him more and more.
Learning to be content that I physically can not go every day as I have for years, and appreciating that I have more time for bible study.
He is always teaching me and directing me to recognize The Spirit within.
Recently, I experienced a new understanding of God’s Lovingkindness. When a dear friend of mine who lived very far away and was dying, God put me in her town and I was able to be with her for her last twelve days. This was a gift of loving kindness from our dear Father.. a gift which helped my friend and me.
My husband and I will celebrate 32 years of marriage in April. We have resolved most of our big issues, but one remains a weekly struggle… sharing household responsibilities. God is calling me to respond in a NEW way. Instead of expecting my husband to do his share and getting upset when he doesn’t, God is asking me to let it go. Even if that means I do it all, I need to give it up and let Him prompt my husband. Ugh… this is so hard… it works on my control issues and sense of fairness. However, getting upset and fighting about it hasn’t worked in all of these years, so maybe this is the answer…
God is helping to evaluate & ask myself, “Is this a want or a need?”
This is such a beautiful blog you wrote. God is always doing a new thing in me. He is walking right beside me in al my struggles. He is teaching me that no matter what I can lean on him all I need to when life is good or bad up or down happy or sad .
God is always doing new things in my life. Sometimes I feel ready for them and other times I drag my feet …. I’m trying to be more open to the new things he blesses me with ❤️
God is doing a new thing in my life right now in my marriage. My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 renal cancer this Christmas Eve. It was devastating to hear but because of what is happening to my husband at this time it has brought us closer together. Before this all had happened I was very close to asking my husband to leave our home to so much emotional abuse. But God mercy and grace intervened and I felt the Lord show me to stick with my husband and he would show me what he was going to do to heal our marriage. I believe one of the possible reasons my husband has cancer is so the Lord could draw us together in a way even more than we had ever known. And it is happening the Lord is doing such a mighty work my husband has even began to attend our home church once again. Plus he is singing praises to the Lord while he is in the shower. This is something my husband hasn’t done in a very long time. So God is truly doing such a mighty and great new thing not only in my life but my husband’s.
I have been struggling with my weight and my work decided to have the “Biggest Loser Challenge “. It came at the moment I needed it the most. The best thing 20 of my co-workers joined. I don’t feel like I’m alone with this issue. My God works in mysterious ways
It’s exciting that your word for this year is “new”. It is the word that our church chose to start the year 2020. It keeps popping up all around me. I am 71 years old but I still desire a “newness” of His presence in my life. 🥰
not so much a “new” thing GOD is doing (HE’s been doing it all along) but the fact that I am finally opening my eyes to trust& see where HE holds my hand ALL THE TIME!
As I graduated my last son (I homeschooled 4) last May, buried my brother in June, received a job as a client services admin. at a local pregnancy center soon afterward, and helped orchestrate the first wedding in our family in Oct, I can certainly attest that God is doing not just one new thing, but many new things, in my life! I love that He throws open all the windows sometimes even as He shuts some doors.As He takes what I know of Him to an all new level, I am grateful that He chooses to continue to teach me in love, use me in grace and mold me in mercy.
It’s been dry for me in the people/companionship area. Re-singled for 22 years, empty nester 15 years, without work due an on the job injury 9 years. Yet, I have been praying these verses since January 1 in Isaiah 43:18-19. Thank you Liz, for reaffirming what I have been praying, that God will do/is doing something new in 2020. “For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans for good and not for harm to give you a future and a hope.”
God is showing me that the way I love and care for my sick husband is what the marriage vows mean in sickness and in health. God is also showing me that he is there beside me as I walk this new and ever changing path. Some days are very hard, some days are full of hope. He is there through it all. If I lose sight of him, I am not praying enough.I must keep my eyes and ears focused on Him and he will give me hope , strength and courage.
Thanks so much for this Liz! I loved the expounding on this verse!
This is the ‘new thing’ God has given me in this season – this very verse – Isaiah 43:19! This is the 4th time the Lord has put this verse before me lately. I get excited waiting for the Lord to show me how this will play out for me in this season.
I am keeping this post front and center and reading it again and again and soaking it up…oh the richness of His Word!
Bless you Liz!
God is definitely doing a “new” thing in my life. He is teaching me to rely completely on him. I am walking in a very difficult season right now. A lot of pain, heartache & betrayal. I’m staying in Gods word at all times & I cannot do anything, except to fully rely on Jesus; my beautiful savior. It’s all in his hands & I can trust him
I’ve had a NEW urge to get my walk back in line. God has been herding me in a true shepherds fashion. Softly turning me back to him with his staff. His voice soft and murmuring in my heart. He’s there.
I love this verse so much and have come back to it at different times in my life for encouragement! This year I believe the NEW thing God is giving me is courage. Courage for so many things He wants me to do! Thank you for this reminder.
New growth due to the struggles I am in….
Lately, God has brought the awareness of new when I pray. I read the words in prayer and gospel and find new meaning. This feels like a transition to a new and deeper faith. God is good! Blessings to all who comment.
Such uplifting thoughts, thinking about new things and spring, thank you. Love the kitty too!
The past year has had challenges with my husband’s MS and complicating illness, my Stepfather passed away and trying to encourage my Mom long distance as she journeys through her grief to finding her new way in life. She and I would read a devotion from your book, Rise and Shine, each morning and then talk about it over the phone. It was so helpful to both of us. I am thankful for all the new things I learn in my faith journey. My hope is that I can be grace filled, courageous and joyful! Blessings to each of you throughout this new year.
Cheryl, blessings to you!
You are a gift to your husband. I was diagnosed with MS in 2013. My husband is a gift to my life and that is how I know you have been a great support and encourager to your husband. MS is a mysterious situation, but our Master Savior is over it all. Daily strength to you as you continue to love and care for your precious family.
Love and prayers to you.
I sense the new thing that God is doing with me is calling me out of fear….I have had a couple circumstances where I’ve made a decision with the Lords help b/c “I don’t want to live in fear”. So the decisions are good and this a new direction. To clearly state I do t want to live in fear and I want to be obedient to the Lord. It’s scary but it’s wonderful at the same time. God is good!
Excited about getting back into bible study with a group of ladies. We took off January to catch up on other things.
I’m learning to surrender things to God that only He knows what to do with. He’s already written my story. I need to stop trying to grab the pen!
God is calling me to remove- from the study in Ezekiel, remove the barriers, be they stones ,boulders or pebbles. Then I will have more room for him and his Word.
God is reminding me that his grace is sufficient. I continue to struggle with the issue of forgiveness! I just keep falling off the track!
God has recently reminded me that I am VICTORIOUS IN CHRIST JESUS over all things, and it has been transformative! Thank you, Lord!
I’m praying for less fear and more faith in God. To place my trust in HIM instead of myself .. others… or stuff… or whatever is giving me the false peace I should be trusting God for.
This has been a trying year for me. Many setbacks and obstacles to overcome. I have been trying very hard to be still and listen but I don’t always manage. I pray for courage and for direction each day.
Thank you, Liz. Isaiah is so full of beautiful promises. I love having it recalled to mind. My word for this year is “heal,” and one new thing I am looking forward to is completing a two year round of maintenance cancer treatments in June.
I pray you are well.
God is doing a big new thing in my life this year! He has been working on me to start a new Bible study group at my church. I’ve been attending a group for years but He has been leading me to start one at my church. So I did! We had our first meeting this past Monday and we had 18 in attendance! God is doing great things at my church by changing our lives so that we are more prepared to be instruments for Him to change the lives of others. I’m looking so forward to seeing how God moves in this group of wonderful ladies!
I feel like God is doing a “New” thing in revealing more of His ‘new’ mercies for me everyday. And I am finally in a place of my life that I truly feel that new mercy daily.
I sense God wants me to find acceptance and security in Him
I sense that God wants me to be gentler and kinder to myself.
I have been dealing with a lot in my life, I am trying to implant boundaries and I sense that God wants me to be gentler and kinder to myself.
God is leading me to make time each week for self-care.
Liz, I have felt God calling me to be a woman of prayer. Not just praying the way I was brought up to pray, but to storm the gates of heaven. I’ve started praying everywhere for everything. I look at things differently and thank Jesus for parking spaces. We don’t have a prayer group at church so I asked if I could pray with a friend whose husband is dying of cancer. I am praying for our President and our country plus telling people on fb that we need to pray for our enemies. I have never been so bold in my 66 years! I feel led to pray because time is growing short. I’m really interested in people and ask how they are doing. When they tell me, I say I will pray for them and I do! This is a whole new territory for me. Sometimes I rebuke satan out loud in my apartment so I think I’m doing something right but things pop into my head while praying and I pray about that, too. I could go on but there must be a limit to this. Thanks for listening, Liz.
I’m seventy years young. Each day I learn something new about me. Sometimes I like what I learn and other times it’s difficult to learn I must change in order to grow.
A new lease on life after being diagnosed with blood clots in my lungs in September. A new great grandson will be on in June. Hope for a daughter who has stage 4 colon cancer that has metastasized in her lung has just been told she is a good candidate for surgery. A new direction for my life since I’ve retired.
I’ve been waiting on a physical healing for nine years for which God told me no surgery. He has amazed me at the depths that He has taken me in intimacy and revelation! I’ve been surrendered to Him for 47 years and He is my life and my love! Your word today was such affirmation of all that He is doing and has spoken to me and that scripture is one of my promises. He makes ALL things new!
I was hurt and left by my first husband, and left by my second. Both were Christians. Those betrayals affected me deep within my soul, and I became married to my Lord only.
I had been playing, singing, and writing songs before my first divorce, and although i continued playing for churches, something was just gone.
The Lord led me to a part time playing and leading worship position for a large retirement facility 2 yrs ago. Although i thought i was serving these many individuals, i found out that God was leading me back to playing and singing with all of my heart.
This last week i chose to practice in my home, and as i sang and played, i felt something break open within me. I knew it was my passion for performing, which i had pushed deep down when my first husband rejected me.
I feel God leading me into more music playing, singing, writing songs, and perhaps recording something i could give to others for their enjoyment. I had a couple individuals tell me they see my heart through my music this last Sunday, and my heart skipped a beat.
I do not know what to expect, but i know God is healing me and breaking me open for a future that is NEW!!!
I hope to have enough courage to accept what He’s bringing into my life.
(And i have in my heart a desire for a devoted Christian husband who loves the Lord as much as I do and would never leave me, but i think that might be too much to ask because i dont know if i could trust again.)
I want to share the new thing that I sense God doing in my life. I recently responded to a calling that I have had for quite some time to do prison ministry. I ignored that calling for a long time because I was busy with my career as a teacher and I needed to make a living. God made it possible for me to retire with a 30 year pension after 25 years of work as well as a nice severance package if I would agree to an early retirement. That opened the door for me to respond to his calling to do prison ministry. I don’t know why I was called to do prison ministry because I had no experience in a prison, nor did I know anyone in prison. I do not consider myself an expert on theology or matters of faith, but I do have a strong belief in the Holy Trinity and the power of prayer. I followed through by completing the application, background check, and orientation. On the day of my orientation, I immediately went with my mentor for my first visit to the prison. I was never scared. In fact, I had more fear on the first day of school every year when I was teaching than I did the first time I walked into the prison and heard those inmates yelling and the bars clanking. It was such an enriching experience that I felt the Holy Spirit light a fire in my belly. I couldn’t wait to go back. I have been going twice a week, every week, ever since. I don’t know who gets more out of my visits, the prisoners or me. As a retired teacher I use all of my skills to provide religious services and one-on-one counseling to the inmates. To prepare for my visits, I do daily scripture reading, prayer and meditation. I have never been turned away or jeered at by anyone. They are hungry for the Word of God.
“New” for me this year is to smile more intentionally. Not an easy task, but with His guidance, I can definitely do it.
My NEW is resting in God as I literally feel absolutely depleted. I read the words of Isaiah 43 reminding me I will not be swept away, burned, alone. I can rest knowing he knows me, he calls my name, he restores me. I need this reminder more than ever this morning. Fighting feelings of total depletion, fear, inadequacies and thrusting myself towards his promises and absolutely praising him – not in advance – but right here, right now, not in hopes of what I may see or experience but in WHAT I KNOW. That’s where my true hope lies. Not circumstances whether they change or don’t change, whether more are piled up or whether I see my plate becoming less full. I can only depend on his promises- the only thing I know to be true. Praise Jesus.
2020 is filled with NEW experiences, challenges opportunities and blessings. I already know and have begun experiencing some of them. Both my husband and I are being gifted ownership of the businesses we currently work for. Our unmarried 21 year old daughter is expecting her first child in April, on my birthday. She and her boyfriend are having difficulty getting an apartment. Our 20 year old son is having difficulty finding a job. Our 16 year old will start her senior year in HS in 2020. Really, that is just a few new adventures I know about. I could write a book on them! What blessings God has bestowed on me!!! I am thankful for every challenge, every opportunity, every blessing in disguise, with His loving hand to guide me, I grow stronger every day.
You see, the business I am being gifted, was a job I almost turned down, because I didn’t have the skills needed for the job I was hired to do. But a gut feeling told me to take it, they trained me. 22 years ago I was told I would never have children – not only did I give birth to 3 children, I’m being blessed with a grandchild. Those kids I was told I’d never have, one grew up to work with children with special needs, one is a firefighter, the third aspires to be a kindergarten or 1st grade teacher. They all have a heart to serve and care for others. I’m try blessed and look forward to all the NEW God has in store for me this year
My new thing God is helping me with this year, is to come to terms with my husbands death and to live my life the best I can without him. Thank you for all of your prayers and encouragement.
I believe God is bringing about a big change in our life this year in the way of moving. He’s bringing us a fresh new start and a change of scenery. We just need the courage to trust Him and take the leap of faith!
On June 22, 2019 my whole world came to a screeching halt when my husband passed into the arms of Jesus after a 2 1/2 yr battle with colon cancer. I have been praying to God about what am I supposed to do now? Who am I now? How am I supposed to go on? And of course lots of “Why God?”.My husband and I started a business on January 1, 2005 and built it from the ground up. One of his last requests was that I go on with the business–at least try. In honoring his request, I find myself drawing closer to God. I find myself seeing God’s faithfulness and the new things He is doing in my life, the business and my employees. It’s amazing to see His hand at work. I’m still learning to trust; To wait patiently, and in doing so, I am learning to wait on His timing and know that His intentions are good. I’m learning that I must give God complete control of my life–that’s Surrender! I pray for the faith I need to believe when I don’t yet see. What will this next season of my life will bring? Only God knows! Wait ~ Trust ~ Surrender.
So many new things going on in my life and I’m waiting for the wisdom to come. My husband passed away on Christmas Eve after 14 months of hospice, my three teenage sons and I are each in our own, not always healthy way, navigating a new normal. Scared by my 17 years old dabbling in marijuana use, my 13 years old anger and my 14 year old thinking I’m not being tough enough on his brothers. This new time is hard, sad and frightening. I am praying for hope and guidance, support and wisdom at this time.
The special calling I have in my life was to go back to my church that I grew up in. I moved back to my home town of Cincinnati and God has nudged me on two special experiences, one rejoining my home church and taking an active role in being the Secretary of the Condo Board I was elected to.
I fell last August broke my right femur and got a new right knee. Also in the fall I broke my left funny bone and messed up my right shoulder so I now have a new left should. Recuperating has been a challenge but God has been with me all the way. Still walking with a can, but doing great!!
In my church I joined a Bible study group and I am on the Discipleship Committee. It is a joy to serve the Lord. Amen
I see God changing me on the inside and outside as my daughter and I partnered to use the Daniel Plan to begin eating healthy and learning how to better care for our our temple. It’s a new thing because I’m seeing new attitudes and a better way of thinking week after week, as the pounds come off.
Hi Liz I am facilitating a journey for 37 weeks with 8 women called Betrayal & Beyond. They are walking through the excruciating pain of betrayal by their husbands via pornography and/or infidelity. Every week Jesus blesses me by showing me the “NEW” life He is raising up in each woman. I celebrate their courage as they walk with each other and praise Jesus for the Hope He is giving them. I loved everything you wrote so I read it out to these women this past week so they could also ponder the “NEW” thing that God is working out in each of them. Your message gives Hope in dark times. I would love to walk through your devotional with these beautiful women.
Dealing with family members who have dementia. Learning to accept it and love them even more.
Being comfortable and at peace with who I am.
The “new thing” my husband and I are facing this year is a cancer diagnosis for my husband. God has given us a challenge we never hoped toga earth but we will face it together because 30 years ago God brought us together and blessed us with a beautiful life together! Please pray for my husbands dad for his medical team as we begin this process of fighting cancer together.
It is my desire to experience the Holy Spirit and hear his voice. This year has begun in earnest and the new thing I see God doing for me is that slowly I’m getting to do my Bible reading, even though I struggle with consistency. But I am excited because I am still able to do it. So that’s one of the new things God is doing for me this year.
That he is providing me patience and helping me to be present. I tend to want things right now and get frustrated when I don’t have them right away.
The Lord is leading me to be as fit physically as I try to be spiritually. I’ve been disciplined about daily study, prayer, and service for a long time, but I’ve let my physical fitness slide as I’ve aged. I became convicted a couple of months ago about how my temple has decayed over the years. My husband and I set up a little exercise room in our home and I’m repairing the structure 6 days a week. I feel a little like Nehemiah. LOL
I didn’t realize how much I loved the Word new! Takes on a meaning the world does not understand. The Lord revealed to me through this,that I was the only one who thought I was all used up and He had put me on a shelf. The Lord’s Spirit said that He had new plans for me!!!!!! No excuse from me was going to work. That was just disobedience. This study put me on a path I thought I was too weak for. Then showed me that He who can create a new thing, can give me strength when I am weak.
God bless you Liz
God is really showing me of how to implement a routine and figure out a better way to go about our day!
God is leading me out of the past in the “new thing” of my new community.
Our women’s luncheon in January was all about being a daughter of the king. We made the event “fit for royalty” and the gift we gave all the ladies who attended was your book, “It’s Good to Be Queen” wrapped in purple paper with a silver ribbon and a tiara pin. We even found a video called “Daughter of the King.” …a dress doesn’t make a princess and jewels don’t make a queen. …you are fearfully and wonderfully a daughter of the King…”
What God is showing me this year is that I am His daughter. I am not a mistake. I am chosen, beloved, blessed, saved and on this earth for His purpose. If we find our identity in the Lord, it does not matter what we look like, where our talents lie or what our age. We are His beloved children and we all have a reason to be here.
The new thing God is doing in my life this year: I believe He is calling me to help spread His word through retreats and social events. I helped plan our first retreat in January and it was wonderfully welcomed! Next up is a women’s study on the book and story of Esther! My word for this year is “Gather” and I feel called to do just that!
We have been in a season of transition for over a year and something new is coming. We feel it will be a time of renewal, rejuvenation, and growth for our whole family. Now to just wait for God’s great reveal.
God is teaching me to trust him relationally, not just situationally. I should trust him no matter what the situation is because of my relationship with him.
I just missed the giveaway but I just wanted to say thank you for this post. It is an echo to what I have been hearing from God this year. He so wants for us to sit up and pay attention. To seek His presence, to keep our eyes open and to watch what He is doing. I just love your post.
I cherish what you wrote on A NEW THING. This is the first time I write to you. I just celebrated our lunar new year at church, and am grateful that I have a second chance to come up with my new year resolutions (which often was not ready on January 1st)! Instead of coming up with new year resolutions, I have resolved to write a letter from my soul to my self each month. In the last two months, there has been a running theme of COURAGE to face NEW THINGS IN THE NEW YEAR. I need COURAGE to make needed appointments with my doctors. I need COURAGE to set new goals. I need COURAGE to speak up as well as to be silent. Most of all, I need COURAGE to obey God’s word and to participate in His plan for me. I am encouraged of COURAGE by Ruth’s example – despite personal and political chaos in her circumstances beyond her control, she faced the unknown future with COURAGE. And what a beautiful ending she experienced when she participates in God’s perfect and pleasing will! I hope to be a Woman of Courage, just like you are to me too! You are a true Encourager of Courage to me, dear Liz!
Your article resonated with me. By the end of 2019, the Lord had brought me out of a dark two-and-one-half-year period of grief and in 2020 is showing me His something new. Hallelujah!
God is definitely doing a “new thing” in my life when it comes to tithing. We always give an offering at church, but for the past month I have been sensing God telling me we are not doing it properly. Everywhere I turn there is a message, devotional or verse that speaks to giving 10% FIRST, as well as how everything we have belongs to God. So now we are giving 10% before we do anything else & it feels great!!! It truly feels great to obey the Lord & to show him that yes, we can be faithful in the little things…………